Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 3015: Warm hospitality

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

As soon as the tripartite joint exploration team entered Ethiopia, they received warm hospitality from the Ethiopians and felt the overwhelming malice.

Less than ten minutes after the convoy left the border, it had already entered a border town.

As soon as they entered this town, the joint exploration convoy encountered a shower of stones.

More than a dozen fist-sized stones suddenly flew out from the roofs of the buildings on both sides of the street and fell into the sky, hitting the tops and sides of many vehicles in the joint exploration convoy like raindrops.

“Bang bang bang”

A series of loud noises suddenly sounded on the street.

This sudden rain of stones startled everyone in the three-party joint exploration team.

Fortunately, everyone is riding in Israeli military vehicles, which are equipped with protective armor and have excellent protection capabilities.

The rain of stones from the sky did not cause any harm, and no one was injured.

Not only rocks, but even one or two grenades pose no great threat to this joint exploration convoy.

Only RPG rockets can truly threaten everyone’s safety.

The tripartite joint exploration convoy stopped, and many security personnel increased their vigilance, keeping a close eye on the buildings next to the street, as well as the many people watching the excitement!

The Ethiopian military police responsible for protecting the joint exploration convoy responded quickly!

They immediately took action, jumped off the military vehicles one after another, and rushed directly into the buildings on both sides of the street.

At the same time, Ye Tian and the others saw through the car window.

On the roofs of the buildings on the street, some young people appeared. They were running quickly on the roofs, trying to escape the arrest of the Ethiopian police.

The people gathered on both sides of the street stared closely at the joint exploration convoy.

You can see that almost everyone’s eyes are filled with anger and even hatred.

Some of them were even shouting and swearing, making insulting gestures, such as the raised **** that is universally used in the world, to provoke the joint exploration convoy.

If it were not for the protection of a large number of Ethiopian military police and if each vehicle in the convoy was not extremely strong, these angry Ethiopians might have rushed up and besieged the convoy!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the tripartite joint exploration team had very solemn expressions.

Everyone is very worried about the upcoming exploration operation.

If Ethiopians all have this attitude, can the joint exploration operation be carried out smoothly? It is estimated to be quite difficult.

David, who was sitting in the car, was amazed at the situation outside.

“Steven, I completely believe what you said before. Ethiopians may be the people in the world who least welcome the tripartite joint exploration team, and they are also the people who least want us to find the Ark of the Covenant.

Look at the Ethiopians on both sides of the street. Everyone has anger and hatred in their eyes. If we weren’t sitting in the car and protected by a large number of security personnel, we would have been besieged.”

Ye Tian looked at the situation on the street outside, then nodded and said:

“This situation is all expected. As early as when the tripartite joint exploration team left Tel Aviv, I thought that if we enter Ethiopia, we are likely to encounter this situation.

If we could find Solomon’s Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant in the previous countries, we would not have to come to Ethiopia. Unfortunately, we have never found Solomon’s Treasure.

This is northern Ethiopia, very close to several famous religious holy sites in Ethiopia. People living here believe that the Ark of the Covenant is in the Church of St. Mary.

That’s why they behave like this! Relatively speaking, the situation in other parts of Ethiopia should be better, but it is a pity that the tripartite joint exploration team will not go to those places.”

While they were chatting, the Ethiopian military police who had just rushed into the buildings on both sides of the street had come out one after another.

They didn’t catch anyone, and everyone was talking and laughing, not taking the attack that just happened seriously.

Seeing this scene, everyone still didn’t understand that they were being tricked by the Ethiopians!

Ye Tian could only smile and shake his head, quite helpless.

As soon as the Ethiopian military and police officers boarded their respective vehicles, the joint exploration convoy started again and continued to move forward.

While traveling, the convoy continued to be attacked.

Fortunately, only stones and bricks attacked the convoy, which did not cause any harm to the convoy and no one was injured.

As for the crazy curses from people on both sides of the street, it was even more frequent, and there were countless middle fingers raised high.

For these, Ye Tian could only choose to turn a blind eye.

However, he did not forget to remind Mattis and others to be vigilant.

“Mattis, it can be seen from what just happened that the Ethiopian military and police cannot be trusted at all. They cannot be relied on to protect the tripartite joint exploration team. You have to rely on yourself for this matter.

Let the guys be alert and be ready to fight at any time, and don’t forget to remind the Israelis and those guys who entered Ethiopia early”

As soon as he finished speaking, Matisse’s voice came over the intercom.

“Copy that, Steven, we’ll be ready!”

As he spoke, the joint exploration convoy had already left this border town and headed along the road towards the hinterland of Ethiopia.

As the convoy drove into the wilderness, the attacks and malicious looks from the surroundings disappeared.

Until now, everyone was able to appreciate the natural scenery outside the car window and get a closer look at this country located on the roof of Africa.

Ethiopia, located in northeastern Africa, is an ancient country with a history of more than 3,000 years.

Of all African countries, only Ethiopia and Egypt can trace their history back to ancient times.

However, while Egypt became increasingly isolated from its ancient culture due to successive conquests, Ethiopia retained its uniqueness well into the twentieth century.

As can be seen in some discovered ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, civilization existed on the Ethiopian plateau as early as the second millennium BC.

The pharaohs of ancient Egypt sent fleets and camel teams to buy precious items such as spices and medicines.

Even some pharaohs believed that ancient Egypt had received divinity from Ethiopia, which Egypt called Punt, or the land of God.

The ancient Greeks believed that Ethiopia was the first place where wheat and olive trees were cultivated.

Some of these Ethiopian legends have been proven to be true.

After ancient times, Ethiopia has experienced the rule of many different dynasties and a short history of colonization, but it has always maintained its own unique civilization until modern times.

The Ethiopian plateau has fertile soil, a mild climate, and is bordered to the east by the ocean with frequent ship traffic. It can be used as a fortress to defend against hostile people in the surrounding desert areas.

Thus it is relatively safe, and Ethiopia can completely preserve the unique culture left by two equally talented peoples who met and slowly integrated in ancient times.

These two peoples are the Kushites, who may be natives, and the Semites, who may have migrated from the Arabian Peninsula.

The Israelites happen to be a branch of the Semites. They moved from Jerusalem and have lived here for more than two thousand years, forming the Beta Israelites!

And this is the reason why the three-party joint exploration team came here.

Ethiopia is located on a plateau, with an average altitude of between 2,500 and 3,000 meters.

There are also many volcanic peaks with an altitude of more than 4,000 meters standing on the plateau, which look very majestic!

Many famous rivers in Africa originate here, such as the Blue Nile, Atbara River, Juba River and so on.

These rapid rivers are like scalpels, cutting the area they flow into into table-like mesas with flat tops and steep edges.

In the middle of the Ethiopian Plateau, there is a huge rift valley 40 to 60 kilometers wide. It is the northern section of the east branch of the famous East African Rift Valley. There are many lake basins at the bottom of the rift valley.

Although the Ethiopian Plateau is close to the equator, due to its high altitude, the climate here is not too hot and is quite pleasant.

The dry and wet seasons here are obvious, with the rainy season from June to September and the dry season from October to May.

When the tripartite joint exploration team entered Ethiopia, it happened to be the end of the rainy season. In addition, it is located in the northern part of the plateau and has relatively little rainfall, so it is a good time.

If you don’t consider or selectively ignore the attitude of the Ethiopians towards the tripartite joint exploration team, this can be regarded as a good exploration trip.

At least in terms of scenery!

After entering Ethiopia, everyone suddenly saw a lot of green in their vision.

Although there is a desert here, it is no longer as barren as the Sahara Desert and the Arabian Desert that you have passed before. At least you can feel the breath of life!

As the motorcade gradually goes deeper into Ethiopia, there are more and more greens on both sides of the road, and the scenery becomes more and more beautiful!


The United Exploration Team has been climbing uphill, and the road conditions are quite bad, so naturally it cannot go any faster.

After driving forward for about ten kilometers, the team entered the next town.

Similar to the previous treatment, the joint exploration team once again encountered warm hospitality from the Ethiopians.

However, what was used to entertain the joint exploration team was not food and wine, but stones and bricks, a series of curses, and countless raised middle fingers.

Not only that, the Ethiopians also threw several broken ox carts into the middle of the road, completely blocking this narrow road.

The joint exploration convoy had to stop and wait for the Ethiopian military and police to move the cattle carts blocking the road before it could pass!

But the Ethiopian military and police were passive and slow in their work. Only a few people were sent to work, while the others stood aside and watched the fun, laughing and joking.

The Ethiopian military police who were working were also working hard, and it took them more than ten minutes to move the dilapidated bullock carts away.

During this period, the joint exploration convoy was attacked by countless stones and bricks, smashing the Israeli military vehicles in the convoy with a ping-pong sound!

That is to say, the protective capabilities of these Israeli military vehicles are very good, so there was no loss and no one was injured.

As for the curses and various insulting gestures, they continued one after another and never stopped!

Seeing this situation, everyone in the joint exploration convoy felt as if they were in the Gaza Strip.

In the past, everyone had only seen this kind of scene on TV, that is, when the Israeli army entered the Palestinian-controlled areas, they would encounter this kind of stone rain from the Palestinians.

However, this is not the Gaza Strip, but Ethiopia.

In the Gaza Strip, the Israelis have an overwhelming advantage and can quickly dispatch a large number of heavily armed military and police to suppress and control the situation as much as possible.

If the situation deteriorates and is on the verge of getting out of control, the Israeli military and police will not hesitate to use force to quickly reverse the situation and regain control of the situation.

But in Ethiopia, without suffering a fatal attack, everyone, including many Israeli military police, could only endure!

The Ethiopian military police responsible for protecting the tripartite joint exploration team took money and did nothing.

Most of the time, they are just watching the fun, looking like they are gloating!

At this time, they were just controlling the people on both sides of the street, preventing people from attacking the tripartite joint exploration convoy.

They turned a blind eye to the stones and bricks flying from all directions, as well as the continuous insults and insulting gestures.

The Ethiopian officials and several religious figures who followed the joint exploration convoy also turned a blind eye to this situation and did not make any intervention.

More importantly, they did not encounter any attacks at all, and the journey was uneventful.

It can be seen that the Ethiopians gathered on both sides of the street have a very clear target of attack.

That is the tripartite joint exploration convoy, the Israeli military vehicles that everyone is riding in, and their targets are also very conspicuous.

Seeing this situation on the street outside, everyone’s faces became more and more ugly, and a trace of anger gradually appeared in their eyes.

Ye Tian’s face was even more gloomy, but he kept enduring.

It wasn’t until the three-party joint exploration convoy passed through the town and drove into the wilderness again that he dialed Joshua’s phone number and said in a deep voice:

“Joshua, you must do something, such as putting pressure on the Ethiopian government to change this situation. This situation must not happen one after another.

If this situation is allowed to continue, it will soon become out of control! Seeing that no one is restraining them, Ethiopians’ behavior will become more and more excessive and unscrupulous.

If things continue to develop, the Ethiopians will try to attack the tripartite joint exploration convoy and even loot our convoy. By then, this joint exploration operation will have to be terminated.

In the conflict between Israel and Paris, you should have encountered this situation countless times, and you should know that you must not let it go, otherwise the situation will soon become out of control.

One more thing, everyone’s patience is limited, and no one can endure endless abuse and humiliation. We are here to explore Solomon’s treasures, not to accept abuse and humiliation.

If this situation does not change, for the sake of my own safety and the safety of my employees, I may have to consider terminating this exploration operation and withdrawing from Ethiopia with my men! ”

There was silence on the other end of the phone. Joshua did not respond immediately, but fell into thinking.

After a while, he said:

“Steven, we did not expect that the Ethiopians would react so violently. Judging from their actions, it is very likely that someone is planning and promoting these things behind the scenes in an attempt to prevent this joint exploration operation.

Who are the people secretly promoting these things? In fact, it is not difficult to guess! We will put pressure on the Ethiopian government and military to try to change this situation, but this will take time, so I hope you can have some patience!

After all, this is not Israel, and we cannot use many methods! I hope everyone can understand that the tripartite joint exploration operation has reached this point. It would be a pity if it was interrupted at this time! ”

“Okay! Joshua, we will try our best to endure it, but only for today! If it continues like this tomorrow, no matter where we go, everyone will still be endlessly attacked, abused and humiliated.

In that case, I will have to suspend this joint exploration operation. Until you communicate with the Ethiopian government and truly change this situation, the exploration operation will continue! ”

Ye Tian said in a deep voice, still leaving a little room.

Then they chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

Subsequently, Joshua and Bishop Kent united to protest and put pressure on the Ethiopian government.

The Israeli government, the Israeli Embassy in Ethiopia, and the Vatican have also come forward to strongly urge the Ethiopian government to change the situation faced by the tripartite joint exploration team.

The joint exploration convoy was still speeding on the road, and the sky was getting dark.

Driving forward for about ten kilometers, as darkness fell, the joint exploration convoy entered a relatively large Ethiopian town.

Like the previous two towns, the Ethiopians living in this town have received the news and poured into the streets, preparing to entertain the tripartite joint exploration convoy.

At the same time, a security guard who arrived at the front station in advance was informing Ye Tian of the situation here.

“Steven, the news that the three-party joint exploration team will spend the night in this town has been leaked by the hotel, and now everyone in the town knows it.

The streets have become chaotic, especially the street where the hotel is located. Almost everyone has come here. Fortunately, there are no militants here.

The scene will definitely be unpleasant. Everyone must be mentally prepared. After checking into the hotel, be careful of some dirty tricks played by Ethiopians! ”

Hearing the report, Ye Tian’s face suddenly became more gloomy.

After pondering for a moment, he said:

“I have expected this situation. Everyone only needs to endure it for one more night to see how effective the communication between the Israelis and the Ethiopian government is. If it continues like this tomorrow, then there is no need to endure it!

How are the drinking water and food prepared by you? To avoid being plotted, tonight everyone can only eat the food they brought, drink the drinking water they brought, and use sleeping bags to rest.”

“No problem, Steven. We have prepared a large amount of food and drinking water, which is enough for the three-party joint exploration team to consume for three or four days. The supplies are sufficient!”

The security guard replied.

While talking, the joint exploration convoy has entered the street where the hotel is located.


Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 3015: Warm hospitality

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

As soon as the tripartite joint exploration team entered Ethiopia, they received warm hospitality from the Ethiopians and felt the overwhelming malice.

Less than ten minutes after the convoy left the border, it had already entered a border town.

As soon as they entered this town, the joint exploration convoy encountered a shower of stones.

More than a dozen fist-sized stones suddenly flew out from the roofs of the buildings on both sides of the street and fell into the sky, hitting the tops and sides of many vehicles in the joint exploration convoy like raindrops.

“Bang bang bang”

A series of loud noises suddenly sounded on the street.

This sudden rain of stones startled everyone in the three-party joint exploration team.

Fortunately, everyone is riding in Israeli military vehicles, which are equipped with protective armor and have excellent protection capabilities.

The rain of stones from the sky did not cause any harm, and no one was injured.

Not only rocks, but even one or two grenades pose no great threat to this joint exploration convoy.

Only RPG rockets can truly threaten everyone’s safety.

The tripartite joint exploration convoy stopped, and many security personnel increased their vigilance, keeping a close eye on the buildings next to the street, as well as the many people watching the excitement!

The Ethiopian military police responsible for protecting the joint exploration convoy responded quickly!

They immediately took action, jumped off the military vehicles one after another, and rushed directly into the buildings on both sides of the street.

At the same time, Ye Tian and the others saw through the car window.

On the roofs of the buildings on the street, some young people appeared. They were running quickly on the roofs, trying to escape the arrest of the Ethiopian police.

The people gathered on both sides of the street stared closely at the joint exploration convoy.

You can see that almost everyone’s eyes are filled with anger and even hatred.

Some of them were even shouting and swearing, making insulting gestures, such as the raised **** that is universally used in the world, to provoke the joint exploration convoy.

If it were not for the protection of a large number of Ethiopian military police and if each vehicle in the convoy was not extremely strong, these angry Ethiopians might have rushed up and besieged the convoy!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the tripartite joint exploration team had very solemn expressions.

Everyone is very worried about the upcoming exploration operation.

If Ethiopians all have this attitude, can the joint exploration operation be carried out smoothly? It is estimated to be quite difficult.

David, who was sitting in the car, was amazed at the situation outside.

“Steven, I completely believe what you said before. Ethiopians may be the people in the world who least welcome the tripartite joint exploration team, and they are also the people who least want us to find the Ark of the Covenant.

Look at the Ethiopians on both sides of the street. Everyone has anger and hatred in their eyes. If we weren’t sitting in the car and protected by a large number of security personnel, we would have been besieged.”

Ye Tian looked at the situation on the street outside, then nodded and said:

“This situation is all expected. As early as when the tripartite joint exploration team left Tel Aviv, I thought that if we enter Ethiopia, we are likely to encounter this situation.

If we could find Solomon’s Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant in the previous countries, we would not have to come to Ethiopia. Unfortunately, we have never found Solomon’s Treasure.

This is northern Ethiopia, very close to several famous religious holy sites in Ethiopia. People living here believe that the Ark of the Covenant is in the Church of St. Mary.

That’s why they behave like this! Relatively speaking, the situation in other parts of Ethiopia should be better, but it is a pity that the tripartite joint exploration team will not go to those places.”

While they were chatting, the Ethiopian military police who had just rushed into the buildings on both sides of the street had come out one after another.

They didn’t catch anyone, and everyone was talking and laughing, not taking the attack that just happened seriously.

Seeing this scene, everyone still didn’t understand that they were being tricked by the Ethiopians!

Ye Tian could only smile and shake his head, quite helpless.

As soon as the Ethiopian military and police officers boarded their respective vehicles, the joint exploration convoy started again and continued to move forward.

While traveling, the convoy continued to be attacked.

Fortunately, only stones and bricks attacked the convoy, which did not cause any harm to the convoy and no one was injured.

As for the crazy curses from people on both sides of the street, it was even more frequent, and there were countless middle fingers raised high.

For these, Ye Tian could only choose to turn a blind eye.

However, he did not forget to remind Mattis and others to be vigilant.

“Mattis, it can be seen from what just happened that the Ethiopian military and police cannot be trusted at all. They cannot be relied on to protect the tripartite joint exploration team. You have to rely on yourself for this matter.

Let the guys be alert and be ready to fight at any time, and don’t forget to remind the Israelis and those guys who entered Ethiopia early”

As soon as he finished speaking, Matisse’s voice came over the intercom.

“Copy that, Steven, we’ll be ready!”

As he spoke, the joint exploration convoy had already left this border town and headed along the road towards the hinterland of Ethiopia.

As the convoy drove into the wilderness, the attacks and malicious looks from the surroundings disappeared.

Until now, everyone was able to appreciate the natural scenery outside the car window and get a closer look at this country located on the roof of Africa.

Ethiopia, located in northeastern Africa, is an ancient country with a history of more than 3,000 years.

Of all African countries, only Ethiopia and Egypt can trace their history back to ancient times.

However, while Egypt became increasingly isolated from its ancient culture due to successive conquests, Ethiopia retained its uniqueness well into the twentieth century.

As can be seen in some discovered ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, civilization existed on the Ethiopian plateau as early as the second millennium BC.

The pharaohs of ancient Egypt sent fleets and camel teams to buy precious items such as spices and medicines.

Even some pharaohs believed that ancient Egypt had received divinity from Ethiopia, which Egypt called Punt, or the land of God.

The ancient Greeks believed that Ethiopia was the first place where wheat and olive trees were cultivated.

Some of these Ethiopian legends have been proven to be true.

After ancient times, Ethiopia has experienced the rule of many different dynasties and a short history of colonization, but it has always maintained its own unique civilization until modern times.

The Ethiopian plateau has fertile soil, a mild climate, and is bordered to the east by the ocean with frequent ship traffic. It can be used as a fortress to defend against hostile people in the surrounding desert areas.

Thus it is relatively safe, and Ethiopia can completely preserve the unique culture left by two equally talented peoples who met and slowly integrated in ancient times.

These two peoples are the Kushites, who may be natives, and the Semites, who may have migrated from the Arabian Peninsula.

The Israelites happen to be a branch of the Semites. They moved from Jerusalem and have lived here for more than two thousand years, forming the Beta Israelites!

And this is the reason why the three-party joint exploration team came here.

Ethiopia is located on a plateau, with an average altitude of between 2,500 and 3,000 meters.

There are also many volcanic peaks with an altitude of more than 4,000 meters standing on the plateau, which look very majestic!

Many famous rivers in Africa originate here, such as the Blue Nile, Atbara River, Juba River and so on.

These rapid rivers are like scalpels, cutting the area they flow into into table-like mesas with flat tops and steep edges.

In the middle of the Ethiopian Plateau, there is a huge rift valley 40 to 60 kilometers wide. It is the northern section of the east branch of the famous East African Rift Valley. There are many lake basins at the bottom of the rift valley.

Although the Ethiopian Plateau is close to the equator, due to its high altitude, the climate here is not too hot and is quite pleasant.

The dry and wet seasons here are obvious, with the rainy season from June to September and the dry season from October to May.

When the tripartite joint exploration team entered Ethiopia, it happened to be the end of the rainy season. In addition, it is located in the northern part of the plateau and has relatively little rainfall, so it is a good time.

If you don’t consider or selectively ignore the attitude of the Ethiopians towards the tripartite joint exploration team, this can be regarded as a good exploration trip.

At least in terms of scenery!

After entering Ethiopia, everyone suddenly saw a lot of green in their vision.

Although there is a desert here, it is no longer as barren as the Sahara Desert and the Arabian Desert that you have passed before. At least you can feel the breath of life!

As the motorcade gradually goes deeper into Ethiopia, there are more and more greens on both sides of the road, and the scenery becomes more and more beautiful!


The United Exploration Team has been climbing uphill, and the road conditions are quite bad, so naturally it cannot go any faster.

After driving forward for about ten kilometers, the team entered the next town.

Similar to the previous treatment, the joint exploration team once again encountered warm hospitality from the Ethiopians.

However, what was used to entertain the joint exploration team was not food and wine, but stones and bricks, a series of curses, and countless raised middle fingers.

Not only that, the Ethiopians also threw several broken ox carts into the middle of the road, completely blocking this narrow road.

The joint exploration convoy had to stop and wait for the Ethiopian military and police to move the cattle carts blocking the road before it could pass!

But the Ethiopian military and police were passive and slow in their work. Only a few people were sent to work, while the others stood aside and watched the fun, laughing and joking.

The Ethiopian military police who were working were also working hard, and it took them more than ten minutes to move the dilapidated bullock carts away.

During this period, the joint exploration convoy was attacked by countless stones and bricks, smashing the Israeli military vehicles in the convoy with a ping-pong sound!

That is to say, the protective capabilities of these Israeli military vehicles are very good, so there was no loss and no one was injured.

As for the curses and various insulting gestures, they continued one after another and never stopped!

Seeing this situation, everyone in the joint exploration convoy felt as if they were in the Gaza Strip.

In the past, everyone had only seen this kind of scene on TV, that is, when the Israeli army entered the Palestinian-controlled areas, they would encounter this kind of stone rain from the Palestinians.

However, this is not the Gaza Strip, but Ethiopia.

In the Gaza Strip, the Israelis have an overwhelming advantage and can quickly dispatch a large number of heavily armed military and police to suppress and control the situation as much as possible.

If the situation deteriorates and is on the verge of getting out of control, the Israeli military and police will not hesitate to use force to quickly reverse the situation and regain control of the situation.

But in Ethiopia, without suffering a fatal attack, everyone, including many Israeli military police, could only endure!

The Ethiopian military police responsible for protecting the tripartite joint exploration team took money and did nothing.

Most of the time, they are just watching the fun, looking like they are gloating!

At this time, they were just controlling the people on both sides of the street, preventing people from attacking the tripartite joint exploration convoy.

They turned a blind eye to the stones and bricks flying from all directions, as well as the continuous insults and insulting gestures.

The Ethiopian officials and several religious figures who followed the joint exploration convoy also turned a blind eye to this situation and did not make any intervention.

More importantly, they did not encounter any attacks at all, and the journey was uneventful.

It can be seen that the Ethiopians gathered on both sides of the street have a very clear target of attack.

That is the tripartite joint exploration convoy, the Israeli military vehicles that everyone is riding in, and their targets are also very conspicuous.

Seeing this situation on the street outside, everyone’s faces became more and more ugly, and a trace of anger gradually appeared in their eyes.

Ye Tian’s face was even more gloomy, but he kept enduring.

It wasn’t until the three-party joint exploration convoy passed through the town and drove into the wilderness again that he dialed Joshua’s phone number and said in a deep voice:

“Joshua, you must do something, such as putting pressure on the Ethiopian government to change this situation. This situation must not happen one after another.

If this situation is allowed to continue, it will soon become out of control! Seeing that no one is restraining them, Ethiopians’ behavior will become more and more excessive and unscrupulous.

If things continue to develop, the Ethiopians will try to attack the tripartite joint exploration convoy and even loot our convoy. By then, this joint exploration operation will have to be terminated.

In the conflict between Israel and Paris, you should have encountered this situation countless times, and you should know that you must not let it go, otherwise the situation will soon become out of control.

One more thing, everyone’s patience is limited, and no one can endure endless abuse and humiliation. We are here to explore Solomon’s treasures, not to accept abuse and humiliation.

If this situation does not change, for the sake of my own safety and the safety of my employees, I may have to consider terminating this exploration operation and withdrawing from Ethiopia with my men! ”

There was silence on the other end of the phone. Joshua did not respond immediately, but fell into thinking.

After a while, he said:

“Steven, we did not expect that the Ethiopians would react so violently. Judging from their actions, it is very likely that someone is planning and promoting these things behind the scenes in an attempt to prevent this joint exploration operation.

Who are the people secretly promoting these things? In fact, it is not difficult to guess! We will put pressure on the Ethiopian government and military to try to change this situation, but this will take time, so I hope you can have some patience!

After all, this is not Israel, and we cannot use many methods! I hope everyone can understand that the tripartite joint exploration operation has reached this point. It would be a pity if it was interrupted at this time! ”

“Okay! Joshua, we will try our best to endure it, but only for today! If it continues like this tomorrow, no matter where we go, everyone will still be endlessly attacked, abused and humiliated.

In that case, I will have to suspend this joint exploration operation. Until you communicate with the Ethiopian government and truly change this situation, the exploration operation will continue! ”

Ye Tian said in a deep voice, still leaving a little room.

Then they chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

Subsequently, Joshua and Bishop Kent united to protest and put pressure on the Ethiopian government.

The Israeli government, the Israeli Embassy in Ethiopia, and the Vatican have also come forward to strongly urge the Ethiopian government to change the situation faced by the tripartite joint exploration team.

The joint exploration convoy was still speeding on the road, and the sky was getting dark.

Driving forward for about ten kilometers, as darkness fell, the joint exploration convoy entered a relatively large Ethiopian town.

Like the previous two towns, the Ethiopians living in this town have received the news and poured into the streets, preparing to entertain the tripartite joint exploration convoy.

At the same time, a security guard who arrived at the front station in advance was informing Ye Tian of the situation here.

“Steven, the news that the three-party joint exploration team will spend the night in this town has been leaked by the hotel, and now everyone in the town knows it.

The streets have become chaotic, especially the street where the hotel is located. Almost everyone has come here. Fortunately, there are no militants here.

The scene will definitely be unpleasant. Everyone must be mentally prepared. After checking into the hotel, be careful of some dirty tricks played by Ethiopians! ”

Hearing the report, Ye Tian’s face suddenly became more gloomy.

After pondering for a moment, he said:

“I have expected this situation. Everyone only needs to endure it for one more night to see how effective the communication between the Israelis and the Ethiopian government is. If it continues like this tomorrow, then there is no need to endure it!

How are the drinking water and food prepared by you? To avoid being plotted, tonight everyone can only eat the food they brought, drink the drinking water they brought, and use sleeping bags to rest.”

“No problem, Steven. We have prepared a large amount of food and drinking water, which is enough for the three-party joint exploration team to consume for three or four days. The supplies are sufficient!”

The security guard replied.

While talking, the joint exploration convoy has entered the street where the hotel is located.


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