Self-cultivation of the Exorcist English

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“Self-cultivation of the Exorcist” is a Chinese web novel that follows the story of Du Wei, a psychiatrist who encounters a patient named Alex who claims to be haunted by a supernatural entity. As Du Wei delves deeper into the investigation, he discovers that Alex’s experiences may be connected to a supernatural event that occurred in the past. With his knowledge of exorcism and his growing realization that the situation may be beyond scientific explanation, Du Wei must navigate the dangers of the spirit world to save Alex and uncover the truth.

But as he delves deeper, Du Wei begins to question his own sanity and the nature of reality itself. Is he truly battling malevolent spirits, or is his mind playing tricks on him?

Self-cultivation of the Exorcist is a thrilling novel that combines elements of horror, mystery, and fantasy, as well as a deep exploration of the human psyche. Will Du Wei be able to uncover the truth and save Alex, or will he succumb to the forces of the supernatural?

Self-cultivation of the Exorcist Table of Contents

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2023-06-09 04:06:04
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