Light Spirit Epic Chapter 815: The stormy waves in the dark night (1)



Chapter 815

It seemed that several minutes had passed by the time Bedivere got up again live

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly Come and swear with a trembling voice

The werewolf discovered that his clothes had been ripped off. He was only left with a pair of shorts, and the girl in distress was wearing Bedivere’s robes – her original robes had been torn apart by branches. unbearable

Needless to say, this is a good thing for two **** leopards

“You don’t take off your own clothes, but you take off my clothes and put them on for the ladies” Bedivere angrily denounces Seifer and Seglade: “I don’t know you **** who don’t know what to do”

Seifer coughed dryly and blushed and said, “Cough…but we can’t be naked in front of a lady, meow—“

“Can I do it?

“But you passed out, meow, you won’t feel ashamed if you pass out, right meow”

What absurdity Bedivere nearly vomited blood and died of anger

“Don’t say meow—” Seglade handed Bedivere something that was a temporary “robe” made of dozens of large banana leaves, which could at least temporarily be worn as a robe.

“You must be joking with me—” Bedivere glared angrily at the two leopards and then glared at the girl who knocked him unconscious and stole his clothes: “Who are you?

“I am Chanel of Orleans, a Knight of the Order of Saint Lily of France.” The girl blushed and said that she deliberately turned her face away from the werewolf’s eye contact: “My sisters and I were on our way overnight and were attacked by a monster, so- —–“

This woman is the survivor of the crashed raft, who jumped out of the boat at a critical moment to escape and hangs in the canopy like this

Palramidis has also said before that there are a group of women in the test-takers who can break into the cruel ordeal of the Knights of the Round Table as women. It is really impressive—but they stop there

Bediver didn’t say anything about being so badly treated by this woman. He could have added a few sassy words to say that they deserved to be on the road all night, or to find death or something, but when he really asked him to say, he couldn’t say- –How can you say such mean words to this pitiful girl in front of you

“Let’s… walk a few steps further and hope to find other survivors” Bedivere put on the leaf cloak and whispered

Others present, including the knight girl of the Holy Lily Knights, were silent. Chanel was alive and she was just lucky and she was seriously injured. How many of her comrades could be so lucky /

The group continued on with dead silence on the way to their destination. The raft crashed as they expected and collided with a tree. Half of the raft was broken and the rest was Firmly embedded in the trunk of the tree, it can be seen that the impact force was great at that time

The fire of the hot air balloon has long been scattered on the trees, and the fire is burning, making everything around it red

About ten yards from the impact point, several horribly dead stumps were also on fire

Chanel silently counts the number of corpses and only she knows how many people died

After counting, the whole body collapsed and knelt on the ground for a long time, unable to make a sound

Seifer and Seglade looked at each other and seemed to have discussed something, and then the two of them approached Bedivere together

“I know what you’re thinking but no” Werewolf was afraid that things would turn out like this and quickly stopped: “Our team is already burdened enough, don’t add any extra burden, she can wait here for rescuers to reach us and There is no righteousness to take care of her”

“But Meow—“

Bedivere shook his head resolutely. Add one more person and one more weight. The current resources are already tight enough. Whether this resource can get the six of them to their destination at the scheduled time is still unknown. Troubled women stop dreaming

“At least take her to our camp meow” Sefer pleaded “leave her here for a night and can’t wait until tomorrow morning and she’ll be devoured by monsters meow at least until the rescuers arrive tomorrow morning it’s time meow” “


“I appreciate your kindness” Chanel stood up and whispered “But I’ll be here watching over my sisters. They’ve died miserably enough. I can’t just watch their bodies get eaten by monsters.”

“You don’t have to worry about that meow, we’ll be responsible for burying them” Seglade gently persuaded: “As soon as we’re done with this, let’s get out of here, meow”

What else did the woman want to say? At this time, the surrounding jungle is already full of unfriendly eyes from the monsters. The monsters seem to rush to attack everyone. The only thing that prevents them from doing so is the fire on the scene

“Listen—“Bedivere threw the water bottle to the golden girl: “You wash the blood and wounds on your body quickly, and if you smell blood, I will not let you near our camp. I I don’t want the camp to be surrounded by monsters”

He turned to the two blue leopards and said, “Pile up the bodies and set them on fire”


“”You’re crazy, meow

“Not only Chanel but also two young leopards exclaimed

“This is the best way to burn it, so that the corpse will not be scraped out and eaten by monsters. If you like, you can take the ashes back, but we have to act fast—“

“This is too unapproachable——“

“I promise that if we fight monsters in this forest, we’ll just follow in the footsteps of these dead female knights. I just want to live. If it’s hard to live, there’s no time to talk to anyone.”

Because all the idiots were present, Bedivere had to make such a rational proposition alone, even if it would be regarded as the devil

Chanel was silent for a while and sighed: “Just do as you say. It’s shameful, but it’s the only thing I can do for my sisters right now. Besides, I can’t cause you too much trouble.”

“It’s good for you to understand the truth” The werewolf put two torches on the ground and illuminated an area in front of him: “Quickly do what you should do”

By the fire, Bedivere raised his bow and arrow to guard a large area in front of him, and behind him was a large burning tree for cover. The monsters never wanted to approach them from that direction

Two leopards reluctantly rushed over to clean up the corpses. Most of the corpses had been burnt. The terrible smell of burnt stink made people cry Putting them together is a good point. Bedivere wants to wait for these red-hot corpses to cool down and then bury them at least until dawn and they don’t have the time.

The two cats lit the fire and began to burn the dead body

“Don’t look this way” Chanel also took off her robe (Bettiville’s) and rinsed her wounds with water from a kettle. Fortunately, she only had scratches and no deep wounds. No more bloodshed, this should make the monsters stop chasing her

“You’re an elf—“Bediver exclaimed when he caught a glimpse of Chanel’s pointy ears out of the corner of his eye, but he was hit in the forehead by a small stone just as he said it


“I told you not to look this way, you bastard. Wolf” the girl scolded angrily

Dark Elf This explains her super hearing. Just now Bedivere and others walked under the tree and said that they had been pressed, but the dark elf girl hanging on the tree could hear it

The sensitive hearing is probably a kind of talent, and the magic bracelet can’t completely seal her powerful talent. Maybe it can help.

A monster has burst into flames from the woods, making them uneasy, but the smell of the meat overwhelms the unease, and they can’t wait to enjoy their food. It doesn’t look like a particularly large monster shape and a wild boar. Almost has a pair of snow-white sharp fangs that stick upwards

It wasn’t so much that the beast was attracted to Bedivere and wanted to use him as prey. On the contrary, Bedivere was attracted to the beast. He saw the sharp beast’s teeth and immediately knew that it could be used to make weapons.

The boar can’t wait to rush towards Bedivere and the werewolf can’t wait to pull the bow and shoot a normal wooden arrow, which slams the boar’s left eye hard, blinding the monster in an instant. It slips out of control and falls on Under the action of inertia, the ground still hits the werewolf like a bulldozer

Bedivere flipped over and evaded the wild boar before it got up, and the dagger flashed past and cut off the wild boar’s throat

The crimson blood of Pasha Warcraft is constantly gushing out. The werewolf walked carefully to avoid getting blood. When the monster was drained and dying, Bedivere rushed over again and used his brute force to break off two wild boars in one go. fangs

That thing is more than ten inches longer than the dagger in the werewolf’s hand, and it is the material of the monster’s body. It is full of photons, which is hard and flexible and can be made into a good self-defense dagger

The werewolf didn’t hesitate to throw one of the monster fangs to the elf girl himself, then took the other one along the monster’s temple and stabbed the fangs deeply into the boar’s forehead, ending the monster’s life

The howling in the mountains is getting louder and the monsters are ready to move in just another quarter of an hour. The monsters that are hundreds of times more ferocious than this wild boar will definitely attack in groups () “The Legend of the Light” only represents the author Raven D-dimensional Texas’ point of view If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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