Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 2956: : Repair again

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“What is going on with this fellow Daoist Jiang? Why do you want to help Yan Nantian repair the demon-slaying sword?”

Xue Ji looked puzzled.

If he had not known that Jiang Tian would never act recklessly, he would have stopped him long ago.

“Yes, why would senior do this?”

An Ye was also full of doubts.

“If you two don’t shut up and return to Blood Moon City, I will ground you for three years!”

Xue Wushuang stared at Xue Ji and An Ye coldly.

As early as when Lone Bamboo Peak had a secret conversation with Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Tian had told him that if he wanted to convince Yan Nantian, he would have to use all his strength.

In Yan Nantian’s despair, he might give Xue Wushuang a chance to speak.

Now, things are developing as Jiang Tian said.

“Is this kid talking big words?”

Zhu Kun sneered and said: “I think he is just making things up, so you don’t have to worry too much.”

“Sect Master Yan, you have to think carefully. The demon-slaying sword is broken again and it will be extremely difficult to repair!”

Luo Qingyun said in a deep voice: “If you are not careful, you may completely destroy the demon-slaying sword. If this is the case, I am afraid that Fellow Taoist Shi will have no choice.”

At this moment, she really wanted to take action and directly destroy Yan Nantian.

But although Yan Nantian was not in a good mental state at this time, he was not seriously injured.

What’s more, there is also the powerful Xue Wushuang.

If you act rashly, you may only put yourself in danger.

“How can Shi Potian’s attainments in the art of weapon refining be compared to fellow Daoist Jiang?”

Yan Nantian snorted coldly, then looked at Jiang Tiandao: “Fellow Daoist Jiang, just do it, if you can’t repair it, I, Yan Nantian, will never complain!”


Luo Qingyun was extremely angry and secretly said: “This Yan Nantian is really stubborn!”

“Don’t worry, Sect Leader Yan, repairing the Demon-Slaying Sword will be easy for me!”

Jiang Tian raised his hand and waved, and the fragments of the demon-slaying sword suddenly floated in the air.

Everyone looked at this scene, some looking forward to it, some angry, and some puzzled.

Jiang Tian raised his sword finger, and a golden light emerged from between his eyebrows.

Under the pull of the sword fingers, the golden light moved slowly, and finally wrapped the fragments of the demon-slaying sword.

“This kid is really making up his mind.”

Zhu Kun sneered: “In addition to the art of refining weapons and special materials, refining weapons also requires special flames!”

“Now this kid doesn’t even have one, and he wants to repair the demon-slaying sword with just a ray of spiritual consciousness? It’s simply ridiculous!”

When Xue Ji and An Ye heard this, they also looked at each other.

This is the first time they have heard of this method of refining weapons.

“Why is Jiang Daoyou’s weapon refining method so weird?”

Xue Wushuang frowned.

Even though he is well-informed, he has never seen this kind of weapon refining method.

“Zongzhu Yan, have you seen this? This kid doesn’t understand the art of refining weapons at all!”

Luo Qingyun sneered and said: “I advise you to stop him immediately, otherwise the demon-slaying sword will be damaged by him!”

“Isn’t the damage to the demon-slaying sword serious enough now?”

Yan Shanxue sneered and said: “Senior Qingyun, I think you are not here to help at all today, you are here to cause trouble!”

For Yan Shanxue, who had seen Jiang Tian refining weapons before, the scene before her was not surprising at all.

After all, she had seen this scene before at the martial arts arena in Yunshan City.

“Shanxue, don’t be rude!”

Yan Nantian also gradually calmed down at this time. After scolding him, he looked at Luo Qingyun and said, “Fellow Daoist Qingyun, this is how Daoist Jiang makes weapons. It’s the first time you see him. You will inevitably be surprised.”

“You will naturally know after Daoist Fellow Jiang repairs this demon-slaying sword later.”

Seeing that both father and daughter had great trust in Jiang Tian, ​​Luo Qingyun could only snort coldly in the end and stopped talking, but secretly said in her heart:

“If it can be repaired, that’s fine. Then let Yan Nantian and Xue Wushuang fight to the death, so that you can do it yourself!”

“How can you know my methods?”

At this time, Jiang Tian glanced at Luo Qingyun coldly and shouted: “Demon Slaying Sword! Gather!”

The fragments of the demon-slaying sword wrapped in golden light instantly lined up in a row, as if they had heard Jiang Tian’s order.

Then slowly they came together.

“This kid, until now, is still pretending to be a ghost.”

Zhu Kun was sure that Jiang Tian would never be able to repair the demon-slaying sword, and secretly sneered: “Who does he think he is? But it’s okay, if Yan Nantian and Xue Wushuang can fight to the death, that would be a good thing.”

“How dare you use your mere ability to control objects in front of us? Boy named Jiang, don’t you think you are ridiculous?”

Luo Qingyun was even more dismissive of Jiang Tian.

“You can tell at a glance whether it’s the art of controlling objects or not!”

Jiang Tian sneered and shot out another golden consciousness: “Demon Slaying Sword! Join!”

With a loud shout, the place where the demon-slaying sword broke was wrapped by wisps of divine consciousness.

The consciousness burns and releases golden flames.


The void shook.

Under the gaze of everyone, the demon-slaying sword’s body, which had been broken into several pieces, actually began to heal.

In a moment, it turned cold and sparkling again, without any cracks.

“I actually came back from the dead again?”

At this time, a slim figure of Nana emerged from the demon-slaying sword.

Surprisingly, it was the spirit of the demon-slaying sword, the middle-aged man wearing a white robe.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

“This…this…did I read it correctly?”

Xue Ji was speechless and shocked.

“How is this possible? How is this possible?”

An Ye was also shocked, pointing at the middle-aged man suspended above the demon-slaying sword, and exclaimed: “Is this the legendary weapon spirit?”

“Without the art of refining weapons, special flames, and materials, he actually repaired the demon-slaying sword!”

Zhu Kun was stunned and exclaimed: “What’s even more frightening is that he is just a little god-forming monk!”

“Little god-transforming monk?”

Xue Wushuang glanced at Zhu Kun and said: “Master Zhu, have you forgotten that yesterday at the gate of Blood Moon City, Fellow Daoist Jiang suppressed you with just one formation?”


Zhu Kun’s face suddenly turned red.

This incident has become a stain on his life.

He couldn’t help but secretly make up his mind and said: “Today, this person’s soul must be extinguished! Only in this way can this matter become a thing of the past!”

Beside Jiang Tian, ​​Luo Qingyun, who saw this scene, was even more shocked and stepped back, pointing at the spirit of the demon-slaying sword:

“This is impossible! This is impossible! In Haizhou, there is someone who is more accomplished in the art of weapon refining than Taoist friend Shi?”

This was far beyond her imagination.

“This is natural!”

Looking at Luo Qingyun’s dumbfounded look, Yan Shanxue was filled with pride, cupped her hands and said, “Thank you Daoist Jiang for repairing the demon-slaying sword!”

“Great! Great!”

Yan Nantian stood up, bowed to Jiang Tian repeatedly and said, “Fellow Daoist Jiang, I, the Yunshan Sect, will remember this kindness in my heart. If you have any instructions in the future, I, Yan Nantian, will never say anything!”

“Zong Master Yan, please remember what you said today. I believe there will be something to ask of Zong Master Yan soon!”

Jiang Tian raised his hand, grabbed the demon-slaying sword in his hand, and handed it to Yan Nantian.

“Don’t worry, Fellow Daoist Jiang, I, Yan Nantian, will never break my promise!”

Yan Nantian took the demon-slaying sword, looked at the sharp blade, turned to look at Xue Wushuang and said: “Xue Wushuang, fight me for another three hundred rounds!”


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