Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 304: Shock 127 Corridor

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The three SUVs continued to advance south along Highway 127. The reporters quickly followed, and naturally the Kentucky police and FBI followed them!

At the very back of the convoy, there were a few more vehicles, the same professional treasure hunters just now.

The stunning appearance of the two Giacometti sculptures made these guys completely put down their dignity and considerations. They no longer wanted to create any chance encounters, but planned to follow Ye Tian closely and never leave!

Their primary goal is of course the compensation promised by Ye Tian, ​​which they are looking forward to.

Secondly, they all want to see what other treasures Ye Tian will find and what miracles he will create in Corridor 127!

As for Juan and Charles, no one cares about them anymore. Everyone knows their situation, and I am afraid they have been completely drowned in tears of regret!

For them, this is a nightmare day, a painful memory that they never want to recall or face again!

Looking at the Paramount Predator speeding ahead, the police officers following behind were extremely jealous, every pair of eyes was full of envy, and every car was talking about it!

“I checked and found that few of Giacometti’s sculptures cost less than 10 million U.S. dollars, and there are many that exceed 100 million U.S. dollars. And this is the data from a few years ago. It must be more expensive now. It’s too exaggerated! ”

“Oh my God, it’s so **** unfair! If this **** Steven just makes one mistake, it’s enough for us to make hundreds of years! We still have to protect this bastard, it makes people crazy just thinking about it!”

Different from the envy and complaints of the police officers, the media reporters were more happy and excited.

Many of them are currently in contact with the media they work for.

“Did you see the video I posted? This **** Steven made another big discovery. He found two Giacometti sculptures in the 127 corridor. It’s unbelievable!”

“I saw it, the whole newspaper office has become a sensation, everyone is discussing this matter!”

“There is no time to discuss it now! You should hurry up and report it. This is a major event that shocks the collecting world. You must report it as soon as possible, and don’t be preempted by others!

I continue to follow Steven. I bet this **** can still make big news, either by having a big fight or discovering a treasure. I love this bastard! “

All reporters are doing the same thing, reporting Ye Tian’s major discoveries as soon as possible.

Soon, this news appeared on major online platforms and social media, and gradually began to cause a sensation.

Those professional treasure hunters are not idle either. They are also spreading the news quickly through their own channels.

“Guys, I was following that **** Steven in the 127 corridor, and I just witnessed a major discovery. This **** found two Giacometti sculptures in Kentucky. It’s so enviable!”

“Attention guys on Corridor 127, take action immediately if you see something, don’t hesitate! That **** Steven is heading south from Kentucky and starts sweeping Corridor 127!

His vision is too sharp, and his attacks are extremely ruthless. Two pieces of Giacometti, what a huge fortune! Even God! I’m afraid they’ll all be jealous of this New York bastard! “

It didn’t take long for this news to spread throughout Corridor 127 and become known to everyone!

Hearing this news, every professional treasure hunter was stunned and envious!

Then they thought of Ye Tianzheng going south along Highway 127 and raiding wildly along the way. These people immediately took action and started to take action to get their favorite treasures. They did not dare to hesitate at all!

No one wants to see what happened to those treasure hunters in Kentucky. They were cut off halfway by that evil New York **** and left crying without even saying anything!

A large number of antique dealers and second-hand traders began to check their goods in case there were unknown treasures hidden in them. Don’t let that **** Steven pick them up.

I can watch the tragedy that happened to those two guys in Kentucky as a bystander, and even gloat and feel sorry for those two unlucky guys!

But if this happened to me, it would really be a human tragedy! No one wants to be the subject of tragedy! I don’t even want to be the object of ridicule!

There are also some guys with ulterior motives among them. At this time, their eyes are red with jealousy, they have inappropriate thoughts, and they are ready to take risks!

A master sculpture worth tens of millions of dollars! Who is not moved? Who wouldn’t be crazy about it?

Because of this news, the entire Corridor 127 has become commotion.

Countless eyes were cast on Highway 127 heading south from Kentucky, waiting for the black behemoth to appear.

At this time, in the back seat of the Paramount Predator, Ye Tianzheng was studying a sculpture carefully and explaining it to Betty, completely unaware of the turmoil in the outside world caused by him!

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn’t care at all. Can he bite his buddy?

“Dear, let’s talk about these two sculptures. They are so inconspicuous! No wonder Juan and the others have ignored them for a long time. If it were me, I would probably ignore them!

Where is their artistry reflected? It’s like two bricks, so why is it worth tens of millions of dollars? And it’s amazing how you spot them at a glance! “

Betty looked at the brick-like bronze sculpture in front of her, her eyes full of doubts.

Ye Tian smiled proudly, gently turned the sculpture in his hand, and showed the signature on the side of the sculpture’s base in front of Betty.

“When I first saw them, I only knew they were two bronze sculptures. I didn’t know the sculptor they were from, let alone their price.

When I saw this French signature and thought about Grandpa Juan’s fighting in France, I immediately determined that it was Giacometti’s work and understood their value.

These two cursive French letters ‘G.A’ are Giacometti’s unique signature. From 1922 to 1935, he used his signature before he left Surrealism. There was no other semicolon!

After giving up Surrealist sculpture, Giacometti turned to studying models and began a five-year period of exploration. When he returned to Paris in 1945, the signature of his work had changed.

There are several Giacometti works from this period in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. I have visited and studied them carefully, so I can recognize their identities at a glance.”

While speaking, Ye Tian pointed out some special features of the signature and asked Betty to look at it carefully.

“This French writing method is indeed very special and beautiful! I have never seen it before, it is unique! No wonder you are so sure of their origin and acted so decisively!”

Betty suddenly said that this unique signature answered some of her doubts.

Ye Tian took out the wet wipes he had prepared, wiped the stains on the bronze sculpture vigorously, and then pointed to the carved lines on it and continued to explain!

“This sculpture is a work by Giacometti in the late 1920s. At that time, his works were mainly cubism, and some traces of primitive art can also be seen in it.

It was not until 1929, when he entered the circle of Parisian Surrealist painters, that he began to turn to Surrealism. Another work from that time was a combination of Cubism and Surrealism.

This sculpture does look like a brick, so inconspicuous! But if you look closely at these lines, do they look like people’s smiling faces, very happy ones?”

“It’s true, this is indeed a smiling face. You can’t tell it without looking carefully. It does have a taste of primitive art, with simple lines and original flavor! It’s beautiful!”

Betty said in surprise that she had gradually seen the beauty of this sculpture.

“Yes! Giacometti created many similar works during this period. They are all fine works of art that combine cubism and primitive art. They are in the same style as this one.

Representative works include “Staring Head”, “Dreaming Woman Lying on Side”, “Spoon-Shaped Woman”, etc. From these works, we can see the strong original artistic style.

Let’s talk about another sculpture. Although the shape of that sculpture is similar, you can see more surrealism from it. It is also a top-notch work of art! “

Ye Tian put the sculpture in his hand at his feet and prepared to pick up another one to explain.

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Took out his mobile phone and looked at Laixian clearly. He immediately chuckled and said:

“These guys really have dog noses, they smell the smell of money so quickly!”

Then he slid open the screen lock and put the phone to his ear.


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