Light Spirit Epic Chapter 797: The expedition is different from the first


Chapter 797 of the expedition to another world

Paramidis clears his throat. “K**yan**first*(..)” said in a report-like tone: “We have come all the way. What can we encounter along the way. It’s completely random. It’s a matter of luck. As an exam. Completely There are so many random ingredients. I’m afraid it’s not rigorous enough.”

The big cat plays with the werewolf’s dagger. read it over and over again. Press the lighter button again. Let the flames shoot from the blade of the dagger.

“So. I’m thinking — maybe we don’t need to hunt around for supplies at all. Enough [supplies] to get us to Tanzania in three days. Maybe. It’s already with us. “

The crowd froze again.

“I don’t understand meow.” Saifer finally couldn’t hold back. “We have a bottle of water. A knife. A windbreaker. And some compressed dry food. These things alone will help us reach our destination in three days.”

Palamidiston took a bite. Pulling out his own dagger: “That’s why. There must be a mystery in these things.”

He held down the fire button on Bedivere’s dagger. At the same time, use the tip of his dagger against the gap of the button: “Bedivere. I’m going to pry this thing off. But it may break the body of the dagger. Do you have an opinion?”

“No. Let’s do it.” Always cherished that dagger. There can be no progress. Bedivere could only reluctantly give up.

The leopard warrior grunted softly. Raising his dagger and prying hard.

Clap. It was almost invisible. Extremely fine seams. It was pried out under the brute force of the big cat. It’s easy to see the seams. The big cat steadied the crack in the dagger with one hand. At the same time, he stabbed into the crack with his own dagger. One twist.

Clap. A crisp sound. The tenon inside the dagger hilt kept separating. The handle is opened.

This is indeed a lighter. The structure is very strange. Except for those pipes that connect the blade body. The most conspicuous is the size of a palm. Finger thickness. Flat miniature metal nuggets.

Paramedis removes the piece from the connecting pipe. Take it in your hand and study it carefully: “This is.”

“Probably a high-energy fuel tank.” Bedivere looked at the thing. Suddenly it felt very similar to the battery of a lightsaber. It suddenly dawned on me: “I see. This small jar is probably a subspace. There is a large amount of fuel compressed and stored in it. When the ignition is updated for the first time, they will be released from the jar. Pass through the pipe. Then from the small blade of the blade. It spewed out of the hole.”

A lot has been said. Only stated [this is a very cool lighter]. and. Obviously. It has exaggerated fuel reserves. With such a large amount of gas. Just for the occasional use by candidates when lighting a campfire. This is obviously unreasonable.

Ramidis pressed the small button on the side of the fuel tank. Gas gas immediately spewed out from the mouth of the tank. There was a sharp sizzling sound.

There was just a gust of wind blowing. Raise the campfire even more. And set off a small spark.

Saw this spark passing next to Palamidis who was downwind. Frightened Bedivere exclaimed: “Throw it away. More chapters coming sooner. Hurry up…”

Palramidis was also taken aback. The fuel tank flew out of hand.

Same time. A certain dark shadow in the Nile has been lurking for a long time. The wind blew smoke from the fire. A moment that caught everyone’s attention. The cunning shadow also swooped out of the water. Planning to do a sneak attack.

But it didn’t expect to hit the target before. It was hit by the “hidden weapon” thrown by the target — the fuel bottle thrown by Palamides. It slipped into the mouth of this river demon.

Mars ignites the fuel ejected from the mouth of the fuel bottle. At that moment, a tiny burst formed. Almost invisible flame cloud. Facing the fuel sprayed from the fuel bottle. There’s no way that a small fire could detonate a fuel bottle.

But. More faster chapters to come. The huge creature saw something fall into its mouth. Instinct first bite.

Its sharp teeth snapped through the fuel bottle in an instant. Destroyed the subspace within. then. A larger amount of flammable gas gushed out like a dam. Merged with that cloud of flames. ignite. And induce a strong explosion. .

Boom. . ——

Everyone was dazed by the shock. My ears went deaf for a few seconds. Wait for them to get off the ground. Time to check it out. It was only ten yards away from them. A huge crocodile, thirty feet long, was blown up.

A tiny fuel tank has such amazing lethality. How much gas is stored in it? .

“Oh. Disgusting..” Albert was covered in alligator blood and flesh. The first update was spit out the **** things that were sprayed into the mouth.

He also has half a grilled fish in his hand. I wanted to finish the delicious fish. I didn’t expect it to be “added” like this.

“Oh my god. What have I done.” Palamidis covered his mouth. Looking at the **** crocodile corpse exclaimed. “I’m so sorry to kill you. Crocodile dude.”

“You don’t need to apologize.” Bedivere gave Palamidis a blank look. “This is a Nile crocodile. A ferocious monster. It probably wanted to jump out of the water and attack us. I didn’t expect it to be so unlucky.”

Or rather. It was Palamidis who was so lucky. —— The werewolf sighed inwardly.

They can’t use magic right now. Abilities cannot be used. There was only a knife in hand. Just by strength, I want to compete with the huge Nile crocodile. Simply dreaming.

If it hadn’t exploded just now. Bedivere and the others will probably be torn to shreds by the Nile crocodile within a few rounds. It’s scary to think about.

But now is not the time to be surprised. There is a Nile crocodile here. There can be more. The smell of blood also attracts more dangerous predators.

And the unarmed Bedivere is weak in the face of these terrifying beasts. They are at the bottom of the food chain in the Nile Valley.

In front of these monsters. Except desperately running away. There is no other way.

“We need to get out of here as soon as possible,” the werewolf called immediately. “Everyone, wash the blood off your body. Elaine. Get some fire and take it with you. Pack your bags and run away.”

“Easy to say.” Albert jumped into the water and kept rubbing the blood on his body. “My whole body is covered in the blood of this smelly crocodile. How long does it take to wash it off.”

“Then run into the woods. Anyway, keep your distance from the river bank,” cried the werewolf.

The group has left Albert. Run to the woods to the east.

“I hate you all.” Albert quickly washed a few times. Laughing and crying, he ran into the woods.

Bediver quickly stopped in the woods. Find a piece on higher ground. Terrain and hidden places to hide.

“Palamidis. Where’s my dagger.”

“Wait. I’ll give it to you right away—” Black Panther put the disassembled dagger back in. Of course this is already without a spark plug. There is no fuel tank. No lighter function. Only the [dagger] is left, a purely functional dagger.

Deville picks up another stone from the ground. Also locks a decent sized tree.

He takes the dagger. Press its blade against the tree. Hit the back of the dagger with the stone at the same time. Use the dagger as an axe. Start cutting down trees.

Albert, who arrived dripping with water, happened to see the werewolf chopping down trees. Confused: “What’s wrong. I want to use tree trunks to make large weapons. To compete with the monsters, meow. More chapters coming soon.”

“What a brilliant idea. But no. Let’s make rafts.—Chop down the trees,” said the werewolf. Palamides and the others also nodded in agreement. Chop down the surrounding trees like a werewolf.

“The raft. You’re not saying the river is dangerous. Stay away from it meow.”

“Before we made the raft. Yes.” Bedivere cut down the tree intently. Soon a tree as thick as a thigh was chopped down: “But after we make the raft, there is nothing to be afraid of. Anyway, let’s do it first. I will explain the detailed plan later.”

“Oh. You have plans.” Al sneered. “What happened to us from the beginning of the trip was terrible. That was your plan too. Had known it would have been. I’d rather stay in Cairo—“

“Just chop the trees. Stop talking nonsense.” The werewolf said angrily: “Elaine. You are responsible for moving the raft at the end. Now you just need to save your strength. You can help us let the wind out.”

“Let it go. Let it go.”

“Yes. Keep a good eye on the river bank. When other candidates pass by. Remember to call us to pay attention.” The werewolf said in a cold tone, “I’m sorry to them. But I will collect at least six more daggers.- –We have to hunt other candidates. For the resources in them.”

Assaulting a local is a foul. Attacking students does not count.

Bedevier has a big plan in mind. Whether the plan will succeed is unknown. Only by luck and a little wit. One step at a time.

Same time. King Arthur’s bedroom.

“Oh. Full. Full.” Husky finished his steak. Another sip of juice. Satisfiedly leaning on the back of the chair to rest: “Today’s food is delicious. Although compared to the food that Hal’s dad cooked, it is a little worse.”

“Really.” Greenville looked at the dog boy suspiciously.

The royal chef at the palace is one of the most famous chefs in the world. His lunch should be the best in the world. And Palamidis is (supposedly) famous for its unpalatable dark dishes. The food he cooks can be compared to that of a royal chef. Just kidding.

“It’s real meow.” Little Howl also defended Husky: “Daddy’s corn scones are delicious meow.”

“ and Hal vomited blood after eating.” Husky gave a mischievous laugh.

Greenville shook her head. Take these two little devils nowhere. “Okay. It’s nap time. Let’s get some rest. Let’s go to the scavenger hunt when we wake up.”

“Ah. Why don’t you just play now.” Husky clearly didn’t want to take a nap.

“You can’t do strenuous exercise right away when you’re full. You’ll get appendicitis, meow.” Hal snapped.

“That’s right.” Greenville carried the little black panther back to the wheelchair. Pushing the wheelchair to the children’s bedroom: “In order to avoid appendicitis, it is better to rest before exercising. And you have to give aunt some time. Let aunt bury the treasure.”

“Then—okay.” Husky followed.

When I heard that the treasure was buried deliberately by Greenville. The canine boy was a little unhappy. How is this a little different from the treasure hunt in the game. ——Deliberately buried words for people to find. It’s not called a treasure hunt. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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