Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2502: Close at your fingertips

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Under the leadership of Ye Tian, ​​many members of the three-party joint exploration team that crossed the mountain stream passed through the area filled with extremely poisonous gray poisonous mist without any danger.

Compared to the area filled with gray poisonous fog, the situation where everyone is now is much better, but everyone has a frightened expression and eyes full of fear.

Obviously, the death zone we just passed through scared everyone to death.

The many Hondurans who stayed on the other side of the mountain stream felt both fortunate and somewhat regretful at this time, with very complicated emotions.

Seeing that everyone passed through the most dangerous area safely, Ye Tian, ​​who was leading the team, couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot.

After a pause, he immediately said loudly:

“Guys, although we have safely passed through the most dangerous area of ​​​​the tropical rainforest without suffering any losses, it is worthy of celebration, but it is not the time to relax our vigilance yet.

The mountain forest we are in is still filled with deadly poisonous fog, so everyone cannot take off or take off protective equipment. Any negligence may be fatal.

Next, I will lead you to continue exploring and leave this poisonous rainforest as soon as possible. When we reach a safe zone, I will tell you when to take off your protective equipment.”

After hearing these words, everyone at the scene nodded in agreement.

In fact, everyone here wishes they could have wings and get away from this terrifying tropical rain forest as fast as possible.

After briefly introducing the situation, Ye Tian led the three-party joint exploration team to continue moving forward, walking deeper into the rain forest along the road built by the ancient Mayans hundreds of thousands of years ago.

About ten minutes later, the three-party joint exploration team, which looked like a long dragon, had reached halfway up the mountain and successfully walked out of the tropical rainforest filled with poisonous fog.

After arriving here, Ye Tianfang told everyone to take off their protective equipment and breathe freely.

Although there are many poisonous plants growing in the tropical rain forest on the mountainside, there are far fewer poisonous plants here compared to the rain forest we just passed through.

Perhaps because it is located on the mountainside, mountain winds blow from time to time, and the air circulation is much better. The highly toxic plants growing here do not form poisonous fog that accumulates together.

Although those dead poisonous plants will also produce poisonous gas, as soon as the poisonous gas is generated, it will be blown away by the mountain wind, or drift down the mountain to the rain forest below, and there is no climate here.

When everyone heard that they could take off their protective equipment and breathe freely, the scene immediately burst into cheers that echoed through the sky.

The next moment, everyone was busy disinfecting the surface of their protective equipment and then taking off these equipment. Everyone couldn’t wait and worked very quickly.

It’s no wonder. The environment in the tropical rainforest is already extremely humid and hot. You’ll sweat even while standing. Putting on such airtight protective equipment is simply a torture!

In just a few minutes, everyone had taken off their protective equipment and breathed in the fresh air greedily, as if they had just been liberated!

Next, Mattis guided everyone to carefully disinfect their protective equipment, then put it away and carried it with them.

In the subsequent exploration process, you may need to use these protective equipment. During the final evacuation, if you return along the original route, you will also need to use these equipment.

After taking off their protective equipment, Hernando and Professor Delgado walked over to Ye Tian in unison, both of them full of expectations.

As he approached, Hernando couldn’t wait to ask:

“Steven, we are safe now. If it weren’t for you, we would never have been able to safely pass through the poisonous rainforest behind. You are worthy of being the top treasure hunting company in the world.

Where should we go next? Where is the golden city of the Mayan Empire hidden? According to my estimation, this place is very close to the border. I hope the Golden City is in Honduras, otherwise we will be in trouble! ”

After hearing this, the faces of Professor Delgado, Jason and others next to them changed, and a look of worry flashed in everyone’s eyes.

As Hernando said, it is very close to the El Salvador border and not far from the Guatemala border.

If the Golden City of the Mayan Empire is really in El Salvador or Guatemala, this tripartite joint exploration operation will have to be abandoned halfway, and everyone will have to retreat along the original route.

Next, we need to contact and negotiate with the country where the Golden City is located.

It is entirely conceivable that the negotiations will be extremely difficult and may not even achieve any results.

The government of El Salvador or Guatemala are not idiots. They have given a big piece of fat to their mouths. If they are not willing to share it with others, they will not swallow it all!

The result of the negotiation was that the Intrepid Exploration Company, the Honduran government, and Columbia University all gained nothing. Their hard work was in vain and they made wedding clothes for others.

Ye Tian looked at Hernando, then glanced at everyone present, then said with a confident smile:

“Don’t worry, Hernando, I am now basically certain that the legendary Golden City of the Mayan Empire is in Honduras, not El Salvador or Guatemala.

Next, everyone just follow me and continue to explore along this road built by the ancient Mayans. I estimate that it won’t be long before we can find the Golden City.”

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present immediately turned gloomy, everyone’s eyes lit up, and everyone was extremely excited.

“That would be great, Steven, I hope we can find the treasure of the Golden City as soon as possible, so as to avoid long nights and dreams”

Hernando continued, looking relieved.

After taking a short rest and waiting for everyone to calm down and pack their equipment, Ye Tian took the tripartite joint exploration team and set off again, continuing to explore along the mountain.

About ten minutes later, a steep cliff about fifty meters high suddenly appeared in front of everyone, blocking the path of the three-party joint exploration team.

At this point, everyone had to stop and looked up one by one at the cliff not far ahead.

This cliff is blocked by a towering tree about 50 to 60 meters high, and the cliff is covered with various flowers, trees, vines, etc. The vegetation is very dense and you can’t see it if you don’t pay attention. arrive.

We also passed through the towering trees before we saw this cliff, which appeared very unexpectedly.

The route that Ye Tian and the others marked during their previous exploration happened to reach the bottom of this cliff, and then came to an abrupt end.

Seeing this scene, everyone else in the three-party joint exploration team couldn’t help but feel very surprised.

“Steven, the road you marked seems to have come to an end. Which direction should we go next?”

Professor Delgado came up and asked, with some doubts in his eyes.

Ye Tian turned to look at this old friend, Hernando and others, and then said with a smile:

“The road we marked has indeed ended, but the road built by the ancient Mayans hundreds of thousands of years ago has not. I have a hunch that the legendary golden city of the Mayan Empire may be close at hand. ! ”

As he said these words, the scene immediately became excited.

“The Golden City of the Mayan Empire is so close? Where is it? Why didn’t we see it? All we can see is the dense tropical rain forest and this steep cliff!”

“Steven, the route you marked leads directly to the cliff ahead. Could it be said that the Golden City of the Mayan Empire is on this steep cliff?”

Excited exclamations sounded at the scene. While everyone was exclaiming, their eyes widened and they began to look around, trying to find traces of the existence of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

Looking at everyone’s performance, Ye Tian couldn’t help but chuckle, and deep in his eyes, a look of excitement flashed.


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