The Sword Deity in Tokyo Chapter 228: Individual competition


On the fifth day of the Jade Dragon Banner National Competition, it was the Jade Dragon Banner National Individual Competition.

470 people participated in the individual competition of the Yulong Banner National Competition, with schools all over the country.

And today, all eyes are on it.

Ito Shi yawns and sits in the resting position, but his eyes are expectant. He was eliminated in the team competition, but he has not been eliminated in the individual competition. He looked at Yingjiu High School and his heart skipped a beat. He hoped that he would not meet Kimura Kazuki today. They all have psychological shadows on Kimura and Shu.

This guy is a bug in the Jade Dragon Banner contest and is here to sweep the field. He knew this better than everyone present, and was even more desperate. Because he already knows that the championship has missed him, and he can only earn a second or third place.

Thinking about him, he turned to Tsukahara Kazuki of Akijo High School with great interest. Of course, he is desperate for love now, and has no interest in love anymore.

What interests him is what will happen to Tsukahara Kazuki if he meets Kimura Kazuki, and he is looking forward to it.

Last night, at Shiragi ktv, Tsukahara Rui Nao and Saito Tomoya held a meeting with people from several schools. Of course, he knew each other’s goals. One was for Momoi Yayoi and the other was for Yayoi Saito. Tsukahara Kazuki.

As a result, last night, in the Shiraki ktv box, Tsukahara Kazuki went directly to Kimura Kazuki and bluntly said that he wanted to challenge each other.

Kimura Kazuki himself is not interested in ktv, he used to be with Yunzi. After all, in Yunzi’s memory, he has been accompanying Yunzi to stroll around at night for many years.

Of course, Kimura and Shu followed, mainly to protect Yunzi’s safety. After all, Yunzi is half-human and half-ghost, and many people don’t know Yunzi’s specialness.

Itoshi was stunned to see Yunzi before… But he reluctantly accepted it after Kimura Kazuki’s explanation, and felt even more pity for Yunzi.

Kimura Kazuki naturally ignored Tsukahara Kazuki’s challenge. However, in order to deal with the entanglement of the other party, he bluntly said that if he was fortunate enough to meet her in today’s individual competition, he would fight her, and then Tsukahara Kazuki was dismissed.

He could see the emotion in Tsukahara Kazuki’s eyes, and he no longer cared about the women’s competition. This is a kind of confidence in strength.

Obviously, even if Chunyang won Yayoi Momoi, she didn’t think that the other party could win her when she was fighting.

To be honest, Kimura Kazuki felt the same way. However, the battle itself is not foolproof, unless there is absolute strength. But obviously, Tsukahara Kazuki’s strength is not enough to crush Chunyang, and Chunyang still has a chance to defeat the opponent.

It was already nine o’clock in the morning. With the solemn start of Osamu Nakajima, the chairman of the Kyushu Kendo Federation, the audience cheered again.

The men’s and women’s team events are over, and the audience is now familiar with some of the seeded players. The most famous men in the men’s group are Kimura Kazuki, Tsukahara Rui Nao and Saito Tomiya. In the women’s group, there are also three people, Tsukahara Kazuki, Furuhashi Chuno and Momoi Yayoi.

Although Momoi Yayoi has been eliminated in the team competition, the beauty and flamboyance of the opponent’s swordsmanship left a deep impression on the audience. Huamei Yayoi, who also holds the title of Princess of Swords, lost in yesterday’s competition, but her popularity increased instead of decreasing. Just because of the moment when Momoi Yayoi smiled and shook hands with Furuhashi Chuno after the defeat, many people were thrown away. It has been completely conquered, and even the popularity has surpassed Tsukahara Kazuki.

After all, Kazuki Tsukahara has always kept a cold face and kept strangers from entering, which still discourages many people.

At 9:10, the game officially begins.

It is still an electronic draw, and there are no seeded players in the individual competition. Everyone has to rely on their strength to charge towards the champion step by step. In the individual competition of the Yulong Banner National Competition a few years ago, there was no runner-up and third runner-up, only the honor of the champion. But later, the Kendo Alliance felt that this was not a professional competition after all, only the champion seemed too cruel, so it added the honor of runner-up and third runner-up.

Therefore, on the Internet, many viewers who are concerned about the individual competition only agree with the champion of the individual competition, and do not agree with the runner-up and third runner-up.

The players who participated in the individual competition and advanced to the national competition all looked at the champion position, and their eyes were hot. Only the salted fish, Ito Shi, just wanted to take the second or third place.

At more than ten o’clock, Kimura Kazuki was drawn to the field. Unfortunately, he was not a strong student. He was defeated by his sword. victory.

And in the second round at noon, it was 234 Jin 117.

Because of the number of participants, after every two rounds, there will be a lucky bye. But apparently, Kimura Kazuki didn’t have such luck.

Among the people in the second round at noon, he faced Yayoi Momoi.

The audience got excited when the big screen showed the two competing. This is a duel between two popular players. Although most of the audience knew that it was difficult for Momoi Yayoi to win against Kimura Kazuki, the duel between the two popular players was enough to make everyone look forward to it.

Momoi Yayoi was stunned, not expecting to meet Kimura Kazuki.

Thinking of chatting with Chunyang on ktv last night and learning that Chunyang’s swordsmanship was taught by Kimura Kazuki, she couldn’t help but feel discouraged. Now facing Kimura Kazuki, he obviously has no energy at all.

But this is a game after all, so Momoi is on the court soon.

The two confronted each other. Before the referee announced the start, Kimura and Kazuki seemed to feel something. He frowned slightly and said lightly, “The road of You must have an unyielding and tenacious heart. .”

He can feel that Yayoi Momoi is now facing him, and he has no interest in winning or losing. He doesn’t mind reminding the other party, but the words will stop. After all, the other party is not Chunyang, he is not familiar with it.

Of course, he reminded the other party also had a purpose. He wanted to see the ‘place’ of the Momoi family, that is, the domain.

Most of the members of the Momoi family are scuba practitioners, and few people come out when their swordsmanship is not good. For a period of time, the Momoi family disappeared without a trace, so many people thought that Kagami Xinzhi was lost, which is enough to see how homeless the Momoi family was.

When Yayoi Momoi heard this, her heart was shocked. It was obvious that her mentality had just changed. If it wasn’t for Kimura Kazuki’s reminder, after her mentality changed, the sword intent would probably subside. If this happens, then is desperate.

“Thank you!” Yayoi Momoi bowed to Kimura Kazuki before the referee called to start, which left the audience a bit baffled and didn’t know what was going on.

However, the referee listened clearly and couldn’t help looking at Kimura Kazuki with admiration.


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