Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2383: It’s tax filing season again

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The first thing Ye Tian did after returning to the company was to file taxes!

The reason is simple. There are only a few days left before the tax filing deadline on April 15, and he doesn’t want to provoke the crazy dogs of the IRS.

In fact, the guys from the IRS were also staring at him and his Intrepid Exploration Company with their blood-red eyes, ready to kill him severely.

No way, who makes him the most popular person in New York at the moment? Intrepid Exploration Company is the most profitable private company in Manhattan. If you don’t keep an eye on him, who should you keep an eye on?

Not only him, but every employee of Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company is a key target of the IRS, and no one can escape being slaughtered by those vulture-like guys.

Not long after going to work in the afternoon, David rushed to the company with his team of lawyers.

The accounting firm employed by Ye Tian and Brave Exploration Company also sent an elite team to help him and Betty file their taxes, and to help the company organize financial statements and file taxes.

After these guys arrived, they were all taken to the conference room by Jason.

After a while, Ye Tiancai entered the conference room and met with these professionals.

After greeting each other for a few words, he immediately got down to business.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s not long before the tax filing deadline on April 15th. The purpose of inviting everyone here this time is to help me, Betty, and my treasure hunting company file taxes.

My request is the same as last year. Please review all financial information carefully and then file your tax return. Don’t pay a penny less in tax. But if you can avoid taxes reasonably, don’t let me lose even a penny more.

Compared with last year, the IRS is watching us more closely this year, so there must be no problems in the tax filing process. If you have problems in any link, our cooperative relationship will be terminated.

Our company’s financial staff and other staff will fully cooperate with you during this period. Even if we need to take inventory of gold, silver, treasures and antiques in stock, I myself will cooperate with you.”

After hearing this, both David’s legal team and the elite team from New York’s top accounting firm changed their expressions, and everyone’s expressions became much more solemn.

“Don’t worry, Steven, we will be careful not to make any mistakes and give you a satisfactory result”

A chief accountant who led the team nodded and expressed his determination.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian left the conference room, and the company’s financial staff entered the conference room holding computers and a large amount of financial information.

Then, these guys got busy.

Not only here, Bowie, who was also in Manhattan, also hired an accounting firm at this time to conduct financial audits and file tax returns for companies in his name.

To the outside world, the relationship between Ye Tian and Bowie is still kept secret, and almost no one knows about it.

However, this does not include the IRS. Those guys have long known that the boss behind Bowie’s company is actually Ye Tian.

Under the request of Ye Tian and Bowie, the extremely greedy vultures of the IRS did not disclose the relationship between the two of them and the two companies.

Although the company under Bowie’s name is small, the tax paid each year is an astronomical figure. These vultures from the IRS are not willing to destroy such a huge financial source.

For these guys, as long as they can collect a large amount of tax, they don’t care about other things at all, even if you kill people and set fires!

Ye Tian was not idle when he returned to the office. After sitting down on the office chair, he immediately took out his mobile phone and started calling his brother-in-law Logan.

The call was connected in an instant, and Logan’s voice came over immediately.

“Good afternoon, Steven, can I go to New York? To be honest, I can’t wait”

Hearing this, Ye Tian suddenly chuckled.

“Good afternoon, Logan, yes, you can come to New York. Tomorrow I am going to contact some of the world’s top architectural design masters to discuss the design of my private museum.

Your boy is studying architectural design. This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If possible, I will let you participate in the design work, even if it is just doing odd jobs, it will be of great help to you! ”

“You’re right, Steven. I can definitely learn a lot by working with the world’s top architectural design masters. Even if I’m doing odd jobs, I’m happy to do it. I’ll be there early tomorrow morning. Departing for New York”

“When you get to New York, remember to come to the company to find me first. If you go directly to your home, I’m worried that the little white elf will attack. It doesn’t know you!”

“I know, even if you lend me some courage, I don’t dare to face that devilish little guy alone. I’ve seen the video of that little guy attacking an enemy. It’s really scary!”

“Don’t worry, I will introduce you to each other tomorrow. When you get to know each other, you will find that the little guy is actually very cute and not so scary.”

“Well, I hope so”

“That’s it, Logan, we’ll see you tomorrow”

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian hung up the phone and ended the call.

Next, he started to deal with company affairs and became busy.

In the blink of an eye, it was already around 3:30 p.m.

Ye Tian is still busy. He is on the phone with several old friends from Sotheby’s auction house to learn about matters related to this year’s spring auction season.

The New York spring auction season is still in progress, and various antique artworks flowing out of his hands have appeared in the auctions of major auction houses one after another, and are continuously bringing him huge wealth.

At this moment, Jason suddenly knocked on the door and walked into the office, whispering to Ye Tian:

“Steven, the bishop of the Diocese of New York and the priest of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, have come to our company together and want to interview you. They are also accompanied by the secretary of the mayor of New York and others”

After hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately covered the receiver of the phone with his hand, then nodded with a smile and said:

“I expected that the Cardinal of New York and the priest of St. Patrick’s Cathedral would come. When they came to the company just now, they saw my Paramount Predator and knew that I was coming to the company, so they came here.

I know very well why they came. They definitely want to contact the Vatican through me and try to get the Holy Grail to come to New York. Jason, take them to the small conference room first, and I will go there later! ”

“Okay, Steven”

Jason nodded in response, then turned and left the office.

After he left, Ye Tian continued to talk to his old friends at Sotheby’s Auction House and did not rush to the small conference room immediately.

After about ten minutes, he left his office and came to the company’s small conference room.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the cardinal of the Diocese of New York wearing a red cassock, the priest of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the mayor’s secretary and others.

With Ye Tian’s arrival, these people all stood up and turned to look at the door of the conference room. Everyone’s eyes were full of expectation and envy.

Naturally, there was some polite greetings next, and then we got to the point.

As Ye Tian expected, these people came for the Holy Grail, hoping to get in touch with the Vatican through Ye Tian’s relationship, and then let the Holy Grail come to the city of New York.

Just like how he dealt with the mayor of New York before, Ye Tian said the same words he said to the mayor of New York to these people again.

He only said that he could later call the Vatican, contact the Pope and Bishop Kent, but he did not guarantee that he would be able to bring the Holy Grail to New York.

Those people were quite satisfied with his answer, so what could they do if they were not satisfied?

In addition to hoping that the Holy Grail will come to New York, the Cardinal of New York also hopes that Ye Tian can speak out and publicly preach the process of exploring and discovering the Holy Grail and other religious relics, so that Christians in New York can experience this great process!

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately called Walker and Peter over and handed the matter over to these two guys.

For such a thing of showing one’s face and enjoying the glory, these two guys naturally would not refuse, and nodded in agreement!


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