War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens Chapter 4694: Gudao, Chongshan League, Duan Niantian


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Although Yu Luohe escaped temporarily, Duan Lingtian‘s sense of the creation life chart is still there. No matter where he escapes to the ends of the world, as long as he is unwilling to abandon the creation life chart, Duan Lingtian can easily find him!

So, naturally there is no situation where Yu Luo He will get rid of Duan Lingtian.

The reason why Duan Lingtian stopped and did not continue to chase is because as long as Chen Minghao continues to act as a “stirrer” when he takes action, robbing the infinite Sword Dao of the power of harmony, then he will not be able to capture Yu. Luohe!

It doesn’t make much sense to continue chasing.

“When he used the infinite Sword Dao power of Hedao, I had a clear reaction… I think that when I used the power of Hedao, he who also had unlimited Sword Dao had the same reaction!”

“Otherwise, it would be impossible for me to step in when I attack Luo He and plunder the power of Hedao, thus causing my strength to plummet!”

Standing in the sky above the sea of ​​storms and thunder, Duan Lingtian looked gloomy and looked straight in one direction. That was also the location where the ‘Wanshan Chen Clan’ was located as Hedao Jiang Tianzheng of Jianglan Divine Kingdom told him before.

The Wanshan Chen family is a Shuanghe Tao!

One of the Hedao, and even the existence of the Three Ways, stands on the top of the pyramid in the world of gods and earth, overlooking the common people.

“It’s really… unpleasant, but helpless!”

Duan Lingtian grinded his teeth slightly and sighed secretly in his heart, with a hint of unwillingness flashing deep in his eyes.

The creation chart is right in front of him, but because of Chen Minghao’s ‘blockage’, he can only let it go…

Now, there are two roads before him.

The first way is for him to continue to improve his strength, such as combining the third path with infinite Sword Dao. The three paths merge into one, becoming powerhouse standing in the world of gods and earth Peak, which is comparable to the Wanshan Chen family who combined the three paths. The kind of Hedao realm.

At that time, the power of Hedao he masters will no longer be unlimitedSword Dao.

No one can rob him of his power.

His strength is not weaker than that of the old freak from the Wanshan Chen Family’s Three Ways.

When the time comes, the creation chart will be at your fingertips.

However, this road requires a lot of waiting for him. After all, the combination of three roads into one is far more difficult than the combination of two roads into one. At least for now, he has no clue. The previous union of the two paths was also due to a visit to the Temple of the Sea of ​​Bitterness and an ‘epiphany’, and that state of can encounter but not seek was based on that epiphany at that time, followed by the addition of the Eternal Night of the Sea of ​​Bitterness Temple. Divine Monk

‘s guidance and the observation of the Hedao Monument, he took that step and was promoted to Hedao in a short period of time.

As for the second way, it is simple and crude!

Look for helper, he is responsible for locking Yu Luo He’s position, and the other party will join forces with him to deal with Yu Luo He and seize the creation life chart.

However, there is a problem.

Who doesn’t want a birth chart?

Will he not be tempted by the helper he is looking for? Even if he is familiar with the Hedao of Jianglan Divine Kingdom, the Hedao of Kuhai Temple, or even the Hedao of Qionghai Divine Island, he dare not trust them. Even if they say that they are wrong about the creation chart, he will only Thought they were talking

Nonsense, the purpose is to let him lead the way find the creation chart!

Just like what the CEO of a large company said in an interview when previous life was still on Earth:

I never touch money, I have no interest in money.

“After all, you still have to rely on yourself!”

Now, unless one of his relatives and friends appears in the Hedao realm, he cannot trust anyone. If he wants to seize the creation life chart, he can still only rely on himself.



The world of Divine Land is so big that although it cannot be said to be boundless, it would be difficult for ordinary people to travel all over it.

In a remote corner of the divine land world, behind the crisis-ridden sea area, there is an isolated island rich in mineral deposits, which is controlled by a nearby force with ‘Enter Dao Realm 4th-Layer‘.

Here, a group of mining slaves are imprisoned. After they were captured, they have been mining here and being squeezed for endless labor. “Niantian, you said you are miserable enough… You finally got freed from the creation life chart world and escaped being annihilated by the way of life sacrifice. In the blink of an eye, you were sent here to be supervised by the ‘Chongshan League’ Miners are still restricted

Free. ”

In the isolated island, a youth man with a strong build and a feminine face shook his head and said to another tall youth man with having an imposing appearance beside him. Hearing his companion’s words, Duan Niantian smiled bitterly, “I can’t help it. The reputation of the daughter of Vice-leader Guo of the Chongshan Alliance is really… I really can’t chew it up! If my father knew that I found him such a daughter-in-law, then

Why don’t you peel off my skin? ”

Since in those days wandered from the world to the world of gods and earth, he immediately appeared within the sphere of influence of the Chongshan Alliance.

The Chongshan Alliance is a Taoist force with Taoist realm 4th-Layer sitting in charge. It can be considered a small overlord in this corner of the world of gods and earth.

When he first arrived here, he naturally wanted to understand the environment he was currently in. However, in the process of getting to know him, he was attracted by the daughter of Guo Qiu, the deputy leader of the Chongshan League. Guo Qiu’s daughter was not bad, but he had already heard about it before he was attracted by the other party. The other party’s various affairs

What about ‘nine dragons and one phoenix’, ‘two dragons playing with phoenix’…

Oddly enough, the other party fell in love with him, not because she wanted him to be her male favorite, but because she wanted to get married to him!

You said you fell in love with him at first sight?

Said he was willing to win over him, and even for Mingzhi, the other party personally killed all his male favorites!

The scene at that time still makes Duan Niantian’s scalp numb when thinking about it.

That woman is so terrible!

Not to mention her cruelty, just talk about her past, which he cannot accept and dare not accept. Otherwise, if he brings such a daughter-in-law back in the future, he will not be beaten by his father and mother?

Originally, he was already determined to die, thinking that when the other party was angry, most likely would kill him!

But even so, he still has to die to make his ambition clear!

Unexpectedly, the other party did not kill him, but sent him to this isolated island, saying that he would stay on this isolated island forever and never be able to leave!

“Someone is coming!”

Suddenly, Duan Niantian‘s expression became serious, and he reached out and pulled youth beside him to hide. After all, they sneaked into this area now. According to the rules on the isolated island, supervisors like them cannot be lazy.

If discovered, a punishment will be inevitable.

“It’s Xue Ping Sir and Sheng’an Sir.”

youth next to Duan Niantian looked through the obstruction in front of a old man and a middle-aged man passing by in the air not far away, and said in a low voice.

At this time, the sound of the two people chatting without deliberately concealing it was also conveyed in a timely manner:

“I heard that another Hedao powerhouse appeared in Jianglan Divine Kingdom!”

“Is it true? A second Hedao has appeared in Jianglan Divine Kingdom?”

“Is it true… I heard that a life that wandered from the creation life chart world to our divine earth world was promoted to Hedao just a few decades after arriving in the divine earth world. It’s really scary!” …


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