The Sword Deity in Tokyo Chapter 179: The minister is awesome!


I’m in Tokyo to be the Minister of Sword Immortal Chapter 179 is awesome! Listen to audio novels online

As Hirata Tetsuto’s voice fell, Kimura Kazuki came out from the backstage.

This time, instead of wearing a kendo suit, he was wearing a simple Iai suit with a bamboo sword in his hand.

At this time, Tetsuto Hirata acted as a reporter. He watched Kimura Kazuki come to his side and couldn’t help but smile and said, “Minister Kimura, do you know the reason why you came here?”

“Of course.” Kimura Kazuki’s face was pale, “Isn’t it because of the magic of the last match? I guess the audience present should be very curious, the swordsmanship that Ito Shi finally used seems to have exceeded everyone’s understanding. .”

The audience agreed, but they didn’t make a loud noise. They were listening carefully to Kimura Kazuki’s words.

“It seems that everyone didn’t notice a thing.” Kimura Kazuki smiled, “I’m obviously not holding the microphone, but why can everyone hear my voice clearly.”

All the viewers were shocked when he said this.


“My God, I didn’t find out what Minister Kimura didn’t say.”

“When I said that, I remember when Itoshi made his second speech in the morning, he didn’t seem to be holding the microphone, but I could actually know clearly what the other party was talking about.”

At this moment, the audience was once again shocked.

Only Jingshan Jiulang and the others are aggrieved, because you are using the confluence of Jingshan Qi

Kimura Kazuki pressed his hands together, signaling everyone to be quiet. Three seconds later, the scene was quiet again, and he continued, “Because I use Jingshan Qi Confluence now, I believe everyone is familiar with the word Jingshan. Yes, the five-member group of Xuening High School uses Jingshan Qi Confluence. They mainly use qi together to deter their opponents, so the audience in the previous A division should be able to find that the victory of Xuening High School is very simple. This is because Jingshan Jiulang and the others took the lead in deterring their opponents with qi together at the beginning of the game, so that the The opponent loses combat effectiveness for a short period of time. Like this”

Speaking, Kimura Kazuki gave the audience a few seconds to prepare, and then he opened his mouth, and a burst of air gushed out from his mouth, “drink”

A shout, like a thunderbolt. Make all the audience buzzing and stun them.

Some attentive viewers looked at Tetsuto Hirata who was standing next to Kimura and the tree, and found that the other party was not affected even if he stood beside Kimura and the tree. I am afraid this is also the powerful point of Jingshan Qi Confluence.

After the discomfort in the ears subsided, the audience burst into amazement.


“The power of this qi together is too great.”

“In the past, we were taught to use kihe to deter our opponents every time we competed. I don’t think it’s useful. Now it seems that this is simply a kendo nuclear weapon”

“With one click, you can make your opponent lose their resistance.”

“No wonder the Jingshan five people from Xuening High School can easily win, and the confluence of Jingshan Qi is too powerful”

“This is the power of Qi He.” Kimura Kazuki smiled slightly, not caring about the noise of the audience. As soon as he opened his mouth, the audience stopped talking, which surprised the philosophical Hirata next to him, “As for why I want to explain Jingshan The Qi Confluence is because Ito Shi is using the Jingshan Qi Confluence when he is using the sound of the swallow-returning sword-drawing technique. As for why Ito Shi uses the Jingshan Qi Confluence, it is because the Ito Shi is a member of the Ito family. The Ito family cultivates is the Ito copy stream.”

Afterwards, Kimura Kazuki explained the characteristics of the Ito copy flow of the Ito family a little.

“Copy Stream”


“Ito’s family also has blood round eyes”

“There is nothing magical about the Ito family. On the contrary, the Ito family’s swordsmanship has not been very surprising, because the Ito copy flow requires too much kendo talent.” Kimura Kazuki said lightly, “And everyone doesn’t know, Ito It is the second day among the Ito clan in all dynasties, and as for the first day, this is the head of the Ito clan.”

“Everyone in the game just now heard Itoshi using the swallowing sword drawing technique, and heard five people speak in unison. In fact, Itoshi was using Jingshan Qi to confuse me. Those five figures are not what The clone, but the afterimage formed by the speed too fast.” Saying that, a Kimura Kazushu appeared next to Kimura Kazushu.

The visual impact of the two Kimura and Shu standing together is shocking.

“When the speed reaches a certain level, there will be afterimages. For example,” Kimura Kazuki finished speaking, and the audience saw a vague afterimage appearing between the two Kimura Kazuki. Hearing Kimura Kazuki continue to speak, “But when the speed goes further, the afterimage will disappear. You can use your mobile phone to shoot video. This speed is too heavy for the body, and I can’t last for a few seconds.”

After hearing this, the audience picked up their mobile phones to take pictures for ten seconds. Some people had already slowed down the video with their mobile phones and looked at the mobile phone in shock, “Really, I slowed down five times so that I could see Minister Kimura clearly. Speed, this is too perverted”

Other viewers watched in shock.

Of course, although they were shocked in their hearts, they gradually agreed with everything Kimura Kazuki said.

Kenichiro Yagyu, who was standing in the corner, couldn’t help but be stunned, “The audience believed it so easily”

“It’s not that simple.” Vice President Takamatsu Lingshan breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Kenichiro’s words and laughed, “Kimura-kun’s explanation has a degree, and this degree is just enough for the audience to accept , is also the audience’s willingness to accept this, plus Kimura-kun did not equivocate, but chose the practice let the audience see it with their own eyes, so they will believe so.”

Modern society is itself an Internet society and a society with information explosion.

Netizens can see all kinds of strange things on the Internet, such as body folding, swallowing poisonous snakes, etc. bizarre incidents, except for oh, after such a sigh, they should do what they should do. .

The reason why today’s kendo competition is such a sensation is because they see this incredible. So need to explain. As long as they are satisfied and agree with this explanation, they will not be pursued.

It’s like when the knock on the door for copper coins in the oil pan is detected, everyone has no sense of surprise.

And Kimura Kazuki also made it very clear that the reason why Ito Shi is so powerful and can create five afterimages is that this guy has been practicing since he was a child. Moreover, in order to make Itoshi kendo successful, Itoshi’s education has been carried out at home until Itoshi’s family can’t teach Itoshi anything, and then let the other party enter the society to study high school.

This kind of training intensity has lasted for more than ten years, and Itoshi is known as the second genius, which makes Itoshi so powerful.

“I know some people may not believe it yet, and then you can go to the official website to watch the video.”

Kimura Kazuki smiled.

He has already made an agreement with Takamatsu Lingshan. After the audience leaves and the Tachibana Budokan is closed, he will have another match with Ito Shi. At that time, he wore a kendo suit to play the role of Ito, and once again performed Yanhui’s sword-drawing technique. And this time, it was not recorded in the form of aura transforming into a clone, but in the form of speed transforming afterimages.

When the audience finishes watching the video, they will no longer doubt the authenticity.

After listening, an audience member suddenly stood up and shouted excitedly.

“The Minister is awesome”

I am a swordsman in Tokyo

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