Light Spirit Epic Chapter 848: Traveling in Tianyuan (1)


Chapter 848 Traveling to Tianyuan

“Okay, it’s a reward for your excellent performance this time, I’ll send you some more equipment. “But **said **first*(..)”” The King of Knights sneered cruelly and ordered a few items. Column: “Climbing gear. With these, you can climb down the cliff.”

“Oh my God!” Husky was already half exhausted, and his muscles were sore all over his body (muscle soreness comes from the feeling in reality and cannot be blocked by the game system). Can’t we just recycle those props? I don’t want them, can’t I?”

“Of course you can, whatever you want.” Arthur shrugged: “But don’t forget, your two swords are also inserted into the leader. That means—“

Husky’s face changed, and he quickly opened the inventory to confirm.

Sure enough, his only weapon, the boar sword, was permanently gone from his inventory!

A weapon that flew out of your hand can’t be used again if you don’t recover it! They don’t automatically run back into the player’s inventory!

“What, what should I do, meow?” Hal leaned over and asked his friend. The leopard boy’s pig-toothed sword also pierced deeply into the monster’s feet, so it also fell to the cliff with the monster. The problem is that he’s also half exhausted, and really doesn’t want to climb off the cliff to recover the props.

Husky stares at the inventory. They had fought a lot of wild boars before, and there were some pig tusks and pig skins in the inventory, so the money and materials for making weapons were sufficient.

But making another weapon requires iron. Husky didn’t want to buy iron ingots from black-hearted merchants, nor did he want to smash another armor in exchange for iron.

If you are lazy, you will not only lose a lot, but you will also miss the item dropped by the boss. Such a difficult giant bear, God knows if it will drop any rare items?

The dog boy sighed and took out the mountaineering equipment from the inventory. He decided to go the extra mile and climb down the cliff to recover the props.

At the same time, the middle and upper reaches of the Nile, the southernmost part of Sudan.

“Is it safe to get here?” Albert watched as the last moor galloped past them, being thrown farther and farther as the raft progressed, until it was completely out of sight.

Seeing that the scenery of the terrifying swamp disappeared completely, and there was a pleasant forest in front, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was about to get dark, and after a short walk to the East African plateau, they should be able to find a safe place to spend the night.

Bediver looked at Palamidis with a tired face, and the more worried he became: “You can rest well tonight, and stop doing all that mess.”

“What is a mess?” The leopard warrior rolled his eyes at the werewolf, his hands still not far from the edge of the photon reflector: “Without this, can we travel so fast today? It is estimated that even from the mouths of those monsters It is difficult to escape from here.”

“I know, but…” The werewolf glanced at the tongue of the swamp giant tortoise coiled and piled next to it, and couldn’t help but tighten it again: “You’ve done enough, so try your best to conserve your energy tonight. Sharp is better.”

Some sort of hunch tells the werewolf what the leopard warriors are going to make with that monster’s tongue — hopefully it’s not something weird.

“Understood, I don’t need a kid in my twenties to teach me a lesson.” Palamidis said with disapproval, but he had other plans in his heart.

“Attention everyone—–the East African Plateau is ahead meow!” Seglade shouted. What his cat’s paws pointed to in the distance was a steep cliff that reached into the sky.

As the leopard youth shouted, everyone turned their attention to the cliff in the distance. From this piece of flat land, the towering cliffs climbed up, which is the East African Plateau. The water of the White Nile River turns into a waterfall on the other side of the cliff and pours down, with a drop of thousands of feet, and its momentum can be described as amazing.

But now is not the time for beautiful natural landscapes. In fact, when they saw the towering and steep cliff in front of them, everyone present was very worried.

“I hope the buoyancy provided by the hot air balloon is sufficient.” Albert muttered.

“You don’t have to worry about that.” Palamides slowed the boat and finally brought the raft to a stop thirty feet before the cliff.

He moves the bracket of the photon mirror, pointing it down.

The people on the boat also added more fuel to the stone bowl, which made the fire burn more vigorously and produced more and hotter hot air, thereby gaining more buoyancy.

Utilizing the power of hot air balloons and anti-gravity devices, the raft climbs up the rocky cliff. And Palamides turned on the photon mirror to generate greater vertical propulsion, which also accelerated the raft’s ascent.

But this situation only lasted for ten minutes. As the raft continued to rise, the air became thinner and thinner. In the end, the hot air alone could not satisfy the power to float the raft—there was already little air around, and no amount of heating would be enough.

Even with the crowd pumping up fuel and throwing away excess items around them, the raft didn’t go up even a bit — and the edge of the cliff was at least three hundred feet above their heads!

Let’s do it. ” Palamidis frowned, this time it was obvious that he had miscalculated, and he couldn’t help but feel embarrassed: “Anyone among you who is good at rock climbing? “

“I’ll go.” Bedivere volunteered, “With less weight, the boat should be able to rise over the cliff top.”

“Are you sure meow? If you fall from here—” Albert looked to the ground and swallowed.

They are now more than 800 feet above the ground. The water mist raised by the Nile River makes the ground appear a misty and rainy scene, but it makes people feel that the ground is farther away. Moreover, the mist of the waterfall increases the surrounding humidity, and the cliff is slippery and difficult to climb. If you are not careful, your hand will slip off. If you fall from here—!

Even the most experienced climbers would be afraid to climb in such a place. Is it really okay to let Bedivere climb such slippery and steep cliffs?

“Necessary safety measures will still be taken.” The werewolf tied a rope around his waist and fastened the other end of the rope to the raft. This is called a safety rope, and even if the werewolf’s hand slips off the cliff, the rope will save his life.

“And…” Bedivere fell to the ground, used the animalization technique, and transformed into a silver wolf.

“What meow?!” Albert looked at Bedivere in amazement: “Why meow you can transform? Isn’t it affected by the magic bracelet, so you can’t use magic meow?”

Seglade, who was on the sidelines, asked the same question, just a few hours ago. At that time, the situation was critical, and Bedivere had no time to answer, but now, when the young Leopard Man and the young Tiger Man looked at the silver wolf with puzzled eyes at the same time, the wolf just grinned.

“Hehehe.” He jumped out, all the claws on his limbs stretched out, firmly grasping the cliff.

Moving in wild animal form allows Bedivere’s body muscles to function more efficiently, making it easy to handle even such difficult cliffs.

And the raft reduced a person’s weight and began to climb up and fly along the top of the cliff again.

“Palamidis, remember the candidate we met this morning?” Bedivere asked as he climbed.

“Uh, the guy sleeping in the crocodile’s mouth?” The image of a big bad wolf loomed in the panther warrior’s mind: “I remember, what happened?”

“Didn’t you ask why that guy can use [Beastization]?” Bedivere asked back.

“Yes, I asked this question…” The Panther Warrior suddenly felt bored: “Hey, who is asking whom now? You haven’t answered our question, but kept asking. My question, what are you trying to do?!”

“Huhu…don’t worry, listen to my analysis.” Silver Wolf crawled cautiously, always keeping the same height as the raft.

“Your analysis is correct. Since the wolf did not exist among the original candidates, it means that the guy was transformed by magic.”

“But there is a magic bracelet?” Albert couldn’t help interrupting: “With the magic bracelet, all magic can’t be used, right? Why can he still transform into a wolf?!”

Beddieville paused. There was a large rock protruding above his head. It took him a lot of effort to get around the rock and continue to climb. Chanel watched Silver Wolf twisting his body with that incredible movement. Bedivere’s waist was twisted almost 270 degrees, and his flexibility was terrifyingly strong.

“Wow, it’s really hard!” Silver Wolf breathed a sigh of relief before he continued: “I started thinking about the same question yesterday. — Since I found out that Elaine can become a dragon man .

It took me a long time to figure this out, and the answer…is this:

This [Demon Sealing Bracelet] is not [Demon Sealing]. All it seals off is the flow of photons. “

Meow? “Seglade suddenly felt like his head was full of goo.

“Speak—people—words!” the tiger man growled angrily.

“Hoohoo, you understand. For a magic to work it first needs to collect photons from the outside world (atmosphere). Without this initial [fuel], magic cannot work.”

“I know this, you don’t need to explain it.” Albert said angrily: “Even the [Berrification Art] of the orcs absorbs photons from the outside world, fills the muscles, and expands the body to generate strength. According to According to its nature, that is actually magic, right?”

“Exactly. So, as long as this bracelet seals our ability to [absorb photons from the outside world], theoretically we can’t use any magic.

But you know what? —[Crazy Transformation] needs to absorb photons from the environment, but [Beast Transformation] does not. “


“Really. I only changed my bone and muscle structure, but the muscle strength of my body did not change at all before and after the change.

After using [Beast Transformation], there is no increase or decrease in my physical strength or strength. What has changed is the efficiency of the use of strength. “() “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing healthy and green reading. platform.【】, thank you!


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