Light Spirit Epic Chapter 95: Reunion for the duel (Part 2)


Chapter 95: Reunion and Duel (Part 2)

While hearing the familiar voice, Arthur turned his head in surprise and exclaimed, “Lancelot?”

The man wearing the black cloak and silver mask immediately denied: “No, I’m Knight X.”

Everyone looked at “Sage Z” on the side, and then looked at “Knight X” here.

“Please don’t play at this time, Lancelot,” Arthur said gloomily.

“No, I’m Knight X.” Lancelot insisted, ignoring Kay’s “poof” snicker, “and I’m serious. I’m here to represent Pantoracken.”

Arthur hesitated. Then he sighed, “Go ahead. You’re one of us too, so just do it.”

At the same time that “Xia Ke X” walked on the field, the mage was also busy with treatment.

“Is there any problem? Let that kind of person of unknown origin play, and it is the most crucial duel.” asked Evan on the side.

“There must be no problem with Lancelot’s words. He is a genius at fighting. No one can beat him in a simple one-on-one match like this.” Arthur replied affirmatively.

“Drain the blood…dry?” Bedivere asked in surprise.

“Yes, drain the blood, separate out the components of the anesthetic, and then infuse the blood back. I will use other methods to decompose the remaining anesthetic in the cells of the internal organs.” Human blood was drawn out and floated in mid-air, while methodically doing the toxin separation operation.

“Humph, did such a guy come up in the end? He looks weak enough.” Catman Karonas sneered.

“You too, look very weak.” The knight said.

Before he finished speaking, the cat figure had disappeared.

Slap. Knight X blocked Karonas’ attack with his bare hands. The opponent’s dagger glowed turquoise, apparently it was a poisoned dagger.

“You want to fight me empty-handed? You are courting death.” The cat said humanely, and disappeared again in an instant.

Countless cat people’s visions appeared in front of Knight X. One by one, they launched a fierce attack on Xia Ke X from different angles!

“Is it an afterimage caused by high-speed movement?” Xia Ke X did not dodge or dodge, just waved his hands, and under a round of defense, the opponent’s fierce attack was completely blocked.

“Before I was injured by the dagger, I held off the opponent’s attack with one palm. It’s amazing.” Evan said.

“Sure enough… doesn’t Lancelot even use a weapon?” Bedivere asked.

“As long as he holds anything in his hand, it can perform 100% of its performance. Even a rag or even a piece of tofu can be turned into a terrifying murder weapon.” Arthur said, “So Lan Slaughter won’t take anything. He’s gentler than anyone, willing to take his life more than anyone else.”

Clang. The cat man’s wrist ate a hand knife, and the poisonous dagger in his hand flew out. Knight X slapped Karonas on the forehead and slapped the cat-man out.

“Don’t give up, I have seen through your attacking routine.” Xia Ke said, “Even if you are agile, your combat training has made your actions a fixed routine. Therefore, redundant actions Too much, but it affects the speed of the move.”

“Wordy! I don’t need you to teach me a lesson!!” The cat man said angrily, taking out three daggers, biting one with his mouth, and holding the other two in both hands.

“Three swords?” Knight X said coldly.

“You only have two hands, let’s see how you take on the three-knife attack! Just one small mistake, the poison on the blade is enough to kill you!”

The cat man rushed over in a hurry. He waved his arms, attacking wave after wave as if dancing. The dagger biting in its mouth approached at an incredible angle at the moment when its head turned around, and slashed towards the neck of Knight X!

Pop! Knight X opened the blade of Catman’s left hand with one hand.

Pop! The other hand of Knight X deflected the weapon of the opponent’s right hand.

Keng! Xia Ke X returned to the defense at a very high speed, and with both hands, he tightly clamped the blade that was slashed towards his neck!

“Is this your ability?” said Knight X.

The neck of the cat-man Canalons stretched out like a whip. That incredible blow just now was made possible by this special physique!

“Special local madness can actually lengthen limbs like this!” Arthur said.

Canalons sneered, and he kicked at Knight X. There was a dagger hidden in his foot. This poisonous dagger went straight to Knight X’s belly!

With a twist of both hands, Knight X broke the dagger. He used the broken half dagger to make a mark in the direction of the attack. Clang! Metal and metal collided, and a fire burst out.

The cat-man has already leaped away, away from Knight X.

“That’s it. It’s not the three-knife style, it’s the five-knife style.” Knight X dropped the blade in his hand.

“This is my [Snake Strike Five Knife Style].” The cat man’s right arm suddenly stretched out, biting at Knight X like a poisonous snake.

Of course, was simply blocked.

“There are more!” The cat man waved his left arm, and the left arm holding the poisonous dagger bit again like a snake. “See how you block!” He kicked out his right leg and shot out. His right leg stabbed the opponent’s lower abdomen with a poisonous blade!

“Be Knight X took the two blows in an instant, then grabbed the cat man’s hands and feet, instantly tied a knot, and tied them together!

“What, what?!” The cat man retracted his hands and feet in surprise, but he couldn’t untie the dead knots on his hands and feet for a while, and he couldn’t balance well while standing on one foot, so he fell to the ground with a snap.

“It’s good to be able to stretch your limbs, but when you stretch your limbs to attack, your body’s balance is completely broken! It’s even more stupid to waste time trying to imitate the snake’s movements like a standard! You have excellent talent and racial advantages. , it’s a pity that you have wasted your amazing talent to prove how amazing you are.” Xia Ke X walked to the cat man, “I’m sorry, you have completely broken your training, go back and cut it all off and re-train! “

“Wait, I have something to say, don’t let it go —–” The cat man begged for mercy, but his right arm and left leg shot out in tandem, pointing directly at the forehead and heart of Knight X!

“There is no cure!” Knight X disappeared in an instant, and in the next instant, Cat Man found that his remaining limbs had been tied to a dead end. He is completely immobile now!

“Enlightenment!!” Knight X’s fist slammed into Canalons’ face! With a muffled pop, the cat man’s face began to twist and deform, he vomited blood, and immediately fainted!

“The duel is over! The opponent lost consciousness, and the Pantoracken Knights won! The Pantoracken Knights won the duel with a total of three wins!” the referee announced.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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