Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 729: The paradise of life

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This queen angelfish looks very laid-back and not afraid of humans, but in fact it is very alert.

Just when Johnny’s hand was about to touch it, this beautiful sea fish wearing a gorgeous striped costume immediately swung its tail fin and swam to the side like lightning, avoiding the **** hand!

Johnny retracted his right hand angrily, with a regretful expression on his face,

Seeing this scene, the other people chuckled.

After the small interlude, everyone looked around and began to carefully examine and appreciate this beautiful underwater world!

Compared to land, this is a completely different world, full of life and vitality! There are also forests, mountains, and hills here; there are also flowers in bloom and green grass here!

Unlike on land, the forests here are made up of large tracts of seaweed, which are more vivid, more vital, and have a variety of varieties that are dizzying!

The mountains and hills here are completely covered by beautiful corals of various colors, layer upon layer, very dense, spreading as far as the eye can see, almost endless!

Corals of different ages and types have different colors.

The white ones are the most common, and there are also many blue and black corals. Gem-quality red, pink, and orange-red corals are also not uncommon. They are colorful and beautiful!

The flowers blooming in the sea are no less than those on land. They are also competing for beauty and blooming! Make this seabed extraordinarily charming!

But the most charming scenery here should be the sea creatures wandering among the corals and seaweeds, and swimming freely on the mountains and hills.

They come in many varieties, colors, and sizes, but they are carefree, relaxed, and live in harmony with other neighbors without any competition from the world! Let’s play the beautiful chapter of life together!

There is no doubt that this is a paradise for marine life, a beautiful and peaceful underwater world!

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of them, everyone can’t help but be fascinated by it, even envious!

It took a long time for everyone to wake up.

Immediately afterwards, a heartfelt sound of admiration immediately sounded in the headphones.

“It’s so beautiful! What a harmonious and charming underwater world, it’s so fascinating!”

“Look at those beautiful sea fish and various other creatures. They live so freely. Perhaps this is the true meaning of life!”

“Guys, after enjoying the scenery, we should get down to business. Don’t forget the real purpose of this deep dive exploration. We are not here to be tourists under the sea!

When the Malaga Princess is found and a large amount of treasure is recovered, everyone can find time to enjoy the beautiful scenery under the sea. There are many opportunities. Now it’s important to get down to business. Let’s gather together! ”

Ye Tian said jokingly, becoming a disappointment for a while.

“You are such a greedy guy, Steven, it’s such a disgrace!”

Orlando chuckled and shook his head. He swung his legs and swam towards Ye Tian.

The other guys did the same and swam towards this side.

Of course, they were also joking and complaining about Ye Tian!

Soon, everyone gathered together and gave each other high fives to celebrate.

After putting down his palm, Orlando immediately asked excitedly:

“What to do next? Steven, Matisse, in groups or together? I can’t wait to explore the sunken treasure! It must be very exciting!”

Ye Tian turned around and looked at the surroundings, then chuckled and said:

“Orlando, I’m afraid you are going to be disappointed. It seems that there are no sunken ships here, let alone treasures. We can only place our hope in those places beyond our sight, hoping to find something there!”

“It doesn’t matter if there are no sunken treasures here. Being able to participate in this deep dive exploration and enjoy such a beautiful underwater scenery is already very worthwhile!”

Johnny interjected, his eyes shining with excitement.

“That’s right! It’s enough to see this beautiful scenery, I don’t dare to expect too much!”

Orlando nodded in agreement, obviously very satisfied.

Immediately afterwards, Mattis interrupted everyone’s conversation.

“Okay, guys, we have dived in place and can start exploring this seabed. During the exploration, everyone can not only look for sunken ships, but also continue to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

We divide into two groups, which is more efficient. Steven and I are in one group. Raymond, you and Johnny and Orlando are in the other group. We form a fan and search north”

As he spoke, Matisse stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

As for the situation on the seabed ahead, everyone currently only knows the depth and nothing else. No one knows whether there are sunken treasures there. Everything needs to be explored!

The situation on the seabed behind is different. Previously, underwater robots were used to basically explore the seabed, but nothing was found! No need to waste any more energy!

Following the direction that Matisse pointed, everyone looked over there. Everyone’s eyes were full of expectations, looking forward to discovering sunken treasures and discovering miracles!

After a pause, Matisse continued:

“Let’s talk about the search range. Let’s start from here and search north. The furthest east and west should not be more than 500 meters. The total is one kilometer. This width is enough.

During the search process, everyone should maintain close contact and report their location at any time. The distance between the two groups should not be too far apart. Report danger immediately so that each other can support each other as soon as possible.

Kenny and the others on the yacht are also monitoring our position at all times and can sink the decompression station to the seabed at any time to provide us with support to ensure the smooth progress of the exploration!

I would like to remind you to pay attention to the propeller speed, power consumption, and gas cylinder usage, and be sure to ensure your own safety. Okay, let’s start taking action and see which group can find the sunken ship first! “

“Hahaha, there are many people in our group and we have six eyes in total, so the probability of discovering the sunken ship is obviously higher!”

Johnny said jokingly, looking confident.

“That’s not necessarily true! It mainly depends on luck. It doesn’t mean that there are many people who will find the sunken ship. My luck has always been good, and I believe this time will be no exception!”

Ye Tian said with a chuckle, also very confident.

After chatting for a few words, everyone split up and began exploring this unknown seabed.

The speed of the submersible propeller engine increased again, stirring the sea water and leading everyone to swim forward.

Although everyone is moving in the north, Ye Tian and Matisse are searching in the northeast, while Raymond and Johnny are searching in the northwest!

When the search operation began, Ye Tian and the others suddenly turned into five black sharks about three meters long. Driven by the diving propeller, they glided forward and patrolled the territory.

Unlike sharks, the strong light emitted by the searchlight at the front of the diving propeller adds a lot of momentum to them, making them look particularly fierce!

Wherever they passed, many sea creatures fled in panic, or swam quickly into the distance, or dived into the coral reefs, looking for a place to hide, so as not to become prey targets.

While swimming forward to explore, they also enjoyed the beautiful scenery under the sea! Everyone is in a very happy mood and their eyes are full of intoxication!

Compared to before, enjoying the underwater scenery while exercising, and from a bird’s eye view, brings a different experience. It feels like changing scenery with each step, and taking one scene at a time!

Soon, ten minutes passed!

The two groups have become somewhat distant, and are out of sight of each other, but they are always in contact and understand each other’s position and distance! There is no problem.

Although the sunken ship has not yet been found, and there are no other surprising discoveries, everyone is still interested and motivated, carefully searching the seabed!

The exploration continued. A few people gently swung their flippers and cruised in the water about two meters above the seabed, like a few agile fish!

Going forward for a while, Ye Tian saw several beautiful yellow-headed fish, which were drilling in and out of the sand on the seabed in front of them. They were very busy and very interesting!

Just as he was about to step forward to observe, Matisse’s voice suddenly came from the headphones.

“Steven, look at the front left side. There seems to be a shadow. It’s quite big and looks a bit abrupt! I don’t know what it is?”

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately raised his head and looked to the left.

The searchlight of the diving thruster in his hand also pointed over there!


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