Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2147: The most beautiful woman in the world

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Same as last night, shortly after returning to the hotel, another small appreciation party kicked off in the banquet hall on the top floor of the hotel.

The people participating in this small appreciation and auction are still the same old friends who just met last night, and there are some new faces, including professionals in the industry and many people who have heard about it. collector.

At this small appreciation meeting, Ye Tian displayed all the antique works of art that he had collected from the Berlin Museum Island antique flea market and the Berlin East Station flea market during the day, and made a detailed introduce.

With his introduction, these long-neglected but actually valuable antique artworks finally shined with their due brilliance.

This brightly lit banquet hall became very lively as a result, and bursts of exclamations sounded one after another, one after another, endlessly.

As for the Germans in the banquet hall, listening to Ye Tian’s professional and precise introduction, they all felt extremely distressed and their hearts were bleeding.

Of course, they were all cursing Ye Tian in their hearts. Everyone was itching with hatred, but there was nothing they could do.

After Ye Tian finished his introduction, many professionals at the scene immediately swarmed over and couldn’t wait to start appreciating and appraising the antique artworks.

Needless to say about the results, the identification conclusion given by Ye Tian was extremely accurate and without any moisture, which was enough to convince everyone.

After the display session, there is a private auction, or private trade fair.

In this auction, Ye Tian successfully auctioned off most of the antique artworks that he had collected during the day.

The remaining antique artworks that were not auctioned were entrusted by him to major auction houses in Berlin, and will be gradually introduced to the antique artwork auction market in the future.

At midnight, when the private auction ended and many professionals and collectors of all sizes left the banquet hall, the impact of this private auction spread quickly.

Not surprisingly, the entire Berlin and even the entire German antique art market was shocked.

When people heard the news about this private auction and those antique artworks, everyone was shocked and stunned, and they were almost crazy with envy!

The antique dealers and gallery owners who had just been looted by Ye Tian during the day began to curse wildly at the top of their lungs after being shocked.

The target of their curses was naturally Ye Tian.


In the blink of an eye, it was a new day. It started to rain lightly in Berlin. The weather was extremely wet and cold, making people feel very uncomfortable.

Just after ten o’clock in the morning, Ye Tian and his group walked into Berlin Museum Island holding umbrellas, chatting and laughing, preparing to visit the major museums on Museum Island.

Museum Island, located in the center of Berlin, consists of the Berlin Museum and Neues Museum, the National Gallery, the Pergamon Museum, and the Bode Museum. It is called the Museum Island because it is located at the confluence of two rivers of the Spree River. .

For any antique art lover or industry professional, Museum Island is a must-visit place when coming to Berlin, and Ye Tian and the others are no exception.

Especially Ye Tian, ​​the purpose of his coming to Museum Island is first to visit major museums, appreciate the antique artworks displayed in major museums, and receive the influence of art.

The other purpose is to improve one’s own strength. Museum Island is a veritable ocean of aura, how can you let it go!

As usual, around Ye Tian and the others, there were many Berlin police officers, officials from the German Ministry of Culture, and many media reporters, as well as many idle people watching the excitement.

Of course, there were many people with unknown origins mixed in the crowd, closely watching every move of Ye Tian and the others.

As everyone knows, there are also many security personnel under Ye Tian in the crowd. They all dress up as tourists and keep an eye on the situation in the crowd, ready to respond at any time.

On several high-rise buildings opposite Museum Island, there were several snipers arranged by Cole, staring down at the movements on Museum Island.

After entering Museum Island, Ye Tian and the others went straight to the square in front of the Berlin Museum, preparing to enter this famous museum.

With the arrival of their group, the eyes of many people in the square in front of the Berlin Museum were attracted, and there was a big commotion at the scene.

“I’m going! It’s that crazy guy named Steven. I heard that he has raided several antique flea markets in the past two days and swept away many valuable antiques and artworks. I don’t know why he came today. ?”

“This **** Steven actually came to Museum Island. This is not a good thing. I hope everything will be safe today and don’t be a disaster!”

While people were talking about it, Ye Tian and the others were admiring the Berlin Museum not far ahead.

The Berlin Museum was built in 1830. It was the first museum established on Museum Island and the largest and most famous comprehensive museum in Germany. Its main building is a magnificent classical temple building.

The front of this famous museum is a tall colonnade composed of eighteen Ionic columns. It looks very spectacular, a bit like the Parthenon.

On both sides of the stairs leading to the main entrance of the museum, there are two exquisite statues, namely the ‘Amazon Warrior’ and the ‘Lion Slayer’.

Above the colonnade of the museum is a row of cast-iron letters that read, ‘Friedrich Wilhelm III built this museum in 1828 for the purpose of studying various antiquities and liberal arts’

In the center of the square directly in front of the museum, stands a tall statue of a statue of William III to commemorate the founder of the Berlin Museum.

In addition, in the square in front of the museum, there are two fountains and several exquisite sculptures standing around the fountains.

It’s a pity that it’s early spring and the weather is cold, so the two fountains are not open.

After admiring the scenery in the square for a while, Ye Tian said with a smile:

“Guys, let’s go and visit the museums. The daytime is very short in Berlin at this time. We must seize the time and try to visit all these famous museums, so that our trip will be worthwhile.”

With that said, Ye Tian stepped out, stepped onto the steps in front of the Berlin Museum, and walked towards the main entrance of the museum above the steps.

Behind him, David and Cole followed immediately, everyone was full of expectations.

After walking a few steps upward, Ye Tian saw several familiar faces.

The director of the Berlin Museum, along with several museum executives and several antique art appraisal experts, appeared at the top of the steps and greeted Ye Tian and the others.

As he approached, the director of the Berlin Museum immediately smiled and said:

“Good morning, Steven, nice to see you again. Welcome to visit the Berlin Museum. I hope you can spend a good day here”

Ye Tian shook hands with this old friend and said a few polite words.

“Good morning, Rudy, I’m glad to see you too. I have been admiring the famous Berlin Museum for a long time and have wanted to come here for a long time. I believe today’s visit will be unforgettable”

After exchanging a few polite words, Ye Tian and the others followed the director of the Berlin Museum and his entourage into this world-famous museum, officially starting today’s tour.

In the blink of an eye, it was already around one o’clock in the afternoon.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others were in the new building of the Berlin Museum, standing in front of a colorful sculpture, admiring this treasure of the Berlin Museum.

As before, Ye Tian once again took on the responsibility of explaining this famous sculpture to David and the others.

“Guys, the colorful sculpture in front of you is the treasure of the Berlin Museum, the colorful bust of Nefertiti, the queen of the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten.

Some people may not know about the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, but when it comes to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, I believe more people know that Nefertiti is Tutankhamun’s mother.

In the history of ancient Egypt, Nefertiti was considered one of the most important queens. Not only did she have stunning beauty, she was also one of the most powerful and status women in the history of ancient Egypt.

In ancient Egyptian, Nefertiti means the beauty coming towards you. This is also the Egyptian people’s reputation for ancient magic. It is said that there has never been such a beautiful woman in Egypt.

The reason why she became the most important queen in Egyptian history was not just because of her peerless appearance. She can be seen in many temples and murals, which is enough to illustrate her importance.

However, in the history of ancient Egypt, the existence of Nefertiti is like a phantom, mysteriously disappearing from almost all historical records of ancient Egypt. This is a bit strange and puzzling.

In 1912, an archaeologist discovered the colorful bust of Nefertiti in Amana, Egypt. She also became the first cover girl in history and was hailed as ‘the most beautiful woman in the world.'”

With Ye Tian’s introduction, everyone was attracted by the colorful sculpture in front of them and by Nefertiti’s peerless appearance, with more or less obsession in their eyes.


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