Light Spirit Epic Chapter 86: Choose from the emperor (true)


Chapter 86: The Emperor (True)

After returning to the embassy, ​​Bedivere broke out completely: “Damn, I will never spare him, kill him! Kill that bastard!”

“Why are you angry. They are just hurting their own people, what does it have to do with you?” Kai asked in confusion.

“That’s not your brother, don’t project your feelings for your dead brother on that white bear.” Arthur also said.

“But, but!!” Bedivere cried, “That white bear man clearly smells like a brother…”

“It’s just your wishful thinking,” Arthur said.

“I also know that my dead brother can’t come back, but…” the werewolf boy said vaguely while wiping away his tears, “that guy looks so much like a brother, even his name …seeing him being treated like this, I just…”

“Is there any plot that I missed?” Kai couldn’t help asking, perplexed.

(During Brady’s depression, Arthur took the opportunity to retell what happened to Beedy and his brother Papalov.)

“Really? Can’t see that this guy Brady was also a little devil when he was a kid. Like someone.” Kai teased.

“Just say a few words less.” Arthur gave Kai a stern look, then turned to Bedivere and said, “Nevertheless, in tomorrow’s duel, you still have to fight that white bear man. You do Got it?”

“…I can only do it.” The werewolf boy picked up his mood and whispered, “That’s not my brother, and for Arthur, I must defeat him.”

“If Justinian’s information is correct, according to my tactics, you will definitely win. The remaining question is how much we can trust Justinian.” Arthur Road , there was still a vague unease in his tone.

“I had countless fights with my brother when I was a child, and no one knows the movement characteristics of the Belarusian people better than me. Even if Justinian’s information is not reliable, I can rely on my own experience to make up for it.” Bedivere said .

“Kay, how about you?” Arthur asked.

“It’s more than enough to deal with a big head and a brainless guy, but I’ll roughly follow your plan.” Kai said confidently.

“Be serious with me, don’t screw it up,” Arthur said.

“That…is it really okay for me to be like this?” Evan on the side said uneasy, “And he also borrowed his brother’s name. If he finds out, he might chase after me and cut him.”

“It doesn’t matter, he will understand.” Arthur sneered, “The most important thing is your eyes, you protect my eyes no matter what, but don’t get hurt in the middle of the duel. It doesn’t matter if you are cut in half, in short, don’t hurt your eyes, otherwise our battle will be in vain.”

“If you get cut in half, you will die, you idiot.” Evan said angrily.

“Even if you have a head left, you will find a therapist to let you prolong your life until you survive this duel, don’t worry.” Arthur said calmly.

“I know I’m wrong, can you stop making such cruel jokes!” Evan looked like she couldn’t laugh or cry.

“But Arthur, are you sure about your own battle?” Kay asked, “Didn’t you say before, you’re not sure you can win against that guy?”

“I mean I can’t beat Corvez’s speed. It’s just about speed.” Arthur said, “Shaxing, Xianvia, are you done?”

“You guys are really tough.” The two dragons teleported into the room, and the evil star brought a small bottle.

“This is?”

“The [Dragon-Blood Medicine], which is made by concentrating the blood of a hundred dragons, is not something you humans are qualified to use. The side effects are quite terrifying. “Xianvia said with a sneer,” but your boy’s body is quite special, I’m looking forward to what you will look like after using This seems to be completely different from what I asked you to do?” Ya Se frowned.

“No, it’s exactly the same.” The Red Fire Dragon Shaxing said, “The proposal your kid said to fuse us with weapons is totally unfeasible. Unless you have dragon weapons made of keel bones, it is impossible for us to fuse with weapons. The fusion of weapons or something. To use our power together, the only possibility is——“

“Just to let my body fuse with yours?” Arthur sucked in a breath of cold air, “so I need to drink the dragon’s blood, so that the inherent photons of the dragon system are scattered all over my body. Then you can join my body. The body is fused.”

“Theoretically, this is the case. But maybe this is our trick. The purpose is to take the opportunity to take your body, hum.” Baishuang Long Xianvia sneered, “Do you still dare to use it like that?”

“Side effects include dragon scales that stick to you for the next few weeks and can’t come off. Abnormal appetite. Heart failure and death within a few months.” Shaxing also laughed, “Do you dare to use that? ?”

“Accepted. What’s the reward?” Arthur asked.

“The same number of luminous insects as before. It’s not too late to wait for you to win.” Shaxing said, “Of course, when you really lose and are on the verge of death, your body will belong to us. .”

“Deal.” Without any hesitation, Arthur took away the vial of dragon blood.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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