Light Spirit Epic Chapter 748: Spying on the Evil Domain (4)


Chapter 748 Spying on the Evil Domain

As soon as these words came out, the werewolves, tigers, and white bears all trembled.

Oh, of course. The cult in the cult, the dark embryo secretly cultivated by the dark queen Morgan. In the final battle on the World Wall, Bedivere also fought against the Twilight Cultists.

This evil religion worships death and silence, with the ultimate goal of [silence](v, and wants to drag the whole world into a dark and cold abyss.

Even though their queen Morgan is no longer in Europe, the cult is still rampant.

They’ve done a lot of bad things, carrying out terrorist attacks all over the world, killing people and setting fires everywhere, robbing children and women for human sacrifice, and so on. …In short, these lunatics can do the despicable and cruel things that human beings can think of.

Compared to the Twilight Cultists, the Druids are indeed peaceful, lovely, and much kinder. At least they don’t play terrorist attacks.

Even so…

“I know how evil the Twilight Cult is.” Werewolves are still reluctant to take part in this kind of mission: “But thanks, we still don’t want to get involved in anything religious. Against a bunch of lunatics everywhere? Too dangerous. .”

“Is that so? It’s a pity.” The old man suddenly leaned into the werewolf’s ear and muttered in a low voice, “It is said that there are various treasures hidden in their church. What kind of magical weapons, swords, and scrolls of secret magic? It’s all good stuff these cultists get when they loot around.

If you can destroy that cult church, and all the treasures hidden in it belong to you, there must be something in this batch of treasures that can help your friends strengthen their power. “

As if being teased, the werewolf’s ears moved. This temptation also moved Bedivere’s heart.

“God knows.” He still retorted to the old man in a low voice, “Maybe there are only treasures in it, and there are no treasures that help El strengthen his strength?”

“You’re so stupid.” The old man patted the werewolf’s trouser pocket. That pocket just happened to store the [Sacred Tree Seed]: “If not, wouldn’t you [make] one yourself?”

Bediver figured it out. What the old man meant was, secretly bury the [Holy Tree Seed] in the treasure and let Albert find it.

In this way, what the tiger finds rightfully belongs to the tiger, and Albert can happily accept this gift without hurting his self-esteem.

Regardless of the “good stuff” in the cult’s treasure chest, the tiger will get the “good stuff” — a surefire strategy. Senezer, a dead old man, is more cunning than a fox.

“Humm…” Bedivere breathed a sigh of relief: “I know you’re using us to help you get rid of paganism—you’re so nasty. But, okay, this thing I’m next.”

“Bedie?!” Albert exclaimed. He also disapproved of being involved in such religious disputes.

“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like helping the Druids, and I don’t want to fight against the Twilight Cult. However, I want to get the Twilight Cult’s treasure.” The werewolf explained: “It is said that there are many good things in it that can Help us strengthen our combat effectiveness.”

Albert immediately shouted: “I don’t care about this kind of thing! We rely on our own reality——“

“You know, El.” The werewolf interrupted and persuaded in a big circle: “Of course the more power the better. It will increase our chances of winning the round table trial.”

(Especially a weak guy like you, strengthen yourself! I can’t stand it anymore!)

The tiger frowned, and the black tiger stripes on his white forehead immediately wrinkled into a funny “w” shape.

Let’s do it. “Albert was simply seduced. Perhaps not because of power, but because of the treasures that slumbered in the cult church (hunters have extremely low resistance to treasures).

“Huhuhu, that’s the deal.—Olin?” Said the old man Senezel, “Do everything and send them there. Remember, you have to hide well and don’t shoot.”

“Of course, Grandpa.” Olin sneered. The treacherousness of the grandfather and grandson was exactly the same: “The tiger and the wolf seem to be very good, and I can take them. But the stupid bear? I don’t want it. He is clumsy and can only get in the way.”

“Elaine, how long will your transformation last?” Bedivere asked hurriedly.

“No, no problem, I’ve had a good rest and can last… um, three hours?”

“Enough.” The werewolf winked at Olin, as if to say: So there’s no problem, right?

Let’s do it. “Olin grimaced helplessly at the white bear, showing how much she hated Elaine:” Here are the uniforms of the cultists, put on the uniform and dive in. “

“I’m fine, how do you hide your tail?” Albert said stupidly.

“I think I should chop off my tail,” the werewolf said coldly.

“There are Orcs among the Twilight Cultists.” Olin added: “This cult is spreading all over the world. Many Orcs who are dissatisfied with their living conditions have also joined the cult.”

“How can you do it. The dawn area has obviously regained the sunshine—“

“So you don’t understand at all, young master.” The werewolf vented his long-suffering grievances in this sentence: “Even if there is sunshine in the Dawning area, there are still many poor lands, and the orcs’ Life is still hard.

—Of course, you are the son of Patriarch Roble, the great monster hunter. You will definitely turn a blind eye to these ugly and backward scenes in the Dawning Region, right? “

“Beddie!” Seeing that the werewolf was trying to quarrel, Albert immediately grinned, revealing a ferocious face: “If you want to fight, meow? If you want to fight, go outside and fight!”

“Forget it.” The werewolf didn’t bother to pay attention to Al, and said to Olin: “Give me the uniform. Come out when you’re ready.”

“Damn!! How dare you ignore me!” Albert did it completely, “Get out! Let’s talk with our fists! I promise not to kill you!!”

“Stop, stop!” Elaine pulled Tiger to help persuade him.

The werewolf shook his head, followed Olin and walked upstairs.

(You don’t understand my pains at all.)

One o’clock in the afternoon.

A small grass sprout emerges from the ground and instantly becomes a small tree. The small tree moves its branches and forms a ring to make the exit of the portal.

The group passed through the portal made of plant branches and came to the roof of a big house in the downtown area.

“It’s so good, you actually use plant and animal magic.” For Olin’s magic, Albert thought it was very new. Tiger missed last night’s battle, Olin’s wonderful technique, he was only seeing it for the first time now.

“Oh, not magic.” Olin took the trouble to explain to the tiger how the [Forest Seed] works. She deliberately distinguishes herself from magicians, which shows how much she hates magic.

“Yes meow. It’s interesting.” Albert listened carefully, “Humans can actually communicate with plants.”

“Everything has a spirit, and so do plants.” Olin said a philosophical sentence: “Maybe next time you step on a grass on the ground, you will think that it will hurt, and step on it carefully? “

Yes. as much as possible. “Albert replied gloomily. He also began to feel how weird these Druids were.

The woman looked to the edge of the room, glanced at it, and immediately shrank back: “I can only send you here. My appearance and skills are directly related to the Druidism— And the Prophet doesn’t allow us to provoke other religions, so…”

“Hey, this mission wasn’t the Prophet’s order?” the werewolf exclaimed in confusion.

“No.” Olin bluntly said: “The Prophet Mutani is too upright, but he is timid, and the Druid Church suffers from his words alone.

If the Prophet is the light, then Grandpa is the darkness beneath the light. The dirty things that Druids can’t do on the surface are handled by grandpa. “

(Including this time. He meows.)

“I’m sorry Grandpa took advantage of you. But he didn’t mean anything. The Twilight Sect is indeed a **** cult and should be wiped out as soon as possible.” Olin continued: “Anyway, the reward will be given to you as usual, the treasure in the Twilight Sect church. It’s yours too. For you, it must be a beautiful thing, right?”

The woman looked at the werewolf and looked at the vigorous figure of Bedivere from under the red robe of the Twilight Sect: “With your skills, there must be no problem. Then, please leave everything.”

Beddieville would rather not have this compliment.

After Olin hid in the created grass, Bediveville, Albert, and Elaine pretended to go out to the church to pay homage, went downstairs, and walked over slowly.

The three orcs under the dark red robes, tall and short, fat and thin, covered half of their faces with hoods. At first glance, they were not much different from a group of ordinary pilgrims.

But the three of them were extremely nervous. After all, it was the notorious cult they were going to infiltrate.

The three wandered the alley. According to the newspaper, there should be something at the end of this alley.

“The knocker tried to knock on the wall. Judging from the reverberation of the wall, the wall was indeed hollow.

Deville tries to recall the code.

“May the darkness and cold embrace the infinite silence bring everyone a restful sleep.” The werewolf whispered the code.

Be quiet.

Be quiet again.

Suddenly, a small crack opened in the crack of the wall, and someone said: “The password doesn’t seem right…”

“Hey,” Bedivere pressed forward with an aura: “I’ve had a cold these days, and my mind is a little bit awkward. The password is almost enough, can’t you be accommodating?”


Silence again.

“Okay,” the man said.

(To hide it!)

The wall cracked open, opening a small entrance. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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