Light Spirit Epic Chapter 818: The storm is in the dark night (4)


“Ke**yan**first*(..)” Chapter 818 Shocking Waves in You Ye

The result is obvious that the super high temperature quickly melted the armor of the giant blade of Bered into a half-melted soft iron sticking to Slade’s giant shield. It completely melted into a mass of scrap iron and the giant shield fused Together they finally lost their ability to act

And the “thickened” giant shield not only lost the terrifying spikes on the shield, but also became so heavy that Slade couldn’t lift it at all

Slade reluctantly threw away the giant shield with one hand and pulled out the long sword from his waist

Arthur’s series of moves turned the tide in an instant. Slade is now one-on-one with King Arthur and his shield can’t be used.

One-on-one, Arthur summoned another Holy Spirit before Slade was ready, the Great Sword of the Holy Spirit

Without waiting for Slade to evade the 20-foot-long Holy Spirit Greatsword, it was already flying behind the King of Knights and transformed into dozens of long swords, stabbing at the strong shield Slade with a ferocious force


Dozens of long swords transformed into the Holy Spirit Sword Formation have pierced through the body of the Headless Horseman

Even if the black iron armor is sturdy, it still has countless gaps for the movement of the armor joints. Although the sword array cannot kill the evil spirit composed of armor, it can seal the movement of this monster and seal the whole body of Shield Slade. I can’t move because of the long sword.

Arthur seized this opportunity to rush to the left hand of the king’s sheath has been deeply inserted into the headless horseman’s chest: “die”

The golden light flashed past the spellbreaker and exploded in the headless knight’s body

If it was a normal golem, this move could have directly destroyed the core of the golem and killed the golem instantly, but the shield Slade faced by Arthur had an evil spirit as the core, so it would not be so easy to be attacked. The power of [Spellbreaker] dissipated. Under the impact of [Spellbreaker], it was only dizzy.

But a [Spellbreaker] didn’t kill Slade, which was also expected by King Arthur

If it’s not enough, it will come to the second and third until its soul is gone

Arthur’s sword of the king raised his right hand and stabbed into the monster’s chest. Once the sword of the king and the scabbard contacted each other, the ability to communicate with each other [the scabbard of the king] became possible.

The effect of the previous [Spellbreaker] exploded again before the next [Spellbreaker] had completely disappeared

Golden light bursts, bursts and bursts countless golden photons frantically surging like a wave. The law that greatly impacts the world is the same as Arthur’s move to deal with the dark **** Albert seven years ago. [Lawbreaker] Continually bombarded and finally even defeated

pound pound pound pound pound

Numerous low and continuous explosions came from the depths of the Headless Horseman’s armor

This guy has been mortally wounded countless times from the inside out. Even the evil spirits can’t hold it. Even the evil spirits can’t hold the armor that makes up this golem

The armor of Slade’s whole body cracked, and the golden light leaked from the cracks. Under the countless impacts of photons, its extremely hard black iron armor finally petrified and turned into a dull gray-white substance

Arthur saw that the time was ripe and pulled with both hands: “Haha”

It turned into gray-white armor and at the same time became as crunchy as sand and stone. At the same time King Arthur pumped hard, the headless knight shattered the whole after Bered of the giant blade, and Slade of the strong shield also shattered. Defeated by the King of Knights

Among the broken headless knights, a black thing flew out and that thing was probably an evil spirit. Arthur raised his sword and stabbed the evil spirit with the light blade of his holy king’s sword in one fell swoop

But he stabbed the spirit body with an abnormal slack and avoided Arthur’s blade a few times. Instead of fighting the knight king, he went straight to the ancient king of Kathy


“Arthur looked at the ancient king to absorb the evil spirits but was helpless

“Roar ah ah ah ah ah” The ancient living corpse came out of the empty and grudged roaring his hands to grow again

He grabbed the ruined giant shield with one hand and grabbed another black evil spirit core from the scrap iron and squeezed it instantly, it sucked out the black gas from the evil spirit core completely

Not only has absorbed the power of Shieldsred, but now even the power of Bered, the giant blade, has become very powerful.

He is full of abyss-like dark and gloomy black qi. The black qi solidifies into a pure black shield in his left hand; the black qi solidifies into a pitch-black blade in his right hand

“Oh you still want to duel with me” Arthur is depressed “I have no interest in an opponent I have defeated once”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” How could he care about Arthur’s blade? >

Arthur slid left and right to avoid confrontation with the undead corpse in front of him. He didn’t have much time left

“[The Holy Spirit Possessed] Last Minute” Holy Crown Cries “Quick Fix”

“I know don’t make noise” Arthur squatted down to avoid the dark great sword and swept the dark great shield, and he rolled to the left. The fireball in his hand has been thrown out

The fiercely burning dragon flame fireball instantly exploded in the face of the ancient king of Kaiser, and burned violently on the corpse of the thousand-year-old corpse. The flames engulfed the ancient king’s head in an instant, making the monster look even more terrifying

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it continued to roar as if nothing had happened, the giant sword and giant shield in his hand continued to swipe and shoot straight without being affected by the burning effect at all

“The Last Ten Seconds” Holy Spirit Crown hurriedly reminded that the situation was very critical

“I know don’t let me be distracted” Arthur avoided the stab and then counterattacked. The sword of the Holy King in his hand transformed into a ten-foot light blade and swept out

King Kaiser did not block with a shield, but raised his dark shield to shoot straight. He probably thinks it’s okay to take a little damage, as long as he can beat his opponent first

Knight King’s heavy blow can’t hold back the dark shield and smashes King Arthur down.

Or maybe not

The phantom of the knight king was only captured by the ancient king of Kathy with the dark shield. The real Arthur suddenly appeared three yards away, and the lightsaber in his hand had cut the ancient king’s leg

The golden light blade severed the two legs of the living corpse and the ancient king fell down

The countdown to the “Five Seconds” Crown of the Holy Spirit continues

“Die” Arthur kicked a sword out of the ground, it was the long sword dropped by Shield Slade

The sharp long sword spun at a high speed and accurately stabbed the forehead of the ancient king of Kaiser with huge kinetic energy. The thousand-year-old corpse fell to the ground with a broken leg and was pierced by the long sword in the forehead and nailed to the wall.

Arthur’s dragon fireball also arrived and exploded on the chest of the living corpse, igniting the entire monster. Even if this guy has a strong regeneration ability, the thousand-degree high-temperature flame is enough to make the monster consume for a while /

“Time is up” Holy Spirit Crown Words

The Holy Spirit attached to King Arthur lost its power and returned to Avalon, and Arthur’s body instantly changed from a seventeen-year-old boy to a seven-year-old boy. This body is not suitable for combat

Looking at King Arthur, King Arthur, who was wriggling and struggling in the fire, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He didn’t think much about his two calves dancing quickly and started hurriedly running away

At the same time, in the forest next to the sixth waterfall in the middle and lower reaches of the Nile River

Chased by a large group of monsters, the escape journey of Bedivere and his party is still in progress

“Three o’clock” shouted Chanel the Knight of Saint Lily

Seglade, who was running on the right flank of the team, hurriedly raised his shield and guarded while Bedivere also drew his bow and ran quickly while aiming

The monster that was rushing all the way to catch up flew over from that direction, it should be a monster like a chimpanzee and its size is not big

It initially hit Syglade and was dissipated by the Leopard Youth’s wooden shield, most of the force of the impact. Bedivere’s arrow had stabbed deep into the chimpanzee’s head from the direction of its left ear

But this guy really is a monster whose head was shot through by an arrow and still can’t die for a while, waving his huge arms frantically trying to tear a piece of meat from the leopard youth

Seglade used the torch and shield to block the sharp claws of the chimpanzee in the face of danger

The leopard man then stabbed the chimpanzee in the face and pushed Bedivere’s arrow deeper. When the wooden arrow completely pierced the monster’s forehead, the monster also collapsed. It rolled on the ground for a long distance and was killed. The people are far away

“It’s ten o’clock again” shouted Chanel

Another monster attacked, its figure was like a ten-foot-long giant python, but its movement was unexpected. on the crowd

The black python slammed down from the tree frantically, and its sharp fangs had already bitten towards Saifel’s arm

But how could Bedivere succeed? The three arrows fired by the werewolf all slammed into the giant python.

The undead boa constrictor bowed and jumped in place like a spring again, but its attack met Zephyr’s shield and slapped the thick shield on the face of the boa constrictor. Its skull was broken, its fangs were broken, and the viper was dizzy.

“Where are we running, meow” Saifer just took a breath and observed the environment of the forest through the light of the moon and stars, only to realize that their way back is not straight to the camp

“Of course…by the river” Bedivere replied without hesitation () “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D If it is found that its content violates national laws Please delete any conflicting content, and we are only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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