Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1442: A sensation in Paris again

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After frantically looting the Portebel Antique Market, Steven returned to Paris with his gang of fierce and brutal men. His deep-sea salvage ship, the Intrepid, also arrived at the port of Le Havre at the same time.

Before Ye Tian’s private plane landed, the news had already spread throughout Paris, France and the UK, surprising everyone and even dumbfounding them!

“Why did that one of the most advanced deep-sea salvage ships in the world, the Intrepid, appear in the port of Le Havre? Is it here to salvage sunken treasure? What treasure did that **** Steven find? ? “

As soon as they heard the news, these questions came to everyone’s mind, and the answers they came up with were surprisingly consistent!

There is no doubt that Steven, that unprofitable bastard, came to Europe this time just for a certain treasure!

What he said before that he was traveling to Europe this time was pure lies. Anyone who believed it was a complete idiot!

Even his frantic looting of the Saint-Ouin Flea Market in Paris and the Porte Bello Antique Market in London were just a matter of hunting down rabbits and doing it easily!

Although people are very sure that Ye Tian came here for the treasure, no one knows what treasure he found and where the treasure is!

The only thing everyone is sure of is that it is probably a sunken treasure, which is why the Brave and Dauntless appeared in the port of Le Havre, France!

Before Ye Tian himself arrived in Paris, he had already become the focus of everyone’s attention.

When his private plane landed smoothly at Charles de Gaulle Airport and he was getting ready to head to Paris, someone had already gotten the news and called him directly!

The first person to call was Ye Tian’s old friend, Martinez, the curator of the Louvre.

The call was connected and after a few words of greeting, Martinez immediately went straight to the topic with an extremely urgent tone.

“Stephen, can you tell me? Why did your deep-sea salvage ship, the Intrepid, appear in the port of Le Havre? Why did you come?

Did you find any treasure? You came to Europe this time as a trip, but you actually came to discover treasures. You have deceived everyone. You are so cunning! “

Now that the Brave and Intrepid has appeared, there is no need to keep some things secret. You can selectively release some treasure information, give the news media a little sweetness, and build momentum by the way!

In this way, it will definitely attract more attention and the transparency of the treasure hunt will be greatly increased. Even if the French and British are coveted and want to do something, they will have a lot of concerns!

Hearing what Martinez said, Ye Tian immediately chuckled and said:

“You are right, Mr. Martinez, we have indeed discovered a treasure in Europe. There is a huge fortune buried in it, which will definitely make countless people crazy!

But the main goal of our trip to Europe this time is indeed not to explore and salvage treasures. No one will believe it now, but it is the fact. Believe it or not.

Needless to say, the reason why the brave deep-sea salvage ship appeared in the port of Le Havre is to salvage the sunken treasure. In a few days, we will start action! “

Before he finished speaking, Martinez’s excited and eager voice came over again.

“Steven, what kind of sunken treasure is that? What age is the shipwreck? What is on the ship? Gold, silver, or other antiques and art? Where is the specific location?

Is the sunken treasure you are talking about within French territorial waters? If it is within French territorial waters, then you must obtain permission from the French government if you want to carry out exploration and salvage operations!

Which country did the treasure ship belong to before it sank? France or another country? One more thing, can we, the Louvre Museum, be involved in your operation to salvage sunken treasure?

Your previous trip to the Cocos Islands to explore and unearth the treasures of Lima, together with the Columbia University School of History and the Costa Rican government, was very good and worth learning from! “

Martinez asked a lot of questions incessantly and revealed his strong desire to cooperate in exploring the sunken treasure. Ye Tian had a headache after hearing this.

When he finished speaking, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then replied with a smile:

“I’m very sorry, Martinez. It’s not convenient to disclose the specific information about the sunken treasure now. Before the exploration begins, I will hold a press conference to explain the relevant information!

But I can tell you with absolute certainty that the sunken treasure is not within French territorial waters, but on the high seas, so our exploration and salvage operations do not require the approval of any country!

I can also tell you that the sunken ship is filled with gold, and the amount is very huge. As I just said, it is a huge amount of wealth that is enough to make countless people crazy, and it will definitely belong to me!

Because the sunken treasure is located in the high seas, we came prepared and very well prepared, so we don’t need collaborators, and we don’t want to share this huge wealth with anyone or any country!

The purpose of your Louvre may not be for wealth, but for archeology and research, so there is no need to participate in this exploratory operation. When the operation is completed, we will publicize the salvaged antique artworks!

We, Brave and Fearless, are different from other treasure hunting companies. We will not deliberately destroy antique artworks, create orphans, and find rare items on the seabed for profit. I believe everyone can see this! “

Before Ye Tian could finish his words, Martinez on the other end of the phone was already exclaiming crazily.

“Oh my god! It’s actually a gold treasure ship, and it’s filled with gold. This news is so amazing, it will definitely shock the whole world!”

After nearly half a minute, Martinez’s mood became slightly more stable and his voice became much calmer.

Next, the two chatted for a few more words, and Ye Tian took the initiative to hang up the phone. Otherwise, God knows when the old French man would have said he would go!

As soon as Martinez hung up the phone, another old friend in Paris, Benoit from the Palace of Fontainebleau, called again.

Just when Ye Tian answered the phone and spoke to Benoit, what he said to Martinez before had been passed on by Martinez!

His words were like a hurricane, quickly spreading throughout the entire antique art collection field in Paris, and quickly spreading to other fields, causing a huge sensation again!

And this is what Ye Tian wants to see the most, and it is also the purpose of what he said. Otherwise, why bother?

Soon, Ye Tian and his team drove into the city of Paris and returned to this romantic city, although the city was still full of **** and smelly!

It’s the same as when I came to Paris before, even more so than before.

As soon as their convoy entered the city of Paris, several Paris police cars roared over, quickly separated their convoy from other social vehicles, and escorted them all the way!

What came to greet Ye Tian and the others were not only the Paris police who acted as free bodyguards, but also a large number of extremely excited media reporters with shining eyes!

Many media reporters who heard the news also drove all the way, following closely behind Ye Tian and the others to follow up and report. The scene was quite spectacular!

By the time Ye Tian and the others arrived at the Regina Hotel, the gate of this five-star hotel was already surrounded by countless media reporters coming from all directions!

When Ye Tian got off the car and appeared in front of the hotel door and in front of all the media reporters, he was immediately overwhelmed by the influx of questions!

“Steven, tell me about the sunken treasure. How much gold was in that sunken ship? Where was it? Where did the gold come from?”

“Good morning, Steven, since your Intrepid deep-sea salvage ship is docked in the port of Le Havre, it means that the sunken treasure is not far from France!

What do you plan to do with the gold from the sunken ship? Is it to carry out exploration and possession alone? Or cooperate with the French government and share the gold with the French government? “

Ye Tian did not answer these incoming questions, just turning a deaf ear!

He just smiled and nodded at many media reporters, and then quickly walked into the Regina Hotel with Betty and under the protection of Matisse and others!

Anderson, who had been following him closely before, stopped and reached out to stop many media reporters!

When the media reporters turned their attention to him, he immediately stepped forward to deal with those media reporters, preparing to use these almost crazy media reporters to create greater momentum!


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