Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 3036: Coordinated attack

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In the blink of an eye, it was already evening.

As the sun sets in the west, the fiery red glow on the horizon dyes the entire Gondar sky red, making it extremely gorgeous and charming.

In the Noah’s Ark Church, exploration continues.

The two Beta Israel exploration team members exploring the cave have completed the cleaning of the first area.

The so-called first area is the area where the golden statue of King Saul is located. This area is closest to the church ground and is only six or seven meters deep.

After seven or eight hours of cleaning, except for a few small caves and gaps of unknown depth, almost all other places were carefully explored and cleaned.

On the surrounding cave walls, there are statues from different eras, boxes placed in different positions, and even protruding stalagmites and inverted stalactites, etc.

The dust and moss that had accumulated on these items and places, wherever they could be reached, were thoroughly wiped away.

After some wiping, the area was suddenly much cleaner. It was no longer a dull green, nor was it so slippery.

The words and patterns carved on the surrounding cave walls, on the many stalagmites, and on the statues are all clearly visible.

Although the words written or engraved on those wooden boxes are mottled, some of them can still be read.

By studying these words and patterns, Ye Tian and the others made many new discoveries.

The localized ancient Hebrew texts are currently unidentifiable and can only be left to be studied slowly in the future.

In addition, there are large amounts of gold and silver treasures in those boxes of different sizes.

As soon as the probe coil of the pulse metal detector touches those boxes, it will immediately emit bursts of sweet chirping sounds!

After completing the cleaning work, Daniel and the others were sweating profusely and exhausted.

Fortunately, they did not encounter any danger. There were no traps in this cave.

During this period, they returned to the ground several times and rested in the church to recover their strength.

After a short rest, they will enter the cave again and continue to clean up this shocking treasure.

At this time, they returned to the ground again and were sitting aside to rest.

Ye Tian and the others stood in the middle of the church, discussing the next action arrangements.

“Gentlemen, it is already evening, and it is getting dark soon. Should we explore overnight to clean up this cave and Solomon’s treasure hidden inside? Or should we stop temporarily and continue tomorrow?”

As he spoke, Ye Tian pointed outside.

Following the direction of his finger, everyone turned their heads and looked outside the church door.

The sky outside is already a little dark, and the sky is turned red by the sunset!

Everyone admired the scenery outside and then turned back.

“Steven, I suggest that we move through the night to clear out this cave deep underground as soon as possible, and transport all the Solomon’s treasures hidden inside to the surface, so as to avoid long nights and dreams!

This part of Solomon’s treasures is too important. Put them in this underground cave and let us go back to the hotel to rest. I absolutely cannot do this. In that case, I will not be able to sleep at night! ”

Joshua said in a deep voice, still excited.

The rest of the people also nodded.

Ye Tian looked at these guys, then said with a smile:

“We understand everyone’s feelings, but have you ever thought about it? Where are there so many Beta Israel exploration team members? Daniel and the others are exhausted and urgently need a rest.

In their current state, if they enter this underground cave again and perform exploration operations, problems will easily occur. We cannot accept such a result!

If no one can replace them, then we can only let them rest. After their physical and mental recovery is almost complete, let them enter the cave to continue cleaning up! ”

Everyone was stunned and turned to look at Daniel and the others sitting aside.

The two guys stood up immediately, wanting to say that they could still hold on, but Ye Tian reached out to stop them.

After a moment of pause, Joshua said:

“Daniel and the others are very tired, but we still have many Beta Israelis, those guys from the 13th Commando Team, who are qualified to enter this cave to clean up this part of Solomon’s treasure hidden in the cave!”

Ye Tian shook his head and rejected the proposal.

“It is true that the guys in the 13th Commando are Beta Israelis, but they are soldiers, not joint exploration members, and have no exploration or archaeological experience.

It’s okay to let those guys wield swords and sticks, but let them clean up those priceless antiques and works of art in this cave. I’m afraid it won’t work. That will only do bad things!

What’s more, they have a more important task, which is to protect this Noah’s Ark church and this part of Solomon’s treasure. This is their job! ”

Hearing this, Joshua couldn’t help but fell silent.

The rest of the people nodded and had no objections.

After a pause, Ye Tian continued:

“Under the current situation, we can only choose to suspend the exploration and cleaning operations, let Daniel and the others rest, and wait until their physical strength and spirit have recovered before entering the cave to clean up.

Due to the need for confidentiality, it is best for everyone to spend tonight in the Noah’s Ark Church. You can even take a shower here. I will have people bring all kinds of supplies and sleeping bags in! ”

“Okay, Steven, it seems this is the only way to go!”

Joshua nodded in response.

“Then let’s make this decision. Everyone will rest where they are and wait until they are almost recovered before launching further exploration operations”

Ye Tian continued.

Everyone nodded and accepted this arrangement.

Mustafa originally wanted to say something, but after looking at the situation here, he chose to remain silent.

He knew that if he left this church, he would immediately become a target of attention.

Once the news that the three-party joint exploration team discovered part of Solomon’s treasure is leaked, all suspicion will be pointed at themselves, and there is no way to defend it!

Everyone outside the church and all forces will come to find him, trying to get information from him.

If you are not careful or cannot withstand the pressure, you may leak the secret and become the target of Israeli revenge!

As Ye Tian announced that he would rest on the spot, everyone immediately relaxed.

Because the air in the cave deep underground has been completely replaced and it has been open for nearly a day, there is no longer any threat.

In view of this, everyone took off their protective equipment.

The moment they took off their protective equipment, everyone felt relaxed, as if they felt much lighter.

Immediately afterwards, the feeling of exhaustion suddenly came over me.

Everyone who had been in a state of high excitement until now felt that they were exhausted both physically and mentally and could hardly hold on any longer!

The next moment, the scene could be heard shouting and screaming.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian couldn’t help but chuckle.

He also took off his protective equipment, and then said to Joshua and Mustafa:

“Gentlemen, let’s go to the church door to take a look at the scenery, enjoy the evening breeze and relax, as long as everyone doesn’t go down the steps of the church door”

Everyone wants this proposal.

After staying in this small Noah’s Ark church for a long time and with the large number of people, everyone was a little depressed, so it was great to go out and relax.

“Okay, Steven, let’s go see the scenery outside!”

Mustafa nodded in response, and the others also nodded.

Then everyone walked out of the church and came to the corridor at the door of the church.

Seeing them coming out, the eager joint exploration team members outside, as well as many archaeologists, historians, paleographers, and representatives from various parties, immediately became restless.

“Oh my God! You are finally out, Steven. It has been almost a day. Can you tell everyone what secrets and treasures are hidden deep underground in Noah’s Ark Church?”

“Joshua, everyone is speculating that you discovered the legendary Solomon’s treasure in Noah’s Ark Church. Is this true? What is in this treasure?”

After hearing these questions, everyone who had just walked out of Noah’s Ark Church laughed.

But Joshua and the others remained silent and did not give any response. Instead, they turned to look at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian glanced at everyone present, then said with a smile:

“Time flies so fast, and one day has passed in the blink of an eye. I’m very sorry to have kept you in the dark for so long. It seems that everyone can’t wait. Let me briefly introduce the situation.

Deep under the ground of this Noah’s Ark church, we did find an unknown treasure. The value of this treasure is quite astonishing, enough to make people crazy.

As for what is in the treasure, it needs to be kept secret for the time being, but everyone will know the answer soon. Because it was found here, we call it the Noah’s Ark treasure! ”

He answered a few questions in an evasive manner, never mentioning Solomon’s treasures and the Ark of the Covenant, a topic that touched everyone’s nerves.

Even so, these words still made everyone at the scene very excited and exclaimed.

“Wow! Noah’s Ark Treasure, this name is so amazing!”

“Who would have thought that the Facilidas Castle Group would be such a treasure, hiding so many shocking secrets. If the Ethiopians had known that this would be the result, they would never have allowed the three-party joint exploration team to enter here! ”

While there was a lot of discussion, some people also suggested that they hope to enter Noah’s Ark Church and see what’s going on inside, and what’s going on in the underground cave.

Especially those archaeologists, historians, paleographers, and representatives from all parties are extremely eager to witness and participate in this miracle.

Ye Tian told them very clearly that the cleaning and exploration of this treasure has not yet been completed.

No one is allowed to enter the Noah’s Ark church or the underground cave where the treasure is hidden until the exploration is completed.

People currently in Noah’s Ark Church are not allowed to leave the church to avoid leaking the news.

After hearing what he said, everyone at the scene was stunned and couldn’t believe it.

At the same time, everyone is also sure that there must be a shocking secret hidden in the cave deep underground in Noah’s Ark Church, or that the discovery of this treasure must be earth-shattering!

Without exception, everyone immediately thought of the legendary Solomon’s Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant!

However, since Ye Tian who discovered the treasure never mentioned it, the others could only choose to remain silent. Everyone was in perfect agreement.

Seeing Ye Tian’s resolute attitude, no one at the scene mentioned the matter of entering Noah’s Ark Church to visit!

Next, everyone laughed and chatted while admiring the scenery.

It’s just that Ye Tian and the others stood on the circular corridor at the door of the church, while the others stood on the grass in front of the church and around the church, with a few meters between them.

After a while, the sun finally set from the horizon!

The gorgeous sunset gradually disappeared, and twilight crept up little by little.

At the same time, all the lights around Noah’s Ark Church lit up, illuminating the place as if it were daytime.

Ye Tian glanced at the surrounding situation and prepared to return to the church.

At this moment, Matisse walked over quickly with a serious expression.

As he came closer, he lowered his voice and said:

“Steven, something is wrong. We are in trouble, and the trouble is not small. A large number of armed men are approaching the Fasilidas Castle Group from all directions.

Among these guys, there are a large number of Somali pirates, TPLF militants, guys from Sudan and Eritrea, and other people from all walks of life.

These guys have united together and are preparing to attack the Facilidas Castle complex to rob this treasure. The Ethiopian military and police outside may not be able to deal with these guys.”

Hearing this, Joshua and the others were stunned.

Without exception, a look of panic flashed across their faces, full of worry.

Ye Tian sneered a few times and said disdainfully:

“They are just dreaming if they want to loot this treasure from me. Inform all the guys and prepare to fight. Once everyone is attacked, they can launch a counterattack and defend themselves!

Also inform Heman and the others that both sides must cooperate and cover. I have only one request. Those guys outside must not be allowed to approach Noah’s Ark Church, not even a single person!

Let the other guys hiding in Gondar and those staying in the hotel prepare everyone for battle. There is no doubt that tonight will be very lively,”

“Okay, Steven, leave these things to us, no one can get close to Noah’s Ark Church”

Matisse nodded in agreement and immediately took action to make various arrangements.

At this time, the rest of the people also woke up.

The next moment, Joshua whispered:

“Steven, I need to talk to Seaman, I need to talk to the Israeli Embassy, ​​and I need to call Jerusalem to inform them of the latest situation. There is no room for error in Noah’s Ark Church!”

Before he finished speaking, Mustafa continued:

“Me too, Steven, I need to talk to Mr. President, I need to talk to the head of the military and police, I hope you can restore the communication signal in the church!”

Ye Tian looked at the two people, thought for a moment, then nodded and said:

“No problem, I can restore the communication signal of Noah’s Ark Church, but my people will monitor every call made from here. I hope you can understand!”

“Okay, Steven, we’ll keep it strictly confidential!”

Joshua nodded and said, Mustafa and several others also nodded.

Subsequently, Ye Tian notified Mattis through a wireless invisible headset to lift the communication signal blocking of Noah’s Ark Church.

As soon as the signal was restored, Joshua started talking to Seaman, his tone was extremely solemn.

“Seaman, you should be aware of the situation outside the castle complex. The situation is very serious. I ask you to be on guard and never let anyone attack the Noah’s Ark Church.

Let’s put it this way, if those armed men burst into Noah’s Ark Church and looted it, then each of us would become a sinner of the nation and die without redemption!

I think I have made it very clear, even if it costs our lives, we must defend this place. If you die, I will fight until the last one dies! ”

Heaman on the other end of the intercom was silent, leaving only the sound of heavy breathing.

Anyone who is not an idiot can hear the meaning of these words and guess how important this treasure hidden deep underground in the Noah’s Ark Church is to Israel!

After a moment of silence, Heman said decisively:

“Understand, Joshua, anyone who wants to storm into Noah’s Ark Church and loot it, there is only one way, and that is to step over our bodies!”

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn’t help but turn his head and look at Joshua, a little surprised.

The same goes for Mustafa and the others. Everyone’s eyes and expressions are extremely solemn.

In the blink of an eye, a series of phone calls were made from here.

With these calls, a huge storm has begun.

After completing the arrangements, Ye Tian walked into the church.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

“Bang bang bang”

A burst of fierce gunfire suddenly came from outside the castle complex, and it clearly reached everyone’s ears.

A **** and cruel fight began.


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