Light Spirit Epic Chapter 830: Escape to the Demon Marsh (6)


Chapter 830: Escape to the Magic Marsh

At the same time, Sudan’s Everglades, where the Blue Nile and the White Nile meet. 『Word**first*

The battle between Bedivere and the Swamp Serpent begins.

The two leopard youths, Zephyr and Seglade, were defending at the forefront with shields and guns;

The white bear Elaine is holding a rhino horn sword in both hands, looking for opportunities to attack while constantly running and dodging;

Bedyville took a strong bow, and Albert held a small wooden bow, constantly walking and shooting, attracting the attention of monsters;

And Palamidis was driving a raft in circles, with Chanel, the elf **** it, supporting shooting with a small wooden bow.

Because the attack power of the weapons in their hands is not enough, they can only fight with the swamp python in this way. While slowly exhausting the monster’s physical strength, they also try to find a breakthrough that can kill with one hit.

Faced with the many targets scattered around, the swamp python gnawed like a madman, and its tail swept like a whip.

Facing the snake’s tail swept over from the right, Zephyr put up a shield and lowered his center of gravity to defend. The giant snake’s tail swept firmly on the shield, bringing a painful and numb impact to the arm of the leopard young man, causing Zephyr to slide back dozens of yards!

But the swamp they were in was shallow, and the ground was made of rocks and moss, and it was already slippery. Falling or sliding on this ground can minimize the damage caused by the impact!

Safir slid out a distance, and after he recovered his breath, he immediately pursued it, and when the swamp python was distracted by Bedivere’s bow and arrow, he stabbed a shot into the monster’s tail!

Zha! It really got in!

The wild boar’s teeth on the spear head are extremely sharp; and after the swamp python’s body was burned by the oil fire column, the scales burst open, and the original watertight defense began to crack, and cracks appeared from between those scales! It was from these tiny criss-crossed cracks that Zephyr’s spear pierced the snake’s body!

Although, the damage is minimal! There was a little blood from the wound on the swamp python’s tail, but that’s about it!

The wounded and provoked giant snake neighed, and without waiting for Zephyr to draw his spear, he immediately played his tail, trying to smash the young Leopard Man!

But while Zaffer retracted his gun and raised his shield, the snake’s tail swept the sturdy and smooth surface of the crocodile leather shield again, somewhat releasing a little impact. Zephyr was swept away dozens of yards!

“Hiss!!” The giant snake flew over immediately, trying to kill the **** cat with one blow.

Of course Palamidis will not sit back and ignore it. He has already approached at high speed with a raft. Before the giant snake bit Zeffer, Chanel reached out and grabbed Zeffer and rescued the young Leopard Man. !

“Thank you, meow!” Saifer escaped and jumped back into the swamp from the air, shouting at the same time: “Attack the cracks between its scales, it can hurt its meow!” The giant snake pounced At the same time as Sora, he turned around quickly and continued to chase the young Leopard Man who had just landed. Zephyr rolled over lightly and let the giant snake pass him. At the same time, the spear had been pierced, and a small wound was again scratched on the body of the giant beast.

Like a mosquito bite, the damage is minimal, but it is indeed the damage done to the swamp python, and Seifer is convinced that this will eventually become a small foreshadowing of their victory.

The even more frantic giant snake almost chased after the young Leopard Man to fight, biting and swiping its tail incessantly, forcing Zephyr to hide and hide for a while, so embarrassed!

Whoa! The tail sweep of the giant snake stirred up a flower several feet high, blocking the sight of the young Leopard Man.

Seifer knew that this opponent would definitely wait for the opportunity to make a fierce attack, so he quickly rolled over, and at the same time set up a shield in front of him, and even raised his spear forward, as well as a shield!

The head of the giant python attacked like a bayonet, fiercely pierced through the monstrous water spray, and appeared in front of Zephyr.

Fortunately, Zephyr used a rollover. If he jumped backwards or stood still, the northern python would definitely hit him, and the impact was enough to break the whole body of the young Leopard Man!

And the trajectory of the sideways-turned Zephyr and the giant snake’s attack was only a few inches away, and the impact of the giant python in a straight line splashed a thirty-foot high flower. The huge, pressing flower hit the leopard young man, and of course he washed away his entire body, scattered like a leaf on the water.

But Zephyr is still lucky. He ate this attack, which should have been seriously injured, but because of the shield’s block, a lot of damage was reduced.

Using the strength of the python’s sprint, the spear in the hands of the leopard man cut a large wound on the corner of the snake’s head, causing the python to bleed!

The leopard youth flew several times in the air, but finally couldn’t hold the shield and gun, and fell unsightly to the ground dozens of yards away, suffering serious injuries. But he also succeeded in stabbing the swamp python, which is considered a profit.

“Zefeel!” Seeing that the situation was in crisis, Bedivere hurriedly raised his bow and shot hard. Dozens of arrows pierced the big wound on the python’s forehead, adding a lot of pain to the python.

The python originally wanted to catch up and give the Leopard youth a fatal blow, but was so provoked by the werewolf, how could it let Bedivere go?

The swamp giant, which has deflected hatred, raised its tail high, used it like a giant club, and slapped it down from the top of Bedivere’s head!

Werewolves know that they can’t dodge just by rolling, because the impact of the giant snake’s tail is so huge that even the flowers it splashes can kill!

What should I do? Just when Bedivere was at a loss, Seglade hurriedly arrived. He grabbed the werewolf and quickly retreated, while raising his shield to defend.

Pounds! ! ——The tail of the swamp python slapped the ground fiercely, stirring up the 30-foot-high giant again. Although Seglade and Bedivere avoided the slap of the snake’s tail, they were still hit by the giant l, and the two flew out together.

“Woo—” The werewolf spat out a mouthful of blood, but he didn’t give up his bow to shoot, and before the monster had finished its heavy blow, before he could breathe, he stuck an arrow firmly on its body!

“Hush!” The python hissed. The unintentional arrow seemed to hurt it.

Deville watched all this while landing, sliding a full ten yards across the slippery swampy ground.

“Just now…” Seglade also landed and slid to the ground at the same time. He and Bedivere flew out almost the same trajectory, but they slid slower due to the weight of the equipment: “I always feel that the one just now. The arrow seems to hurt it very much…” As the saying goes, a snake hits seven inches. For an ordinary snake, seven inches is exactly its heart. Knock it hard with a weapon such as a wooden stick, which can make the snake’s heart hit and stop, which is one of the key points in catching snakes.

But the swamp python in front of him is too big, and its length is difficult to grasp. It is almost impossible to find its heart in this fierce battle.

Maybe it’s just luck, maybe it’s destiny. The arrow shot by Bedivere passed through the gap between the scales of the giant python and hit its vital point well.

The lethality of a small wooden arrow is negligible. But it pointed out the direction for the battle and let everyone see a glimmer of hope!

Albert, who is also observant in the battle, has raised his bow and fired an arrow. The arrow sticks precisely in the same spot, adding a deeper blow next to the arrow wound from Bedivere.

The swamp snake hurts even more, twitching and neighing.

Yes, there must be the heart of this monster under the flesh of that area!

After all, the swamp python is also a living creature. In order to protect itself, its most important parts must be particularly sensitive, and it will feel particularly painful if it receives a small attack.

It was originally a self-protection mechanism for creatures, but at this moment, it betrayed the swamp python and made its weakness in front of everyone!

The giant python that was hit and mad had a thick skin and tough flesh. A little attack couldn’t hurt it at all, and it didn’t properly cover its dead end.

Therefore, this is the only chance to turn a defeat into a victory!

Standing up, Bedivere pulled out a high-energy flaming arrow and shouted at the same time: “Syfer, Seglade, continue to shield! Al, go around the right flank and shoot! Elaine Follow me!” “Uh, what do you want meow?” Albert asked in puzzlement as he spread out and shot.

Whoosh! The werewolf didn’t answer, but instead shot the flaming arrow out.

“Your arrows haven’t been fired yet, ignite…” The White Bear Man whispered as he rushed over.

“I have my own thoughts.” The werewolf groaned, and drew another arrow, taking advantage of the arrow’s hardening in the python to add another blow.

It is also a high-energy burning arrow that is not ignited. It is also precisely stuck in the small gap of the weakness of the giant snake. The small damage it brings cannot kill the swamp python, at most it can only slow down its attack. It’s just action.

“You are burning arrows!” Seglade rushed over to raise his shield to defend, and Zafer in the distance also climbed up from the quagmire, picked up his shield and spear, and seemed to be able to continue the fight.

Enraged by the two arrows, the python has already swept its tail. The werewolf and the white bear man hid behind the shield of Cyglade, and retreated at the same time as the young leopard man.

The tail swept hard behind the shield, only to be blocked by all three at the same time, and the impact only slipped them back about five yards. Elaine saw that the tail of the giant snake had diminished, so she raised the giant rhinoceros sword and slashed it out with a quick hand, trying to get something cheap.

His sword just hit the gap in a scale at the end of the serpent’s tail. The sharp blade was like a broken bamboo, and it instantly cut off a large section of the snake’s tail! The tail foot that fell was three feet long!

“Ooooooooooooooooooo!” The giant snake neighed in pain as its tail was docked

“You deserve it, you bastard!” The werewolf took the opportunity to shoot another arrow. The high-energy incendiary arrow with the burning sac once again pierced the area in front of the giant snake’s heart, but the giant snake was suffering from the severe pain of the severed tail, and could not feel the fact that it was hit by the arrow at all.

“Elaine, are you afraid of pain?” Bedivere asked suddenly.

“Uh, no, you’re not afraid?” the white bear man asked in a low voice, “what, what’s wrong?” “What I want you to do next may cause you to be seriously injured, and I don’t even know that you can It can’t be recovered,” Bedivere explained, “but no one can do this except you. If you don’t do it, all of us will die in this swamp!”

[Serialization, stay tuned…]

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