Light Spirit Epic Chapter 985: Fighting for Ziyan (19)


Chapter 985 The fierce battle against Ziyan (nineteen)

That’s — an icy explosion! ?

The absolute cold air spreads in front of the big shield, forming a huge ice fence in an instant! It was ten feet wide and five feet high, and it took shape with the blast of air, and it really came to life, like a picket fence!

(Magic?! But it’s obviously impossible to use magic here?) The smooth and irregular ice fence refracts the light like a mirror, dispersing the purple flame beam cannon into countless small beams and reflecting them, thousands of which are almost as small as Small, harmless beams of light scatter in mid-air in no time! The white fog filled the air, the light and shadow danced wildly, and it was like a festive gorgeous fireworks, or a laser show at a celebration ceremony. This strange and beautiful scene is rare in the world!

But the high heat of the Ziyan Beam Cannon is not covered! Under the collision of ice and fire, the icicles can only last for a while! It melts completely quickly and loses its blocking effect!

Chanel took something out of her arms again, wondering if she needed to throw another one out.

But the need to do so is gone.

Whoosh – the moment the icicles completely melted, the two purple flame beam cannons are also attenuating, and the enemy seems to have exhausted their strength, unable to continuously shoot such terrifying beam cannons! This is also a matter of course, the power of the purple flame beam cannon is so huge, it is no wonder that it can shoot continuously for a long time! The enemy thought that they could destroy Albert and his party in one fell swoop, so they greeted all the beam cannons here without reservation. Unexpectedly, Albert and his party, who had done their best, survived this difficulty!

Albert and the others, who finally survived this difficulty, also presented the biggest, and probably the only chance to win!

“It’s now!” Albert didn’t have time to worry about the sacredness of Chanel’s ice-fence attack, so he ripped his throat and shouted, “Don’t give them another chance to shoot! Rush to deal with them! “If you keep blocking with a shield, it will be a long-lasting battle of attrition for Albert and others, and it is unknown when your stamina and props will be exhausted;

But for those monsters who use purple flame beam cannons, there is no [consumption] at all, they should be able to shoot beam cannons without limit!

Since the situation between the two sides is so disparate, it is better to take the risk and rush to solve the opponent than to sit still!

“Elaine, three o’clock, Al, twelve o’clock!” Chanel gave a strange order. The purpose of this command is very clear: they are already very close to the enemy, there is no need to hide their heads and tails at this time, it is better to spread out and defeat the enemy one-on-one!

Albert and Ice Bear ran out at the same time, swiftly bypassed the last fire pillars, and rushed to the end of the cave! The enemy who was waiting in front of them looked extremely weird – above the stone body of the amethyst colossus, there was a flower-like head. The thick stems and the diffuse petal-like structures all indicate that this is the organ that shoots the violet flame beam cannon. And these amethyst colossi specialized for shooting beam cannons are even more footless – no, they still have feet if you look carefully! As long as a crab, there are a total of six pairs of long legs! This is to allow them to move steadily while firing the beam cannon, albeit only laterally!

Consistent with Chanel’s visual data, there are two enemies in total! Elaine is already running towards one of the enemies, so Albert is bluntly going to deal with the other!

The amethyst colossus saw the tiger rushing towards him, and immediately opened its huge chrysanthemum-like radiation organ, which gathered a dangerous purple light, and was about to shoot a terrifying purple flame beam cannon!

“No way!” Before being sniped from a distance, Tiger could only bear it unilaterally. But after getting close, it’s Albert’s world!

Whoosh! ——The beam cannon swept past the tiger, unable to hit Albert running at high speed! The tiger only took two seconds to run the remaining twenty yards and was already in front of the monster!

“You are meowing! -” Albert leaped up, and the long sword in his hand slashed diagonally upwards as if ascending to the sky. With his own sharpness and the strength of the tiger’s whole body, he easily shot the monster into the organ of the beam cannon. chopped off! Purple flames spurted out of the flower stem-like cuts!

“Look at you again——” Before Albert landed, he immediately grabbed the dagger and slashed down. The plug-in on the dagger was activated synchronously, and a powerful shock wave sent the dagger and the tiger to the ground rapidly. Advance! Its blade left a deep hole in the monster’s stone body!

“——Shoot a cold shot from a distance!” The tiger continued to curse, and rushed to the side of the monster as soon as it landed. His hands fluttered with swords, and the monster was made of amethyst. It was as long as a crab, but its long legs were not very firm, and everything was broken!

Pounds! The whole monster lost its balance and fell! The purple flame sprayed from the cut of the flower stem drenched on its own stone body, burning the monster’s stone body with a sizzling sound!

At that time, the tiger had already circled behind the monster, staring at the amethyst colossus, which was almost powerless to fight back for half a second, found a crack in the stone where the knife could be stabbed, and raised his Haitao The sword stabbed in!

Click! There was the sound of something shattering deep within the monster’s body. It’s been fixed – at least temporarily.

Albert looked over to Elaine again, and half of the white bear man’s arm seemed to be burnt by the purple flame beam cannon, but the white bear still pierced the monster’s stone body with his rhinoceros horn. The sword pierced so deeply, and the blade was originally so huge, the damage caused should be enough to stop the amethyst colossus from moving.

“Huh.” Albert sighed with relief, “Finally solved meow? Then, we-” Before Albert finished speaking, Chanel shouted from a distance: “Be careful. On your head!” The tiger was startled and looked up: there were still soldiers in ambushes on the rock wall of the cave. A chrysanthemum-like radiating organ shoots a purple flame beam cannon at Albert!

Although it is a smaller beam cannon, its lethality is still undiminished! If hit by this, the tiger’s body will melt in an instant!

“Wow!” Albert then moved to avoid it, but it was too late! The beam cannon will hit him in less than a second!

Clap la la la la! In front of Albert, something was making a strange noise. Only then did the tiger realize that there was an arrow stabbing on the ground in front of him! And the huge icicles are also being formed at a high speed, and at this moment, they have grown to the waist height of a tiger!

Instead of dodging the beam cannon, use this as cover! Albert was in a hurry, his body shrank down, and the whole person hid behind the icicle! And the icicle has grown into a huge ice wall ten feet high, just meeting the beam cannon!

Smack zi zi zi zi zi! Like the previous attack, the beam cannon slid away on the smooth surface of the giant icicle, scattering into countless small beams. The scorching heat of the beam cannon was offset by the coldness of the icicles, protecting Albert’s safety.

After the beam attacked, the icicles in front of Albert basically melted, leaving only a small section that was waist-high with El!

Albert realized that the icicle should have been made by Chanel. It is unknown what method was used.

Pounds! The amethyst colossus with the cold gun on the tiger’s head also seemed to have been attacked in some way. The huge explosion blew the amethyst part of its body into powder, and the monster lost the support of the crab’s feet and fell from the rock wall!

“You bastard!” The furious tiger rushed up, killing the little monster that fired the cold gun with one sword.

“It’s all over at last? Don’t tell me there’s more!” Albert looked around, and there were no more ambushes around.

He remembered the wonderful icicle from before. What is the magic of Chanel? To be able to use such a powerful icicle to block the terrifying Ziyan beam cannon and save the tiger twice.

“It’s an arrow… Meow?” Albert looked at the specially shaped arrow on the ground. That thing is very different from ordinary arrows. There seems to be some kind of device on the slightly bloated metal arrow…

“This is an arrow given to me by the test organizer. I thought I had no other weapons to and gave me this as a supplement.” Chanel sighed, “Ten frozen arrows, twenty frozen arrows. Explosive arrows, this is my last trump card. I have already used up two frozen arrows, and I used an explosive arrow just now.” After listening to the elf girl’s explanation, Albert immediately became unhappy: “You have this Why didn’t you tell us earlier?! If I had known earlier, it would have been easier to formulate combat strategies?!” “I have no obligation to tell you my cards.” Chanel rolled her eyes at Tiger: “Who do you think you are? ? The captain of this team? In my opinion, you are far from qualified to be the captain.” The tiger was so angry that he almost vomited blood. It took a long time for Albert to relax, “Okay…very good! Since you don’t trust me, forget it, anyway, after this mission is completed, we will no longer be a team, so you can continue with any cards you have hidden. Hide it, I’m too lazy to take care of it!” “Okay, it’s done!” Seeing that the tiger man youth and the elf girl were quarreling again, Elaine said helplessly: “Don’t, don’t waste time, let’s go!” Yes , if you drag on, the other teams will catch up.” Chanel put away her bow and took out a short sword: “I just hope that the road ahead will be better, and you guys will be able to live up to your expectations. Don’t let me waste it.” More arrows.” “You don’t need to remind me!” Albert angrily stepped forward.

The white bear reluctantly touched his shoulder, which had just been burned and had not healed completely, gritted his teeth, and followed. . .. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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