Light Spirit Epic Chapter 832: Escape to the Demon Marsh (8)


Chapter 832 Escape to the Magic Marsh

Yes, it is the **** smell of the fierce battle between humans and snakes that attracts countless swamp tentacles!

These monsters that look like giant octopus tentacles are actually leeches, disgusting bloodsucking creatures. 『可**言**first*(..)’ They instinctively chased the smell of blood, and had been waiting for a long time on the periphery of this shallow swamp.

In the past, they succumbed to the wicked power of the swamp python and did not dare to approach. Now even the swamp python is dead. Of course, they will not let this blood feast be spared!

Whether it was the swamp python that was blown into two pieces, or the people present, in the eyes of the tentacle monsters, they were just skins filled with the scent of blood. If Bedivere and his party don’t escape, they will only be buried with the swamp python and become a snack for tentacle monsters!

“Oh no… hurry up, hurry up!” the werewolf shouted hysterically, working with the tiger men to carry the white bear, while Palamidis also docked the boat beside the two for them to carry. Facing the surging tentacle monsters from dozens of yards away, Palamidis urged his two sons loudly: “Come back! What are you still dawdling about?!”

Seifer recovers his broken spear ten yards away—the wooden handle can be replaced, but the incomparably sharp boar teeth are a rare treasure and must be recovered!

Seglade was on the other side, prying with a knife from the lower body of the fallen snake, as if he wanted to take off a snake scale and take it away!

These two idiots who were so greedy that they could even die, naturally aroused their father’s strong disgust, and Palamidis shouted aggravatingly: “Enough! Come back for me!!- —–“

The two leopard youths were stunned by their father’s roar. They froze for half a second before reluctantly dropped their work and hurried towards the raft. But they both slipped at the same time before they ran a few steps, and they both slipped at the same time!

The impact of the slip caused the two Leopard youths to sink into the mud of the swamp almost simultaneously!

Palamedes’ eyes widened in disbelief.

The leopard youths have a thick, muddy pit under their feet, and within five yards behind them is an army of swamp tentacles. They simply don’t have enough time to break free from the mud and escape!

Once you are entangled by these giant slugs, you will die, and it will be a tragic death that is quickly drained of blood!

Bediveville and Albert are carrying Elaine and can’t get away!

Chanel is neither fast nor strong enough!

And there’s only one person in Palamides! If you are alone, you cannot save his two sons at the same time!

——What should I do?

The same dilemma was born seven years ago; that time, Palamidis was lucky not to have to choose: with the wit of his wife Vivienne, the matter was finally resolved.

——And this time, no one can help him! How should he choose? !

Ramedis closed his eyes and rushed forward like a blind fly. With just the little impression in his heart, he rushed to one of his two sons.

When he opened his eyes, he was already in front of Seglade.

This is the choice of the Leopard warrior.

His youngest son.

That’s right, his youngest son, who has been cared for at home since he was born, is living a happy life. Born a moment late among the twins, the youngest son who was not contaminated by darkness and became a “monster”.

Is this the right choice? !

Palamidis didn’t hesitate to pull Seglade out of the quagmire with one hand.

“Run!” he screamed.

Zefir in the distance cast a desperate look at his father and brother. When he saw Seglade escape smoothly, he also felt that the tentacle monster had reached less than two yards behind him.

He is the one who was abandoned by his father. one more time.

History has always been strikingly similar, and the same nightmares have been repeated over and over again. Maybe this is fate!

The tentacle monsters stretched out their suction cup tentacles, grabbing Sefir’s hands and feet.

The suckers on the tentacles have extremely fine fangs, but they can bite through flesh and **** human blood. The blood was sucked out of Zefei’s body at an extreme speed, he only felt a burst of weakness, and he could no longer escape!

More tentacle monsters came up to surround him, more tentacles grabbed him, and squeezed every drop of life essence from his body! More physical strength continued to flow away, and deeper despair emerged in his heart!

The leopard youth only felt the blackness in front of his eyes, and his consciousness gradually blurred. It was a kind of unwilling, but helpless, despair that even consciousness could not resist.

Palamidis shouted loudly but pulled Sefer’s consciousness back from the brink of coma: “Let him go, you vampires!!”

Pap — a sound of electricity jumping, resounding through the sky. At least for Zephyr, who was about to lose consciousness, that was the only sound he could hear at the time.

Thunderbolt! ! —— A louder noise continued. A powerful current spread along the water surface, electrifying everything around it!

The electricity came from the hands of Palamides. He pushed his strength to the limit to create this level of electric shock, and this thousand-volt electric shock knocked back all the swamp tentacles!

These tentacled monsters have probably never been hit by electricity in their entire lives, and their twitches show unprecedented fear and pain. The tentacles twisted and backed away, letting go of their plate of food—the leopard-man youth Zephyr.

“Dad…” Zephyr uttered a slight murmur.

“Can I run on my own?” Palamidis pulled his eldest son out of the swamp: “Or do you want me to run behind your back?”

“I can… run—” Zephyr tried to move his body, but found that most of the blood had been drained from his body, and he was too weak to move at all.

Palamidis carried his eldest son without a word.

(I will not leave you again.)

(This time, both will be saved.)

He’s stronger than he imagined if he’s going to give it his all.

The Black Panther picked up his son and ran wildly, the mud of the swamp dragging the cat’s footsteps, and the weight of Zephyr greatly slowed Palamidis’ pace.

And the tentacled monsters behind him no longer sell electric shocks – they have seen electric shocks and know that electric shocks are not deadly, and they dare to rush up and chase after Palamides Don’t let it go!

Carrying a heavy burden, the leopard warrior can’t run fast at all. In just a few seconds, the father and son of the big cat will be engulfed by the army of tentacle monsters!

“Help them!” Bedivere exclaimed as soon as he threw Elaine on the boat like a corpse when he turned around and saw all this.

Albert pulled out a dagger and cut his palm with a knife: “Look at this!!”

He smeared the blood from his palms on a small prop that Bedivere had given Al earlier: a pullback marker.

Albert threw the pullback bid out, and the thing traced a wonderful trajectory in the air, and then…

Paza! —It didn’t fly back, but stuck on the sucker of one of the tentacles!

The blood-smeared, blood-smearing Huili standard immediately attracted the attention of the swamp tentacles. They slowed down the speed of their pursuit and moved closer to the tentacle monster hit by the force!

Even if it was only for a moment, Albert’s tactful actions still bought Palamidis time to escape. The big cat ran wildly with his son on his back and jumped on the boat: “Quick, take off! Running away!”

Seglade, who arrived almost at the same time, also silently jumped on the raft. Bedivere moved the boat’s jets (fortunately he had a few spares) to get the boat going.

Palramidis even sat on the stern of the boat, and immediately operated the photon mirror, charging the mirror with the electricity in his body, and instantly producing propulsion!

The temptation to bring the **** puja was immediately tired of playing, and the tentacle army gave up that toy and rushed to the crowd on the raft, trying to hunt down the real prey.

Bedevier, Albert and Chanel raised their bows and shot wildly together, regardless of the consumption of bows and arrows, and used a rain of arrows to resist the attack of the monster army!

The werewolf shoots an arrow that slams into a tentacle monster that flies in for the final blow. The monster hit by the arrow immediately twitched and fell into the quagmire, and was thrown far away by the ship!

Albert pulled out three arrows, and after drawing the bow, they shot out like scattered flowers. They hit the suckers of the three tentacle monsters respectively, and shot down these vicious monsters that flew into the air one by one!

As an elf, his archery skills are as good as anyone present. Chanel shoots dozens of arrows in a row, and each arrow is precisely at the top of the swamp tentacle monster in the name, which seems to be the most sensitive part of the monsters. , after being hit by the arrow, they can only twitch violently, unable to catch up!

However, there are still thousands of monsters chasing after them!

Seglade pulled out a jug full of refined grease from his stash of now that he couldn’t care less, he poured the grease into the swamp water Inside, the water surface immediately appeared a lot of oily light!

“Humph!” He lit a wooden arrow and shot it towards the oily water, and the whole water suddenly burst into flames! These flames may not be as deadly, but they do a great job of scaring off tentacle monsters!

A lot of tentacle monsters who dared to chase rushed into the sea of ​​flames, their bodies covered in grease and set on fire, and they sank into the water when they were drawn out, filling the air with a stench like scorched meat.

As Palamidis continued to charge the photon mirror with electricity, the ship went faster and faster, and soon reached a constant speed! This boat has a distance of more than 300 kilometers. As long as it runs smoothly, no matter how fast these tentacles are, it is absolutely impossible to catch up with this raft!

The army of tentacles was thrown farther and farther, and soon disappeared from everyone’s sight!

They finally escaped – at least temporarily! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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