Light Spirit Epic Chapter 960: Searching for a secluded place in the land


Chapter 960: Searching for seclusion in the center of the earth (thirty-three)

At the same time, in the East African Plateau, in the crypt of Kilimanjaro Volcano, the battle between Palamides and Ivan continued. Read 蕶啶堐誐誐的网

After the fusion of the two ice crystal giants, with their megalithic bodies as the center, an ice crystal nine-headed dragon composed of ice is transformed.

The nine heads of the ice crystal dragon work together, casting magic from time to time, and uninterruptedly spitting out extremely sharp ice arrows. These ice arrows are in the shape of terrifying awls, sharper than the finest sharpened blades, and each is enough to cut a hole in an unprotected person!

Such a sharp attack forced Palamidis to take cover everywhere. But the corridor of this underground palace is not very wide, and the surrounding is smooth and almost free of impurities. It is not easy to find cover in this environment.

The big cat ended up having to hide behind the rock of another fallen ice colossus. He believed that the core of the colossus was completely shattered, and it was already dead. Even if it was close to it, there should be no danger.

Ding ding ding ding ding dong dong dong dong! The continuous ice arrows hit the boulder, and Palamidis, who was hiding behind the stone, felt uneasy in his heart. Now he can’t leave from here, and as soon as he goes out, he will be shot into a hornet’s nest by a shower of ice arrows.

Thankfully, the Ice Crystal Hydra also doesn’t seem to have moved. Although the Frostbolt it unleashed was extremely ferocious, it had a fatal flaw: it was magic.

Since it is magic, the user needs to concentrate on casting it. It takes almost the same amount of concentration for both humans and non-human species, and it doesn’t mean that a particular species will have a particular advantage.

Ice Crystal Hydra used such a powerful rain of magic arrows continuously, and its focus was almost on the [attack], so it had no time to move half a step.

Or, Palamidis unilaterally wished so. Otherwise, if this machine gun-like ice crystal hydra can still move while shooting a rain of ice arrows, the big cat and the others will have no chance of winning and can only wait to die!

Palamidis huddles depressedly behind the boulder cover, trying to find an opportunity to fight back. He saw something even more surprising!

The boulder that served as his bunker was also a “dead” ice crystal colossus, and what did it flow out of the crack – an icy blue fluid!

It wriggled, twisted, and moved as though it were alive, squeezing itself out of the colossus!

No, not “as if”! It does have life! This thing is like some kind of slime monster called “Slime”, moving autonomously! Palamides just used a mithril spear with powerful electrical energy to assassinate the ice crystal colossus with one blow, which should have destroyed most of the magic crystals in the colossus. But this gooey monster didn’t completely die, and only a small part of it was left, crawling out of the cracks in the stone statue!

Palamedes remembered something.

Dark slime mold! !

During the war seven years ago, the leopard warriors saw this terrifying goo monster in the deepest part of the Underdark, before the last research institute of the fox people. At that time, those slime mold monsters were artificially infected with dark sons, which can be said to be ferocious biochemical weapons created by the laboratory.

And now this slime mold, this “ice blue little thing” that appeared in front of Palamides, obviously has not been infected by the dark son, just an ordinary slime mold creature.

Is it because of the influence of surrounding heterogeneous photons? These supposedly harmless slime monsters have obviously turned violent, controlling these stones and ice cubes, attacking people who enter the volcanic underground palace!

The strangest thing is that these slime molds seem to have some level of intelligence! Not only are they proficient in using magic as a means of attack, but they can also communicate with each other, sharing the experience accumulated from the previous battle with their “kind”!

Yes, that explains it all! No wonder the same tactics didn’t work on these ice crystal giants, no wonder they’re getting harder and harder! As single-celled creatures, these [ice slime molds] are smart, or rather cunning! They have their own thoughts and their own wisdom! But…how can single-celled organisms be so smart? ! Everything that happens here is so extraordinary!

Palamidis looked at the slime mold in deep thought, but did not think of what happened next: the ice slime mold flew over desperately and leaped towards the face of the leopard warrior!

“Wow!” The big cat was startled, and in addition to cursing, he also subconsciously leaned back, trying to avoid the monster’s pounce.

But the ice slime mold changed shape in mid-air, taking the shape of a big hand, reaching out with five fingers and grabbing at Palamides’ cheek!

No one knows what it wants to do! But the big cat knows in his heart that since these monsters can control such a large stone and transform into an ice crystal colossus to attack the enemy, their body control ability is estimated to be very powerful! If Palamidis’ body is invaded by this slime guy, everything will be over!

As expected, the thing grabbed Palamidis’ face (the big cat still couldn’t dodge it), and immediately stretched out the tentacle-like thing and poked it into the nostrils of the leopard warrior! It wants to invade the body of the leopard from the nasal passages and directly into the brain of the big cat!


Palramidis reached out to dig, trying to dig the **** little slime out of his face. But all this is obviously in vain, because the body of the ice slime mold is soft and slippery, and it is covered with disgusting mucus.

Oops! that’s terrible!

The tentacles of the monster probed deeper and deeper, and Palamides could clearly feel that it had invaded his throat! If it goes on like this, it will inevitably climb into the head of Palamides from the small channel of the nasal nerve, and then control the body of the big cat!

Oops! Too bad!

If you don’t think of a way to get the **** slime away, the body of Palamidis will be taken by someone else!

However, is there really a way? ! It has completely penetrated deep into the throat of Palamides, and the disgusting tentacles are spreading everywhere! Maybe it’s powerless to go back to heaven!

Or maybe not!

Big Cat grabs his mithril spear in one hand and spins it fast! The wildly dancing spear burst into thunderous howls, and this plug-in embedded in the spear can take effect as long as the weapon is swiped.

(It must be painful.)

(This is also impossible!)

(Spell it!)

Boom! ! With a muffled sound, the high-voltage handle of the Mithril spear slammed into Palamidis’ face.

He beat himself up with a weapon, knocking himself into the stars, and that scene was both laughable and pathetic!

But it works! No matter how ridiculous and crude, a tactic can be useful as long as it works! The power of thunder and lightning dashed around in the big cat in an instant, frantically destroying everything!

But Palamidis’s physique seems to be inherently resistant to lightning, and he also has an organ that absorbs electrical energy – a “battery” compressed from a large amount of pyroxene. All this prevented the big cat from being electrocuted by his own long gun, and the only one who was electrocuted was the slime monster attached to the door of Palamidis’s face!

Smack zi zi zi zi! The high-voltage current actually only lasted for a few seconds, and the power quickly weakened. These few seconds of high-voltage electric shock are nothing to the leopard warrior, but it is deadly to the ice slime mold. The slime monster was stunned by electricity, spat out disgusting mucus like incontinence — and the mucus smeared Palamidis’ face.

Boom, boom boom, boom boom boom boom boom! The surrounding storm seemed to be affected by the monster’s struggle and stopped for half a second.

And this slime is dying. It was constantly dehydrated during the struggle, and soon lost its vitality due to excessive water loss. It withered and fell off from Palamidis’s face, and after falling to the ground, it continued to smoke blue, as if it had been roasted! !

“Uh, cough! Uh, cough, Kekekekekekekeke!” Once the big cat recovered his breath, he immediately coughed with cough and spitting up, constantly spraying from the nostrils and oral cavity … or It’s the body fluid of that slime monster—–the scene is very touching!

He finally breathed a sigh of relief after he cleaned his nose and mouth, although the smell of a rotten egg in his mouth made him very sick.

dong dong dong dong dong ding ding ding ding ding! There was still noise all around, and the Ice Crystal Hydra’s shooting never stopped for a moment. Palamidis just got out of one predicament, only to find himself in another!

He thought of another big question that made the panther warrior’s heart sink: Evan!

The half-dragon youth also seemed to be suppressed by the rain of ice arrows, and had no choice but to hide behind another boulder to find cover. And that boulder, needless to say, is another “dead” ice crystal colossus! If that thing had the same ice slime mold in it, and the rest of the slime mold (at least some of it) were still alive, wouldn’t it be ——-!

That’s right! From the beginning, it was a planned attack! The ice crystal nine-headed dragon deliberately used a dense rain of frozen arrows to separate Palamidis and Ivan, and suppressed the two behind two boulders, the purpose was not to win the but— —!

Thinking of this, Palamidis called out in panic: “Evan, be careful!!”

“What did you say?!” The half-dragon youth responded from ten yards away. The surrounding rocks on the mountain wall were struck with a ding-dong sound by the ice arrows, so that Evan could not hear the reminder of the leopard warrior at all.

The big cat raised his voice again and shouted: “Be careful—stone—outflow—something!—–is alive!!”

“What? What is alive?” Evan only heard half of it, and was feeling confused.

The big cat saw a dark shadow behind Iwen from a distance, and hurriedly shouted at the maximum volume he could: “Behind you!!”

“What?!——-” Before the half-dragon youth could understand Palamidis’s advice, a sticky mass had already flew towards his face! One

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