Ending the Treacherous English

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Oppressing the weak Emperor just to demand a Princess’ hand.
Enduring a humiliating marriage for the wish to eliminate a scourge.

The world’s constant is change; the line between loyalty and treachery blurs.
In ridding the country of a scourge, she pays with her heart and body.

Yin Ning: Who has paid with their heart and body? Chang Ning, think carefully before you speak.

Chang Ning: *Coughing* it’s necessary for the plot, Princess, you’ll have to make a little sacrifice~

Yin Ning: Deceit of the Emperor is punishable with the extermination of nine family relations! (Glares)

Chang Ning: *Coughing* Prince Consort Gu, come rescue your Princess right now! No! Save Xiaoningzi!

Gu Qingtang: I’m just watching. Not going to anything. Chang Ning, take care of yourself eh.

Chang Ning: Wait! Wait! The story’s starting. Xiaoningzi, go prepare the melon seeds and the soda. *gestures with a wave*

Ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy Xiao Ning’s first story of the year – “Ending the Treacherous”

Tags: #Imperial Family Politics #Feelings for One #Time Travel #Crossdressing Woman #Serious Story
Other: An obsession developing into feelings. HE
One Sentence Summary: Ridding the country of a scourge but paying with heart and body.
Theme: Kindness and evil will be repaid; who has Heaven ever spared?

Deskripsi Novel Ending the Treacherous

Associated Names
- 诛佞

Ending the Treacherous Table of Contents

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