Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1541: Paintings that rewrote art history

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In a few steps, Ye Tian came to the front of this Michelangelo painting, stopped, and began to admire it.

As soon as he stood still, Martinez and the others caught up with him, stood side by side with him, and looked at this top-notch work of art that had disappeared for more than two hundred years.

The next moment, an almost crazy exclamation suddenly sounded from this secret room located more than ten or twenty meters underground, startling everyone.

“Oh my god! “Lamentation of Christ”, this is actually “Lamentation of Christ”! It’s incredible. Am I dazzled? Or am I dreaming?

Isn’t “Lamentation of Christ” a sculpture by Michelangelo? Collected in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, it is Michelangelo’s most famous early work.

In addition to the marble statue in St. Peter’s Basilica, as far as I know, there is also a sketch of “Lamentation of Christ” that has been circulated in the world and is also collected in the Vatican.

But I have never heard that there is also an oil painting of “Lamentation of Christ”. If this is really a work of Michelangelo, it is definitely a great discovery! “

Martinez said in despair, his whole person has fallen into a state of madness, his eyes were blood red, staring at the painting in front of him, his eyes were so hot that they were about to burn!

Not only him, but countless people on the live broadcast were completely stunned by the sudden appearance of this classic oil painting. They stared at this outstanding painting with their mouths open and their eyes filled with incredible wonder!

Some devout believers immediately stood up from the sofa or chair, then lowered their heads, made the sign of the cross quickly on their chests, and muttered prayers in a low voice!

In the Vatican, many religious people wearing clerical uniforms jumped up from the sofas and chairs as if they were electrocuted. They looked at the live broadcast in surprise, and their eyes almost popped out!

The religious theme of “Lamentation of Christ” is known to everyone in the Western world. It has been quoted by countless artists and appeared in countless works of art!

However, none of these works of art that reference “Lamentation of Christ” or are named after it can compare with Michelangelo’s “Lamentation of Christ” sculpture, and there is even a huge difference between heaven and earth!

In Western society, when the “Lamentation of Christ” is mentioned, the first thing people think of is the marble statue collected in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, and nothing else!

At this moment, people suddenly heard and saw that Michelangelo actually created an oil painting on canvas called “Lamentation of the Christ”. How could they not be shocked?

Of course, this does not include some senior Vatican officials.

Some of them still know the origin of this Michelangelo masterpiece, just because it has disappeared for more than two hundred years and no one thinks it still exists, so no one mentions it!

But who would have imagined that this outstanding work by Michelangelo suddenly appeared today, and it shocked almost everyone when it appeared!

Ye Tian turned to look at Martinez, who was almost crazy, and then said jokingly:

“Martinez, at your current age, you should not be blinded by old age. This is not a dream. Yes, this is Michelangelo’s “Lamentation of the Christ”. It is very real.

The marble statue of “Lamentation of Christ” in St. Peter’s Basilica and the sketch of the same name are indeed well known, but not many people know about this oil painting, which was also painted by Michelangelo!

Why does this happen? To be honest, I don’t know very well. There may be some secrets involved, and perhaps only some senior people in the Vatican can explain it!

I am not allowed to make any wild guesses here. Such baseless speculation may make some people unhappy or even cause unnecessary trouble. However, I am very sure of the origin of this painting!

You can look at the lower right corner of the painting, where there is Michelangelo’s personal signature and the name of a sixteenth-century pope is engraved on the frame. These two points speak volumes.

In addition, if you look carefully at this “Lamentation of Christ” and compare it with the famous sculpture in St. Peter’s Basilica, you will definitely find something, and it will be a surprising discovery! “

Hearing what Ye Tian said, Martinez immediately stepped forward, put his face close to the “Lamentation of Christ”, and observed it carefully. He looked serious and his expression was extremely enthusiastic!

Many people on the live broadcast side did the same. They gathered in front of the TV or computer screen and began to carefully observe this so-called Michelangelo masterpiece. They all wanted to get into the TV or computer!

Looking at Martinez’s performance, Ye Tian laughed softly, his face full of pride.

Immediately afterwards, he began to explain this classic painting.

Many people know the story of “Lamentation of Christ” and the famous statue in St. Peter’s Basilica, but when it comes to art appraisal, the vast majority of people are laymen. They know it but don’t know why!

“Hello everyone, “Lamentation of Christ” is taken from the Bible. It tells the story of the Virgin Mary holding the body of Christ and crying bitterly after **** was caught and crucified by the Jewish governor.

In this painting, there is a scar on the side of the dead Christ. There is no expression of pain on his face. He is lying between the knees of the Virgin Mary, with his right hand hanging down, his head tilted back, and his body slender!

His waist is bent, looking very weak and weak. The Virgin is young and beautiful, with a gentle image, wearing a wide cloak and robe, holding the body of Christ with her right hand, and stretching her left hand slightly backward.

Maria’s expression was helpless and painful. She looked down at her son’s body, sinking into deep sadness. The fine folds of her clothes covered her thick shoulders, but the mask highlighted her beautiful face.

The expression of the Virgin is silent and complex. It not only pours out silent sorrow, nor is it just a prayer full of sorrow. It goes far beyond the scope of religious belief and shows lofty and great maternal love.

In this painting, Michelangelo adopted a stable pyramid-like composition. The Virgin’s large robe not only shows the shape of Mary’s limbs, but also cleverly conceals the actual proportions of the Virgin’s body.

In this way, the conflict between the beauty of the composition and the proportions of the actual human body is solved. The painting technique is very sophisticated, and only the top art masters can do it so perfectly.

The fragile and naked body of Christ, the heavyness of the folds of the Virgin’s clothes, and the clear face form a sharp contrast, which is unified but full of changes, with a strong sense of layering.

Michelangelo used his own brush to give this painting vigorous vitality and eternal artistic charm, making this work dazzling and intoxicating!

Unlike the sculpture of the same name in St. Peter’s Basilica, on which Michelangelo’s signature was on the belt on the Virgin’s chest, in this painting, the signature is in the lower right corner… “

With Ye Tian’s explanation, many people were completely attracted by this Michelangelo masterpiece, deeply immersed in the sad atmosphere created by this painting, and felt sad!

Except for Ye Tian’s clear voice, the numerous live broadcasts were completely silent.

In front of live broadcasts and in many parts of the world, more and more people are standing on the floor, bowing their heads, making the sign of the cross on their chests, and praying devoutly.

Suddenly, Martinez’s excited voice came out, waking everyone up.

“Yes, this is Michelangelo’s masterpiece. There is no doubt that the appearance of this “Lamentation of the Christ” oil painting will definitely cause a huge sensation and even rewrite part of Western art history!

The author’s signature in the lower right corner is indeed Michelangelo’s own signature. It is definitely fake and has appeared on other works of his. The signature of the Pope in the 16th century is also correct!

More importantly, judging from the costumes and expressions, the Virgin Mary and Christ painted here are slightly different from the sculpture of the same name. The lines appear fuller and the atmosphere created is more pathos!

The painting techniques of this oil painting are more mature and the various techniques are used very skillfully. From these aspects, this is not like Michelangelo’s early works, but more like his mature works! “

Hearing this, Ye Tian nodded in agreement, then added with a smile:

“Yes, Martinez, I think so too. This should be a work from the peak of Michelangelo’s artistic career, not an early work.

If I guess correctly, this should be an oil painting that Michelangelo went back to recreate after he entered his peak period. The template is exactly that famous statue! “

As soon as he finished speaking, Martinez immediately nodded in agreement and said:

“Lamentation is Michelangelo’s proud work, and it can also be said to be his famous work. When he achieves higher achievements, it is entirely possible to go back and perfect that work!

But that work is a marble sculpture and has been displayed in St. Peter’s Basilica. It is impossible to modify it. Under such circumstances, it is normal for him to create an oil painting of the same name! “

Hearing this, both Ye Tian and others on the live broadcast couldn’t help but nodded, agreeing with Martinez’s words.

As soon as he finished speaking, before Ye Tian could say anything, Martinez continued:

“Stephen, can you transfer this “Lamentation of the Christ” to our Louvre Museum? The terms are whatever you want, cash transaction is acceptable, or we can exchange antique artworks from our collection!

In addition to the few treasures of the Louvre, you can choose other antiques and artworks at your choice. We will exchange them based on market prices, so no one suffers a loss and you get the best of both worlds!

The Vatican already has the monumental work in St. Peter’s Basilica, the statue of “Lamentation of Christ”. This oil painting of the same name, I think it is better to stay in our Louvre! “

After saying this, Martinez looked at Ye Tian expectantly, his eyes extremely hot, hoping to hear the answer he wanted most!

At this time in the Vatican, many people jumped up from the sofa and even started to curse at the top of their lungs. The target of the curse was naturally Martinez!


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