Light Spirit Epic Chapter 913: Lost in Tianyuan (16)


Chapter 913 Lost in Tianyuan (16)

What is the concept of falling asleep in the game? It is like having a deeper dream in a dream, and people also fall into the deep consciousness of their own hearts.

This is not the first time.

In the depths of Howl’s heart, the teenager often saw a tall figure.

Although the body of the figure is blurred and cannot be seen visually, from the outline, he should be an elephant man.

“Are you here again?” the voice said. Even his voice was indistinct, making it difficult to tell who it was.

But none of this matters. Hal only knew that this was someone he knew, someone who had a close relationship with the leopard boy, and that was enough.

And that figure, at this moment, is staring at the endless sea of ​​trees in front of him——the sea of ​​trees in the Turkic Marsh.

The unbroken canopy of trees forms a vast ocean of dark green, and when the breeze blows, the trees rise together like waves on a real sea.

This view can only be seen by looking out from the top of a giant tree.

——That is the sacred tree of the Everglades, the tallest and largest tree in the entire giant forest, a rare wonder unique to its steep summit.

“It’s so beautiful… No matter how many times I look at it, it’s still so beautiful, meow.” Hal stared at the sea of ​​trees and sighed in a low voice.

“Whenever I look at it, my heart is at peace.” The tall figure said succinctly.

“Hal also wants to be really afraid of going up to the holy tree, and take a good look at this meow with his own eyes.” The leopard boy sat next to the tall figure and muttered: “It’s a pity that Hal is too young and doesn’t have enough ability. Climb up meow.”

“You can do it. One day.” The figure said, “Because of you, it has already been done.”

“Huh?” The leopard boy snorted in confusion.

However, at this time, the beauty of the sea of ​​trees began to change.

Darkness, falling from the sky.

It roared, shrieked, and fell like a rain of flowing rocks.

It rips apart this beautiful sea of ​​trees, stains life and brings death.

The emerald green begins to fade, and the dry yellow takes its place.

Innumerable birds and beasts in the forest are fleeing in all directions, but they cannot escape the clutches of death, falling like fallen leaves.

The beautiful sea of ​​trees died in an instant, leaving only a yellow and black, ugly sea of ​​rot.

“This…what the **** is going on here, meow?!” The leopard boy exclaimed.

“Disaster.” The tall figure said indifferently, “It’s coming. You have to become stronger and defend your homeland.”

“But that’s not my home meow—” Hal looked at the terrifying scene, thinking of excuses, trying to distance himself from the matter.

He is only a seven-year-old Leopard boy, and he is disabled and can’t even take care of himself. What is he talking about to defend the Turks?

Isn’t that kind of thing left to the heroic elephant warriors to do?

“If you don’t work hard, you will regret it.” The tall figure said straight to the point: “If you love it, you will give everything. That’s all.”

All kinds of excuses were about to come out of Hal’s mouth, but the other party’s words left the leopard boy speechless.

The surrounding scene begins to blur, engulfed in darkness.

Hal’s dream is gradually waking up.

Morning light came in from outside the cave, and through the large ice blocks blocking the entrance of the cave, a large area of ​​the cave entrance was dimly lit. The time is already early in the second morning in the game.

The flow of time in the game is four times that of reality, and what should have been a very long night passed the moment the teenagers dozed off.

Hal yawned and rubbed his eyes habitually. Seeing that Husky was still leaning on his shoulder and soundly asleep, he gently shook the dog boy: “Husky? Wake up, meow.”

“Huh…?” The dog boy let out a procrastinated lazy bark, “Ha… er…?…morning…going up…well.”

“Heh—morning.” Even Calvin woke up. The little prince slept on the canine boy’s tail, and Husky put his tail away as soon as he woke up, and of course woke the murloc prince.

“Husky, check your inventory to see how many combat skills you can use meow.” The leopard boy urged. It was boring enough for them to be trapped in this cave all night, and it was time to escape.

“Huh… ok huh.” Husky yawned, reaching for his inventory. Other friends also took advantage of the situation to open the inventory to check their own status.

Combat skill usage:

Calvin: Frostbolt m/Icemist m: 12/15

Husky: Arm burst: 5/10

Self-healing enhancement m: 3/7

Howl: Power Dash: 8/10

Spiritual unity: 4/5

“Huh?!” Husky exclaimed in disappointment, drowsiness completely disappeared: “Husky’s combat skills are only half-recovered? How unkind!”

“Howl didn’t return to full meow.” The Leopard boy also said dissatisfiedly: “Sure enough, if you don’t rest in the town, it won’t work.”

It should be said that after camping at night and eating only a little bit of food, it is already a blessing that the combat skills have recovered to this point.

Husky frowned, hoping that the only five [arm blasts] could break the ice and take them out of the cave.

He picks up the greatsword and walks to the ice.

“Aren’t you going to try the sword you just got?” Calvin asked expectantly: “It seems to cut iron like mud, which is very suitable for breaking ice cubes.”

“No.” Husky immediately vetoed.

Although the sword obtained from the belly of the Grey Mist Dragon is sharp, it is only a standard long sword, it is too light, and the blade is relatively short. It’s fine to use it to shave off a portion of an ice cube, but to smash an entire block of ice in one fell swoop, you’ll need a heavy, long weapon like a greatsword.

So another great iron sword in Husky’s hands was the obvious choice.

“Let’s stay away, it’s time to start barking.” The dog boy raised his big sword with both hands.

“Wait, wait, meow!” Hal hurriedly leaned over and observed the situation outside the cave through the transparent ice.

The wolves are still here.

This group of unrepentant guys wandered outside the cave for a day and a night, still refusing to leave. It’s unbelievable that their obsession can be so deep.

Of course, the ice didn’t completely block the opening. The **** smell on the teenagers, which came out through the gap at the entrance of the cave, might be the culprit that kept these wild wolves excited and reluctant to leave for a long time.

Too bad. Even if you can go outside the cave, you can’t help but be attacked by this group of dangerous monsters.

“It’s alright.” Husky handed the Town Return Scroll to the Leopard Boy: “As soon as we rushed to the open area, we immediately used the teleportation technique. As long as the boss of this forest did not appear, the Town Return Scroll still remained. I can use Wang.”

“I hope so.” The leopard boy nervously took the scroll and held it in his hand. In fact, that’s what worries him the most.

They had seen the owner of this foggy forest, the giant wolf king. Just by looking at it, Hal knew that he was far from the leader’s opponent, and it gave people a sense of coercion that was even greater than that of the gray fog dragon.

Their current state is not perfect, and Husky’s combat skills are even less than half (the icebreaker still needs to consume some). If they were besieged by the Wild Wolf King and the pack of wolves, the boys would definitely be wiped out.

The leopard boy narrowed his eyes and continued to look out of the cave through the large ice block, trying to find the wolf king from the gap in the forest.

But he really couldn’t find it. Either the Wild Wolf King was hiding too deep, or it wasn’t waiting here at all. Just hope it’s the latter.

Although his heart is full of unease, Hal also knows very well that it is not the way to continue to spend here. Only by opening the hole to escape can the game go on smoothly.

“Okay… okay meow.” Hal stepped aside and stepped back behind the dog boy: “Go ahead meow.”

“Worrying is useless, we will get better.” Hasky laughed and came forward: “Haha, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah”

He set up his stance, ready to swing his sword with all his strength, and at the same time used his combat skills, instantly bursting with powerful arm strength, and stabbed the extremely heavy sword in his hand!

Pounds! ! ——After a loud noise like thunder, the big sword plunged deep into the large ice block. The ice cubes indicated the appearance of fissures of varying thickness and distinctness. It refracts the light outside the cave into countless irregular strands, showing a beautiful rainbow-like magic light.

“Humph…” Husky stomped his feet on the surface of the ice cube, and with all his strength, he suddenly pulled out and pulled the big sword out of the ice cube.

At that time, the ice cubes were obviously damaged. If you try again, you may be able to shatter this giant piece of ice.

But the wolves outside the cave were also excited. They howled and echoed each other. Husky attacked the ice to make a loud noise, like ringing a breakfast bell for the wolves.

Hal observes the conditions outside the cave more nervously. The other wolves aren’t a big deal, after all they can be rid of with the return scroll. The leopard boy couldn’t help praying silently, hoping that the loud noise would not attract the wild wolf king!

Husky has posed once again, slashing his sword at the massive ice block.

Pounds! ! Clap la la la la la la! ! The loud sound of the big sword hitting the ice cubes and the sound of the ice cubes shattering mixed together, forming a piercing sad song. In addition, the cave has an excellent sound amplification effect, and the sound can be clearly heard several kilometers away.

Hal became more concerned. What they are facing is not “hope the wolf king is not there” but “hope the wolf king hasn’t arrived yet”. That monster can definitely hear the loud noise, it’s just a matter of time!

“Ha, Husky, hurry up, meow!” The leopard boy hurriedly urged, opening the inventory at the same time, ready to take out the props at any time.

“Immediately it will be good.” The dog boy pulled out the big sword from the ice block with all his strength. At that time, the cracks on the ice block became more and more, and it was close to being completely broken. Give it another blow, and the three teenagers can escape from the cave!

“Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” After Husky recovered the great sword, he stabbed with his sword while running and charging!

pound la la la la la la la! ! Like a series of thunderous explosions at the same time, the huge ice block (and several wild wolves frozen in the ice block) shattered into countless fragments and scattered out! A storm of ice debris spewed from the mouth of the cave and rushed up, stabbing the several wild wolves that had been peeping at the mouth of the cave into a **** mess!

“It’s now, Meow!” The leopard boy took the lead and rushed out of the cave, the props in his hand were ready, and he flew out in a parabola far away with a flick of his arm! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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