Light Spirit Epic Chapter 911: Lost in Tianyuan (14)


Chapter 911 Lost in Tianyuan (14)

(Forget it! Give it up!)

(It’s just a game!)

(Anyway, if you die, you will be resurrected in the eternal altar. Why are you working so hard?!)

“Have you tried your best to survive?” His father’s voice still lingers in Husky’s mind. One after another, he questioned the canine boy.

If this isn’t a game, if this is reality, aren’t you completely over this time?

Is it really possible to have a second chance in life?

Have you tried your best to survive? !

During the countless interrogations that bordered on torture, Husky’s eyes welled up with tears.

“Daddy—” he cried. All he saw was despair and pain.

“I don’t have a son who doesn’t keep promises like you.” He seemed to be able to hear his hallucinating father’s rebuke.


Eventually, Husky struggled again.

Clap la la la la la la la! He could hear a screeching sound on his arm. That was the sound of his continuous combat technique [arm burst], excessive use of strength, and the continuous tearing of the muscles of his arms!

However, he also used [Self-Healing Enhancement] to heal the wound he just torn out with astonishing cellular activity!

Destruction and regeneration, repeated hundreds of thousands of times in a second!

The effect of the remaining seven [arm burst] and five [self-healing enhancement], the effect of continuous movement in a very short period of time, is to make Husky’s paralyzed body move again!

The reason couldn’t be simpler, his body just produced antibodies to the hypnotic effect of the red poisonous mist in the continuous destruction and healing, making the paralysis and hypnosis ineffective!

Of course, Husky himself didn’t think so much at all, he just used up all his remaining abilities, desperately doing his last struggle!

Paralysis almost no longer restrains the canine boy, his arms can move! [Boom burst] There are the last two left, and they will be consumed soon!

Have to find a way out of here, right now! !

Husky desperately grabs the monster’s stomach arm, trying to rip apart the inside of the Greymist Dragon with his claws!

But of course that’s impossible! The monster’s stomach wall is sticky and slippery, and it can disarm almost any attack, no matter how powerful it is!

Furthermore, Husky, who is now playing as a “human”, doesn’t have the claws of his original dog-human race! It is absolutely impossible to pierce the stomach wall of a dragon with human fingernails!

Another [arm blast] was consumed, leaving Husky with only one [arm blast] to use! If even this last combat skill is exhausted, he will really become immobilized! !

Is it really just despair at the end of the struggle?

Is there really no hope but death? !

At this moment, Husky grabbed his arms and caught something by accident!

**, cold as ice. Is it the handle?

It’s the handle of some kind of weapon! Hilt! !

There is no time to think about it! Husky grabbed that hilt and slashed it out!


A silver light flashed across the monster’s stomach wall.

Then Husky felt lethargic, and this time it was a real last struggle, and he couldn’t move anymore.

Almost pulled by some irresistible force, the canine boy followed the monster’s stomach juice and flowed in a certain direction.

There’s no hope left, thought Husky. Next, he will be sent into the intestines by the giant dragon from the stomach bag, and will soon be completely dissolved in the gastric juice and intestinal juice, and absorbed by the monster!

A greater darkness surrounds Husky, who only feels like he is being carried away by a powerful current (stomach fluid) through some kind of hole.

Clap! He fell to the ground with his whole body **.

“Huh?!” Husky opened his eyes slightly, watching the gastric juices of the surging dragon around him, spreading around in the dark cave.

The viscous mass spreads out on the ground, slowly but surely corroding the limestone floor with a slight sizzle.

In the last struggle, the canine boy swung his sword and really cut the stomach of the gray fog dragon, and even cut open the belly of the giant dragon, and escaped!

The dog boy turned his head slightly, only to realize that the “hilt” in his hand was actually a sharp sword with a cold light!

It is estimated that some unfortunate knight lost something in the belly of the dragon. This sword has not been corroded by the monster’s gastric juice for a long time, and it is still as sharp as new!

Thanks to this razor-sharp sword, Husky was able to escape!

“Roar—” The gray fog dragon, whose cerebellum had been destroyed, groaned in pain as it fell to the ground.

Seeing that his belly was ripped open, he even failed to retaliate against Husky before he died, and immediately closed his eyes in despair.

Touch! The dragon died, and the props exploded all over the place.

Its hypnotic effects, and even light-blocking effects, disappear at the same time. The cave became a little brighter, and Hal and Calvin, who were not far away, also found themselves able to move.

“Ha, Husky Meow!” As soon as the leopard boy got up, he rushed over anxiously to check the injury of his companion.

“Hey, hehe…” Husky, still lying there, gave a smirk, moved a hand with difficulty, raised his fingers, and made a [victory] gesture.

Hal hugged his friend desperately, whimpering softly: “Husky…! You’re fine meow!”

Unexpectedly, the murloc prince also came behind the canine boy and took the opportunity to hug Husky’s dog’s tail: “Tail! It’s great if you’re okay!”

“Uh!” This guy who ruined the atmosphere made the Leopard boy push his little friend away in embarrassment.

Husky smiled wryly and rubbed his arms. The effect of the last [Self-Healing Enhancement] has not completely passed. The canine boy’s scarred body is still recovering, but he can clearly feel the fatigue of his body, and his limbs are as heavy as lead.

“So… we killed the dragon. That’s great! Let’s go, Husky’s exhausted and wants to go back to town to rest.”

“Yes, let’s go back, meow.” Hal was still picking up the props on the ground, which were dropped by the Grey Mist Dragon. There must be some rare and precious materials among them.

“If you want to go back, you have to walk along the way you came in.” Calvin’s eyes rolled slyly, as if he was looking at Husky’s physical condition: “Little dog, your fighting skills shouldn’t be all that good. Running out?”

The dog boy was dumbfounded by this question.

Just now, in order to escape from the dragon’s belly, he desperately used his combat skills. [Self-Healing Enhancement] Needless to say, even the [Arm Explosion] was completely wiped out.

If I remember correctly, the way they came was blocked by a large block of ice made by Calvin, in order to prevent the wolves from entering.

The big piece of ice was made so strong that without [arm strength] breaking the big piece of ice apart, the boys would have no way to leave this cave!

——That is, they are trapped? !

At the same time, the East African Plateau, near Lake Victoria.

“Umm…” Palamedis let out a low hum as he washed the wound with water. Blood seeped down his legs, along the gaps in the spaceship deck, and fell to the ground.

“Dad, there’s no problem with this, meow?” Seglade asked worriedly, looking at the wound on his father’s leg.

Those piercing wounds were left by the leopard warriors just now fighting the Nile giant clam. Their skin is open and fleshy, and they can almost see the white bones below. But Palamides’ body prioritized repairing the large blood vessels to stop the bleeding, and the capillaries and muscle tissue that had not been fully repaired were now healing at a slow rate.

“No problem, it’ll be fine soon, ahahaha.” Palamidis smiled stubbornly amid the throbbing pain and swelling and itching of the wound as it regenerated.

His leg wounds healed slower than expected —– originally, for the emerald knight with strong self-healing ability, such wounds would soon disappear without a trace. However, probably due to the hard work over the past few days and the excessive wastage of the battle just now, the wounds recovered several times slower. It’s unusual for the recovery to be so slow.

“I really hope to bring some more medicine on the road, meow.” Palamidis’ eldest son Saifer also worriedly said, “If this goes on, the wound will be infected, meow.”

“No, you don’t have to worry.” The big cat pushed the two Luosuo’s sons away slightly annoyed: “It will be completely healed before reaching the destination, and there will be no scars left.”

“Yes…” Bedivere turned his head and looked at the mountains in the distance.

Across Lake Victoria, you will enter the mountains of Kilimanjaro. This is the final difficulty of this journey.

Also, obviously, with the unreliable anti-gravity provided by the spacecraft, it is difficult to travel smoothly in that kind of uneven terrain.

The result still needs to use [that].

Although it was a little hard to say, the werewolf asked, “Palamidis…and Professor Paul, can you please take off your pants?”

“Pfft!” Albert let out a shrill laugh, the result of his efforts to hold back the laughter but ultimately failure. Laughed terribly.

“Oh!” Chanel, the elf girl, immediately turned her face away in embarrassment and pretended not to hear anything.

“Oh, little Beddie——” The leopard warrior also squinted at Bedivere, smiling wickedly: “In broad daylight, and asking me this in full view—did not expect You are such an open person!”

Blue veins popped out of the werewolf’s forehead in an instant: “What are you talking about?!——The piece of cloth you hang around your waist to cover your shame is actually our hot air balloon! Either you take it off Let the ship fly, or just watch the ship crash into the cliff! It’s your choice!!”

“Oh, so it is!” Of course Palamidis knew. Although he knew, he still pretended not to know, just to delay. After all, he only wore a pair of underpants inside, and it was still very embarrassing to tear this fig leaf off in front of everyone.

“Then… can’t we replace the hot air balloon with something else?” The big cat, who is desperate for face, is still lying.

“Dad—I’m going to be late for the exam, meow.” Saifer gave Palamidis a blank look.

“Don’t be shy, there are almost all men here—” Seglade also sneered, and glanced at Chanel at the same time: “I think, under the circumstances, Miss Chanel won’t mind too much.”

“You—” The Leopard Warrior looked livid as he looked at his two sons. And Zephyr and Seglade were grinning badly.

“—You’ll just do it, meow!””We’re welcome, meow!” The two leopard youths rushed up together and started to pull on their father’s pants.

“Wow—-I-I-I-I didn’t see anything!” The elf girl closed her eyes, her face flushed.

As the three fathers and sons scuffled, Palamidis struggled and shouted: “You two unworthy sons! How could a son take the initiative to take off his father’s pants! Stop, hurry, hurry up! Who will help? Help!”

“You deserve it.” Bedivere shook his head, watching from the sidelines.

“Get it, meow!” Seglade handed Bedivere a quick cloth, which was the parachute cloth used to cover the crotch of Palamidis’s crotch: “Start the hot air balloon, he will grab it later. Back meow!”

“I got it here too, nah — huh?” Saifer looked at the piece of cloth in his hand suspiciously, but it was Palamidis’ panties.

“You two stinky boys!” The leopard warrior was pressed by his son on the plywood of the ship, his **** was turned upside down, his face was flushed, he couldn’t help crying and laughing: “I’ve been raising you for so many years!”

“Um huhuhuhuhu…” The werewolf hardly laughed. He took the parachute cloth, tied it to the stone bowl, and lit the fire in the stone bowl.

“This way is fine.” Albert was retrieving another hot air balloon from Professor Paul and lighting it.

(Professor Paul shrank aside and said nothing, as if he had left behind bad memories.)

"嗯呜呜呜呜……真讨厌啊。"帕拉米迪斯夺回自己的裤衩穿上,至少让自己不至于光着屁股。 He looked at the two hot air balloons that were constantly expanding in the heat, and he couldn’t help but glance at the werewolf again.

“Don’t look at me. The supplies in the team are getting less and less and it has nothing to do with me.” The werewolf retorted gloomily.

Cloth is the fastest and most consumed resource. They use it to make various ropes, backpacks, and utensils along the way. In the end, they almost even ripped off their own clothes.

The entire team was almost ragged, except for Chanel, who was neatly dressed, and the rest of the men were all dressed like savages.

Oh no, there is one more person.

“You wrap this up first, my friends.” Solar couldn’t bear to see Palamidis and Professor Paul without trousers, and cut his clothes into three pieces with a knife and divided two of them equally. For the leopard warrior and the old professor.

“Really?” Palamedis looked at the magic swordsman Solar with watery eyes.

Then the men in the team were really all dressed like savages, all with a piece of fabric around their waists. In the crowd of sturdy men, Chanel couldn’t help blushing, looking for a hole to burrow into.

“You don’t have to be so nice to Bedivere glared at Solar and said viciously, his anger was almost unleashed at Palamidis.

Solar, on the other hand, shrugs her shoulders with a poised face, showing that she doesn’t care.

“Hum, you don’t understand, little Brady.” Palamides wrapped the cloth around his waist, at least covering the important parts, although he still looked like a savage: “This world There are still good people out there.”

“And you’re definitely not among them, hehe.” Bedivere hummed, and began to operate the photon reflector to keep the ship going.

The boat took off under the extra buoyancy of the hot air balloon, rising to about a hundred feet above the ground.

It easily crossed the cliff in front of it and headed towards the last, but most difficult, mountain range on the road.

After passing through this mountain range that stretches for more than ten kilometers, they will reach the final destination of their trip – Kilimanjaro Volcano. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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