Light Spirit Epic Chapter 875: Traveling in Tianyuan (28)


Chapter 875 Traveling to Tianyuan

The gentle and kind-hearted leopard boy sighed in a low voice: “Ha, Hal will not eat meat in the future. It’s better to be a vegetarian, meow.” **First*..”

“It’s a good idea.” King Arthur smiled cruelly, and then asked without hesitation: “However, do plants have no life? Will plants be willing to be eaten by you?”

“Uh!—” This sentence stings the little black panther.

“Even if you don’t eat meat, the fact of [killing life] will still not change. The so-called survival is the endless taking. In order to survive, you must eat other creatures, and you must let others Things die. No matter what you eat or how you eat it, the essence is the same.”

A burst of confusion crossed the face of the leopard boy: “Then what should we do, meow—“

King Arthur smiled contentedly: “The only thing you can do is eat, eat with gratitude. Never forget that this is a gift from God, and never spoil your food.

Every grain of food in this world is precious, and it is brewed by other beings with their whole lives, [the crystallization of life]. They are pathetic if they are not eaten gratefully. “

“Ming, I understand meow—” Hal wiped his tears, and just saw a small amount of meringue sticking to the plate, he picked up the plate and was about to lick it clean.

“Stop it!” But King Arthur’s face turned gloomy for a moment: “It’s too uneducated to do that, it’s better not to do it.”

“But—” The Leopard boy was confused by the ambiguous rules.

“Okay, I’m telling you to [eat with gratitude] instead of [to lick the plate clean]. It doesn’t matter if it’s that little bit, don’t mind. —Okay, try it Next course.”

The two teenagers now finally understand. It’s not just a meal, it’s an “education”. Their Uncle Arthur took the opportunity to teach the two children a lesson. —— Only when you have something to gain can it be called a [lesson].

(Can you still eat happily?!)

While Husky wondered, the waiter had already brought the next course.

Before opening the lid, the fragrant aroma of the dish was already blowing. The fragrance immediately filled the whole room, and the fragrance was so intoxicating!

Husky looked at the thumb-sized, chocolate-colored mysterious substance on the plate. That bleak appearance, the faint sweetness in the aroma, is this really some kind of chocolate?

“Would you like dessert after dinner so soon?” Husky said regretfully, thinking that there would be more delicious food waiting for him next.

However, this “chocolate” seems delicious too. The canine boy swallowed his saliva.

“Hahaha, it’s not dessert. It’s black truffle.” King Arthur explained, “It’s as expensive as a diamond the size of it. Eat it well, don’t waste it.”

“Diamonds, diamonds?” Husky was still a child and didn’t quite understand the value of things. But he also knows that diamonds are very precious treasures – diamonds are often the first of all kinds of gems in many games.

This small, inconspicuous mushroom has the same price as a diamond? how is this possible! No matter how delicious it is, it shouldn’t be so exaggerated! ?

Husky saw that King Arthur did not swallow the whole black truffle, but cut some truffles with a knife bit by bit, and then used the bread with whipped cream to stick the truffles and put them in his mouth. inside. It’s a bit like eating chocolate chips.

The dog boy and the leopard boy did the same, filling the truffle powder with the buns and putting them in their mouths.

The mellow aroma exploded in Husky’s mouth, reaching every part of the boy’s body.

Truffles are the king of mushrooms, and a little powder is incredible! Its fragrance makes people fluttering like a fairy, as if taking one more bite will fly into the heavens!

Its rich taste is not inferior to foie gras. Just a little powder is already sweet, mellow, delicious, and thick to the extreme.

No, it should be said that it is more delicious than foie gras: because this small mushroom concentrates a huge deliciousness, the taste of foie gras is much lighter in comparison!

No wonder there was only one tiny black truffle on the plate! Because it is enough to be a condiment for a lot of bread, enough to fill two teenagers!

No wonder the restaurant only serves tasteless white bread and very light whipped cream. These things that should be staples are actually just a carrier for truffle powder, making it easy for diners to put that delicious and boundless powder into their mouths!

The bread coated with black truffle powder seems to be a diluted black truffle. When Husky puts the bread in his mouth, the soft texture is similar to dark chocolate, but with a glycolic effect. A lot of truffle fragrance constantly stimulates the taste buds, nerves, and soul of canine teenagers!

He unknowingly ate dozens of these truffle powder-filled buns. Every time he took a bite, he had a new feeling. Every time he ate a piece of bread, it was like entering a new dimension!

The delicacy and aroma did not diminish after repeated consumption. It is an ancient servant, a mellow aroma that can stand the test of time, only on the taste buds, in the nerves, in the mind, in the soul It keeps accumulating and becomes more mellow!

“My god, oh my **** meow—” Hal ate the tenth bun, his stomach visibly bloated, but he still couldn’t stop. As long as the black truffle on the plate is not consumed, they probably won’t stop!

“That’s the last bit…” Husky couldn’t break down the little black truffle any more, it was chopped up beyond measure, and most of it was eaten in biscuits. The rest is about the size of a mung bean, and it is difficult to chop with a table knife, and Husky is afraid that it will bounce off during the cutting process, so he does not dare to use the knife!

“Just eat the rest.” Arthur said, “Making it in your mouth is another flavor.”

With a knife and fork, Husky struggled to pick up the tiny truffle core and put it in his mouth.

The strong aroma and amazing umami taste of truffles quickly dissolve and spread on the tongue of the canine boy! Immortal, holy light spreads all over the world! A garden descended in front of the young man. It was a fantasy world where countless angels danced gracefully. It was a fairyland where white clouds and sunshine were intertwined together!

Husky took a deep breath and regained his senses. The momentary hallucination just now was absolutely wonderful! It’s amazing how delicious food can actually make people hallucinate!

The canine boy let out a long sigh of relief, enjoying the wonderful aftertaste, but also had a bad premonition. He frowned and looked at King Arthur suspiciously: “I’m done eating! It’s delicious! Uncle Arthur, don’t you have anything to teach us?”

“Lessons?” Arthur put down his knife and fork with a stunned expression, “What lessons, is there anything I need to teach you?”

“But, but the caviar and foie gras before, you took the opportunity to teach us a lesson. This time the truffle is so delicious, shouldn’t there be a post?”

“Oh, do you think so? What a weird kid. But, no. Truffles are truffles, just a rare mushroom. Picking truffles is neither harmful nor harmful. I have nothing to say.”

The two teenagers became more suspicious, staring at King Arthur.

“So, you must listen to the lesson, right?” Arthur said with a wry smile: “Then I will reluctantly say something?”

“Oh, no, no, no! Needless to say, you can swoop!” Husky hurriedly stopped and said, “We will be good swag! We will be grateful for truffles every day from now on, for giving us so much. A delicious meal!”

(I always feel that something is wrong, but after thinking about it, it seems to be right…)

“So, shall we have dessert after dinner? However, you look like you are full?”

“It’s not full meow! Desserts are in other stomachs meow!” Hal yelled.

“Hahahahaha!” King Arthur was amused by the simple and honest leopard boy. He clapped his hands and asked the waiter to bring dessert: mango pudding.

“Wow, ah, ah, that’s great meow!” Hal looked at the sweet and sour mango pudding drenched in condensed milk and served with fresh fruit pulp, and his tail stood on end with excitement: “I I love you so much, Uncle Arthur!”

“Me too, I love you so much, Uncle!” Husky scooped up a small piece of soft pudding with a delicate silver spoon and put it into his mouth: “Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh… Awesome!”

Arthur had a strange feeling in his heart as he watched the two teenagers dancing with excitement.

Simple, kind, sensible, obedient and smart, occasionally naughty, it will always make people laugh —– These two teenagers in front of Arthur have the most endearing characteristics of children.

Seeing them makes Arthur’s heart melt. That peculiar feeling, as if looking at his own sons.

It was the first time that Arthur came up with this idea: If he could have his own children, if his children could be so well-behaved, that would be great——

The way Greenville always wanted a Arthur can now feel it. However, there was nothing the couple could do about it.

No, this is not the time for such trivial matters. Arthur shook his head slightly, trying to put it all behind him.

“Is today’s meal satisfactory?” The King of Knights smiled lovingly: “This is the reward for your hard training… playing games today. Next time, if you can reach level ten, I will invite you again. Let’s have a big meal.”

“Level 10 meow?” Halton was motivated: “Wow! We’ll play hard tomorrow, meow!”

“One more thing,” Arthur continued.

“We know Wang! Don’t tell Mom Wang!” Husky also said: “Playing the game is the secret of the three of us, Husky will definitely keep the secret Wang!”

“Well, that’s fine.” Arthur touched the heads of the two teenagers pitifully. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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