Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2839: A devastated country

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On a road near Alexandria, Egypt, in a car driving towards the port, a white man in his thirties was staring at his mobile phone with eyes full of disbelief.

This guy seemed unable to believe what he just saw, or thought he was dazzled. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the phone screen again.

The content on the mobile phone screen has not changed at all, and every text is clearly legible!

The next moment, the guy cursed loudly and angrily.

“Faq! The three-party joint exploration team did not come to Egypt at all, nor was it on the two ro-ro ships departing from Haifa Port. Instead, it went to Yemen secretly, and everyone got on board that **** Steven. Dang!

Damn it, that **** Steven is so cunning! Obviously, the Solomon Treasure is likely to be in Yemen, not Africa. Their previously announced African exploration plans were all smoke and mirrors!

Turn around immediately. Let’s go to Yemen too. It may still be too late to rush there. If we go too late, we probably won’t even be able to drink a sip of soup. That is the legendary Solomon’s Treasure. You must not miss it! ”

Following this guy’s shout, several cars speeding on the road immediately applied emergency brakes and stopped on the road one after another, sending up bursts of smoke and almost causing a series of car accidents.

Immediately afterwards, these cars quickly turned around and rushed directly into the opposite lane, speeding towards the road they came from, each one at a very fast speed, as if they were rushing to reincarnate.

The same thing is happening in Egypt, the Sinai Peninsula, Israel, and many other places.

After receiving the news, many people who coveted Solomon’s treasure immediately changed their plans and came straight to Yemen, including many media reporters.

Of course, the turbulent situation in Yemen also discourages many people!

Solomon’s treasure is indeed extremely tempting, but it is not as important as life. These guys obviously understand this and lack the courage!

While the outside world was making disturbances, the three-party joint exploration convoy was speeding on the road, passing through dilapidated towns and heading straight to the ruins of the ancient city in Yemen.

Ye Tian, ​​David and others sitting in the car, as well as other members of the tripartite joint exploration team, looked at the situation outside through the car window.

The Yemen that appeared in their eyes was a devastated country, with ruins everywhere and almost no complete building in sight. The exterior walls of many buildings were riddled with bullet holes, like a hornet’s nest!

In the villages and towns on both sides of the road, pits of various sizes can be seen everywhere. Many buildings have been blown down, leaving only a broken wall standing stubbornly.

Even on the road where the joint exploration convoy was traveling, there were many craters left by bombs. They were repaired again and again afterwards, and the entire road was covered with patches!

All of this is caused by war and is the mark left by countless bombings!

The people walking on the streets of these villages and towns have numb expressions, their faces are stained, and their clothes are ragged. Everyone’s eyes are full of despair and fear, as well as hatred and pain!

When people looked at this huge convoy that was speeding towards and passing by them, a trace of desire flashed in their eyes, as well as unconcealable greed and even hatred!

If the convoy had not stopped and was protected by a large number of heavily armed Yemeni soldiers, people would have surrounded it, stopped it to pay for passage, and even looted the convoy!

You know, Yemen has the second highest gun ownership rate in the world, second only to the United States!

After years of civil war, almost every Yemeni has a gun in his hand, including half-year-old children. Roadblocks and robberies are commonplace here and happen every moment.

Since entering Yemen, along the way, we have seen countless people wandering the streets carrying guns, including women and children.

Some of the children even made shooting gestures at the joint exploration convoy. In their eyes, there was no trace of innocence at all, only hatred, cruelty, and greed!

The scenes outside the car window shocked everyone in the tripartite joint exploration convoy, making everyone fall silent and think about the reason why all this happened.

Of course, this does not include those Mossad agents and members of the 13th Israeli Commando who have been wandering on the edge of life and death all year round, as well as the security personnel under Ye Tian.

They have long been accustomed to this kind of situation. It can even be said that some of them have also participated in creating this miserable world outside, and they are just thugs who take orders from others!

“Oh my God! How could Yemen be like this? This country also has certain oil reserves, and it guards the choke points of the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Its geographical location is very important, how can it be so devastated? It’s incredible!

When I was in Honduras, I thought that Hondurans were already poor and miserable enough. When I came here, I discovered that the situation of people living in Yemen was far worse and more shocking than that of Hondurans! ”

In the bulletproof SUV, David said with emotion, with a bit of unbearable expression on his face.

The ragged people on the street outside, especially the women and children with eyes full of fear and despair, and even missing arms and legs, gave him a huge psychological impact.

Ye Tian looked at this guy, then at the street outside, and then said with a wry smile:

“Yes, Yemen does have rich oil reserves and a very good geographical location, but this happened to be one of the original sins of this country in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula, and it led to disaster!

In order to control oil and control the chokepoint connecting the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, many countries in Europe, America and the Middle East want to control this place and maintain strong influence here, and they will not hesitate to launch a war for this!

Of course, when European and American countries intervened here, they did so under the guise of human rights and democracy, such as the Arab Spring movement, but what they brought to Yemen was only endless disasters, not human rights and democracy.

Coupled with religious factors and disputes between different sects, this place has become a place of four wars, with constant turmoil. The most unlucky people in the war are the ordinary Yemenis outside! ”

Hearing this, David’s face couldn’t help but blush, and he was even a little embarrassed.

As a top Wall Street lawyer, he certainly knows about the Arab Spring movement, and he also knows that this so-called Arab Spring has nothing to do with democracy and human rights.

As Ye Tian said, the Arab Spring movement was under the guise of democracy and human rights, but in fact it was for oil in the Middle East and for geopolitical interests!

The biggest man behind the Arab Spring movement is the US government.

It is the **** capital entrenched in Wall Street that stands behind the US government, instigating the Arab Spring movement and plunging the entire Middle East into turmoil and war!

At this moment, David felt a little embarrassed and even a little guilty because he was an American and from Wall Street, even though he had gradually drawn a clear line with those **** capitals and no longer served those guys!

In the blink of an eye, the three-party joint exploration convoy passed through a dilapidated town and drove into an uninhabited desert area.

At this moment, Seaman’s voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie.

“Steven, according to reports from our people, there is a sandstorm ahead and it will blow here soon. We must stop the car, find a place to take shelter, and wait for the sandstorm to pass before setting off.

In the summer, sandstorms often break out in Yemen. Unfortunately, we caught up this time, and the intensity of this sandstorm is not low. I hope it will not cause any losses to the convoy.”

After hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

“Received, Seaman, it is up to you to direct how to deal with this sudden sandstorm. We will obey the order. After all, you live in the Middle East and have rich experience in dealing with sandstorms.

However, I would like to remind you that during this process, you must be careful with the Yemeni soldiers to prevent them from fishing in troubled waters. When the sandstorm passes, I don’t want to see a few employees suddenly missing! ”

“Okay, Steven, leave it to us”

Seaman responded and immediately took action.

Before he finished speaking, the sky in front of the motorcade suddenly turned yellow, and a sand wall dozens of meters high was rolling in from the distance!


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