Light Spirit Epic Chapter 9: Miracles in France


Chapter 9: The Law of Miracles (Table)

The next day.

“Ha!” Arthur rolled over to avoid a manticore’s stinger and chopped off the monster’s head with a single sword. The lion’s head roared and flew away, and the struggling body raised a dark green poisonous blood, and Arthur had to be poisoned when he was dying.

The young man hid under the belly of another manticore with a sliding shovel. Before the manticore could react, his face was splattered with poisonous blood. Arthur had already circled behind the monster, and at the same time he used his sword. Cut off the second manticore!

But his battle was far from over, when a swarm of manticores swooped in again.

Countless scorpion tails with venomous scorpions pierced the young man. This venom can instantly poison an elephant to death. Ordinary people will die if they are lightly scratched.

However, the boy was not afraid, there was only anger in his heart.

Anger can make the IQ of ordinary people drop to zero in an instant, making the wise become reckless.

However, this teenager has been burning with anger over the long years, and he has learned to live with reason and anger. Anger not only did not make him stupid, but stimulated his thinking, excited his body and mind, and gave him an extraordinary reaction speed.

The teenager uses his speed to avoid death, dances in the poisonous bush, and makes the death gods with poisonous tails in chaos! The manticores chased the young man’s figure and stabbed them, but they were always one step behind, and they could only watch the young man slip through the gap in the poisonous tail formation. When the monsters attacked to no avail and began to show fatigue, Arthur counterattacked with his lightsaber.

The green light is shining, and the sword shadow is cruising.

One flash, two flashes, five flashes, ten flashes, a hundred flashes!

Monsters have their tails docked, their hearts pierced, their limbs chopped off, their heads smashed to pieces, and they all die. In less than ten seconds, there were corpses all over the place.

“Ha, ha, ha——” The boy took a breath and looked coldly at the giant manticore leader twenty yards away. This guy was as tall as an elephant, with nine scorpion tails full of poisonous needles standing up and wriggling.

“The younger brothers are all dead, are you still trying to survive?” The young man waved his lightsaber provocatively: “Come and suffer!”

The enraged manticore king jumped up, and the nine manticore tails swayed wildly, stabbing the boy from all directions.

After a round of puncture, a nearly stabbed corpse fell to the ground. But it was just the corpse of a small manticore, a substitute made by the boy using projection magic.

The Manticore jerked violently from the pain, then fell silently. Its body was disintegrated into hundreds of pieces before it hit the ground, and it fell to the ground with a burning smell.

The boy crawled out of the monster’s corpse, wiping the dirt off his face as if nothing had happened.

“This kid is really ruthless today,” said the tall masked man who was observing on the high platform.

“This is no longer a fight, but a pure slaughter.” Another masked man said disdainfully, “What a ferocious [Dragon].”

“Cameron, why are you always targeting this kid?” said the tall masked man, “do you hate him so much?”

“I’m just telling the truth.” The masked man named Cameron said, “That’s the head of the regiment, why do you always speak for this kid? How good is he? To a very prominent point. As far as I can see, there are still about a dozen people in the Knights who are comparable to him in combat effectiveness.

Moreover, this is only a comparison of swordsmanship at best. It is not enough for knights to rely on swordsmanship, but also to be proficient in riding, defense, shielding, strictly abide by the way of chivalry and have firm beliefs. “

(In this world where religion is declining, what are you talking about [firm faith]?)

“Don’t talk to me about those **** rules.” The masked man called the leader waved disdainfully, “When I debuted, I was just like a stinky kid. I don’t even think about knighthood or anything. think.

But, did you see it? I jumped three steps in a row in five years, and finally climbed to the head of the regiment. The world is not as complicated as you think, but the strong decides everything.

A strong person is strong no matter what, and will eventually outshine others. If you see such a person and don’t make good use of it, it will be too late when he is too powerful to control. “

Cameron looked at the tall masked man: “Oh, the head of the regiment is really clever.”


“We have to observe again.” Cameron insisted on not letting him go. “I have one last question. If he can’t meet my expectations, please stop here.”

“Okay.” The head of the regiment sighed and seemed to have told the other party for a long time that he should still play the piano to the cow, “Let’s release the Lord of the Abyss.”

(It will be resolved quickly, so I can go drink.)

(Who will win anyway, the result is already known.)

The teenager is still fighting a giant spirit. The foe was dozens of feet tall, imposing, slashed multiple times by the lightsaber and still full of energy.

“I hate a thick-skinned and **** guy like you the most.” The boy clenched his lightsaber. He was going to pierce the genie’s brain with one blow, so that it wouldn’t move any more—but he was still looking for a chance.

However, the door to the death pit suddenly opened…not open, it collapsed directly, and a huge skeleton dragon rushed out from it.

That is the resentment of the dead dragon (residual inherent photons) attached to the keel, and it has been continuously transformed over a long period of time, and finally turned into a undead.

It has no memory, no thoughts, no feelings, and no perception, just pure killing intent.

The skeleton dragon rushed up and stomped the giant spirit with one foot. Its hard, boiled soles wriggled and cleaned the blood from the feet. Then it roared at Arthur like a demonstration. Get ready for the next sprint!

“It’s really good,” the boy shrugged helplessly: “A thick-skinned one has gone, and another has no skin.”

The giant dragon devoured the boy! This huge stature, this offensive sweeping away thousands of troops, can’t be avoided with the mobility of human beings! Even if you dodge it, you will be blown away by the shock wave that will be set off, hit the wall, and become a meat sauce!

What to do?

One ten-thousandth of a second has elapsed.

Will die!

One thousandth of a second has elapsed.

I don’t want to die! Especially not wanting to die in such a pointless place!

Another hundredth of a second passed.

Dead is the end, dead is the ashes!

Another tenth of a second passed.

I wouldn’t die in a place like this! I am Arthur D. Pantoracken, the one who will one day become the strongest swordsman on the whole earth, and the one who will bow down to me by the **** of death!

  "哈啊啊啊啊啊啊!!"少年没有逃,反而下意识地迎了上去,把光剑的出力开到最大,对着怪物猛砍出一剑! !

What happened in that instant was the impossible, [miracle].

A mere lightsaber, even if its photon reflector operates at full power, it is impossible to emit so many photons. Because there are not so many free photons in the surrounding space to collect and reflect!

That is, [Power out of nothing]. It violates the laws of nature, violates the equivalent exchange, and transcends the existence of natural forces.

That is, the embodiment of the [Third Miracle], “Photonic Creation”. According to legend, the creator **** created the world, and at first he created a sea of ​​photons from nothingness, the origin of all matter, energy, soul, and realm!

Although it was only a moment, the photon storm that suddenly erupted like the creation of the universe, not only resisted the fatal blow of the dragon, but also directly bombarded its skull into ashes.

The terrifying dragon has no power to resist, and can only watch himself disappear in the brilliance!

A terrible blow.

If this blow is used on the battlefield, how many lives will be annihilated in an instant?

The headless dragon collapsed, and the bones were burnt to powder by an inner evil fire, and no longer existed. After watching this scene, the nervous boy finally relaxed. As soon as he relaxed, he collapsed.

“Still…alive…” The young Arthur said feebly to himself, “It’s great to be alive…”

“Has the medical team rushed over?” the tall masked man commanded.

“How? Did you see what you wanted to see?” he asked back again.

“Not what I was expecting,” Cameron replied, “but, that’s an interesting phenomenon. It’s worth watching.”

“Also observe? There is no stronger enemy than the Lord of the Abyss in the said the head of the team.”What did you expect to see? “

“I expected to see him escape,” Cameron said calmly. “In the face of—absolutely—true— an opponent who cannot win, normal people will run away. Those who do not know how to escape are not qualified to be knights. A person’s own life is the most precious. How can someone who cherishes life let him go to the battlefield.”

Little did he know, the boy never intended to be a knight.

“If he can’t escape and be beaten to death, he will fail. If he doesn’t escape and is beaten to death, he will not pass. Is this a sinister setting?” The regimental commander responded with a sneer. “However, he didn’t escape, and he won. What else do you have to say?”

“All I can say is, he’s more of a monster,” Cameron said coldly. “Do you think you really have the power to control this monster, Leon?”

“God knows.” The Knight Commander smiled meaningfully. “It’s not the first time I’ve dealt with [dragon], but it’s the most fun. Just let me spend a little more time with this [dragon].”

After speaking, the head of the regiment raised his cloak and disappeared into the darkness.

The head of the group just wanted to take the opportunity to have fun. That’s exactly what worries Cameron the most.

Play with a dragon, and sooner or later you will be bitten by a dragon—Cameron’s worries will come true in half a year.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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