Light Spirit Epic Chapter 803: The expedition is different from the first


Chapter 803 of the expedition to another world

Why. “Can**yan**first*(..)””I heard this strange request from Bedivere. The White Dragons have a bad feeling.

“Didn’t you say you didn’t do anything along the way. Did it drag us down. Then I’ll put you in a job now.” Bedivere sneered. “Though your wings aren’t available for flying right now. They’re still useful. Give me a slap on your wings. Help us propel this ship. That’s your job.”

“Hmm… well.” The White Dragon was obviously reluctant. It was tiring to stay in the form of a dragon all the time. Do you have to keep flapping your wings to propel the raft now? Unwilling to return unwilling. He really didn’t help much along the way. Now only manual labor can make up for it.

Elaine sits in the stern. Quickly flapping its wings in the direction of the stern. The ship travels under the combined action of the thrust of the dragon’s wings and the thrust of the thrusters. In the blink of an eye, he climbed over a mountain.

“Fantastic. The first update to maintain this momentum.” The werewolf said happily as he took the helm: “Fan the right wing hard. Going to the right.”

From this height. Bedivere could already see the Nile in the distance from the mountains. If you keep going in this direction. Soon to reach the sixth waterfall. It’s half past five in the evening. Climb up to the final waterfall before it gets completely dark. Camp and eat. Everything is so beautiful.

Of course. They won’t be so lucky all the time. Since it is a journey. There will always be surprises.

“What is that.” Palamedis watched alertly at a large dark shadow approaching in the distance.

“Oh God—“The werewolf exclaimed when he saw the menacing shadow: “Warcraft…”

That’s a thirty-foot-long creature. The giant Nile vulture – the absolute air dominance on the Nile River. And the hot air balloon (raft) that they were riding in Bediveville. It’s just a small dessert in its eyes.

Same time. More faster chapters to come. King Arthur’s bedroom. In the castle dungeon.

“Amazing.” Little Husky wagged his dog’s tail. He was amazed at the huge ruby ​​set in the wall in front of him.

“Amazing meow.” Little Hal also shook his cat’s tail. Marvel at another finely carved solid gold vase on the road.

This dungeon is indeed a treasure trove. Along the way, it is full of national treasures. Even a gem adorning the wall. A vase on the floor. They all seem worthless.

Of course. Two children are different from adults. They have no concept of money. I don’t know how precious these things are. Looking at these treasures is just a passing glance. If looking at the decorations along the way in the adventure game. Gone at a glance. otherwise. They will now be full of gems and gold and become immobile.

Because they don’t covet the treasure here. It didn’t lead to murder. —A tall figure. Silently lurking in the dark. Follow the footsteps of the two children and move forward.

“Hey. Guess who built this huge castle.” Husky touched a ruby ​​on the wall: “Why when we approached. These gems will shine by themselves. Wang. It’s amazing.”

” Mom said. This is the legacy left by the ancient gods, meow.” Howl also looked around in the passage of the ancient castle fascinatedly. He sighed in bursts: “Gods. Hmm. It seems to have traveled from a long time ago. An ancient universe. With unimaginable technological civilization meow. Their past is like our distant future. Hmm. I’m not very much either. Clear meow.”

“Then. They are the so-called [time traveler] wang. Cool—“

“But they all died in the end meow.” Hal continued. “It seems because of something…[Soul decay] Meow.”

“What is [the decay of the soul] Wang.”

“I don’t know. No one knows meow.” Hal stopped by another large vase and looked at it for a long time. There are also withered flowers in the vase.

This vase appears to have special antiseptic powers. Those flowers have not rotted for thousands of years. But it has been dehydrated and withered into a dried flower. The body is still there. But something within is gone.

“The gods are like this flower. There is no problem with the body. But something inside just evaporated out of thin air meow. Their bodies lost their souls and fell down. Never woken up again meow.”

“Scary.” Husky also leaned over to look at the dried flower. His mouth was terrifying. But there was no sense of “fear” in his tone: “Hal. Do you think people really have souls?”

“I don’t know meow. Maybe meow.” Howl remembered the ghost ship he encountered last time at sea.

His brothers have coached him a lot since then. Just to make the frightened little Howl understand that what he encountered was not a ghost. But he had seen Captain David Jones composed of black mist with his own eyes. The first update felt exactly the same as [Ghost]. —so. Does man have a soul? Say it clearly.

“Even if I don’t know if there is. I still want to believe that there is a soul in this world. There is also a world after death.” Husky tugged at the corner of Little Black Panther’s shirt. Signing to move on: “In this way, we can be reunited with our dead relatives.”

Meow. “

“If there is no soul. If there is nothing left after a person dies. That’s horrible.” Husky, who was walking in front, stopped wagging his tail: “I can’t imagine myself feeling no more. In my own situation, mummy said it was like being asleep forever. I couldn’t feel anything. But it was so boring.”

After all, he was afraid of boredom. Afraid of being bored in eternal sleep after death.

But what about the truth. Nobody knows.

“Tell you a secret. But you can’t tell anyone else…” Husky stopped as he walked. He turned his head and said in a low voice, “I’m actually Wang, the child that Dad and Mommy picked up and raised. Mommy said. My biological parents have been killed by monsters.”

“Husky…” heard this suddenly. Hal didn’t know how to respond. He could only stare blankly at the canine boy.

“No. Don’t show that kind of expression.” The canine boy smiled and said, “My mum is very good to me. I also live well. I don’t care about my parents who have been dead for a long time. It’s woofing…it’s just. I feel that way all the time. My biological parents actually woof with me all the time. Just close your eyes. You seem to be able to feel them woof.”

The leopard boy fell silent for a while. He had no father’s care since he was a child. The mother is also often not at home. Only two older brothers took care of him growing up. He thought he had been miserable enough.

But the canine boy in front of him is actually a hundred times more miserable than him. Husky’s parents died when he was a child. Adopted by current parents. Parents are divorced. Only his mother was left to take care of him growing up. have such a life. Husky is still going strong. Really—

“Don’t say Wang.” The dog boy seemed to be able to see the same from the other side’s eyes. It hurt him instead. He turned to avoid the little black panther’s gaze: “Look. There’s a room ahead. I’m curious what treasures are in it.”

He goes to the door. Just wanted to push the door. The ancient door opened automatically. It’s as if a child is being welcomed into it.

“The automatic door barks. Cool—” The canine boy got into the room.

“Wait. Wait, meow.” Hal Zhu hurried up with a cane. The quick movement left him panting. After all, he only has one kidney.

“My God—” when he entered the room. He was so surprised that he even forgot to breathe.

In front of two teenagers. is a resplendent one. The hall is a hundred times more luxurious than the corridor full of treasures. The first update is like the king’s hall of an ancient dynasty. The style here is extreme. The majesty is breathtaking.

But what shocked them the most. Not this gorgeous palace.

The most shocking thing for both of them. On the throne of this palace. An ancient corpse that appears to have been dead for a long time.

The one in the royal robe. Appears to be the ancient corpse of some great king. It was opening its dry but uncorrupted eyelids at the moment. There were two white gleams in his eyes. Examining the two orc boys.

The golden scepter in the corpse’s hand is clearly engraved with the name of its owner.

—The great Kelton founding king. Cather.d. Pantoracken rests here.

—For the ancient king of Kelton. This is only a temporary sleep. Not sleepless.

Same time. Attenborough. King Arthur’s office.

The king of knights rarely rang. Only very few people can access that phone through the internal line. The first update is that ordinary people have to go through numerous heavy checkpoints and routes if they want to contact Wang. almost impossible.

And when the ornately decorated gold telephone on the table rang. Generally, there is a major national-level problem that needs to be dealt with by the King of Knights.

No matter how busy the work at hand is. Arthur also had to put down the pen. Seriously went to answer the call.

I didn’t expect him to pick up the phone. From the microphone came the hurried and panicked voice of Queen Greenville: “A. Arthur. Something is bad.”

“Calm down. Greenville. What the **** is going on.”

“Husky and Hal are gone.” Greenville exclaimed: “They were still taking a nap in the children’s bedroom at noon. But all of a sudden they disappeared. I’ve scattered all my hands to find it. They haven’t been found yet.”

The King of Knights wondered for a while: “You called during my office hours. It was just to find two lost children.”

“They’re not just two [lost children]. Hal is your nephew,” said Greenville incredulously. “And little Husky…well. He’s Lianyin’s son. Lianyin is yours again…well you don’t mind. — Anyway, we agreed to take care of two children. You can’t lose your trust. They have three strengths and two weaknesses. How can I explain to Vivienne and Lianyin.”

I heard Greenville seem a little incoherent. Arthur sighed. “Okay. I’ll come back. Find those two naughty boys. That’s all it takes.”

“You gotta hurry. They can’t last long. They must be lost in some dark, cold corner of the castle by now. Terrified. You don’t hurry up and save the kids. They’ll– —-” Greenville’s whimper interrupted the conversation.

Can’t wait for Greenville to finish crying. Arthur already asked impatiently, “Uh. What’s going to happen to them.”

“They won’t be in time for tea time.”

The King of Knights squeezes hard. If it weren’t for the mics made especially strong. Or he withdrew his strength in the nick of time. This phone is absolutely going to be pinched.

“I’ll be right back.” The King of Knights suppressed the anger in his heart. Hang up the phone.

He took out a fire dragon scale: “Shaxing. Are you there?”

A subspace exit is opened. Xinghuilong, who transformed into a golden-armored boy, came out of the subspace.

“Wow. What’s wrong with you.” The King of Knights saw his old lizard friend. Can not help but startled. The evil star is the same evil star as before. Even his teenage look is exactly the same as it was seven years ago (transformed). But this dragon is from head to toe. Even the golden armor on his body (actually the scales of the evil star) is full of scars. damaged. and blood stains.

As an epic photonic creature. Dragons have extraordinary regenerative abilities. Generally speaking, it doesn’t hurt like this. There will also be no scars that cannot be healed.

The evil star is now covered in scars. It was as if to say. He’s been fighting every moment for seven years. It didn’t stop hurting at all.

“Yo. Long time no see. Arthur.” Shaxing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: “You don’t need to worry about my business. Let’s take care of yours first. Why did you suddenly call me here. I hope You have a good reason.”

Arthur wondered.

The evil star seems to be busy. And the heart is not very good. If only this arrogant dragon knew that he was summoned just to help find two little devils. Xinghuilong will definitely be on fire.

Knight King’s mind was spinning rapidly. Soon came up with an excuse: “I want to use your keen sense of smell to find someone is very important. A person who is related to the fate of Great Britain.”

“You’re going to borrow my nose to find someone.” Hear this. The evil star was still angry. “You have so many elite soldiers. There are not a few people who can use the eagle eye technique. There are even more people with a keen sense of smell. Why do you want to borrow my nose. Are you so short of people in Pantoracken?”

“Cough cough——It’s not [Pantolaken] anymore. It’s [Great Britain].” The King of Knights snorted and corrected: “And. No. It’s not lacking at all. Question. The area where I want you to find people is very special. All detection magic, including eagle eye, will be nullified in that area. It is even more impossible to find people by ordinary sense of smell. That There is a special enchantment that can quickly purify the smell in this area. It prevents tracking. All in all. No other means can work. In the end, only the dragon’s [photon smell] comes to find it.”

“Oh. Really.” The evil star showed an incredible expression. His anger was overshadowed by surprise: “What the **** is this special area.”

“My bedroom.” King Arthur smiled coldly. To put it lightly. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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