Ultimate Wizard Chapter 4: bet


Chapter 004 Bet

Lin Tiancheng was sitting in the taxi, looking at the money in the bag, and it was a bit dreamy.

Although things are too bizarre, he can be sure now that he seems to be integrated with his mobile phone and has the functions of a mobile phone.

In addition, the function of the mobile phone has also mutated on his body. A small flashlight function, when turned on, can actually increase his eyesight infinitely, giving him night vision and even see-through ability.

Lin Tiancheng came to see what else was in the app store, but when he saw the battery sign, there were only 8 left, and he was shocked.

He has a strong hunch that since he and the phone are one, the power is too important. If the power is exhausted and the phone is turned off, the phone’s functions will definitely fail.

What’s more terrifying is that since he is the mobile phone and the mobile phone is him, what will happen to him if the mobile phone is out of power and turned off? Will it also stop the braids directly?

Lin Tiancheng didn’t dare to take the risk. After returning to Lucky Lai Gambling Stone Shop, he hurried upstairs.

Seeing that the phone charger was still there, Lin Tiancheng felt a little relieved. He plugged in the power and directly squeezed the charging end in his hand.

To Lin Tiancheng’s disappointment, after plugging in the power, he didn’t feel charged, and the battery icon didn’t change.

“Could it be that I have become a mobile phone, and the charging is to charge myself, so the mobile phone charger fails, and I need to plug it in directly?”

Lin Tiancheng himself was taken aback by the idea.

However, looking at the only 8 batteries left, Lin Tiancheng bit his head, found a metal wire, gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and stabbed it into the socket.


Almost instantly, Lin Tiancheng felt his body go numb and took a few steps back.

Although the feeling of being electrocuted is extremely uncomfortable, if it is useful, Lin Tiancheng also recognizes it. The key is that the battery is still 8, and it remains intact.

“You’re a ghost? You scared all the customers in my store away.”

Hearing Lin Tiancheng’s screams, Wang Mengxin hurried upstairs and saw Lin Tiancheng staring at the wire on the plug with a pale face. Why didn’t he understand what happened?

She stepped forward and shoved Lin Tiancheng hard, roaring, “Lin Tiancheng, what are you doing? Are you still not a man? It’s just a lovelorn, as for seeking death? There are so many good girls in the world, why should you be here? Hanged from a tree with a crooked neck.”

Actually, when Wang Mengxin received the address sent by Wang Xiaomin, she had a bad premonition in her heart that the Xingyangwan Entertainment Club was not built by ordinary students.

She estimated that Wang Xiaomin found a rich man and kicked Lin Tiancheng.

“Sister Xin, I made you worry. I didn’t want to seek death.” Seeing Wang Mengxin’s emotions, Lin Tiancheng could feel the other party’s concern for him. A warm heart.

Wang Mengxin snorted and said with a sullen face, “If I hadn’t paid your salary in advance for so many years, I wouldn’t have bothered to care about your life. If you want to die, you have to wait until I pay off my money. Then you will die. Go to the gambling stone shop on the opposite side and see how he still competes with me.”

“You misunderstood, I really didn’t want to die.” Lin Tiancheng said a little disappointed.

Although Lin Tian’s adult machine is integrated, he has no way to charge his mobile phone. Originally, he was looking forward to other software functions in the app store, but he didn’t expect it to be short-lived.

No matter what, there are still 8 electricity, Lin Tiancheng will not waste it in vain, even if he will die if he runs out of electricity, he will send a sum before he dies, so that his parents will have nothing to worry about for the rest of their lives, he grabs it Wang Mengxin, said, “Let’s go, go to gamble.”

“Are you crazy?” Wang Mengxin broke Lin Tiancheng’s hand away.

“Sister Xin, I don’t know how to explain it. Please believe me and use all the funds you can use to gamble with me. It will be too late.”

Wang Mengxin only thought that Lin Tiancheng was stimulated in Xingyang Bay and wanted to get rich overnight. She glared at Lin Tiancheng and said with a sullen face: “What are you doing? Is your brain broken? Thinking about money Crazy? You’ve been working in my shop for so long, and you’ve seen a few gambling stones to make money?”

“Sister Xin, I can tell if there is any jade in the gambling stone.”

Wang Mengxin sneered, “I believe you are a ghost.”

Lin Tiancheng knew that Wang Mengxin would not believe him, and no one believed him when he said it. He was anxious and said, “By the way, Sister Xin, have you made a move on the material I was optimistic about before?”

“What do you want?”

“Cut it, if the jade inside is worth not less than 100,000 yuan, you believe me.”

“Do you know how much that piece of material cost? It broke down…”

“I am responsible for breaking it.”

“Are you rich?”

“Look.” Lin Tiancheng picked up the plastic bag on one side, opened it, and showed Wang Mengxin a look.

“Where did you come from?” Wang Mengxin’s expression suddenly became solemn, “What did you do?”

“Sister Xin, I earned this money by my ability. With my little guts, even if you lend me another guts, I wouldn’t dare to do anything bad.”

Wang Mengxin can also understand Lin Tiancheng’s thoughts. After all, Lin Tiancheng has worked in the store for so long and has accumulated some so-called experience. In the past, he had no money and could only look at others. Now that he has money, of course he will A little itchy.

She felt that even if she didn’t let Lin Tiancheng cut it, Lin Tiancheng would go to another store to cut it, and maybe he would send all the money in his hand. Might as well let him have fun in his own shop.

After thinking about it, Wang Mengxin said, “Are you really optimistic about that piece of material?”

“Don’t worry!”

“Okay. I cut that piece of material for you according to the purchase price, but if you are so confident, I will also buy half of it.”

If other people wanted half of this material, Lin Tiancheng would absolutely refuse. But she knew that half of Wang Mengxin’s original intention was not to make money, but to share the risk for him.

Thinking that although Wang Mengxin was ruthless, he took good care of himself. Of course, Lin Tiancheng would not refuse. He went downstairs and moved the stone directly to the stone cutter.

The appearance of this piece of material is okay. Wang Mengxin also expects that Lin Tiancheng can cut something out. She came to Lin Tiancheng with a little nervousness and anticipation on her face.

Seeing Wang Mengxin, who is fierce all day long, showing such a little woman’s side, Lin Tiancheng was stunned for a while.

Thinking that he might die if he ran out of electricity, Lin Tiancheng felt the most annoyed that he had never tasted that feeling until he died, not even kissing.

Looking at the charming Wang Mengxin, Lin Tiancheng swallowed and said, “Sister Xin, how about we make a bet?”

“How to bet?”

“If it breaks down, it’s mine. If it goes up, it will be half for one person. But if the jadeite is worth more than 100,000 yuan, you have to kiss me.”

“Let’s kiss two.” Wang Mengxin waved her small hand, arrogant.

To put it mildly, she runs a black shop that specializes in coaxing laymen. When a lot of materials in the shop are purchased, they are directly weighed by tons. Whoever buys it will be unlucky.

In her mind, even if the material goes up, the increase will be limited. If it is said that one hundred thousand worth of jade can be cut out of it, the probability is similar to that of her finding a hanging silk.

“That’s what you said.”

Lin Tiancheng directly started the machine, rubbed the edge of the jade and cut it.

“How do you cut…” Seeing that Lin Tiancheng’s stone cutting was simple and rude, Wang Mengxin’s face turned pale with fright. If the stone was cut like this, if there was jade in it, it might be hurt.

However, before a sentence was finished, Wang Mengxin closed her mouth, and her eyes flashed with stars.

A piece of the stone has been cut by Lin Tiancheng. Because Lin Tiancheng wants to take the time to prove himself, the stone is cut directly next to the jade. The cut surface is green and the farming is excellent.

Because Lin Tiancheng knew the size and shape of jadeite, he did not wipe the stone, but cut out the jadeite inside.

Looking at the top-quality jadeite the size of a fist in front of her, Wang Mengxin swallowed her saliva, and her face was filled with uncontrollable joy. She grabbed the jadeite and watched it carefully.

The more she looked, the more joyful Wang Mengxin’s face became.


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