My Wife is a Counsel Chapter 97: Old acquaintance

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Seeing Sun Chonggu grinning at him, Lu Ming was speechless for a moment.

This is the Longbei District Commissioner’s Office.

Ren Zhonglin’s management of Longbei District is still the same as that of the province, directly setting up offices and appointing officials at one level.

Sun Chonggu was already a Daoyin of Fengxiang Road. Fengxiang Road was the most important road in Longbei adjacent to Shengjing.

Sun Chonggu’s previous positions were usually not small, but they were all false positions. Now is his first real and powerful position.

Fengxiang Dao Dao Yin has been selected from Sun faction officials. His father Sun Gan probably wanted to place his beloved son here for a long time, but he was always afraid that he would not be able to convince the public.

On Wanzhou Road, Sun Chonggu cooperated closely with the Heishan Department, and the Heishan Department gave excellent reviews.

And also smashed Sun Pojun’s rebellion conspiracy.

Sun Gan then proudly elected his son as Daoyin of Fengxiang Dao.

This is also a milestone event for Sun Chonggu, which means that his position as the next generation successor of the Sun faction is becoming more and more stable.

Looking at Lu Ming now, he was very happy and said with a smile: “Brother, I heard you are here, I have to come!”

Lu Ming was helpless. He didn’t know why this guy felt that he had become his lucky star. Although he had not harmed him, he did not treat him well. Those excellent comments were just to deceive Sun Gan. He was also trying to alienate Sun Pojun.

Sun Gan is a very scary old man, but he also has his own weaknesses. He likes to listen to good things about his son. Maybe he knows deep down in his heart that his son is not a talented person who can take over, but he still cherishes everything. Therefore, sometimes he would take the praise from the outside seriously even though he knew it was false.

If Sun Chonggu has not changed much, he really takes over. Once Sun Gan dies, I am afraid that the Sun faction will immediately fall apart and cease to exist.

So for Sun Chonggu’s promotion step by step, Ren Zhonglin was afraid that he would also be happy to see it happen.

Lu Ming was thinking wildly and forced a smile to Sun Chonggu.

Sun Chong was beaming and was about to continue talking when a long “cough” sound of phlegm came from beside him.

The person who made the strange noise was a skinny little old man.

This is the owner of this office, Commissioner Li Tan.

The little old man who seems to have an eccentric personality has been working here for more than ten years.

The commissioner of the Longbei District Office in Shengjing is, in a sense, more important than the positions of various Taoists in Longbei. Li Tan is an absolute confidant of Governor Ren Zhonglin.

Li Tan has always had a good reputation and is an upright man, but he is very conservative and has a rather eccentric personality.

He seemed a little at a loss regarding the current new situation in Shengjing. For example, when dealing with the conflict between Longbei patrol officers and Anshan construction workers, it almost caused a bigger dispute. In the end, it was only through the mediation of Westerners that it ended peacefully.

He made a strange noise, and Sun Chonggu chuckled, “Uncle Li, okay, okay, I won’t say anything, but my brother is really an expert in law. He is a Montenegrin man, and he has a good reputation. If he opens his mouth and doesn’t talk about the law, Then you won’t be jailed?”

Lu Ming was helpless. If he hadn’t known that this guy was just a fool, just by saying this, he would have offended himself and the entire Black Mountain Department.

Looking at Li Tan, he asked: “Commissioner Li, do you have any legal problems? There is a good law firm in the concession area.”

Li Tan waved his hand, “Brother, it’s not a legal issue. Chonggu often paints in lakes and lakes. I made a mistake. But you’re welcome! Recently, there has been a lot of trouble among thieves in Longbei District. Our patrol room suspects Anshan The thieves in Anshan are famous for being powerful. However, no matter how hard we set up defenses, we can’t catch those thieves. Now people are panicking. Moreover, thefts are starting to happen to wealthy families. The trouble is getting worse! How do people view the public security in Longbei District?”

Lu Ming nodded and listened silently.

Li Tan sighed, picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, then suddenly stared at Lu Ming, “Brother, do you think there will be any of their traitors in our patrol room?”

“It’s possible.” Lu Ming pondered, “But some snitches are really powerful, and it’s not like the patrols can find traces of them.”

Sun Chonggu said from the side: “Why is it not a legal issue? Uncle Li, if you want to Chonggu, it was originally done by Anshan people. There is no need to catch thieves and take away the dirt. Let’s catch a group of Anshan buildings. As for how to impose a sentence and how to obtain evidence, isn’t it a legal issue? Is there nothing I, Brother Zhang, can do to punish a few Anshan people to set an example? Aren’t they still honest?”

Li Tan pondered and nodded: “It can’t be said that it’s not a solution!”

Sun Chonggu was very proud and waved his folding fan.

Lu Ming smiled and said: “How about this? There are a few experienced agents in the patrol room in the Black Mountain Concession. Let them come over first to take a look and form a special office?”

Li Tan remained silent.

Lu Ming knew that Sun Chonggu’s idea was quite in line with Li Tan’s wishes. It seemed that the recent conflict between the Anshan construction workers and the Longbei patrolmen had not been handled well, which had caused the Longbei patrolmen to suffer. Li Tan Tan felt angry in his heart and wanted to take the opportunity to make trouble for the Anshan people.

If you come to find yourself, it is really not a thieves issue, it is indeed a legal issue. See how to catch the Anshan people and turn them into ironclads, so that they cannot be overturned even if they appeal to the Central District Court.

It seems that sometimes the reputation of an official is completely different when viewed from a distance and up close.

For example, if he really captured a few Anshan people and turned them into iron eucalyptus, Li Tan would naturally have done another great thing in the eyes of the people in Longbei District.

After all, in the eyes of Longbei people, they despise the Anshan people, and they are more willing to believe that the recent banditry is caused by the inferior Anshan people.

Anshan is the poorest province among the four northern provinces, and in remote areas, it is even more unimaginably poor. A family of four only has one pair of pants.

In Shengjing, Anshan labor is the cheapest. People in the other three provinces will more or less look at Anshan people through colored glasses.

If something is lost in a store, anyone from Anshan will be the first to be suspected.

But Lu Ming actually hates regional people the most, especially those who discriminate against poor areas.

“If you are willing to form a special team, we are willing to provide all help. If not, I’m afraid I won’t be able to help. I’m sorry, Commissioner Li!” Lu Ming winked at Sun Chonggu.

Sun Chonggu chuckled: “Uncle Li, let’s set up a special team? It’s good to have solid evidence to catch the thief!” As he spoke, he winked at Lu Ming. He was a real general. This commissioner treats one of his own as a true friend.

Li Tan nodded: “Okay, then I’ll listen to you. Young people have new ideas and form a special group. Okay, let’s set up a special group.”

“Brother Zhang, how many soldiers do you have?” Sun Chonggu asked excitedly when he saw that the matter was over.

Lu Ming glanced at Li Tan and said to Sun Chonggu: “The armed military and police brigade is almost a battalion. In addition, I have an engineer brigade in my hand. However, the engineers are actually managed in a militarized manner. “Workers, if we really need to deploy a combat force, it will only be about a thousand people, almost two battalions. Together, there will be about three battalions.” He asked again: “What are you doing?”

Sun Chonggu had already raised his thumb and said with a smile: “Uncle Li, look, what am I talking about? My brother can’t lie to me, can he? Are you going to share your heart and soul with me?”

Li Tan looked a little embarrassed. He picked up the tea cup and drank water, not bothering to pay attention to the second generation ancestor.

Sun Chonggu smiled and said to Lu Ming: “Brother, there’s nothing else to do. I’m just thinking about it. If we start a war with the Haixi people in Shengjing, I’ll see how many soldiers we have.”

Lu Ming had no choice but to call him more and more affectionate.

However, even Li Tan didn’t think there was anything wrong with him calling him “brother.”

After all, I am notorious as the leader of the secret police. At most, others think that I am tender-faced, and they do not think that I am really in my early twenties.

Compared with himself, Sun Chonggu is even more of a child, so he should call himself “brother”.

“Brother, what do you think if we set up a trap and get a vote from the Haixi Jintan Society?” Sun Chonggu said enthusiastically.

As a Taoist Yin, the Taoist Guard Brigade is also under his command. For the first time, he really has a lot of authority, and many things are trivial.

Moreover, it is obvious that because of his experience on Wanzhou Road, he and Lu Ming led troops to suppress the bandits. The bandits were all supported by the Haixi people, which was almost equivalent to fighting the Haixi people. This made him think that the Haixi people became an enemy.

Lu Ming smiled: “We can study it.”

Li Tan was too lazy to pay attention to them, drinking tea with a helpless look in his eyes.


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