Light Spirit Epic Chapter 741: The riots in the polar night (5)


Chapter 741 riots in the polar night

At the same time as Bedivere and others charged, [Dark Spirit—Hill Giant Spirit] also moved its heavy body composed of rocks and charged towards everyone!

Using the moonlight, Bedivere carefully observed the djinn of the Hill of Darkness, and then he found that his guess was correct!

This guy is controlling the rock of the entire hill with some kind of force field. Under the action of the force field, these thousands of pounds of mountain giant rocks can be combined together to form the body of the mountain giant!

And the dark spirit’s force field has some kind of “hard injury” that cannot be improved.

The werewolf gave himself another reassurance. His strategy will surely succeed! He has been successful before, and he will be successful again!

The two groups started fighting when they were thirty yards away. Olin rushed out first, and Bedivere used her body as her cushion to make the woman jump high!

The moment Ou Lin, who leaped up, calculated the height and throwing distance, she immediately threw six [Forest Seeds]!

“Forest, use your greatest strength to help us!!” she called loudly.

The seed made six ornate parabolas in the air and landed on the ground less than a yard in front of the foot of the hill djinn.

They took root in an instant, grew like crazy, and raised hundreds of millions of vines on the ground! The tree vines used all the strength they could use to entangle the legs of the dark spirit!

“Elaine!” Bedivere yelled, motioning for Elaine to dash with him.

At this time, the dark spirit was also furious. His feet were tightly entangled, and he couldn’t break free from the entanglement of the vines for a moment. He can only wave his huge rock arms and shoot at the werewolf and the white dragon! !

“Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ah Relying on brute force is enough! He leaped up, swung out his giant sword, and had a head-to-head confrontation with the giant rock fist of the mountain giant! !

Thousands of pounds of massive rock collide with the dragon man’s great sword! In contrast, one is like a huge trunk, while the other is a small branch. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible to break the huge trunk with a small branch! ?

But Elaine did it! The dragon martial giant sword like a “twig” collided with the giant fist of the mountain giant, and instantly smashed the giant fist! ! That giant sword was much harder, sharper, and heavier than I imagined! Its quality is nothing compared to the rock fist of a djinn!

Touch! ! The giant spirit’s left fist was just smashed, and its right fist also followed the inertia and continued to smash. It originally planned to punch both hands together, and never thought that the opponent would be able to smash its left fist!

Because of this, Elaine unceremoniously slapped the right fist of the mountain giant with his sword, and even took off the right fist of the giant! !

The hill giant lost his arms and lost his balance! Its feet are caught by countless vines, and of course it can’t help it balance! Naturally, the giant fell down, and there was a loud bang on the ground, sending everything around it flying!

The werewolf was already prepared, leaping up, avoiding the impact of the earthquake. He took advantage of the fact that the rock of the mountain giant was shattered by the impact of the landing, and he threw a hydra dagger at the gap in the broken left arm of the giant spirit!

The dagger is precisely embedded in the crevice of the stone!

As soon as the werewolf fell to the ground, it circled to the other side of the giant spirit’s body, and then threw another hydra dagger at the gap in the broken right arm of the giant spirit!

Pasha! The dagger fell into the stone crevice with precision again!

Meanwhile, the genie has recovered from the impact of the landing and intends to reassemble its arms and get up to continue the fight.

It turns out that he can’t reorganize his arm at all!

The werewolf embedded the hydra dagger into the djinn’s body, “seal” the arms of the mountain djinn!

Sure enough, the principle is the same as the previous battle!

The Hydra dagger has a weak but special enchantment. It “reverses” the flow of energy fields, force fields, and enchantments.

Bediver used the nature of the Hydra dagger to disintegrate the giant sword of the Dark Mist when he dealt with the Dark Spirit Black Mist Giant.

Now, he does it again, inserting two hydra daggers into the mutilated arm of the hill djinn.

Because of the interference effect of the enchantment on the Hydra dagger, the Hill Djinn can no longer use the original force field to combine its arms – every time it tries to attract the rock with the force field, there will be a An opposite force field repels the attracted rocks!

It can no longer use its hands, and its feet are entangled again. This guy is like a turtle in a urn, just waiting for Bedivere and others to give it the final blow! Bedivere subconsciously touched the bottle of [Soul Soul Incense] in his arms.

However, this is a dark spirit! It is full of dark sons, the scourge of this world! Just letting it “sleep” and sealing it up seems far from enough!

For the sake of this world, in order to avoid future troubles, the werewolf felt that he must completely wipe out this dark spirit!

For this reason, he tightly put away [Soul Soul Incense], but instead took out two Hydra daggers.

“Elaine, dig a hole in its chest!” the werewolf dashed up, yelling.

“Oh!” The white dragon man has already leaped with a great sword. He landed on the mountain giant spirit’s chest, the giant sword was inserted and pulled, and the Earthshattering Sword blasted a big hole in the giant spirit’s rock chest!

“Not enough!” The werewolf jumped to the side of the white dragon man: “Dig deeper!”

“Oh!” The white dragon jumped into the pit and continued to dig.

The scattered stones quickly reassembled and turned into giant stone giants. It seems that the dark spirit can’t move by itself, so it reassembles the fallen stones, hoping to form an army of stone men to resist the offensive of the werewolves!

However, these stone giants are only temporary puppets. The werewolf rushed over and slashed with the hydra dagger, easily dismantling the stone giants.

The principle is the same. Since the hydra dagger can flip the force field and “seal” the arms of the mountain giant, it can of course disintegrate these golems who are temporarily assembled under the action of the force field!

The force field, enchantment and energy field structure created by the dark spirit are very loose, like a shoddy magic. It seems that the dark spirits are naturally unable to use very sophisticated magic, probably because of the influence of dark sons.

Because of this, the Hydra dagger in Bedivere’s hand happens to be the nemesis of these dark spirits, which can defuse most of the abilities of the dark spirits.

After Bedivere had taken down the first eight stone giants, Elaine had already delivered a third sword, the Earthshatter digging a thirty-foot deep hole in the chest of the Darkling Hill giant. The pit is so huge that it almost smashed half of the giant’s chest!

“What are you doing?!” Ou Lin has already rushed over, wielding thorns and double whips to help fight: “Quickly use [Soul Soul Incense] to put the gods to sleep! If you provoke the gods again—“

“Oh no.” The werewolf turned to look at Olin with a smile on his lips. His face was full of killing intent: “This **** is not a good god, I changed my mind, I don’t want it to sleep, I want to kill it.”

What! ? “Olin was shocked.

I want to destroy the gods! How arrogant was the silver wolf in front of her!

But can gods be killed?

“Don’t worry,” Bedivere knew the question in Olin’s mind, and he hurriedly replied: “Ordinary gods can’t really be killed. But this **** has been infected by [darkness], and it has fallen. One A fallen **** who can be killed.”

He has kept his words as simple as possible. For these druids, it is impossible for them to know what a shadow is, and it is impossible to know the characteristics of shadow, and the method of eliminating shadow.

Druids are probably doing the same thing all the time – “souling”. They use special medicines to appease the gods and seal the gods involuntarily, but they don’t know that dark spirits can be destroyed by high heat and high vibration.

“We need to .

“Where do you want me to find so much fuel… oh, wait—” Olin seemed to think of a way: “There is one way, but it’s too risky.”

“Do it quickly!” The werewolf urged: “I will take all the responsibility, you just do it!”

“I really can’t help you.” Olin took out a Forest Seed—a pure black Forest Seed. It looks like coke.

“This is the only one in the world that is formed by countless volcanic plants.” Olin shouted to Elaine, who was busy digging a hole: “Enough, come out soon! The next one will be born. You definitely don’t want to be implicated!”

“Okay, okay!” The white dragon jumped out of the pit and ran away.

“Let’s run too!” Olin dropped the Volcanic Forest Seed into the deep hole in the hill djinn’s chest. Looking at her panicked expression, it seemed that the black camping seed was a terrifying bomb that could level an area in an instant.

The werewolf didn’t dare to neglect when he saw this, and immediately turned into a huge silver wolf: “Come up!”

Olin has grabbed the wolf’s fur and jumped onto its back. The silver wolf leaped out and ran away again!

Clap! Clap la la la la la! The sound of the seeds breaking out of the ground was particularly harsh and loud. This black camping seed is indeed different from other camping seeds. Its budding sound is like a warning to everyone—“run away!”

Elaine, the bumbling kid, fell to the ground again. When the silver wolf saw it, he immediately rushed over and took away the white dragon. At the same time, he also saw a terrifying abnormal noise behind him!

tens of millions black tentacles with thorns, madly drilled from the big hole in the chest of the mountain troll! They do not entangle the djinn, nor do they attack the djinn. What they are doing at the same time is only one thing: dig into the ground!

All plants in this world are hungry for sunlight and grow upward in order to find light and rain. But the world is so big. Contrary to the nature of plants, there are some volcanic plants in this world that do not like sunlight, but instead pursue the infinitely rich geothermal energy under the ground.

Those black tentacles of volcanic plants did not break out of the ground, but “entered” and burrowed deeper into the ground!

It only took a few seconds for them to make their way to the ground vines, to the molten rock formation!

Not only are volcanic plants not afraid of heat, but they love high heat, pumping molten rock out of the ground and storing it in their bulbs!

As a result, a large amount of magma was pumped up from the ground and condensed in the body of the hill giant. As if infused with blood flames, waiting for the moment of explosion, the hill giant has been sentenced to death at this time! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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