Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 2124: 1 arrow and two eagles


Among the remaining forces of the Dali Dynasty, the Datong Merchant Alliance, the Miaodan Society and the Qifu Alliance are the leaders.

Although these three large merchants have close relations with the senior officials of the Dali Dynasty, they have made friends with many dignitaries, and have received support from the royal family. They can almost be regarded as the royal merchants of the Dali Dynasty.

But because of the nature of businessmen, it is impossible for them to be loyal to the Dali Dynasty wholeheartedly.

After the collapse of the Dali Dynasty, the strength of these three large merchants remained relatively good, and they also absorbed a lot of the legacy of the Dali Dynasty.

Facing the two major forces of Taiyi Sect and Purple Sun Sect, they were unable to fight head-on, but they tried to play both ways to maintain their independent status.

These three big merchants made their bets separately and maintained many branches within the territories of Taiyi Sect and Ziyang Holy Sect.

Because Taiyimen and Ziyang Shengzong were restrained by each other and had their own concerns, they did not directly annex these three major merchants.

Now, in the name of eliminating demonic forces, Taiyi Sect is attacking three big merchants.

These big profit-seeking merchants have a close relationship with demon cultivators and have many shady transactions.

Under the relentless pursuit of the Taiyi Sect monks, these secrets were dug out one by one.

Due to the widespread spread of Taiyi Sect, the reputations of these three major merchants were completely ruined, and they were almost classified as demonic forces.

As a righteous sect, it is our duty to slay demons and clean up the evil ways.

Now, Taiyi Sect can justifiably tear up its previous promises and attack these three major merchants.

These three major merchants have strong financial resources and rich heritage, and have supported many True Lords of the Soul.

But against the behemoth of the Taiyi Sect, there was no resistance at all.

Originally, the top executives of these three major merchants also tried to take advantage of the contradiction between the Purple Sun Sect and the Taiyi Sect and use the power of the Purple Sun Sect to fight against the Taiyi Sect.

But they never expected that Ziyang Shengzong, as the ruler of Junchen Realm, would be uglier and more vicious than Taiyi Sect.

In order to disgust Taiyi Sect, Ziyang Shengzong did not directly annex these three major merchants.

Now that Taiyi Sect has found an excuse to attack these three major merchants, Ziyang Shengzong will not be polite.

The three major merchants trying to have both sides became the common goals of Taiyi Sect and Ziyang Shengzong.

Faced with the bad situation, divisions began to appear within the three major merchants.

In order to save their lives, they have no choice but to choose a refuge.

For most cultivators, even if they lose everything and are controlled by others, they are not willing to lose their lives.

The Ziyang Holy Sect directly annexed these three major merchants and forcibly took possession of everything they owned, including the wealth accumulated over the years, various cultivation resources, etc.

The Taiyi Sect looked better, and almost all the top executives of the three major merchants were wiped out, and all the monks related to the devil were executed.

After taking away everything from the three major merchants, Taiyi Sect still retained their status, or in other words, they just left an empty shell.

From now on, the three chambers of commerce, Datong Merchant Alliance, Miaodan Society and Qifu Alliance, will lose their previous independent status and become ordinary members of the Hanhai Dao Alliance.

It is worth mentioning that a monk from Taiyi Sect named Sun Pengzhi took over the Datong Merchant Alliance and became the new head of the Datong Merchant Alliance.

Sun Pengzhi defected to Taiyi Sect and tried to become the mastermind of Taiyi Sect.

After years of development, outstanding disciples have emerged in Taiyi Sect one after another, many of whom are extremely resourceful and far superior to Sun Pengzhi in all aspects.

Sun Pengzhi, who has always set his sights high, was hit hard and his ambition was extinguished.

Of course, as a guest of Taiyi Sect, he is still very competent and has made many contributions to Taiyi Sect.

After Sun Sheng, the elder of the family who joined the Taiyi Sect with him, passed away, he also successfully advanced to the Yuanshen stage.

Back then, a remnant soul of Shang Yuxia, the soul of the merchants of the Datong Merchant Alliance, possessed him and became his grandfather, which was of great help to him.

Let alone the True Monarch of Yuanshen, no matter how capable a monk is, he cannot violate the rules of heaven and earth.

Shang Yuxia’s remnant soul finally had to enter the underworld after many nourishments and strengthenings.

Sun Pengzhi joined Datong Merchant Alliance not only because of Shang Yuxia’s affection back then, but also to fulfill her wish.

For the Taiyi Sect, as an old chamber of commerce with a long history, the Datong Chamber of Commerce has a wide network of contacts and rich channels, and has some connections in almost the entire Junchen world.

Sun Pengzhi has been a guest minister in Taiyimen for many years and is a trustworthy person.

Having him take charge of the Datong Merchant Alliance can give full play to the remaining value of the Datong Merchant Alliance, which is more beneficial to Taiyi Sect.

In short, after this operation to clean up the demonic path, Taiyi Sect has killed two birds with one stone.

It not only eliminated the demonic forces in the territory, but also solved many historical problems, and completely digested and absorbed the remnants of the Dali Dynasty.

The organization Hanhai Dao League has become purer, and the Taiyi Sect has strengthened its control over it.

Although this turmoil caused the entire Hanhai Dao Alliance to lose many monks, the overall strength of the Hanhai Dao Alliance has not decreased but increased.

Of course, Taiyi Sect’s determined attitude towards getting to the bottom of the devil’s ways has also brought new troubles to it.

The monks sent by Taiyi Sect to track down the demonic cultivators are not only excellent, but also very patient and perseverant, and they pursue the demonic cultivators relentlessly.

The origin of the demonic cultivators lurking within the Hanhai Dao League is very complex.

The remaining forces of the Dali Dynasty are a major source of demonic cultivators. Find

In addition, the Taiyi Sect monks also discovered another major source of demonic cultivation, which was related to the Dark Alliance.

The Dark Alliance has extended its tentacles to almost every corner of the world of cultivation through peripheral organizations and black markets.

The Dark Alliance’s behavior has always been to respect the overlords of the cultivation world in each region and never participate in the battle for hegemony in the cultivation world.

In view of the huge power of the Dark Alliance, the cultivation overlords in various regions have acquiesced in the existence of the black market.

The black market organizes various shady transactions and naturally becomes a place for evil and evil.

The nature of the Dark Alliance organization itself makes it the dark side of the world of cultivation.

It is normal for the dark alliance to collude with demonic cultivators, or to cultivate demonic cultivators themselves.

Meng Zhang had dealt with many members of the Dark Alliance in his early years, participated in many major events of the Dark Alliance branch, and even met demon cultivators who were from the Dark Alliance.

The relationship between the Dark Alliance and Meng Zhang is even more difficult to describe.

The two parties were once friends, and there were also stages of hostility.

Up to now, Taiyi Sect, in accordance with the practice of the cultivation world, has acquiesced to the existence of the Dark Alliance in its territory.

At the same time, Taiyi Sect also has a set of means to monitor the Dark Alliance to prevent the Dark Alliance from causing big troubles and creating chaos.

Meng Zhang can pretend not to know about such nonsense as the Dark Alliance cultivating demon cultivators as long as it does not happen in the Taiyi Sect territory.

For many years, the Dark Alliance has always abided by the rules and did not conduct any taboo things in the Taiyi Sect territory.


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