Light Spirit Epic Chapter 773: Explore in the Temple (11)


Chapter 773 Exploring the Temple

See the crowd react to the reward. “But **yan**shou*(..)” The Shadow Walker continued: “But you are unarmed now. And those ghosts can’t be killed. Don’t fight when you encounter them. Just run away as soon as possible.”

Yes. Of course. Rich revenge also means that the task is extremely dangerous. To tangle with a group of immortal spirits. This is not pleasant.

“How dangerous are those [ghosts],” the werewolf asked uneasily.

“Not too dangerous.” Shadowwalker surveyed the werewolf. As if trying to estimate the wolf’s skill from Bedivere’s movements: “Those [ghosts] may have been strong and ferocious in the past. But as the years passed. The ghosts gradually lost most of their strength. Now they are no longer strong. Only subconsciously wandering in this place of their birth. Waiting for the moment when the real sleep comes.”

Bediver understands. Hovering in the core of the round table system. is a group of ancient. Lost power. The dying spirits.

Although the Holy Spirits are immortal. But they are just man-made things after all. It is a thought body composed of groups of photons. If the system judges that these spirit bodies are no longer useful. will cut off the supply of photons.

Lost supply of photons. Spiritual bodies can only constantly consume their own photons. until complete weakness passes away.

This is the end of the Holy Spirit.

This is indeed a graveyard. The cemetery of the Holy Spirit.

Bedivere takes the letter. Not because of the lure of money. But out of curiosity and a sense of responsibility.

If there is a problem with a stele here. So. Find this problematic stele. A priority indeed: God knows if it will jeopardize the whole round table system.

Since Leon Dickens trusts the Shadow Walker so much. So. He must not be a spy sent by a hostile force. The only possibility is. He is one of the maintainers of this system. And now he wants Bedivere to do it. It is also the job of maintaining the system.

Although. The logic is a little weird. Why did Shadow Walker need someone from outside to do system maintenance. Their own people do not.

Only that. The werewolf couldn’t figure it out anyway. The only possibility is. Two factions also appeared in the Knights of the Round Table. One thinks the system has a problem and needs maintenance. And another faction. And it’s the majority. The system is considered correct. No need to fix.

Under the pressure of the majority. Minorities can only act in secret. Send outsiders to help repair the system—–that’s why I found Elaine, who is related to Arthur and the others. That’s why I found Bedivere and the others.

Sneaky. surreptitiously.

It’s obviously not a bad thing. But to do it like a bad thing that doesn’t seem to be light.

Obviously they should be friends who trust each other. But they are doing little things behind their backs.

The Knights of the Round Table. Is that so.

King Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table. Is there really no problem with the first update?

The werewolf plays with the letter device in his hand. Hopefully it’s all just his own overthinking. But he couldn’t erase the doubts in his heart no matter what. The more you think about it. The more anxious.

“Then—“Shadowwalker sent the letter devices to each person: “Let’s all act separately. Remember. When addressing each other, use the action code. Don’t call them by name.”

(This game is still playing.)

“Before that.” Albert tapped Bedivere on the shoulder. Brings the brooding werewolf back to reality: “[Silver Wolf]. Shall we have a game.”

“Competition.” Bedivere clearly felt the faint trembling in the palm of the tiger’s palm.

Heard there will be ghosts here. Albert was obviously scared to death. But pretending to be calm. Seems to want to distract the spirit with “race”.

Just follow him. Tigers are having a hard time too.

“Let’s compare. Let’s see who has marked the most [treasure].” Albert forced a smile. “That’s possible meow. Shadowwalker.”

“Yes. It can be done by simply adjusting the wavelength of the transmitter. How many [treasures] have each of you marked. You can find out from my monitor here.”

“Excellent. Let’s do it.” Albert nodded in satisfaction.

“It’s okay to play. But be careful not to overplay it,” the werewolf advised.

“Me. I want to participate too.” Elaine, who was left on the sidelines, clearly wanted to join the crowd.

“Humph. You’re going to lose anyway. Clumsy guy.” Tiger laughed disdainfully.

Saw the smug look of the tiger. The werewolf was immediately dissatisfied: “You will lose. Just wait and see if I defeat you all.”

“Humph. I’m looking forward to it. [Silver Wolf].”

“Then.” Shadowwalker shoots a beacon into the ground. Update “[Silver Wolf in the east. [Soying Tiger in the west. I’m in charge of the giant sword panda in the north] and in charge of the south.—Go out.”

The four run out together. Work hard to win the competition.

Same time. Prime Minister Merlin’s research institute.

Crack. With the sound of mechanical activity. Arthur tried moving his fingers.

“How. Is it appropriate?” Merlin asked with concern. Two silver eyes stared wide.

“Hmm. It’s a little tight.” The King of Knights continued to move the armor on his arms. Debugging the newly made armor: “This is full body sealed armor. Just one arm is so tight. After wearing the full body armor, it will be tight and stuck. It is not easy to move.”


“Double it loose. If you can. Add a little more articulation.” Arthur said critically, “I want this to be as comfortable as the armor we normally wear. More The chapter will come sooner. It will not affect the battle.”

Because. in the dark continent. There are bound to be many dangerous situations. Is the action agile enough. related to life and death.

Merlin is embarrassed: “In that case. The dark child will seep through the seam of the armor—“

“That’s your problem. I don’t care.”

(What a king who is hard to beat.)

“And. The problem I mentioned last time. Did you solve it successfully?”

Merlin frowned again. King Arthur was talking about the meal of the armor. Once in the dark continent. The armor can’t be taken off. Couldn’t eat through the helmet. Can’t even drink water. Continue like this. It is impossible to stay in the dark continent for a long time.

“…To be honest. I haven’t thought about this.” Merlin showed embarrassment: “If you can transform people into monsters that don’t need to eat or drink, the problem will be solved very easily.”

While saying this. The prime minister couldn’t help but cast his gaze to Li Daoyuan, an oriental man. More faster chapters to come.

That guy is a remodeled **** monster. No need to eat. Nor will it excrete. Survive purely by absorbing photons from food.

Obviously. King Arthur wouldn’t want to turn himself into such a monster. The knights who went to the dark continent with the king would not agree. This transformation is irreversible. Once turned into a monster. ** will not change back. Life is ruined.

“Think about it. You have about a month left.” Arthur gave a death order. When King Arthur said so. Li Daoyuan, who was on the side, was not happy.

If the plan really doesn’t work. The King of Knights may reject the trip to the Dark Continent.

Whether offensive or defensive. Great Britain will not suffer. The production technology of [Defuzzy Armor] has been established. This armor can completely defend against the erosion of dark sons. Will become a powerful killer of Great Britain.

Even if Arthur doesn’t go to the Dark Continent. Just keep this technique and copy it a lot. Sent to the knights of Great Britain. More faster chapters to come. The survivability of knights against the dark will be greatly increased.

The only thing that moved King Arthur. It is the [Holy Grail] that does not know whether it exists in the Dark Continent.

Li Daoyuan has been inquiring about news from Merlin and others these days. It is also vaguely known that King Arthur is looking for a treasure all over the world.

Although the treasure is exactly what it is. The oriental didn’t know anything about it.

But. In this case. Don’t say anything to strengthen King Arthur’s will to go to the Dark Continent. I am afraid that the King of Knights will really cancel this plan.

The Orientals are emboldened. Whispered: “Speaking of which. Seven years ago. A mysterious group of Europeans came to our country. The leader seems to be a woman.”

“What.” This sentence came out. Cleverly caught King Arthur’s attention: “Have you seen that woman. What does she look like. What’s her name.”

“I don’t know. She’s wearing a protective suit. Hiding in a cloak. How could I possibly know what she looks like.” Li Daoyuan pretended to be a memory: “I felt strange at the time. Update as soon as possible. Someone in Europe can actually walk through that huge wall. And she has the equipment to isolate Anko. And…she seems to be carrying a lot of treasures.”

“What…” The King of Knights became more nervous: “Treasure. What treasure. What kind of treasure.”

“I don’t know about this either.” Li Daoyuan said nonsense. It can only be confused in the key places: “The treasure is loaded in the truck. It is sent to our king. The person who has actually seen the treasure. I am afraid it is only our majesty the king of Nanliang Kingdom.”

The King of Knights gasped. fell silent. Thoughtful.

If the woman who made it to Nanliang was Morgan. It is possible. And it’s very possible.

If Morgan had already found the Holy Grail. And deliberately brought it to the dark continent. Stop Arthur from finding the Holy Grail. This is also possible. And it’s very possible.

Morgan is one such person. Do things around the corner. Always trouble Arthur. and as such.

So to speak. The Holy Grail is really in the Dark Continent.

Li Daoyuan saw the King of Knights lost in thought. then turned away. Continue to finish his work. in an angle that no one can see. A sly smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

He knew that this little lie had worked like magic. The King of Knights was already bewildered by this vague message. Thus. Arthur had to find a way to go to the Dark Continent anyway.

Vivian, who was also busy assembling armor in the lab, remained silent.

She remembers that Morgan went to the Dark Continent empty-handed. This deviates from what the eastern man said. Sounds implausible.

But. It’s not good to be suspicious of others. God knows if Morgan has already been answered by someone on the Dark Continent.

And this oriental man has brought valuable [Defuzzy Armor] manufacturing technology. Before he provided all the technology. How can you turn against this person.

So Vivian chose not to say a word. Take this vague statement as fact for a moment.

Right now. Lian Yin, who was supposed to be working outside for a while, hurried in. While running, he held the phone and shouted: “Ms. Vivian. Something big happened at your house.”

“What.” The succubus took the phone from Lian Yin. Thought it was a problem with the institute. Zephyr or Seglade called: “It’s me. Vivienne. What’s going on.”

“Well. It’s not a big deal.” A somewhat unfamiliar voice came from the other end of the phone: “I just want to talk to you for the first time.”

“…you are.” Vivian couldn’t recognize the voice of the man on the phone. The human voice is conveyed over the phone. There will always be some changes. It’s always a little different from what you hear with your own ears.

Not to mention. It was a voice she hadn’t heard in seven years.

Seven years. Dreaming about. From hope to almost despair. Vivian, who was about to give up. But I never dreamed that I would hear it here and now. Hear this man’s voice.

“I love you. Vivian.”

No further explanation. There is no foreshadowing. The voice only spoke in a deep voice.

This is a simple and direct sentence. But more useful than any tirade in the world.

The woman was stunned for a full minute.

Then. She totally got it. She understood who was on the other end of the phone.

“Woo—” Vivienne, who has always been noble and glamorous. I can’t control my emotions at this moment. She whimpered: I love you too. palami. …Welcome back. “

Two lines of tears. Like a spring, it poured out from the corner of the woman’s eyes. dripped on the ground.

Arthur watched it all. Also understand what’s going on.

“Merlin. Turn off the barrier of the institute.” Wang said.


“Just turn it off.”

“…Okay.” Merlin had the remote in his hand. He controls the institute. To turn off the enchantment. It’s just a click of a finger.

Whoosh The barrier to prevent invasion has been completely closed. This also means that you can use teleportation to enter and exit at any time.

“Let’s go. Vivienne.” Arthur urged, “bring me with me too. I want to meet that old friend too.”

“Of course—“The woman grabbed the king’s hand: “Lian Yin. Do you want to come too?”

“I still have work to do today.” Lian Yin shrugged helplessly: “Tonight. I will pick up Husky.”

“That’s good—“

Brush. Vivian’s voice hadn’t completely fallen. She has taken King Arthur with her. Can’t wait to use teleportation to leave.

“That big cat was completely dead.” Merlin muttered at the side: “The dead can be resurrected. It’s a miracle.”

However, miracles don’t happen by accident. It comes at a price. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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