Light Spirit Epic Chapter 838: Escape to the Demon Marsh (14)


Chapter 838: Escape to the Magic Marsh

“Er—” Husky looked at the wild boar ten yards away, struggling frantically on a tree stump. It didn’t look like a monster that could be approached safely. “Speak **first*..I dare not even get close, how can you say that you make up for the knife?”

“Then… any kind of patching can work meow?” Howl asked involuntarily.

“Yes, as long as you can cut it.” Arthur replied: “It’s time to use your ingenuity.”

Hal ran to the big tree beside him without saying a word and climbed up.

“I see, approaching from above.” Arthur stroked his beardless chin.


His series of moves was desperate, but to no avail. When he roared and stabbed with his sword, the wild boar also found him (the roar was so loud, it would be strange not to be noticed), the wild boar raised its head at an incredible angle, and its forehead just met Hal. .

Touch! Before Hal’s lightsaber stabbed the wild boar, the wild boar’s fangs had already swept in and hit the Leopard Boy! If Hal hadn’t raised his lightsaber in time to block, his chest would have been pierced by the fangs of a wild boar, right?

The leopard boy was shot flying dozens of yards and slammed into a tree. He felt a huge shock that almost made him unconscious, and spat out a large mouthful of colorless and transparent blood.

The newly climbed Howl just felt the world spinning, and his whole body seemed to fall apart. Although the pain has been blocked by the game’s system, the pressure remains unchanged, and the powerful impact can still make people faint!

“If it were you human, if this was the real world, you would have died long ago.” Arthur leaned over and laughed, “Fortunately, your orcs’ physique is relatively good, and you only saved your life. Haha. “

I muttered in a low voice, feeling helpless at King Arthur’s mockery.

“Why can’t you climb a tree from behind it? Why do you scream like an idiot when you shoot? That wild boar isn’t an idiot, doesn’t it know how to fight back when it sees your swaggering attack?”

Meow…” Howl was even more ashamed.

“Husky, it’s your turn, what can you do?” Arthur asked the dog boy again: “You better hurry up. Look at the condition of the wild boar. I’m afraid it won’t last long, right?”

“I know, I know Wang.” Husky was circling the beast, looking for a chance to get close.

But the big boar kept turning his head to look at Husky, showing no flaws at all—this monster is a beast after all, its body is surprisingly flexible, and its head can turn almost 180 degrees. Husky went round and round, but couldn’t find a way to start.

As the abdominal bleeding became more severe, the body of the big boar gradually faded, and it seemed that it was really going to disappear.

“Come on!” Arthur helped the leopard boy while urging the dog boy: “If you don’t do it again, its experience points will be monopolized by me!”

“Hmm…” Husky rushed over in a huff, grabbing a handful of sand from the ground at the same time: “Look at you staring at me!”

Sand instantly fascinated the monster’s eyes, making the wild boar reveal a momentary flaw!

Husky went around behind the beast and raised his sword without hesitation!

However, the monster’s eyes couldn’t be seen, but it was even more violent, and it kicked Husky’s chest with a violent kick on its limbs, kicking him completely and flying out!

Pounds! The canine boy only felt his back hit the trunk of a big tree, and his spine groaned.

Fortunately, his sense of pain was blocked by the game system, otherwise, this shock would probably kill people!

He fell so hard he could barely move. If the spine is hit by a strong force, the whole body will be paralyzed. This phenomenon is well reflected in this game!

“Haha, did you still fail?” Arthur leaned over and sneered: “But you have done a good job, and you can think of using the environment to defeat the enemy.”

“And I hurt it, too.” Husky raised his head and smiled, transparent blood running from the corners of his mouth.

That’s right, although the canine boy was kicked away, he also raised his sword and slashed the moment he flew out, slicing off a piece of meat on the ankle of the wild boar.

Although he was seriously injured, he also managed to injure a wild boar.

Not bad. “Arthur’s face darkened:” Although I don’t agree with this stupid behavior of hurting myself first in order to hurt the enemy. “

“It’s just a game…” Husky said gloomily.

“What if it’s real? Would you dare to do that?”

“If it were real, I would have run away.” Husky grinned.

King Arthur gave the canine boy a white look—though he was right.

Click! A muffled sound interrupted their conversation. Arthur turned his head and unexpectedly saw Hal standing on the back of the wild boar, the lightsaber in his hand had penetrated deep into the wild boar’s body, reaching its heart.

Using Husky’s attack just now, the leopard boy cleverly avoided the sight of the wild boar and climbed to the top of the tree.

While the big boar kicked Husky away, Howl jumped down from the top of the tree without a sound, killing the big boar with his sword.

Arthur smiles contentedly: The child is finally beginning to master the basics of the game.

Whoosh! The big wild boar died, turned into a beam of light, and then disintegrated into countless items and fell to the ground.

“We’re going to divide the treasures, meow?” Howl pointed to the items on the ground and asked: “It seems that players who have attacked this enemy have the right to pick up the treasures, meow?”

“Actually, anyone can pick it up.” Arthur came over to take a look and picked up a piece of wild boar meat and a piece of pig skin: “You have to be careful about thieves who steal things in the future. Other players are very It may pop up to grab treasure when you’ve worked so hard to fight monsters. It’s possible that monsters in the game do the same thing.”

The so-called “the strong eat the weak”, whether in reality or in games, there is no shortage of unscrupulous guys everywhere.

“Husky, look, meow.” Hal picked up one of the wild boar tusks on the ground and left the other for his little friend.

“Wild boar tooth? Is this the material for making weapons?” Husky hurriedly came over to pick up the props. The injury just now seemed to have never occurred, and the pain that could have lasted for a long time was blocked by the system.

He looked at the wild boar tooth, which seemed to be not very rare, and couldn’t help but complain again: “Why don’t you just drop the equipment and money.”

I didn’t expect to get King Arthur’s rebuttal: “If you kill a monster in reality, will it also directly drop equipment and money?”

Ski was stunned for a moment.

This is also one of the most absurd settings in most games in the world: unless the monsters are made of gold, why kill a monster and have gold coins fall from it?

It’s even more ridiculous to drop equipment from monsters.

The game they play is to simulate reality as much as possible, so the only thing that falls from the monster is the monster’s corpse: pork can be eaten, pig skin and pig teeth are materials for making equipment, and can also be exchanged for money . That’s all.

Without the corpses of powerful, rare, and difficult monsters, it is extremely difficult to make money or make good equipment.

Husky silently took away the rest of the props, and then asked: “We killed this big wild boar, I’m afraid we got a lot of experience points? Why haven’t we upgraded yet?”

“Uh, Husky?” The leopard boy was opening his inventory to confirm his status. He leaned over and showed his inventory in front of Husky.

A string of numbers came to Husky’s eyes. That’s right, that’s howl’s current experience and a counter for the experience needed to level up.

They slaughtered a big wild boar hard, and they got 10 experience points without thinking. To reach the second level, one thousand experience points are required.

“Oh my God!” Husky almost vomited blood: “Doesn’t this mean that it takes a long time to go to the next level?!”

“That’s right, it’s not that easy to level up.” The King of Knights sneered sinisterly: “The health and stamina of this game are directly linked to your physical fitness in reality, and you can’t continue to strengthen it.

The only effect of leveling up is actually to buy new skills. —But you are still far from the next level, we will talk about this later. “

Grump—All three’s stomachs rattled at the same time. Although their stomachs are not really hungry, the game emits this kind of “hunger” alarm, prompting players to eat.

“Oh, is it evening?” Arthur looked at the game’s system time, “Going to teleport back to cook. Hold me tight.”

“Go back to town?” Husky asked as he grabbed Arthur’s arm.

His question was a bit redundant, and a white light brought the three back to the “non-combat zone”, otherwise known as the city.

However, this so-called city does not have the appearance of a city. It is centered on an extra-large bonfire, surrounded by ruins, and there are only a few sets that can shelter from the wind and rain like an abandoned house.

“This is… an unfinished town meow?” Howl looked curiously at the scene of Xiao Sha around him.

“Not really.” Arthur sat down on the rocks by the campfire: “This is the [Altar of Eternity], the first and last town, and only here the campfire never goes out.

If the player dies during the adventure, they will respawn in front of this campfire, at the cost of a downgrade. “

“Oh my It’s not easy to level up, you have to downgrade if you die?” Husky sat down beside his Uncle Arthur: “This game is too anti-human. “

“Anti-Human is just right.” Arthur didn’t understand the nonsense of the senior players from the dog boy boy, but he knew that Anti-Human must be some kind of complaint about the game settings. “In the real world, a When a person dies, he dies, and there is no chance to come back.

How can players be resurrected infinitely without any death penalty? “


Arthur took out the wild boar, strung it with a branch, and grilled it near the flame: “You guys pay attention. You are only one level now, and if you die once, you will drop to zero level.

If you die again at level 0, your account will be deleted, and you can only reopen a new account—and all items in the old account’s inventory will be lost. “

After listening to this sentence, the two teenagers looked at each other, unable to hide the stun and dissatisfaction on their faces. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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