Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2479: The Ridge of Despair

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As soon as the battle began, the Mexican gangsters and drug dealers who were at the very front when they reached the narrowest part of the ridge, with no cover and no place to hide, were instantly shot to pieces. No one was spared.


A burst of screams suddenly sounded at the scene, but stopped abruptly.

As soon as those Mexican scum let out a few shrill screams, their souls disappeared and they could no longer die.

Some of them lay dead on the top of the ridge, with blood flowing out, while others fell into the cliff more than a hundred meters deep next to them, falling like free fall, hitting the water hard, and then sank. The deep pool at the bottom of the cliff.

God knows what is in the deep pool at the bottom of the cliff, maybe anacondas, piranhas, crocodiles, etc. They must be very welcome to these delicacies falling from the sky.

There are also some guys who rolled down the steep **** on the south side of the ridge, spreading their blood all the way. They will soon become the delicacies of many rainforest animals. In the end there were no bones left.

The rest of the people following these Mexican scumbags fired fiercely, trying to suppress the Honduran military police in the rainforest ahead, while retreating desperately.

Every one of them knew very well that staying on this ridge, which was only two or three meters wide, would lead to a dead end. They would only become a living target for those **** in the rain forest opposite to practice shooting, and there would be no chance of survival.

However, there were so many people rushing up to this ridge before that they unknowingly caused a traffic jam. Now it is not that easy to quickly retreat from this ridge!

In the blink of an eye, the ridge turned into a mess.

Everyone wants to escape, but there is only one road for people to walk on the ridge, and it is rugged. Under normal circumstances, you have to be careful when walking, let alone now.

If you are not careful, you may trip over the rugged rocks on the ridge, branches or other things that stick out from nowhere, and then be stepped on, or fall down the cliff or steep **** next to it.

The guy standing on this ridge is faced with a storm of bullets in front of him, a rugged trail under his feet, and behind him are a mass of black heads and eyes filled with fear and despair.

To their right, there was a cliff standing thousands of feet tall, and to their left was a steep **** with jagged rocks. Almost every direction was a dead end leading to hell, with no way to escape.

Faced with such a desperate situation, any individual will feel extremely desperate.

“Bang bang bang”

Accompanied by intensive gunfire, another wave of bullets struck at high speed, heading straight towards these chaotic, frightened and desperate guys on the ridge, mercilessly harvesting their lives.


Amidst the shrill wails and screams, the guys at the front were beaten into a hornet’s nest without any suspense and went straight to hell.

The situation of those guys hiding behind the team is not much better.

Some of them were seriously injured and fell directly to the ground screaming, becoming stepping stones. Although some guys were shot in the chest, they were completely shrouded in endless despair and fear. It was only a matter of time before they died. .

Finally, someone couldn’t bear the tremendous pressure and was driven crazy by the fear of imminent death.

The two guys on the side of the cliff looked desperately at the crowded trail behind them and at the rain forest on the other side of the ridge that was constantly spraying bullets, and then jumped out. cliff.

In their opinion, the deep green pool at the bottom of the cliff may be able to save their lives, allowing them to escape from this dangerous tropical rainforest.

But they ignored it, or their brains were short-circuited in an instant. It was more than a hundred meters from the ridge to the bottom of the cliff. They jumped from the ridge and patted on the water, which was no different from patting on the concrete floor. .

There is no doubt that the moment they come into contact with the water of the deep pool at the bottom of the cliff, they will turn into a puddle of meat, and then become the delicacies of many animals that live in that deep pool.


The two idiots who jumped out of the cliff screamed like two meteorites falling from the sky, falling quickly and hitting the deep pool at the bottom of the cliff.

The next result can be imagined.

On the other side, a few guys close to the steep **** jumped directly off the steep **** when they had no way to retreat. Then they turned into rolling gourds and rolled down the steep slope. .

After only rolling down for three to five meters, one of the guys’ head hit a rock hard. Blood spurted out immediately, but his body kept rolling down, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

However, compared to the two idiots who jumped off the cliff, their choice was undoubtedly much wiser, and their chance of survival was also a bit higher. Although this chance was slim, it was better than nothing.

Looking at the miserable condition of those guys at the narrowest point of the ridge, the *** and his men who were dragged behind the team couldn’t help but take a breath of air-conditioning and feel terrified.

Fortunately, the first ones to set foot on this ridge and the ones at the front were not myself. Otherwise, they would have been shot to pieces or forced to jump off the cliff. They would have died. .

*** Their reaction was very fast. As soon as the battle started, they immediately jumped off the ridge, found a few rocks and trees on the steep **** on the south side of the ridge, and hid behind it.

The steep **** they were on was relatively gentle, the vegetation was relatively lush, and there were many places to hide.

And they are all masters of jungle warfare, with outstanding skills, and they don’t turn into rolling gourds and roll down the steep **** like the idiots in front.

The other guys who followed them and jumped down the steep **** had only their ability, so naturally they were so lucky.

Those guys followed suit and jumped off the ridge one after another, trying to find a place to hide and escape this one-sided crazy massacre.

But the results they faced were different. The moment they landed, some guys took full control of their bodies, hit their heads on the ground, and rolled down the hillside. They would lose half their lives even if they didn’t die.

Some guys broke their ankles and fell on the hillside as soon as they landed. They hugged their ankles and started screaming wildly.

There were also some unlucky ones who were hit by a few bullets flying at high speed and hit the hillside hard. Then they rolled down the hillside screaming, leaving only bursts of shrill wails and… A streak of bright red blood.

In the blink of an eye, this narrow and steep ridge turned into a hell.

Looking around, the ridge was full of guys running wildly, bullets were flying, blood was flowing freely, and the air was full of the smell of gunfire and blood, as well as the smell of gunfire.

Everyone here is filled with piercing and painful screams, as well as wailings full of despair and fear, which are as terrifying as the cuckoo’s cry of blood.

On the narrow ridge, on the steep **** on the south side of the ridge, and in the surrounding mountains and forests, there were many corpses lying strewn about, but more of them were seriously injured guys lying on the ground screaming.

This inaccessible ridge and the surrounding mountains and forests, which have always maintained their original state, have become devastated and devastated as if they have been swept by a Category 10 hurricane.

Perhaps the situation on the ridge was too tragic, or perhaps I had never seen or experienced such a cruel and **** killing scene.

The Honduran military police hiding in the forest on the other side of the ridge, waiting for work, seemed a little timid, or a little scared.

After firing a full magazine, many guys immediately replaced it with new magazines and continued to fire violently, picking up the previous firepower and mercilessly slaughtering the idiots who were in a mess on the ridge.

Many of them tremblingly released their automatic rifle pistols, staring dumbfounded at the **** and cruel scene on the ridge, their eyes full of fear.

In fact, this **** killing was caused by their own hands. Everyone participated and poured out at least dozens of fatal rifle bullets.

The gunshots on the ridge gradually became sparse, and the screams of extreme pain and desperate wails became more and more numerous and louder, resounding throughout the entire ridge.

At the same time, a hysterical and crazy curse filled with anger and fear also sounded on the ridge, coming from the *** guy.

“Steven, you are a **** from the depths of hell. I swear, you must be held responsible for this **** massacre and pay the price with blood!”

Before the voice fell, the other injured guys, those who were hiding behind rocks or trees and struggling to survive, also began to curse wildly. Everyone gritted their teeth and wished they could eat Ye Tiansheng alive!

At this time, Ye Tian was standing at the foot of the steep **** on the south side of the ridge, looking up at the ridge forty or fifty meters above with a disdainful sneer on his face.

“Make me pay the price? Idiot, it depends on your ability to ** and whether you can walk out of this tropical rainforest alive!”

As he spoke, he suddenly stretched out his right foot and stepped **** the ground.

With this movement, he picked up a sharp rock that weighed four or five kilograms, and then flicked his leg like a bowling ball, throwing the rock to the left. space.

Under the influence of his huge power, the rock flew out like wind and thunder, flying straight to the open space, and even brought out a gust of wind.

When the rock flew to the clearing, a guy who was covered in injuries and rolled down the ridge, already unconscious and half-dead, happened to roll there.

What a coincidence, that sharp rock hit the unlucky guy on the head hard, instantly killing that guy and sending him to hell.


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