My Wife is a Counsel Chapter 133: Fallen and ruthless

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The Red Rose Casino Hotel officially reopened. Firecrackers were going off all day, and at night, it turned into a fireworks feast. Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the VIP rooms, bright colorful flowers bloomed in the night sky from time to time.

Lu Ming, Hofers, Asa Yu Nagamasa, and James are in this private room.

On resumption of business today, Asaba Nagamasa and James personally came to congratulate.

Now, of course, the four of them just play a few games, and mainly talk about things.

The game is still three cards, and Beji will deal the cards. Because the things to be discussed are relatively private, there are only these five people in the room. If you need tea or other things, Beji will ring the service bell. There is already a person standing outside the suite. Waiters in line.

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Beji is wearing a bunny girl’s dealer uniform, with a cool and delicate face, and a tall and **** figure that makes all men salivate.

Lu Ming was a little helpless and chauvinistic. Originally, he should watch these things alone and put them away at home.

However, Bei Ji likes this job very much, and there are enough women hidden in her family. One or two of them come out to work, which also gives her a different sense of freshness.

Huh? Lu Ming looked at the leopard and tiger head in his hand, and saw that Beiji was secretly blinking at him. The long, shiny brown eyelashes on her big blue eyes were gently blinking. She was very charming and charming, and he couldn’t help but smile.

Bei Ji doesn’t have any special abilities. She just relies on shuffling the cards to shuffle them out of order, which is very powerful.

Of course, today is not a real gambling game, she is just playing a little trick with herself to invite favors.

“One hundred, no meeting.” Lu Ming smiled and threw in a chip, then said: “World Entertainment Company, I don’t think it’s good!”

It is Hofers, Asaba Nagamasa, and James who are planning to set up a “World Entertainment Company” together. However, in fact, the Ginza Club wants to rely on the reputation of the Red Rose. It is Hofers who runs his own Red Rose, and Asaba Nagamasa and James run Ginza, but 10% of Ginza’s annual profits are transferred to Hofers.

It is somewhat similar to the brand franchise fee in the previous life. From the perspective of outsiders, Red Rose and Ginza are the same company.

So, if you like Western-style casinos, go to Red Rose, and if you like Eastern-style casinos, go to Ginza.

The scandal that happened in Ginza a few days ago will soon be over.

But Hofers is definitely at a disadvantage. A time-honored brand with more than ten years, the number one casino hotel in Shengjing and even the northern region, will be borrowed by a rising star and competitor for no reason.

As for Asaba Nagamasa and James, they will actually feel aggrieved, and they may make a stopgap measure until the matter subsides, something may happen.

Don’t even think about it. After half a year and a year, if you still haven’t become one with them, I’m afraid that all kinds of gunmen and killers will come to find you. You must put yourself to death and then hurry up, so that you can calm down.

Especially James, who was afraid that he had paid the bulk of the more than 30 million yuan and that his family would be completely empty. After hearing about it, he sold off all the bonds and many real estate properties in his hands.

Originally, surrendering to the Japanese to gain peace should have come at a high price. However, with the current commotion, I am afraid that all the years of accumulation have been destroyed in one fell swoop.

Will he be willing to continue like this and become a collaborator in his own circle?

After pondering, Lu Ming said: “It definitely won’t work this way. Mr. Qianyu, Representative James, I think your casino can compete normally. Shengjing can still accommodate two top casinos. I originally proposed a joint venture, but I didn’t want you to make do with it. Partners, partners, if we improvise for some reasons, we will definitely turn against each other in the end. I speak frankly, so don’t take offense.”

Hofers, Asaba Nagamasa and James didn’t say anything, but they all knew that what Lu Ming said made sense.

Lu Ming sipped the tea and continued: “I am not afraid of offending anyone. I deserve the more than 30 million. Whether Ginza lives or dies has nothing to do with me and Hofers. However, I received Bailou’s phone number, so I also gave in. There are installment payments without interest, and there are also municipal construction projects in Rizhao New District. Many of them use your Japanese construction team and raw materials to discount the last five million, but we Is there no construction team or raw materials in Montenegro? I think I have done my best!”

Asaba Nagamasa and James were silent, their expressions a bit ugly.

Hofers even secretly sweated.

Lu Ming said: “So, I think the whole thing is over. You guys are here when Lao Huo Hotel reopens. You are the honored guests. Lao Huo and I are grateful to you two. As for the cooperation between Red Rose and Ginza, if this is the case Model, forget it. The joint venture I mentioned at the beginning is that you set a price for Ginza and a price for Red Rose, and find an accountant to do the calculations, including intangible assets such as the brand. Finally, you decide who has the right number of shares. I’ll give you a rough idea. It feels like Ginza can discount 15% of the shares of the new company.”

Hofers was drinking his coffee when he choked and coughed loudly.

Asaba Nagamasa smiled and said: “Red roses are famous in Shengjing and even in the north. Indeed, as Commissioner Zhang said, they are a very valuable intangible asset.”

He kept his composure, but James snorted coldly, “Ginza’s new talent, given time, who can gain a foothold in Shengjing is still uncertain!”

Lu Ming smiled: “So, if you think about it this way, you have no basis for cooperation at all. According to your model, it will be extremely simple to separate in the future. It is equivalent to Lao Huo helping you tide over the difficulties and giving you customers. Yuan, when Ginza becomes more mature, you can beat him! There is no such cooperation in business, this is called bullying! If you don’t know, you think I owe you money, and Lao Huo is helping me repay the favor!” >

“I say goodbye!” James stood up abruptly and walked out.

Asaba Nagamasa smiled: “I’ll go and persuade him, Hofers, business is booming!”

The spy chief is really ruthless.

Hofers hurriedly got up and went to see them off. After a moment, he turned around and smiled bitterly at Lu Ming.

Lu Ming smiled and said: “We are not in the same group, why do we have to squeeze together? I started out because I was afraid that there would be too many twists and turns with the more than 30 million yuan, such as having to go to court again. Now I basically have it. “Well, it’s best to draw a clear line with them, and I’ll take advantage of you.” He paused and said, “However, you can’t **** Asaba Nagamasa or James within this year. They both owe me five million. It will take one year.” Pay off, well, that’s a little off.”

Hofers finally nodded: “That’s good, it’s clean and my heart is settled!”

After all, he is a tycoon, but his hands are tied now. If he is really an idle person, how can he become the entertainment king in Shengjing and even the Northern Territory?

Lu Ming smiled and said: “You are afraid of what they will do. I am your backing! I have two thousand special agents. Anyone who is dishonest will overtake them!” He patted Hofers on the shoulder.

Although Lu Ming was joking, Hofers understood that this was indeed the truth. In Shengjing, the first person who cannot be provoked is probably this commissioner, because of the power in his hands. He was the one who directly commanded and obeyed his orders, and he could really pull out two thousand heavily armed commandos.

If others, such as the Japanese Gendarmerie, want to launch large-scale military operations, it is not the Japanese commander in Shengjing who has the final say. They must have a secret order from the military headquarters in Kyoto.

No way, who calls this commissioner a close confidant of General Lu? Not only is he the head of the Montenegro secrecy system, he even heard that he has the power to mobilize all the military forces in Shengjing and nearby Montenegro. He is a powerful person, and really no one has his power.


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