Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 3163: Surge

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Chapter 3163 is coming

The news that the three parties successfully signed a joint exploration agreement between Intrepid Exploration Company, the Moroccan government, and Columbia University spread like the wind.

While the joint press conference was still in progress, this news had spread throughout the world and reached countless people.

10 Downing Street, London.

The British Prime Minister is listening to a report from his secretary.

“That guy Steven rejected our request for cooperation and claimed that he would not accept any fourth party to participate in the joint exploration of Atlantis. He also rejected the Spaniards.

Just ten minutes ago, that guy Steven signed a tripartite joint exploration agreement with the Moroccan government and Columbia University, and will soon launch a joint exploration operation.

No one knows where the three-party joint exploration team is heading. Only Steven knows. Judging from various signs, it may be near Casablanca…”

After listening to the secretary’s report, the British Prime Minister fell into deep thought.

After a while, he spoke:

“Let the people from MI5 keep an eye on that guy Steven, and try every means possible to obtain all kinds of materials and information about Atlantis held by Intrepid Exploration Company.

Let us people in Morocco follow the tripartite joint exploration team and explore secretly to see if we can get there first and find the legendary Atlantis. Maybe good luck will be on our side.

And those scientific research ships and deep-sea salvage ships, where are they? They are urged to rush to the coast of Morocco as soon as possible and explore the waters of the high seas to see if they can find anything.

If the legendary prehistoric civilization Atlantis really existed and was found, it would bring a shock to the world no less than the emergence of Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant.”

“Understood, Your Excellency Prime Minister, I will urge all parties to work together to find Atlantis before the tripartite joint exploration team”

The secretary nodded in response and was about to leave the office.

At this moment, the British Prime Minister suddenly said:

“If our people can’t find Atlantis, then we have to see if we can get the antique cultural relics and artworks in the Atlantis ruins through other channels or means”

The secretary was stunned for a moment and understood instantly.

“I understand, I know what to do”

With that, he left the Prime Minister’s Office.

At the same time.

Across the ocean, in the White House, the man in the Oval Office has also learned the news.

After thinking for a moment, the man just said in a deep voice:

“Now that the tripartite joint exploration agreement has been signed, it means that Atlantis may really exist, and this guy Steven must have very important evidence and information.

That’s why he is willing to spend a lot of energy and money on this joint exploration operation, but he just doesn’t know whether this joint exploration team can find Atlantis.

Let our people keep an eye on that guy Steven and the three-party joint exploration team. If necessary, we can provide some assistance to that guy Steven and protect them.

I hope they can find Atlantis. In that case, at least half of the treasure belongs to Intrepid Exploration Company, and they will definitely transport that half of the treasure back to New York,…”

As soon as he said this, a staff member next to him suddenly interrupted and said:

“Mr. President, how will the Spanish and British deal with it? According to the information I received, they are also eyeing Atlantis and have launched actions.

They each sent scientific research ships and deep-sea salvage ships to the waters off Morocco to prepare for exploration operations in the high seas. The battle between the two countries looks quite big.

In Morocco, many Spanish and British agents have been very active these days. Just yesterday, Steven discovered an MI5 agent”

Hearing this, the man sitting behind the decisive table couldn’t help but pause.

Then he chuckled.

“I believe that guy Steven has a way to deal with the Spaniards and the British. Otherwise, he would not launch the tripartite joint exploration operation with such great fanfare.

We can provide that guy with some support, such as intelligence. We can occasionally inform him of the movements of the Spaniards and the British so that they can respond early.”

“Understood, Mr. President, I will notify relevant agencies and people”

The staff member nodded in response and chuckled.

The same thing is happening simultaneously in Spain, France, and other European and American countries.

As these countries responded one after another, many scientific research ships and deep-sea salvage ships of different sizes set off from various places like a tide and headed towards Morocco’s Atlantic coast.

There are also many exploration teams, archaeologists, and intelligence personnel from these countries who have also poured into Morocco through various means.

In addition to national-level forces, countless professional treasure hunters, exploration companies, treasure hunting enthusiasts, and gangsters from Europe, the United States and Africa have also set off and headed straight for Morocco.

Even some museums, famous universities, and related academic institutions have organized small exploration teams to try their luck in Morocco.

Without exception, all these individuals, organizations, countries, etc., are all coming for the legendary Atlantis.

And they all followed Ye Tian closely, followed every move of the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company and the three-party joint exploration team, trying to dig out valuable clues about Atlantis.

After signing the tripartite joint exploration agreement, Ye Tian was attending a celebration reception, laughing and chatting with others. He was very relaxed and didn’t pay attention to what was happening in the outside world.

Soon, the time has reached noon.

After lunch at the hotel where the celebration reception was held, Ye Tian and the others just said goodbye and returned to the hotel where the joint exploration team stayed.

Next, the three cooperating parties will quickly form a joint exploration team and raise various materials and equipment to prepare for the upcoming tripartite joint exploration operation.

But when the three-party joint exploration operation will officially launch and where the first exploration location will be, the decision lies with Ye Tian.

Both the Moroccan government and Columbia University can only wait passively.

After returning to the hotel, everyone discovered that the protesters who had gathered in front of the hotel were gone.

Only some media reporters are still here.

Obviously, this was done by Morocco.

Those who protested were probably driven away by the Moroccan police.

Of course, everyone welcomes this result.

Seeing Ye Tian and others coming back, the media reporters gathered at the door of the hotel immediately began to ask questions loudly.

“Hello, Mr. Steven, when will the three-party joint exploration team set out to explore Atlantis? Where is the first exploration location?”

“Good afternoon, Steven. It is said that Spain has sent a scientific research vessel and a deep-sea salvage vessel to the waters off Morocco. What do you think of this? How do you plan to respond?”

Ye Tian did not respond to these questions.

He waved to these media reporters and then led the team into the hotel.

After a while, he had returned to the presidential suite where he lived.


Soon, more than half an hour passed.

The media reporters guarding the door of the hotel are feeling bored.

At this moment, several bulletproof SUVs from the joint exploration fleet suddenly drove to the door of the hotel.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and David, who had changed into casual clothes, walked out of the hotel talking and laughing.

Seeing them, the media reporters guarding the door immediately began to ask questions wherever possible.

“Steven, where are you going? Are you going to visit an antique store or antique flea market in Rabat?”

Different from before, this time Ye Tian gave a response.

“The scenery in Rabat is so beautiful. Since we are here, of course we have to go out for a walk, otherwise it would be a shame…”

While talking, Yahya and the others also arrived here by car.

But they did not get out of the car. Instead, they circled around the entrance of the hotel, turned around, and prepared to take Ye Tian and the others to visit Rabat.

Ye Tian and the others immediately got in the car and drove away from here.

The media reporters guarding the door of the hotel immediately rushed to their vehicles and followed them in their cars.

Everyone of them still remembers what happened yesterday afternoon.

Now that this guy Steven is going out for shopping again, maybe another miracle will happen!

This extremely lucky guy may be able to discover priceless antiques and artworks, or even discover an unknown treasure somewhere.

As soon as the motorcade left the hotel door, Ye Tian’s cell phone rang. It was Yahya calling.

The call was connected, and Yahya’s voice came over immediately.

“Steven, where are you going to visit first? Mention a location so we can make some arrangements”

“Let’s go to the ruins of the Hassan Grand Mosque first. Since we are in Rabat and have a cooperative relationship with the Moroccan government, we should go to the tomb of Mohammed V and present a bouquet of flowers!”

Ye Tian said with a smile and reported the first place to visit.

Hearing this, Yahya on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned.

Then he replied:

“Okay, Steven, let’s go to the ruins of the Hassan Grand Mosque first”

After confirming the visiting location, the motorcade drove towards the center of Rabat.

In just ten minutes, Ye Tian and the others, who were sitting in the car, saw the towering Hassan Tower and the majestic tomb of Mohammed V.

Because Yahya had greeted him in advance and for safety reasons, the convoy had the green light all the way and stopped near the tomb of Muhammad V.

As soon as the convoy came to a stop, Mattis and the others got out of the car first, quickly dispersed, and became alert.

After confirming that the scene was safe, Ye Tian and the others got out of the car.

While getting off the bus, as a representative of Intrepid Exploration, Inc., and a representative of Columbia University.

Ye Tian and the President of Columbia University each held a bouquet of flowers, ready to be presented to the long-dead King Mohammed V.

As soon as they appeared, they attracted the attention of everyone nearby.

Even tourists on the Hassan Grand Mosque Square not far away looked over.

“Look, it’s the lucky guy Steven. I didn’t expect them to come here. It seems they are going to lay flowers on the tomb of Mohammed V”

“Sure enough, it’s that guy Steven. It’s not a good thing for him to appear here. Wherever that guy appears, there are always troubles. I hope it’s safe this time.”

While people were talking a lot, Yahya came closer and said to Ye Tian and others:

“Mr. Steven, Mr. Bollinger, let me take you to lay flowers at the Mausoleum of Mohammed V and give you an introduction.

This is a sacred place and security personnel carrying weapons are not allowed to enter. We ask for your understanding and hope for your cooperation.”

“No problem, Mr. Yahya, I carry a few guns with me, do I need to leave them outside?”

Ye Tian smiled and nodded without any objection.

In fact, he knows better than anyone whether the tomb of Mohammed V is safe or not.

There was no threat there, so he was willing to disarm.

Yahya was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly.

“You’d better leave your weapons and ammunition outside and leave them to your security personnel for safekeeping. It’s safe here, you can rest assured”

“Okay, then I will leave the weapons and ammunition outside”

As he spoke, he nodded to Matisse.

Mattis came over immediately.

Afterwards, Ye Tian took out the weapons he carried one by one.

He first took out two M9 pistols and several matching magazines inserted into the holsters under his armpits, and then pulled out a CZ83 pistol and three matching magazines from the lower back.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his right leg, pulled out a German army knife from under his trousers, and handed it to Mattis.

Seeing this scene, Yahya and the president of Columbia University were completely dumbfounded.

Not only them, but also other Moroccans and experts and scholars from Columbia University were all dumbfounded and their eyes were full of horror.

Did this guy really come to Morocco to explore Atlantis? It looked more like they were here to fight, armed to the teeth.

But Yahya and the others could not imagine that there was something even more exaggerated and frightening to them.

“Yahya, I only have so many weapons and ammunition on me, and I have taken them all out, but I can only keep that little white translucent cobra with me. No one else can touch that little guy!”

Ye Tian smiled and explained the situation.

Before he finished speaking, the scene was already going crazy.


Yahya, the president of Columbia University and others all exclaimed in surprise.

As if they were electrocuted, they all took a step or two back, everyone’s face full of horror.

“Steven, you crazy guy, you actually brought that little death-like white translucent cobra to Morocco and you still have it with you?”

Yahya said in shock, staring at Ye Tian’s left cuff.

The same goes for everyone else at the scene. Everyone was staring at his cuffs with a look of horror on their faces.

Ye Tian smiled softly and said calmly:

“I did take that little guy to Morocco. I reported it before and you agreed. After arriving in Morocco, it never appeared, so everyone ignored its existence.

Don’t worry, that little guy won’t attack anyone without my order. To a certain extent, Morocco is the little guy’s hometown, so I brought him here! ”

Hearing this, all the Moroccans rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly.

“Morocco is a peaceful country, not a hell! Only **** is the home of the little white translucent cobra, and that is where the **** of death belongs”

While complaining, everyone relaxed a little.

Everyone knows that Ye Tian is right.

Without his order, the small white translucent cobra, as terrifying as the death god, would not take the initiative to attack.

This has been proven in previous exploration operations.

After his emotions calmed down a little, Yahya said:

“Okay, Steven, you can take that scary little cobra, but you must control it!”

“You don’t have to worry about this, that little guy won’t come out if I don’t summon it”

“I hope so, gentlemen, please follow me”

With that said, Yahya led everyone towards the gate of the tomb of Muhammad V.

While marching, he was also introducing everyone.

“Mohammed V was the 25th sultan of the Allawi dynasty of Morocco and the grandfather of the current king. He died in 1961. Construction of this mausoleum began in 1962 and was completed in 1971.

Both sides of the tomb are divided into the tombs of Hassan II and Prince Abdullah, and there is an exhibition hall that contains portraits of successive monarchs of the Alawi dynasty and relics of the fifth generation, as well as historical materials and documents from the reign. …”

While Yahya was introducing it, Ye Tian and the others were also observing the building.

This is a modern Alawi dynasty building with a strong Arab cultural flavor.

The main body is built of white marble, and the pyramid-shaped roof is covered with green glazed tiles, like a white castle.

The entire building is solemn and majestic with elegant style, fully embodying the most beautiful Arab architectural craftsmanship, as well as Morocco’s unique architectural style and decorative art.

While talking, everyone has already walked up the steps and entered this solemn building!


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