My Wife is a Counsel Chapter 144: Follow the trend

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In the coffee room on the second floor of the Earl’s residence, Lu Ming was drinking coffee leisurely and looking through the materials that Quixon had just brought.

The main thing is the autopsy results of the three gunmen, etc., because in the past few days, the identities of the three people have not been determined.

However, all three people have tattoos of the People’s Glory Party on their bodies, and they are not recent tattoos. According to the forensic report, the latest tattoo of the three people is five or six years old, and the longest tattoo is probably more than ten years old. .

This shows that no matter who is behind the scenes, they are indeed gunmen from the People’s Honor Party.

The People’s Glory Party is limited to the Housesville Peninsula. The appearance of the three people is indeed that of the Houseville ethnic group.

If Westerners were to be subdivided, there would be many ethnic groups, similar to those in previous lives.

“Is there any movement track of these three gunmen?” Lu Ming looked for the file, feeling a little strange.

Quixon shook his head: “That Frey is too high-profile. I wish I would inform the newspaper in advance of every day’s schedule. These three gunmen might find an opportunity to shoot him on the same day. They are not staying in any hotel or hotel. Of course, the registration staff of the small hotel may have deliberately said that they had never seen the three of them for fear of causing trouble, so they are still checking carefully.”

Lu Ming nodded. To be honest, assassination is not that difficult nowadays. The Grand Duke and his wife who were assassinated in the previous life were the first heirs of the authentic emperor. Compared with Frey, Nothing at all.

Moreover, even Frey himself did not expect that there was a conspiracy approaching him, so he did not take any precautions at all. The so-called bodyguards were just to show off their prestige.

While Lu Ming was thinking about it, Yu Luan came in, gave the two of them hot tea, and then left.

Quixon looked helplessly at these extremely beautiful maids coming in and out, and sighed: “Consultant Qianxing, the life of a billionaire like you is really enviable!”

Lu Ming glanced at him, “I see you are a little irritable. What’s bothering you?”

Quixon raised his thumb, “It seems that recommending you to join the investigation team is the most correct thing I have done. Nothing can be hidden from your eyes!” After a pause, “The people in this investigation team , there are more and more people, I don’t know who they are, they are all arranged to come in, oh, tomorrow your Donghai team will also join, it can be regarded as the representative party sent by the Duke of Donghai! Five people, all entered the special investigation bureau, two Young people under ten years old, a senior investigation director, a deputy director…”

Lu Ming coughed. It seemed that no one was exempt from vulgarity. Quixon was also full of complaints in private. He had been in the Special Investigation Bureau for so long, but he was only a detective. The rank of an agent in the Special Investigation Bureau was , detectives, deputy detectives, detectives, investigation specialists, deputy director of investigations, senior investigation directors, etc., and then there are the heads of several major departments, and then there are the most senior officials such as the director’s secretary, deputy director, etc. .

Quickerson has broken many big secrets. He has been working hard for twenty or thirty years. When the young paratrooper came, he was a few ranks higher than him. How could he be so calm in his heart?

Just as he was about to say something, Yu Luan knocked on the door and came in, came to Lu Ming’s side, and whispered a few words into Lu Ming’s ear.

When Lu Ming heard the name she said, he stood up and said, “Brother Kui, there’s a call I have to answer.”

Quixon quickly accepted Lu Ming’s strange calling habits and nodded.

Ten minutes later, Lu Ming came back with a strange expression on his face.

Quickson didn’t know why at the time. When he came to visit again in the afternoon, he saw Lu Ming who was still looking through the files and smiled bitterly: “Consultant Lu, you should know everything.”

This case is of great importance. The leader of the investigation team is personally led by an assistant director who is also in charge of the Emergency Department, and has assembled the best detectives in the bureau.

Just now, he was informed that the investigation team would send a team to Houseville to investigate the true identities of the three gunmen.

This team will be led by a deputy director of the Ministry of Emergency Affairs. The main members are the five-person team from Donghai. In addition, he has also been assigned to this team. In addition, it is the consultant Lu Qianxing, who is also on the list of members of the group.

And this is obviously known to the consultant Lu in front of me.

Quixon handed a thin kraft paper file to Lu Ming, “This is the list of members of our team.”

Lu Ming nodded, opened the file and took out the information sheets of the people inside to read.

Team leader Nelson, an old man in his fifties, is the deputy director of the Emergency Affairs Department of the Special Investigation Bureau.

I received a call from Lady Windsor in the morning, saying that Nelson’s boss, who had been promoted all the way, was very close to her husband’s circle.

Looking at the team members at the back, senior investigation director Yin Sabel, deputy director of investigation Han Annie, and three female investigators.

They are all members of Yin Sabel’s Red Winged Wither Guards, a group of five from the East China Sea.

Their positions correspond to military ranks, that’s why they are so high.

Mrs. Windsor told herself to teach Yin Sabel well.

It seems that in the future, the public reserve will have to undergo a new gilding process, serve in the military, and then join the Special Investigation Bureau for some experience. After a few years, I am afraid that it will be necessary to practice social affairs.

As Yin Sabel’s best friend and former deputy, Han Anni naturally followed her in the same advancement and retreat, not to mention Han Anni’s own background as a police detective.

From another level, the Duke of Donghai sent representatives to participate in this case. In addition to training his granddaughter, he also wanted to find out the truth.

Although the Duke of Haussburg has a low status among the royal family, after all, this is the first time in a century that a prince-level royal family has been assassinated, and he was shot dead in the street.

It was Quixon’s whim that he became a consultant to the Special Investigation Bureau.

My god-sister is following the trend now, but I hope that within a few days, she will call me to hint something, for example, to shift the direction of the investigation to some specific people.

Seeing the strange look on Quixon’s face, Lu Ming knew that he must have the same concerns as himself. He knew that this relationship had become impure and might slowly evolve into some kind of political battle.

For real frontline agents, this is tantamount to cruel torture.

“Brother Kui, don’t worry, we just have to do our own thing!”

Lu Ming smiled at Quixon. In fact, he was now extremely curious as to who assassinated Frey and what the underlying reasons were.

Even, a dark thought flashed across my mind, could I find a way to involve the Hu family?

Of course, this thought passed away in a flash.

I can’t help but feel vigilant. It seems that the higher you go, the looser some boundaries are. This is a very dangerous sign.

Sighed and looked at the personnel information sheet on the table. Well, this is the first time I have seen a clear photo of Yin Sabel. She is an extremely beautiful girl. She is Christine’s daughter. She is simply a gram. The girl version of Christine is usually not as smart in today’s photos, but her photos can clearly make people imagine a beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes standing in front of you.

Looking at Han Anni again, I haven’t seen her for a long time. I am very busy. She also has her own development, but I don’t want to meet her at such an opportunity. Well, her ID photo is also More and more pure and beautiful.


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