Sect Master’s Immortal Journey Chapter 1896: Taoist Yunbai


Taoist Yunbai doesn’t seem to be outstanding in appearance, but he seems to be easy to talk to.

This person was born in the Liuyun Saint Sect’s war hall and participated in many foreign campaigns.

Not only does he have profound cultivation and extraordinary fighting ability, but he also has a reputation for being warlike and has always been brave and ruthless.

Even if his temper has calmed down after advancing to the Void Return Stage, he is still not someone to be trifled with.

With this person’s temperament, it is common for him to fight with monks of the same level if he says something wrong.

Not to mention a mere Wang family, he dared to confront even those big forces at the same level as the Liuyun Holy Sect.

Recognizing the famous Taoist Yunbai and having heard of his evil reputation, the two returning ancestors of the Wang family couldn’t help but grow shorter and did not dare to speak casually.

On normal days, Taoist Yunbai would not give up easily.

But today, with a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, he decided to finish the business first.

The ancestor of the Wang Family’s Return to the Void has verbally offended the Liuyun Holy Sect, and there will be plenty of opportunities to slowly settle accounts with them in the future.

Taoist Yunbai waved his hand directly, meaning that the Wang family’s Huixu ancestor and other people were waiting to leave, and he had business to do next.

Although he was dissatisfied in his heart, how could the Wang family’s Huixu ancestor dare to confront Taoist Yunbai head-on.

Even if there are still clan members who fall into the hands of the other party, they can only leave angrily.

After seeing the idlers and Zhiqu leaving, Taoist Yunbai chatted with Mu Xingtong about business.

Mu Xintong first briefly introduced Meng Zhang to everyone, and then explained the whole thing in general.

With the testimony of two living members of the Wang family, Mu Xingtong’s words were reasonable and her suspicions about the Wang family were also very legitimate.

Again, many things in the world of cultivation do not require 100% confirmation, as long as there is reasonable doubt, it is enough.

Especially the Liuyun Holy Sect, a powerful force that ranks among the best in the entire four-pointed star region. They seem to be gentle on weekdays, but when they are really overbearing, they will not reason with the Wang family.

In addition to the monks from Liuyun Holy Sect, there were also monks from several other big forces present.

Among them are the monks from the Xingji Sword Sect.

For some of Mu Xingtong’s statements, the monks of Xingji Sword Sect intentionally or unintentionally criticized her and even questioned her credibility.

First of all, Taoist Yunbai will firmly defend his own people in front of outsiders.

Secondly, the matter of the Wang family monks colluding with the advance team of Yunzhong City is too important, and no one dares to take it lightly.

Especially judging from the current situation, the secret enemy has already taken action, trying to hinder the construction of the wormhole passage by attacking the flying boat team, destroying material transportation.

Such behavior has almost endangered the entire Four-Pointed Star District.

Therefore, even though there is no conclusive evidence for Mu Xingtong’s accusation against the Wang family, everyone still prefers to believe it or not.

Even if the monks of the Xingji Sword Sect have other ideas, they cannot stop it.

Meng Zhang originally wanted to involve Guchi Villa and even Lengshan Temple in this matter, labeling them as colluding with Yunzhong City.

However, due to the performance of the Xingji Sword Sect monks, he felt that it was best not to cause trouble.

In addition, Meng Zhang also understands that going too far is never equal.

He and Mu Xingtong don’t need to say too much. They should leave enough space for everyone to investigate on their own.

After listening to Mu Xingtong’s account, everyone did not delay and took action immediately because the matter was so important.

Taoist Yunbai and others took Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong and quickly rushed back to Baishi City.

In White Rock City, the government originally built an ultra-long-distance communication array for communication across the world.

However, it is not easy to activate such a magic circle, and it consumes a lot of resources every time it is used.

The most important thing is that the confidentiality of this magic circle is not enough, and Taoist Yunbai and others are not at ease.

As a result, Taoist Yunbai and others asked Baishi City to provide sufficient resources, and they temporarily built an ultra-long-distance communication array.

Then, several powerful monks used this magic circle in turn to transmit the results of Mu Xingtong’s investigation, including the confessions of the two Wang family monks, back to their respective sects in detail.

Next, they waited slowly for replies from their respective sects.

Although there are many disputes and even struggles among the senior officials of the Four-Pointed Star District, when it comes to major events in the entire Star District, everyone still knows how to unite and deal with the outside world.

This time, the top management of the Four-Pointed Star District showed high efficiency.

Including Taoist Yunbai and others, they quickly received replies from their respective sects.

Through this ultra-long-distance communication array, their respective sects have made detailed arrangements.

All major sects will deal with the Wang family’s forces within the Four-Pointed Star District immediately, including the Wang family’s ancestral land.

The mission of Taoist Yunbai and the others is to capture all the Wang family members in the gray earth world and not allow any fish to slip through the net.

After receiving the clear instructions, Taoist Yunbai, as the leader, immediately led everyone into action.

Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong also joined the operation as team members.

If it were anyone else, it might be a little difficult to capture the Wang family monks.

But the team led by Taoist Yunbai completed the task with almost no effort.

Faced with the combined forces of several major forces in the Four-Pointed Star Region, the Wang family members had almost no courage to resist.

Except for the two Returning Ancestors and a few people who received the news early and hid, almost all the others were captured without mercy.

On the one hand, Taoist Yunbai ordered the continued arrest of the two returning ancestors of the Wang family and other fish that slipped through the net, and on the other hand, he severely interrogated the captured Wang family members.

This group of monks from powerful backgrounds not only have various interrogation methods, but also have no mercy and are extremely ruthless.

The Wang family members couldn’t bear this kind of tactics, so they began to confess one after another, saying everything they should and shouldn’t say.

Soon, more and more confessions were collected from Taoist Yunbai. Find Shuyuan

As a famous big businessman in the Four-Pointed Star District, the Wang family has done a lot of dirty things secretly. He has repeatedly violated the established rules of the world of cultivation, which can even be said to be full of sins.

Suppress and frame competitors in the market; exterminate small forces that offend oneself; maintain long-term secret deals with ghost cultivators; collude with demon cultivators and sell blood food to demon cultivators…

These crimes alone, as long as they are exposed in front of the public, are enough to make the Wang family denounced by everyone and become public enemies in the world of cultivation.

Although these criminal evidence can help bring down the Wang family, they are not what Taoist Yunbai cares about most, nor what Meng Zhang wants most.

Wang Defeng’s collusion with the monks in Yunzhong City was indeed very concealed.

Not to mention ordinary members of the Wang family, even his close relatives and people in his lineage don’t know much about it.

Judging from these confessions alone, there is no complete certainty that it can be proved that the Wang family and the monks in Yunzhong City are colluding.

Of course, these confessions provided a lot of indirect evidence, which was enough to support Meng Zhang’s initial guesses and judgments.


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