Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1331: Good news from Brussels

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It’s another new day, the sun is shining brightly, and it’s a good day for sightseeing.

Just after nine o’clock in the morning, Ye Tian and the others left the Regina Hotel and took a car to the Eiffel Tower on the Champ de Mars on the south bank of the Seine River to visit this landmark building in Paris.

Although the key members of the ‘Pink Panther’ publicly issued threats yesterday, Ye Tian had no intention of changing his schedule, nor did he show any timidity.

He still went his own way, carried out the tour according to the established plan, did not make any changes, and did not take the threat of the ‘Pink Panther’ seriously at all!

Deep in his heart, he even really wanted to fight those guys from the ‘Pink Panther’ and have a fight on the streets of Paris. That would be fun!

Of course, you still need to make the necessary preparations, otherwise you would be an idiot!

Since yesterday evening, Mattis and other security personnel have been on high alert. Everyone is fully armed, has a gun at hand, and is ready to go into battle at any time.

The Regina Hotel where everyone is staying is strictly monitored both inside and outside, on the roof and underground. There are no blind spots for surveillance, and no one can penetrate it.

The same goes for Ye Tian himself. When he was in the hotel, the short assault rifle and body armor were placed within easy reach. Once in danger, he could be armed at any time and quickly go into battle!

When he left the hotel in the morning, he wore a coat covering his armpit holster and a pistol on his waist, and carried a backpack containing body armor and a short assault rifle.

Under his trousers, an extremely sharp German combat knife was tied.

Judging from his appearance, he is not much different from other tourists. He is not a threat, but in fact he is armed to the teeth!

Fortunately, the climate in Paris at the turn of summer and autumn is pleasant, with the temperature only in the early 20s. Even if you wear a coat, you don’t feel hot at all.

In addition to Ye Tian and the others, the Paris police were also on high alert.

Since the ‘Pink Panther’ guys showed up yesterday afternoon, the Paris police immediately dispatched additional manpower, closely watching every move of Ye Tian and the others, not daring to relax at all.

When they left the Regina Hotel in the morning, two groups of Paris policemen drove two police cars and two vehicles with civilian license plates, and immediately followed them, following Ye Tian and the others step by step.

At this time, the top brass of the Paris police were very nervous, fearing that Ye Tian and the others would fight with the Pink Panthers on the streets of Paris. No one would be able to bear the result.

While keeping a close eye on Ye Tian and others, the Paris police also mobilized all forces and began to secretly search for members of the “Pink Panther” throughout the city, trying to nip the danger in the bud.

Of course Ye Tian and the others are happy to see the results of the Paris police’s actions. Even if the police can’t kill the ‘Pink Panther’ guys, it’s not bad to create some trouble for those guys!

The convoy arrived at the Champ de Mars. Matisse first contacted several security personnel who came here in advance to investigate the situation. After making sure it was safe, he said to Ye Tian through the wireless headset:

“Stephen, you can get off the car. The scene is basically safe. There is no trace of the “Pink Panther” guys. Our people are monitoring several important locations on the Champ de Mars.

The greening around the square is very good, and there are many tourists. Those tall trees and tourists can completely block all sniper routes, making long-range sniping impossible.

If those guys from the ‘Pink Panther’ want to take revenge, they will only have a chance if they get close to us. Otherwise, there is no chance. Once they get close, they will undoubtedly seek death! “

“Okay, Matisse, let’s get off the car right now. Those guys from the ‘Pink Panther’ don’t know our itinerary, so naturally they can’t come here in advance to set up an ambush.

Even if they want to come here for revenge, it will happen later. When we finish the visit and prepare to leave the Eiffel Tower, it will be the most dangerous time.”

With that said, Ye Tian reached out to open the car door, took Betty out of the Mercedes-Benz bulletproof SUV, and stood on the roadside in front of Victory Square.

As soon as their feet landed firmly on the ground, they saw the towering Eiffel Tower standing on the Champ de Mars at a glance, which was very shocking.

The Eiffel Tower stands on the Champ de Mars on the south bank of the Seine River in Paris, France. It was built in 1889 and was once the tallest building in the world. It was named after the famous architect who designed it, Gustave Eiffel.

This is a world-famous building, one of France’s cultural symbols, one of Paris city landmarks, and the tallest building in Paris. It is fondly called the ‘Iron Lady’ by the French.

The Eiffel Tower is 300 meters high. The antenna on the top of the tower is 24 meters high, and the total height is 324 meters. It is composed of many scattered steel components and looks like a bunch of model components.

The total number of steel components that make up the Eiffel Tower is as high as 18,038, weighing 10,000 tons. During construction, a total of 7 million holes were drilled, 12,000 metal parts and 2.5 million rivets were used.

Except for the four legs at the bottom of the tower, which are made of reinforced concrete, the entire Eiffel Tower is made of steel. According to statistics, a total of 7,300 tons of wrought iron was used!

The Eiffel Tower is divided into three floors, which are 57.6 meters, 115.7 meters and 276.1 meters above the ground. There are restaurants on the first and second floors, and an observation deck on the third floor. There are 1,711 meters from the base to the top of the tower. Ladder.

In the 19th century, when technology was relatively backward, the construction of such a large-scale iron tower was definitely a miracle in the history of architecture.

Once this tower was built, it became one of Paris’s famous landmarks, attracting about three million tourists every year to climb to the top of the tower and overlook the beautiful scenery of Paris.

‘The Observation Tower of the Capital’ is another name the French use for the Eiffel Tower.

Standing on this famous Iron Tower, you can overlook the entire Paris. If the weather is clear and the vision is clear, you can even see as far as 60 kilometers away.

If you want to enjoy the close-up view, the 57-meter-high lowermost observation deck is undoubtedly the best place.

From there, you can see the Palais Charlotte to the north, the Seine River flowing quietly at the foot of the tower, the large lawn of the Champ de Mars and the ancient buildings of the French Military Academy to the south. It is an unforgettable landscape.

One floor up, there is the 115-meter middle-level observation deck, where you can see the most beautiful vista.

Standing on the observation deck on the middle floor, looking around, the light yellow tower of the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre in the shade of greenery, and the white Sacre Coeur de Montmartre are all clearly visible and colorful.

If you climb the tower in the evening, you can see the picturesque night, the lanterns, and the green trees. The street lights intertwined like a net are like a beaded net after rain, and every particle is crystal clear.

“Wow! The Eiffel Tower is so huge, far more impressive than what you see on TV!”

Betty looked up at the towering Eiffel Tower and kept sighing.

Ye Tian smiled softly, then nodded and said:

“Indeed, this tower is indeed very visually impactful, but the scenery above it is even more beautiful. From the observation deck above, you can see the most beautiful Paris, which is definitely not to be missed!”

After saying that, he took Betty out and walked towards the Eiffel Tower in front.

Mattis and the others followed closely behind, scattered around, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly, ready to respond at any time.

The morning passed quickly, and it was already noon in the blink of an eye.

After coming down from the Eiffel Tower and visiting the Champ de Mars, Ye Tian and the others were ready to leave Victory Square and go to a reserved restaurant for lunch.

At this moment, Ye Tian’s cell phone suddenly rang. It was a call from Pierre, the manager of the Swan Restaurant in Brussels, Belgium.

Seeing Laixian, Ye Tian immediately showed a proud smile on his face. He finally had some clues about how to win the Swan Restaurant!

The Belgian must have turned over the Swan Restaurant and found nothing in the end, so he called himself, either to find out more about it, or to ask if he was willing to acquire the building!

The phone was connected, and after a few words of greeting, Pierre immediately got down to business.

“Mr. Steven, you have said before that you want to acquire the Renaissance-style building where the Swan Restaurant is located. Is this true? Or did you just say it casually?”

“Of course it’s true. I haven’t changed my mind now. I still want to acquire that ancient Renaissance-style building, and I can trade it at any time.

I said before that I was born and raised in China. For the Chinese, Swan Restaurant has extraordinary significance, so I wanted to acquire it! “

Ye Tian said with a chuckle, his words were very beautiful.

“That’s good, Mr. Steven, after you left the restaurant, I informed the Grand Place Management Agency of Brussels about your intention to buy this building!

After some discussion and deliberation, they finally made the decision to consider selling this historical building. Of course, there is a premise here, that is, the price is right.

When will you come to Brussels again? We can talk about the deal, just agree on the price and you can own this famous historic building! “

“Great! Mr. Pierre, but it’s a pity that I am currently in Paris and have a very busy schedule. I don’t think I can spare the time to go to Brussels to complete this real estate transaction.

But it doesn’t matter. I will arrange for company employees and lawyers to rush to Brussels to contact the management of the Grand Place in Brussels on my behalf and complete the transaction as soon as possible! “

Next, Pierre specifically explained how to protect the historical building and how to protect the many antique artworks in the restaurant, and then hung up the phone to end the call.

As an antique art appraisal expert, Ye Tian naturally understands that a famous historical building like the Swan Restaurant is definitely different from other ordinary buildings.

Whoever buys that building will have many restrictions.

For example, it is not allowed to sell without authorization, or even change the placement of related antique artworks, or to modify without authorization, no matter how small the modification is.

Even normal repairs must be submitted for approval. Construction can only be carried out with permission from the relevant management agency and under the supervision of the management agency.

For Ye Tian, ​​these are not problems at all, and he has no intention to change the current layout of Swan Restaurant.

His real purpose lies in the secret passage deep underground, which may bring a huge surprise!


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