Werewolf Killing: Please Start Your Performance: Introduction to Werewolf Killing Good Guys camp characters and their skills


Introduction to Werewolf characters and character skills:

①Good guy camp:

[Role]: Civilian

[Faction]: Good guy camp, civilians

[Ability]: No special skills, sleep until dawn.

[Goal]: Analyze other players’ speeches and cast every vote carefully until all werewolves are expelled!


[Role]: Prophet

[Faction]: Good guy camp, priesthood

[Ability]: Every night you can check whether a player is a good person or a werewolf.

[Goal]: Use your own abilities to lead everyone to find and expel all werewolves!


[Character]: Witch

[Faction]: Good guy camp, priesthood

[Ability]: The witch has two bottles of medicine, and only two bottles. The antidote can save a player who was killed by a werewolf that night. The poison can kill a player. The witch can use up to one bottle of medicine every night. The witch cannot Self-help

[Goal]: Make good use of poisons and antidotes to drive out all werewolves.


[Character]: Hunter

[Faction]: Good guy camp, priesthood

[Ability]: If and only if the hunter is killed by a werewolf or voted for exile, the hunter can show his identity card and designate a player to be shot. If he is poisoned by a witch, he will lose this ability.

[Goal]: One life for one, and expel all werewolves out.


[Character]: Dream Catcher

[Faction]: Good guy camp, priesthood

[Ability]: The dream catcher must choose one player to become a sleepwalker every night. The sleepwalker does not know that he is sleepwalking and is immune to night damage. If the dream catcher goes out at night, the sleepwalker will also be out. If he becomes a sleepwalker for two consecutive nights, he will also be out.

[Goal]: Players who are suspected of being werewolves in their dreams, expel all werewolves out of the game.


[Character]: Crow

[Faction]: Good guy camp, priesthood

[Ability]: The crow can secretly curse a player every night, and the player will be voted for an extra vote by default when being exiled during the next day. You cannot curse the same player two nights in a row.

[Goal]: Curse all players suspected of being werewolves, and drive all werewolves out.


[Role]: Guard

[Faction]: Good guy camp, priesthood

[Ability]: You can protect one player every night, including yourself, but you cannot protect the same player for two consecutive nights. Players guarded by guards will not be killed by werewolves that night.

[Goal]: Protect the key good people and drive away the werewolves to win.


[Character]: Magician

[Faction]: Good guy camp, priesthood

[Ability]: If you act first at night, you can exchange the number plates of 2 people every night. It is valid that night. Each number plate can only be exchanged once in the whole game.

[Objective]: Be good at exchanging number plates to make werewolves kill each other.


[Character]: Idiot

[Faction]: Good guy camp, priesthood

[Ability]: If the idiot is voted out, he can turn over his identity card and be immune to this banishment. He can speak normally but cannot vote. The werewolf still needs to kill him to kill him. However, if the idiot dies due to non-voting reasons, he will not be able to activate the skills and will die immediately.

[Goal]: Drive all werewolves out.


[Character]: Knight

[Faction]: Good guy camp, priesthood

[Ability]: The knight can turn over any player other than himself on the duel field at any time after the daytime campaign ends and before the exile vote. If the dueled player is a werewolf, the werewolf dies and immediately enters the night; if the dueled player is a good guy, the knight dies and continues the original speech process during the day.

[Objective]: When the werewolf is identified, activate the skill to kill the werewolf.


[Character]: Forbidden Elder

[Faction]: Good guy camp, priesthood

[Ability]: Every night you can designate a player to be banned during the day. You cannot ban the same player continuously, and you can choose not to activate skills at night.

[Target]: Activate a skill to prohibit a player from speaking.


[Character]: Old gangster

[Faction]: Good guy camp, civilians

[Ability]: The old gangster is a civilian card and cannot be charmed. After being poisoned or shot, they will enter the poisoned and wounded states respectively. They will not die on the same day, but will die after the speech on the next day.

[Objective]: After poisoning or shooting, cherish the last chance to speak and inform teammates to expel the werewolves.


[Role]: Gravekeeper

[Faction]: Good guy camp, priesthood

[Ability]: God camp, at night you can know whether the last player who was exiled during the day is a good person or a werewolf.

[Objective]: Determine the identity and find the werewolf.


[Character]: Demon Hunter

[Faction]: Good guy camp, priesthood

[Ability]: Starting from the second night, you can choose one player to hunt every night. If the opponent is a werewolf, the opponent will be out the next day; if the opponent is a good person, the witcher will be out the next day. The witch’s poison has no effect on the witcher.

[Goal]: Use your own abilities to drive out all werewolves!


[Character]: Secret admirer

[Faction]: Same as the crush, civilian

[Ability]: The secret admirer is the first to choose one player to be his crush at the beginning of the first night. The winning conditions are the same as the crush. The secret admirer does not know the identity of the crush, and the crush does not know that he is being loved. Secret love.


[Character]: Prince of Sequence

[Faction]: Good guy camp, priesthood

[Ability]: After the first exile vote of each day~IndoMTL.com~The Sequencing Prince can turn over the cards to activate skills, reverse time and space back to before this exile vote and vote again, before re-voting. , the Sequencing Prince can get an extra chance to speak, and this skill can only be activated once.


[Character]: Bear

[Faction]: Good guy camp, priesthood

[Ability]: There is a roar (person detection) function every night, which can check the identities of two players around you at the same time. If there are werewolves among them, the bear will roar. If there are no werewolves, the bear will not roar.


[Character]: Bomberman

[Campaign]: Good guy camp

[Ability]: If Bomber is killed by a wolf, a random werewolf will be killed by Bomber that night, and his death will be announced during the day. If Bomber is banished, all characters who voted for Bomber will be killed.

[Character]: Pure White Girl

[Campaign]: Good guy camp

[Ability]: The Pure White Daughter can check the specific identity of a player on the field every night. From the second night, if the Pure White Daughter detects a werewolf, the werewolf will die.


[Character]: Alchemy Witch

[Campaign]: Good guy camp

[Ability]: The Alchemist Witch has an unknown fog and a Pharaoh’s Snake, each of which can be used once. At night, the Alchemist Witch can use the unknown fog to select three different players on the field. The werewolf must choose from these three players that night. When players choose an attack, the Pharaoh’s Snake can let the Alchemist Witch know who the werewolf is attacking that night, and she can choose whether to use the Pharaoh’s Snake to revive that player before the next day’s banishment vote.

As long as the Alchemy Witch is not dead and has not used Pharaoh’s Snake, the game flow during the day will be to speak first and then announce the elimination information.


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