Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 893: You are my BOSS


Chapter 893 You are my BOSS

Ye Wuming’s energy suddenly burst out, trying to shake off Zhao Changhe’s clutching hand on his wrist.

Unfortunately, with the current gap between the two of them, it is no longer possible to grasp the opponent with just an explosion of energy.

Ye Wuming swung away quickly with his other hand, and Zhao Changhe also made several moves with bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang slap slap move, the hand is still holding tightly and will not let go.

Ling Ruoyu didn’t see it, why did he feel that the two of them were as childish as his quarrel with Queque. Especially in this fight, I didn’t dare to use too much force, it was completely like fighting a cat boxing.

I don’t know how other children feel when they see their father teasing their mother. Ling Ruoyu is so embarrassed that she has to dig out a school district room with her toes on the ground. She wishes she could have a bottle of soy sauce outside.

Ye Wuming must admit that if he did not dare to explode with too much power and relied solely on skills to fight, then Zhao Changhe would have done his best and would not be able to defeat him at all.

Seeing Zhao Changhe trying to get closer to the caught hand, his mouth was pouting. Ye Wuming was so angry and anxious that he almost burst out with super strength. However, just before the explosion, Zhao Changhe let go of his hand with a smile and rubbed it: “Blind…”

Ye Wuming urgently withdrew his strength and said angrily: “Do you still have any sense of the overall situation?!”

“What I’m saying is that you are the one who wants to explode the super power, not me. I was the one who stopped in time before the accident happened. Who doesn’t have the overall view?” Zhao Changhe smiled and took his hand back to his nose to sniff. After a moment: “It still smells so fragrant, delicate and smooth, just like before.”

Ling Ruoyu lowered his head and dug out the room in the school district that was about to expand into a night palace.

Ye Wuming sneered: “Say it as if you have touched it before.”

“I did touch it, a long time ago.” Zhao Changhe said with a smile: “Speaking of which, I was weak at that time. How could Lord Ye Emperor be touched by me? After thinking about it, I just realized Can I think you intended to seduce me at that time…”

Ye Wuming was startled, and when he realized that he had actually touched it, it was indeed a long time ago. At that time, Zhao Changhe had just started practicing martial arts, and it was only a mere entrance level.

Speaking of which, Ye Wuming didn’t even know how he had touched him in the first place… At that time, he was probably distracted by some important matters, and he never thought that he would dare to reach out, so he was accidentally touched. one time. But it’s hard to explain. What a big gap in strength. It’s incredible to be brushed against your clothes. Who would believe you if you say you didn’t deliberately hook up!

Ye Wuming could only ridicule: “Would I hook up with you at that time? What a shame.”

Zhao Changhe said: “Does this mean that he will hook up with me later?”

Ye Wuming slapped the table: “Zhao Changhe, are you sick?”

Zhao Changhe sipped his wine leisurely: “I just want to make you angry, what’s wrong? Didn’t you think about this day when you deliberately led me to your opposite just now?”


Just as I was about to say something, there was movement in the distance, as if someone was approaching.

Ye Wuming did not continue, Zhao Changhe also smiled: “Okay, okay, be patient, indifferent, long and high, as quiet as the night, don’t ruin your character.”

Ye Wuming shut up and said nothing.

What a lunatic.

Of course, I had intentionally led the confrontation, not only to prevent this guy from having any undue thoughts about me, but also for the sake of the decisive battle to the death. Since he wants to die together, he should not have a good relationship with everyone. Zhao Changhe, Jiuyou Piaomiao will all be happy to see him die.

The “one day” I thought about refers to life and death, not this obscure thing now!

“Is your Taoist friend and your family here?” The previous shop owner entered the backyard with a smile, holding a piece of black meteorite iron in his hand: “This is Poxu Star Iron, Taoist friend, can you test it?”

Zhao Changhe smiled and said: “My wife is more knowledgeable about these things than I am, let her appraise them.”

Ye Wuming held back for a moment: “Who are you…”

Zhao Changhe interrupted: “It’s used to fight the sky, can you identify it?”

Ye Wuming took the star iron in a depressed tone. I always feel that the Heavenly Dao, which is listed as the biggest enemy in everyone’s heart, and that I try to exchange my life for, is just a part of the show for Zhao Changhe… It has the value of existence only to tease myself, otherwise Zhao Changhe would not bother to pay attention to this Heavenly Dao. .

Think about it and it is true that Zhao Changhe is not a creature of this world. He has no direct conflict with the way of heaven. He does not have the resentment and dissatisfaction that he and Jiuyou and the others have about their fate being manipulated. He was caught here entirely because of himself. Just got involved with it.

Furthermore, before Ye Wuming tore up the sky in the last era, this Heavenly Dao had never done any villainous actions such as annihilation of the world, and had no effect on ordinary living beings. It was she, Ye Wuming, who actually did the villainous actions of annihilating the world. In this era of revenge, the things Tiandao did have a villainous flavor, and the root cause can be attributed to her, Ye Wuming.

Is it true that if Ye Wuming didn’t resist, these things wouldn’t have happened at all?

Thinking of this, Ye Wuming suddenly asked: “Are you interested in confrontation?”

Zhao Changhe smiled: “Wrong, yes.”


“?I bullied the woman I like.”

Ye Wuming raised his eyes to look at him.

But Zhao Changhe continued: “Her name is Ye Jiuyou.”

Ye Wuming tightened his lips, the feeling in his heart was hard to describe.

“I know what you want to ask.” Zhao Changhe suddenly said: “You are right. Although he is on the must-kill list in my heart, he is indeed not the biggest BOSS… He is not worthy. The biggest in my heart The BOSS is always Ye Wuming, no matter where the battlefield is.”

Ye Wuming thought of the divination house in this world and asked him the question: What result do you want to achieve?

His answer was, kill the witch.

It has never had anything to do with others. She, Ye Wuming, is the final hurdle. She has gone round and round and never changed.

Zhao Changhe concluded: “It is never the end of my journey in this world, you are.”

Ye Wuming did not answer these aggressive words, and calmly handed over the meteorite: “It is indeed the top material of the heavens. It cuts through the void and is indestructible. If you want to re-forge the dragon bird, it is enough.”

Zhao Changhe put away the Poxu Star Iron and stood up: “Ruoyu still wants to play here?”

Ling Ruoyu held her chin up and watched the conversation between her father and mother. She felt quite stupid before, but these last few words made her feel something unspeakable. The girl actually felt a little inexplicable melancholy. Wen Qing was angry and wanted to continue listening, but it was over…

It seems that my mother has a very special place in my father’s heart… A dream that was out of reach in his youth?

Ahem… The girl shook off the thoughts of youthful literature and art in her mind, stood up and said, “Daddy, don’t you want to pick some more magic weapons?”

“Just pick some of the magic weapons for your aunts to make as gifts… As for the ones used in real battles…” Zhao Changhe glanced at Ye Wuming again: “That’s not these.”

Ling Ruoyu seemed to understand: “Then let’s go back. If we stay away for a long time, the aunts will beat you to death…”

After hearing a bunch of incomprehensible words, the shop owner watched helplessly as the family of three in front of him suddenly disappeared without any warning, without even a trace. No matter how hard he tried to sense and calculate, he could not detect any trace of the past existence of these three people, as if they did not exist in this world at all.

The three glasses of residual wine left on the stone table prove that someone once chatted over wine here, as if in a dream.


“Fellow Taoist, please stay.”

In the dimensional rift, Ye Wuming suddenly paused.

She breaks through the world and travels through it, using the great magical power of time and space folding. It seems that she can reach another world directly, but in fact, of course there is still a passage and a certain distance.

But it has never happened before that she could be stopped in this dimensional void where time and space fold. This means that the other party is also the most powerful person who has come into contact with the origin of the world.

Looking back, an old man from Eguan Bo appeared behind him: “Fellow Taoist has invaded my realm many times, so he doesn’t take me seriously. I didn’t do anything in the past, but that’s all. This time He actually killed even the top experts in his realm…Have you ever considered the turmoil in cause and effect and the influence of your energy?”

It seems that what Ye Wuming was worried about before has happened… The heaven of this world has come to visit.

Ye Wuming said calmly: “I have no intention of interfering with your world. But if he has evil thoughts first, do we still have to give in?”

“That was also caused by fellow Taoists taking people back and forth. If they didn’t come, would there have been these changes?” The old man said coldly: “What kind of place do we think we are here, where we can come when we want and leave when we want?”

Ye Wuming sneered: “The realm is different from other people’s. There are many travelers who enter by mistake, and there is never any treaty protection. I’m afraid you suddenly said this not because I come and go at will, but for another reason… ”

The old man said coldly: “Strong words are not reasonable.”

Ye Wuming said: “In my opinion, you are not the Heavenly Dao of this world at all. Because if the Heavenly Dao of this world wants to keep me, it will also force me to fight in the world. That is the strongest home field, not Interception in this space-time channel. You just want to make me feel wronged by taking his name… Then I can only tell you that your calculation is wrong, because I am not a good person and will never feel wronged. “

Zhao Changhe quietly said to Ling Ruoyu: “Learn a little bit.”

Ling Ruoyu: “…”

The old man was stuck there by what Ye Wuming said. He obviously didn’t expect that this woman’s judgment was so sharp that he didn’t know what to say for a while.

At this moment of slight hesitation, a delicate hand came over.

With this beat, the entire space collapsed, the dimensions collapsed, and everything disappeared.

The old man flashed up in shock, and the turbulence of time and space swept across him, almost wiping him out.

“What a ruthless woman, where did this family come from?” The old man staggered back, and when he reappeared, he was already on the ground, puzzled: “I have never heard of it in this sea of ​​stars. Even the calculations don’t make sense. It seems to vaguely exist in this world, but not completely exist, and it seems to be somewhere but not there…”

The place he is in is a sea of ​​​​stars, which belongs to the main realm universe. There are countless planets in the sea of ​​​​stars, each of which is occupied by extremely powerful practitioners. The Immortal Cultivation Continent that the family visited just now is just a cave where powerful monks evolved. This is what is called a different cave.

It’s just that the monk has died, and the old man is preparing to conquer the cave.

Ye Wuming’s guess is slightly wrong, because there is no way of heaven here, so there is no plot where the way of heaven comes to trouble her. It’s just that she constructed a time and space channel to travel between realms, and the old man sensed the change in time and space, thinking that someone was trying to compete with him for the cave, so he came to check.

There are naturally many powerful magic weapons in the star sea, some of which are stronger than humans. Among them, a heavenly book magic weapon inscribed with the laws of martial arts was conceived and born in the void of the star sea. It gradually enlightened and evolved into a plane. It has exactly the same nature as the Cave Heaven Plane, except that the level of the Heavenly Book is half a level higher.

So the old man’s calculation of seeming and not being is correct. Because the Book of Heaven is indeed in this sea of ​​stars, and Ye Wuming is here as a book spirit, but they are essentially people in the book. The old man could not think of this aspect for a while and was confused.

When the Heavenly Book was awakened, the energy changed, and a powerful magic cultivator noticed it and wanted to conquer this magic weapon. But he couldn’t control it, so he had to forcibly separate the book spirit and intervene in the arrangement himself to control it. It was considered very successful for a time, and the Book of Heaven played an important role in his hands, and he used it to rule a planet.

But starting from a certain year, the top creatures in the book awakened one after another. The demon cultivator failed to detect it in time and was severely tricked by the Night Emperor in the book, causing him to completely lose control. The game again went awry thirty years ago, and he is still hiding in his cave to recuperate.

It is so difficult to conquer a magical weapon that is similar to your own level. There are many monks who have been killed by the backlash. He is not the first, nor the last.

After Tianshu broke free from his control, he hid in the void under Ye Wuming’s control. No one knew where he was. Instead, Ye Wuming himself began to run away with her husband and children one by two…

The Heavenly Book is still theoretically ownerless at this moment, but the demon cultivator is very anxious…because he knows that the original book spirit actually has an owner, and the current book spirit may soon be the same…after all, they are twin sisters who have been forcibly separated. Love and hate are probably very close.

If you don’t hurry up, you will completely lose this magic weapon and the world.

The demon cultivator opened his eyes in his cave: “Did Ye Wuming’s energy fluctuate for a moment just now? Is it an illusion? Does she dare to act wild on the main plane?”


Night Palace.

Ye Wuming pulled Zhao Changhe and Ling Ruoyu from side to side, staggering to the ground.

Temporarily destroying the space-time channel where it is located and building another one at the same time, Zhao Changhe truly admires this strength. It was not easy even for Ye Wuming to perform such an operation. He suffered a slight backlash and was a little unsteady when standing.

Zhao Changhe held his hand and complained a little: “Why do you do this? How dangerous is it? I don’t think that old man’s cultivation is higher than yours, so he needs to use the name of heaven to make you feel wrong. ? Our whole family can beat him to death if we swarm him, why do you do this? ”

Ye Wuming shook his head slightly: “I always feel that our destiny is to be in that kind of environment, maybe it’s nearby, and we can’t get too entangled with others.”

Zhao Changhe said: “So when you search for these realms, is one of the meanings of finding where the way of heaven is?”

“No, I do it for myself.” Ye Wuming looked at the sky in a daze and whispered: “There are many capable people in the world… The old man just now will not be weaker than me. Sooner or later one day There will be other existences eyeing this place, and I must reach the other side as soon as possible before I can truly travel through the heavens.”

“So your journey is obviously to the stars and the sea, why do you always want to die?”

“Because you haven’t really experienced the despair of facing him, and you don’t regard him as a big BOSS in your heart. Only Jiuyou and I understand that it is not easy to die together. It is necessary to plan for two eras and calculate all the prerequisites.”

Zhao Changhe looked at her intently for a while and whispered: “Blind blind, I never thought that I would hear the word despair from your mouth.”

Ye Wuming smiled slightly: “Doesn’t Jiuyou also think that the cold moon and warm sun are used to fry people’s lives… Isn’t she desperate?”

Zhao Changhe remained silent.

Ye Wuming said: “Because the person you are really facing is not you, and you have not experienced the powerlessness and hardship. Even with that arrow, I was helping you to bear the most difficult front, so that you could One arrow succeeds, so why are you still underestimating it? As a BOSS, thank you for saying so.”

Zhao Changhe shook his head. In fact, he did not underestimate it, but it was just strategic contempt. How could one underestimate the strength of the opponent that drove Ye Wuming crazy and made Ye Jiuyou gnash his teeth? Specifically in terms of behavior, he was also looking for materials to reforge the dragon bird and carefully observing the battle situation with magic weapons. What was that for?

In fact, it was Ye Wuming who underestimated him, Zhao Changhe… because this trip to another world seemed to be training, and Zhao Changhe gained far more than Ye Wuming imagined.

Ye Wuming flipped his wrist, and a complete Heavenly Book appeared in his hand: “The world is transformed by the Heavenly Book, but we still have the Heavenly Book in our hands. You have been exposed to it for so long…do you think it’s strange?”

“It’s nothing more than a manifestation. Theoretically, what I use to clean the gun is not your face, but your mold…”

“Get out!” Ye Wuming was so angry that he wanted to hit someone: “Be more serious! I won’t hesitate to take action here!”

Zhao Changhe said nonchalantly: “So you are now anxious for me to learn how to truly use the Book of Heaven?”

“I just use this as a guide to teach you how to use the magic weapon… After all, the magic weapon you are most familiar with is actually it. When you learn it, what you use and how to use it is your business.” Ye Wuming He held out a finger nonchalantly and said, “It’s just pointing at the altar with your finger. Whether you learn it or not is a matter of words.”

“I don’t want to learn.” Zhao Changhe smiled: “Because I already know how to use it.”


PS: It is said that if the JJ is short and looks like a child, it is also a child. For the sake of me still being a child, uncles, please give me some monthly tickets…

(End of this chapter)


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