Light Spirit Epic: : Do you remember love?


Chapter 688 The final chapter of the first volume: Have you ever remembered love? “You can say **the first*(..)”

Same time. Rome.

Remain in Merlin at Fort Brindisi. And Merlin’s assistant, Renine. Busy cleaning up the makeshift magic lab. Ready to return to the Tower of the ** Division.

“Aren’t you going to celebrate for His Majesty King Arthur. Master Mage.” Lian Yin packed up various spell scrolls. asked casually.

“Let’s go after this.” Merlin sneered. “They have gun salutes and fireworks over there. It must be noisy. I don’t like noisy environments.

Wait for the heat to cool down before going to Arthur. He won’t mind. Anyway, using the teleportation technique to pass is an instant thing. “

The female assistant shrugs. Canada. Mage no way.

(He was actually just shy.)

“It’s all packed up. Come on.” Merlin unloaded all his belongings in the huge spell augmentation array. Call it Lian Yin. More faster chapters to come. Prepare for a massive teleportation.

“Uh. Wait a minute. I want to keep this scroll.” The Patimo girl leaned over to pick up a small scroll on the ground. It was an Elder Scroll that was so old that it was about to be weathered. It records a lot of rough ancient magic.

The mage looked disapproving: “There is already a copy of that kind of thing”

“I know. But it still has its historical value…”

Ding. A crisp micro sound. The moment Lian Yin picked up the scroll. A small thing slipped from her showroom. fall to the ground.

It’s a petite and lovely flower headpiece. That simple and elegant shape. From a flower called [Breath of the Sky].

Lian Yin looked at the headgear. stunned for a long time. Not because of the beauty and cuteness of the headgear. But because it exudes some kind of nostalgia.

“What’s the matter. Lian Yin. Is there anything else I need to bring? Update as soon as possible” Merlin was stunned when he saw Lian Yin. asked.

The girl slowly picked up the headdress. Doubtful.

“This headgear…have I ever had this headgear.”

“What are you talking about.” Merlin glanced at the flower headpiece. “It’s just a small headgear. It must have been given to you by someone. You have a good face. Someone is obsessed with you. It’s normal.”

Lian Yin is still puzzled.

“Think… can’t remember.” Tears rolled down the girl’s face. “Who gave it to me. I just can’t remember.”

She wiped her tears: “But why…when I see this headgear. I want to cry.”

Merlin looked at Lian Yin. A moment of silence.

“Master Mage… I’m sorry. Please go back alone.” The girl clenched her headgear. whispered. “I want to go somewhere first.”

“…Go.” Merlin smiled knowingly. Nodding lightly: “If this is your destiny. Please welcome it with an open heart.”

Evening. A small farm outside London.

A small log cabin on the farm. It was a temporary residence that Arthur rented after he left the Northern Heaven Knights. It was the original “base” of the Knights of Arthur (later known as the Knights of the Holy King).

Arthur sold the small farm directly when he had the money. It is now Arthur’s private land, although almost no one knows it.

In the darkness of night. At the same time, it is also in the constant flame of London. A figure slowly walked into the small room.

The werewolf boy pushed open the door. I want to take a look here before leaving. This is the place where I have lived with everyone.

The moment the door opened. The werewolf boy was surprised. There are guests in the house.

The King of Knights sits on a wooden chair in the farmhouse. Waiting for Bedivere to arrive. More faster chapters to come.

“Arthur… oh no. His Majesty King Arthur.”

“I’m curious. Why do you know this place.” Arthur asked as soon as he opened his mouth: “This is my private land. Except for the original [Arthur Knights] members. No one should know about this place. .”

The werewolf boy was silent for a while.

“If you know that. You must have some connection with my knights. But it’s strange. I don’t know you. I don’t even have any memory of you. It’s really illogical.”

(Even so.)

The werewolf boy whispered. Trying to confuse things: “Your Majesty. I just happened by accident”

“Don’t lie to me. There won’t be so many coincidences in this world.” The King of Knights was furious. “I must know you. You must have been here before. And have a deep sense of this place.

Otherwise. More faster chapters to come. You would never be late at night like this. When London is buzzing with excitement. Come to this quiet place. Now. Don’t go anywhere. Come in and sit down. “

Bedivere’s face is troubled. But he ended up walking into the farmhouse. Sitting on a wooden chair. Sit face to face with King Arthur at the table.

The King of Knights lights up the chandelier on the ceiling. Looking at the werewolf boy like a prisoner: “Now. Tell me. Who are you. Where are you from. How did you know this place? Where are you going. What are you going to do?

Take everything you know. Invite me from the truth. If you don’t want to die. Better not to lie. “

Bedivere fell silent again.

(What’s the use of saying that.)

“You won’t believe it…”

“It’s okay. Even if I can’t believe it. I still want to hear it.”

Not meaningful.

[Real] at the moment of the blurb. The first update is going to be a little bit different from the real [real] right away.

True truth. exists only in our hearts. Words cannot express.

Breakthroughs of throbbing pain entered the werewolf boy’s heart. His voice trembled more and more: “Since I can’t believe it. What’s the use of hearing it.”

Neither know each other. No need to say more;

Since there is no chance. Why do we know each other;

The past is a fantasy. Like water without trace;

Farewell today. forever strangers.

Looking at Bedivere, who was crying quietly in front of her. The king of knights stretched out his hand. He stroked the werewolf boy’s head.

“That’s it. That’s all.” Wang whispered in a gentle tone: “You only need to answer one question:

Have we ever been friends? “

The werewolf boy paused for a moment. Then. He mustered his courage and nodded.

Wang then asked: “So. Can we continue to be friends?”

Tears clouded Bedivere’s eyes. He was already weeping. He tried hard not to look so broken. Gently at the same time. Nodding.

Arthur smiled: “Well. That’s good. From now on. Wherever you plan to go. Whatever you do. Please remember me as a friend. The world is not peaceful. Hope you have a safe journey.”

The King of Knights plucked a Holy Spirit diamond from the crown above his head. into the hands of the werewolf boy.

“Your Majesty. What are you doing…” The Holy Spirit Crown protested loudly. But only Arthur could hear it and Arthur chose to ignore it.

“This is…”

“My gift to you. It will definitely bring a little convenience to your journey.” The King of Knights’ smiling face soon turned serious: “Seven years. According to my estimation. Morgan Get enough power to break down the walls of the world. It only takes about seven years. During these seven years. Whether you choose to live quietly. Or cultivate yourself. It’s all your freedom.

But. promise me. Seven years later. Must come back here. I need your strength. friend. “

The tears that had been stopped poured out like a dam. Wet the werewolf boy’s cheeks completely. And quickly dripped to the ground. On the table. on his sleeve. and the Holy Spirit on white diamonds.

He is a treasure. Treasure the diamonds. At the same time, he murmured in a vague voice: “Sure… I will definitely come back. Your Majesty.”

“Don’t call me Your Majesty,” the Knight King stopped. “You have always called me Arthur. From now on. When there is no one around. Please continue to call me Arthur. I allow. Because we are friends.”

Bedivere can only answer by crying.

“Then. Goodbye. Bedivere.” The King of Knights got up and left. “If there is fate (Kama). May we meet again on the road ahead.

You’re the one I’ve seen. The clearest soul. no matter who you were. I would like to trust you.

May the years retain your innocence. May you not be contaminated by the vulgarity of the world.

May we meet again. You are still you. “

That’s what Wang thought at this moment. ll. There is so much information hidden in it. Even the king himself couldn’t fully understand what he only knew. This is what he should say at the moment.

A few hours after Arthur left. The werewolf boy had enough crying. Get out of the farmhouse. Ready to leave for his hometown.

When he thought there was nothing worth lingering about here. In the flower field of the farm. Another figure caught his attention.

As if called upon. The girl waited quietly in the flower field of [Breath of the Sky]. her figure. It shows a serene and tranquil beauty in the night.

There are countless noctilucent insects flying among the pale blue flowers. That faint green light like a meteor. And the gorgeous fireworks in the distant sky. A stark contrast was formed.

But. They are compared to the beauty of a girl. But it’s a sea of ​​chestnuts.

Look at Lian Yin who suddenly appeared here. Bedivere was surprised and puzzled.

I don’t know whether the other party recognizes me or not. The werewolf boy was cowardly and worried. He hesitantly called out in a low voice: “Lian…Lian Yin.”

“Who are you. Why do you know this place…” The girl kept staring at the ornament in her hand. Barely looking at Bedivere.

“I’m just… passing by.” The other party really didn’t recognize the disappointed werewolf boy who was about to leave.

“Please at least tell me. Your name.” The girl seemed to mutter to herself. But she did ask.

“My name is…” The boy hesitated for a moment: “My name is Bedivere. Nice to meet you.”

The girl suddenly turned her head. Staring at the desolate werewolf boy in front of him: “My name is Lian Yin. I am also very happy to meet you.”

She picks up the ornament. Flip it over.

Small ornament on the back. There are a few mosquito-like characters carved with a knife.

That is the mark that Lian Yin secretly carved in order not to forget this love. Even if fate changes. The world has become different. It’s still there.

“It said. I love Bedivere.” Renine’s eyes gradually changed as she stared at Bedivere. Her originally mechanically cold face. become flesh and blood. full of soul.

“So. Are you Bedivere. Are you. The one I should love.”

Tears wet the werewolf boy’s eyes again. Choking, he couldn’t answer.

“I don’t remember you. But I remember I love you.” The girl answered the question instead of the boy. Her eyes were also wet with tears. “Is it all an illusion. Are you just a fictional character in my fantasy. Answer me. Bedivere.”

More choked up, he was unable to speak. But he couldn’t keep silent any longer. Do nothing more. This last chance slipped through his fingers.

He knelt down. tightly. Embrace the girl.

I am not your hallucination.

Me. Real existence.

The familiar smell. This familiar touch. This familiar body temperature. Every single one of them expresses the boy’s speechless words strongly to the girl.

When teenage girls really feel it all. She just found her true heart.

Things that don’t exist in memory should have never been born.

However. Love. Own forever. beyond time. substance. logical boundaries. Make the impossible possible. this is Love.

Girls know. This is her true love.

She hugged the boy tightly. Embracing and weeping with this familiar stranger. Nothing in this world can separate them. Their love is both humble and great.

Life is alive. There are ten unpleasant things**;

Small creatures. Like a leaf in the ocean. Float with the waves.

However. No matter how things change. No matter how rough the road ahead is. Please don’t forget love.

It is the greatest miracle in the world. It can change the world.

The first volume of “The Walking Dead” is over. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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