Light Spirit Epic Chapter 737: The riot in the polar night (1)


Chapter 737 riots in the polar night

The night is bleak.

The cold wind of early spring rolled up a few dead branches and cold leaves with waves of malice, and swept over the feet of the werewolf youth.

Judging by the hazy moonlight and the smell of the night, the time should be around ten o’clock in the evening.

Originally, at times like these, Bedivere would have been in bed, sipping a few beers in comfort, watching TV, and living his “disorderly” life.

This month since I met Albert again, the werewolf’s leisurely life that has lasted for many years has completely changed. Recently, there are “surprises” almost every day.

The tiger was a savior and a plague—what a crazy life he brought to Bedivere!

The werewolf is a little regretful, why is he doing such absurd things at this time, here?

The huge cave in front of him seemed to be laughing at the werewolf at the moment, laughing at him who wanted to die, and appeared in the inappropriate place at the inappropriate time.

The darkness and murderous aura flowing out of the cave, although only a faint trace, is so strong that it makes people sick. This terrifying aura was clearly felt not only by Bedivere, but also by Elaine, who was an orc.

“I, do we really want to go in?” the white bear man said suspiciously, “Well, we can’t use anything to attract the monsters inside, can the monsters come out to deal with it?”

That’s not a weak talk, in fact, White Bear has a point. The cave is full of unknown dangers. If you really want to fight, that kind of narrow place is not easy to dodge.

“Sorry, the seal **** must be in the cave where it is located. You don’t want that **** to sleep outside the cave, do you?” Olin walked to the cave and dropped a small seed from her pocket : “This is a [forest seed]. I’ll plant it in front of the cave. If the truth is bad, we can use it to escape quickly.”

The werewolf glanced dismissively at the seed. Only the finger-sized seeds looked like some kind of narcissus bulb. The shape is somewhat unique, but otherwise nothing special.

(If the truth is not good, we may have died in the cave, so we don’t need this little seed?)

“Come on.” After Olin made insurance, she crouched down: “Let’s go ahead and see the situation.”

The werewolf and the white bear had no choice but to crouch down and slowly advance behind Olin.

The cave is dark and boundless, and they can only rely on the faint light of the stars and moons from outside the cave to illuminate while touching the stone walls of the cave.

Fortunately, this cave system is not complicated. According to the current path, this deep cave is just a straight path. Moreover, the cave is still dry, and the secret passage in the stone chamber before walking is much more comfortable.

“That—” While groping slowly, Bedivere asked Olin in a barely audible volume, “Does your Druids always do this kind of exorcism?”

“Always? Maybe.” The woman also whispered, “Some gods are too dangerous and affect the balance of nature, and they must be appeased. And, yes, while doing this, we also get Remuneration—the source of funds necessary to run a church.”

(Does your religion still need money to operate? It seems to me that it is just a group of people kneeling in front of a tree to pray…)

“However, we have never been so busy. In recent years, I don’t know what happened, and the gods of the whole world have started to go crazy. According to the prophet, [the world is changing], at the bottom of the world there are Something is moving so that the gods are restless.”

“How many years?”

“Accurately speaking, in the past seven years.” Orin pointedly pointed out: “The explosive growth of violent gods started seven years ago.

Just then our great King Arthur came to the throne…I wonder if it has anything to do with him? In my opinion, King Arthur is a monster who brings chaos to the world. “

Hearing Olin say this, Bedivere will be upset: “I don’t allow you to slander King Arthur like this! How much does His Majesty King Arthur have contributed to this world, and how much do you know?!”

“Shh! Be quiet!” Olin kicked Bedivere in the face: “Do you want to be discovered by the gods?”

“Apologize! Take back what you said just now about slandering Arthur!” The werewolf still insisted.

“Tsk—You **** loyal dog of His Majesty the King, how dare you say that you are not a dog? Well, I didn’t say what I just said. However, the anger of the gods is definitely related to King Arthur. There is always I’ll prove it to you one day, just wait and see.”

(It’s hard to say.)

The world should have been destroyed seven years ago. It has continued to the present, and it is entirely the credit of King Arthur. It was the battle between Arthur and the Seat of Karma (Fate) that made the world what it is now.

However, does the big change bring luck or misfortune? God knows. This world is evolving in an unpredictable direction, and in front of it is a huge chaos.

Perhaps it was this great chaos that made the gods of the old world angry and uneasy?

If this is the case, is it really Bedivere’s duty to appease these gods?

“Huh!” The bear man moaned softly, as if he had seen something terrifying, and grabbed Bedivere’s shoulder with one hand.

It hurts! This bear doesn’t know how to control it at all! If the werewolf was not well-trained and his bones were as strong as steel, his shoulders would have been shattered at this moment!

“Yi, Elaine!?” The werewolf suppressed his anger and asked in a low voice.

“Yes, there is something above our heads!” whispered the white bear.

Drop. There is indeed something. It was cold and fell on the top of the woman’s head.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s just dripping from the cave.” Olin said disapprovingly.

Diver grabbed Orin: “This cave doesn’t smell of damp, how could it be dripping?”

“Then, that means——” The three of them looked up at the same time.

On the deep ceiling, there are terrifying, countless red eyes staring at three people.

“Oh, damn, what the **** is this?!” The werewolf quickly flashed his weapon. If you are spotted by the enemy first, there is no point in hiding it!

The fluorescent green light of the lightsaber instantly filled the space. With that light, people saw a large mass of things crawling on the ceiling.

A swarm of spiders!

A group of spiders with skull-like patterns on their abdomens, each as large as a human head!

And in the holes in the eyes of the skeleton face, a strange red light continued to shine, just like the eyes of a real skeleton.

“It’s a ghost spider.” Olin exclaimed in a low voice: “Put away your lightsaber! Are you trying to provoke the gods by making such a big light on the night of summoning spirits?!”

“No, I think they’ve been irritated enough, let them continue to be angry.” Bedivere refused to put away the only light on him. He kept backing away, guarding against the spiders on the ceiling, carefully dodging the countless spider acids that fell from the sky.

Zhu. The heavy Elaine couldn’t avoid it, and a drop of strong acid dripped on his shoulder, making his hair stand on end. However, the regenerative ability of the White Bear Man (Dragon Man) is terrifying. The small potholes on his shoulders that were just ablated by the strong acid were immediately covered by the regrown flesh and hair!

After this kid is an adult, his regenerative ability has become too unbelievable, right? Bedivere sighed inwardly.

But he doesn’t have time to marvel, a swarm of spiders overhead is drooling at them. After pulling the distance, the werewolf immediately drew a claw in the air and shot out four waves of moonlight.

The incomparably sharp photon vacuum blades spread out and slashed on the spider swarm. Of course, their fragile insect shells could not resist the powerful slash of the moonlight wave, and were chopped into pieces in an instant.

Dead ghost spiders splatter green slime, the poisonous and highly acidic liquid splashing everywhere like rain!

“You’re crazy!” Olin swiped at random, and a large branch and leaves grew from her arm. These branches and leaves overlapped and intertwined, and instantly transformed into a giant shield…or a giant umbrella.

The werewolves and polar bears have wisely drilled beside the woman and hid under the giant umbrella.

ZiZZZZZZZZZZZ! The drenched poisonous acid was blocked by the giant umbrella, and bursts of erosion sounded. They dripped to the ground along the edge of the umbrella, corroding the limestone ground into small holes, emitting white smoke! If you are drenched in this poisonous acid, I am afraid that the whole person will melt!

“It’s so troublesome that it can’t be blasted.” The werewolf complained.

“You idiot! It turns out that you are on the same level as that stupid bear! We were almost killed by you!” Olin scolded: “If you lack common sense about monsters, don’t shoot at will!”

(As for swearing like this? I don’t lack common sense about monsters, I just lack common sense about monsters in Great Britain.)

(And that acid rain isn’t that hard to avoid, probably.)

ZiZZZZZZZZZZZ! After killing several companions the group of ghost spiders must be angry, and the group is surging. They kept spitting poisonous acid at Bedivere and others, and they didn’t want to stop for a moment! The whole cave is like a pouring rain, and there is no trend to stop it!

“Wow, they really, really drool.” The white bear man exclaimed: “Liu, why are you still doing it after so much drool?”

“Shut up! I’m mad when I hear you talking!” Olin was concentrating on maintaining the Leaf Shield, apparently distracted by Elaine’s mindless words.

“Olin, how long will your leaf shield last?” Bedivere asked worriedly. There is a layer of natural biological wax on the surface of the leaves, which can slide off the acid and prevent the acid from corroding the shield surface. But this kind of continuous acid shower, I’m afraid this shield won’t last long, right?

“Don’t worry. I can get rid of this swarm of spiders before the shield breaks.” Olin said, waving her hand again.

Several tree seeds flew out and hit the wall of the cave straight. Olin’s so-called [Forest Seeds] started their wonderful “counterattack”! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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