Light Spirit Epic Chapter 976: Fighting for Ziyan (10)


Chapter 976 The fierce battle against Ziyan (ten)

It’s a strange weapon made of black iron and full of sophisticated mechanics. Unlike traditional light guns, this thing does not have a luminous inner chamber, nor does it have the photon reflector that ordinary light guns should have. seat and place to put the battery.

He only has one hand free to attack while riding on the back of the big cat, which is probably the only weapon that can be used in this state – although its shape is really weird.

Palamidis frowned, not understanding what it was. But I guess this is something that was supplied from the organizer of the round table trial. Top students always get special treatment, and even this kind of stuff can get their hands on them.

Of course, no matter how sophisticated it looks, it’s just — a toy.

“What is that? This ridiculous toy.” Palamidis, a warrior, is very disdainful of firearms. “Are you going to use this toy to defeat those monsters with hard bodies? Besides, light guns and magic The same, it can’t be used in an area full of foreign photons, right?” “Don’t worry,” Evan grabbed the pistol, released its safety device, and took a look at the distant void: “This gun What is fired is not a light bullet, but a solid warhead made of steel. The only photon technology it applies is a photon explosion inside the gun chamber. This explosion is very slight, just to provide kinetic energy to the bullet , to get it out of the chamber. I don’t think the exotic photons here will have much effect on the mechanics of the firearm.” (Kinetic pistol? It’s all centuries old technology.)” Nonetheless, This thing is still a toy.” Palamides sneered even more dismissively.

In an age where warriors can wield lightsabers and cut bullets, all firearms seem so weak and useless that they can’t actually hurt anyone at all.

“Laugh as much as you like. When we’re attacked, you’ll thank me for the foresight – now, can we get out?” “Huhu. Of course.” Palamidi Si jumped into the cave from the entrance of the cave, and jumped towards the side of the cave. The barbs on his claws dig deep into the rocky structure of the mountain wall, providing him with the perfect suction to keep the big cat firmly against the wall.

Without any pillars of fire on the walls and ceiling, the cave is safe and comfortable, and there are various raised rock platforms to stop and rest just a short distance away – although Palamidis doesn’t think that I need to rest. The only problem is that the cave is so big that walking through the walls will take a longer detour (which is compensated for by the speed of Palamides).

Whoosh! ——The **** panther dashed out and ran against the wall.

What he has to do is simple: maintain a pace that is neither too fast nor too slow, follow Albert and Bedyville, and enjoy the success without being caught by them.

At the same time, in a virtual world.

Boom! Huge water bombs exploded on the black reef, splashing water, and the whole world shook! It was the attack from the seal monster. It opened its mouth and spit out giant water bombs. The weight of this water bomb itself was enough to smash people to pieces.

In the interval between each attack of the seal monster, it is the monster’s turn to attack the group of Zhangmen guards on its back. The water pressure cannons they fired swept in wave after wave. Fortunately, the distance was longer and the power was reduced, otherwise they would definitely cut through the rock!

“The firepower is really fierce,” Xinghui Longshaxing was hiding behind a rocky reef with King Arthur at the moment, using this as a bunker to guard against the enemy’s attack.

But hiding all the time is not the way to do it, Shaxing felt more and more aggrieved, and couldn’t help urging: “How long will we wait? Can’t we do something?” “Wait, there will be opportunities soon. .” The king of knights replied calmly to his companion. The splash of water bombs splashed all over him, coating the black armor of the King of Knights with a shiny sheen. The same water splash made his clothes soaked even more, sticking to the body of the King of Knights, making him look embarrassed. Despite this, the battle-hardened King Arthur was still unusually calm, always looking for a breakthrough in this intensive attack.

Whoa! Clap! Whoa, whoa! Water bombs and cannons slammed into the reef one after another, and the sea lions got closer. Although this giant sea beast moves slowly, its skin is thick and fleshy, and the interval between attacks is supported by the group of people on its back, which makes it almost impossible for ordinary people to start.

And now Arthur and Shaxing are just “ordinary people”. They didn’t have any combat skills to use, and they didn’t have any magical weapons in their hands. They came all the way here by relying on their own combat skills over the years. But their luck is probably coming to an end. This **** giant sea beast is not something that ordinary people can deal with, unless special means are used!

Or maybe not!

Whoa! Another water bomb exploded on the reef, Arthur and the sound of the explosion estimated the distance between the sea lion and them, and now that the conditions are ripe, he is going to do it!

King Arthur suddenly flipped out of cover and jumped into the still exploding water bomb! The water bomb exploded on the reef, and most of its original kinetic energy has subsided. Now it is only releasing its compressed water at one time. Like a flood, the white, half-water and half-mist mist rises with the explosion as the center. ! The timing of this “release” brought the King of Knights a once-in-a-lifetime wonderful opportunity, enough for Arthur to get into the gushing water and not be noticed by his opponents for the time being!

Yes, this temporary occlusion effect lasts for a very short time, estimated to be only about a second. After a second, the water mist dissipated, and Arthur would reveal his body!

But this second is more than enough time! Enough for the king of knights to swing a sword!

Om! The lightsaber in his hand raised, cutting through the mist surrounding him! The photon blade on the lightsaber hits the water mist particles, and the strong photon stream collides with the water stream, accelerates, and sends the water stream out in a raindrop shape!

The huge water bomb that was supposed to blow up the King of Knights instantly turned into an overwhelming raindrop, attacking the sea lion in the opposite direction. This is a change that the sea beast and the group of Zhangren on the back of the sea beast never expected! They were shocked when they looked at the raindrops facing the future. Arthur had already rushed in front of the sea lion and stabbed with his sword!

Zha! The invincible blade of the lightsaber just stabbed into the belly of the sea beast, or the chest of the sea lion, which was supposed to be half-prone! Arthur slapped frantically, causing more damage to the monster’s torn wound, and instantly destroyed the sea lion’s chest to a **** mess!

“Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah” The monster screamed screaming, because of the pain of the drama. The group of Zhangmen on its back was also confused by this backward tilt, which is the literal meaning of “people turn their backs on horses”!

Shaxing was not idle at this time. While the King of Knights was dealing with the sea beast, the dragon also rushed to the back of the sea beast, raising his sword and slashing at the group of damned Zhangren!

Of course, although the balance is lost, the Zhangren guards will not sit still! Facing the evil star who stepped on the body of the sea lion, Zhang people raised their hands and shot several high-pressure water cannons in their palms!

However, it didn’t work! For the evil star with the ability to react quickly, the speed of this high-pressure water cannon is just a joke! He easily swung the lightsaber in his hand and slashed the oncoming water cannon with the light blade of the sword!

ZizzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! The water cannon did not hit the evil star, and was chopped into countless small and harmless streams of water by the lightsaber just before the hit, and flew past the dragon! The high heat on the blade of the lightsaber, which is enough to scorch the armor, and the photon flow, which is far denser than the water flow, are the nemesis of these water pressure cannons. It is easy to chop the water pressure cannons – as long as the user’s technology is good enough. if!

Zhang people couldn’t help being stunned when they saw this scene. The next second, Sha Xing had rushed forward and chopped off the heads of this group of Zhang people guards with a knife!

Zha! Arthur here also deeply pierced the heart of the seal with his lightsaber! In other words, he used high speed to shave off countless fat-filled fats on the seal’s chest, and finally came to the monster’s heart and pierced it with a sword!

Pa swish swish swish swish! Blood spurted wildly from the monster’s heart, inevitably drenching the King of Knights! This blood is really blood red, because Arthur and Shaxing are adults, the world in their eyes has not been systematically shielded, and all the **** scenes are presented in front of them as usual!

“Wow, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah” Because the heart was pierced, the monster came out with a more stern voice, and the whole body twisted crazy! These sea beasts are not easy to provoke, and they will have a temper before they die, in order to take away a few more opponents!

However, Shaxing is still on the back of the seal, just finishing off the batch of Zhangren guards! Seeing that the sea beast was mad, Xinghuilong seized the rushed along the back of the monster’s neck and reached the top of the seal!

“Die!” The lightsaber in his hand has pierced the back of the seal monster’s head and dragged it down the monster’s spine!

ZizzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! ! The lightsaber inflicted a terrifyingly large wound on the monster’s back, extending from the back of its head to its tailbone! The blade of the lightsaber caused serious damage to the nervous system of the sea beast, burning and slicing the back of the seal’s head and spine together! It stinks like burning rubber, the smell of its spine full of high-protein substances being burnt!

The monster twitched a few times and could no longer move. Even if it’s not completely dead, it can’t move even if its nervous system is completely destroyed!

“Huh!” Shaxing jumped off the back of the monster, and when he landed, he graciously retracted his lightsaber.

The pile of monsters behind him was judged by the system to be dead or unable to fight anymore, and exploded one after another, and the props were scattered all over the place!

The battle is over! . .. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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