Light Spirit Epic Chapter 736: Wandering for the first time


Chapter 736 Wandering in the Trial

“Oh, no need to guess.” The Prophet is indeed a Prophet, and he even guessed Bedivere’s doubts: “Gaia talked to the **** in your arm. I listened to their conversation.”

Yes. It turned out to be [Holy Spirit—a cabin in the woods], who “sold” Bedivere.

Before this, Bedivere thought that the cabin in the woods was just a group of photons, without the ability to think – and most of the time it only appeared in the form of a room to provide convenience for the life of the werewolf.

I didn’t expect this guy to have the ability to think and even converse with other Holy Spirits!

Thinking of this, the werewolf’s face flushed red.

“Oh, it doesn’t have to be. The gods in your hands don’t mention your private life much.” The Prophet sneered: “How unruly your private life is, it doesn’t say it.”

(Are you comforting me?!)

“Please, please don’t mention this again…” The werewolf covered his face in shame, as if he felt that all the Druids around him could hear the conversation of the Holy Spirit , all knew about Bedivere’s unruly private life, and all secretly mocked him.

Not to mention. A man does live by himself…ahem. “The Prophet tried his best to suppress the urge to turn up the corners of his mouth:” Anyway, that’s how it is. In a cave 300 kilometers away, there is an evil god. It has killed a lot of passers-by so far. And I want you to calm it down. “

“It’s a bit far. And, how to [quiet]?” There were a lot of questions in the werewolf’s mind.

As far as he knows, spirits can’t be killed. If it is a dark spirit, it can also decompose its dark sons with high heat and high vibration. But if they encounter holy spirits or evil spirits, these guys will be scattered and reunited to regenerate, and they will never be killed.

“Indeed, it can’t be killed. But it can be sealed. I have a kind of expelling incense here to appease the gods.” The prophet took out a bottle of dark green liquid from the gray-green robe: “What you need to do is to put the gods Break it up, make it weak, and sprinkle the expelling on it. Then it will fall asleep…temporarily.”

“Temporarily, temporarily? How long?”

The Prophet shrugged irresponsibly, with a comical smile on his lips: “God knows. A hundred years? A thousand years? But that’s something we’ll worry about later.”

Very fair. If you can’t kill them, let these troublesome spirits fall asleep forever. The werewolf carefully took the expelling incense.

When the Prophet handed the bottle to the werewolf, he said, “Use it with care. This thing is quite rare, and the stock is running out.”

If this bottle is knocked over and the evil spirit cannot be sealed…the werewolf’s back is cold again.

“As for your other question,” the Prophet turned around and waved to someone in the group.

At the call of the Prophet, a devotee approaches.

“Olin, give him a hand,” said the Prophet.

The believer named Olin took off the hood of his cloak as he approached Bedivere.

Under the fluorescent light of the cave, a beautiful woman appeared in front of the werewolf Bedivere.

The big, watery eyes, the standard melon-seed face, and the shoulder-length black that pours down like water are the best descriptions of this woman.

Of course, these descriptions can also be shortened to four words: stunning beauty.

People let out a sigh. If conditions permit, he will sigh louder, but the venue needs to be silent: “Uh, hello, miss.”

“Are you kidding me, Prophet? It’s a dog…” The woman wasn’t too happy.

“I’m a werewolf.” Bedivere protested in a low voice: “Not a dog…”

“It’s all the same.” But she was pushed back by Olin: “I don’t know how to work with dogs.”

One can’t help but feel suffocated. It was common for him to be looked down upon by others, but as soon as he came up, he was looked down upon by beauties, and he was even called a dog. This kind of blow was not ordinary.

“The last time I worked with that stupid bear, it caused me a lot of trouble. This time I’m not even a bear, just a stupid dog.” Still, she kept her voice down and complained in a disciplined way—it sounded more like a broken thought, and it sounded even more hurtful to Bedivere.

“Olin, don’t be like this. People are here to help anyway. Just give him a chance and see how good he is.” The Prophet continued to help Bedivere with good words: “This time the gods have dealt with them better than before. It’s even stronger, I’m afraid it’s caused by changes in the world. One more person and one more point of care, the three of you, come on.”

Wait. three?

“Oh, you must be kidding me.” Olin sighed again.

Yes, they have a companion on the trip.

A tall man in a low-key gray cloak approached Bedivere inadvertently.

The guy took off his hood to reveal his funny big white bear face.

Furry and plump.

Tall and awkward.

The werewolf stared at the white bear. That was Elaine, Elaine the White Bear (Dragon).

Although he used to be a big man, in the past seven years, Elaine has grown fat and strong, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

But the boy’s clumsy mouth still hasn’t changed: “You, hello, Olin. And, hello, new, new here.”

“It’s your bear again!” Olin seemed very surprised to see Elaine’s bear face. Apparently their last collaboration was not so pleasant.

Bedivere continues to remain silent and will see what’s going on.

All memory of Bedivere in this world has been wiped out by the [Fourth Wonder], so it is absolutely impossible for Elaine to remember Bedivere.

As a result, even though there were a lot of questions in his heart, the werewolf couldn’t ask a single word in the face of this “stranger” Elaine.

The white bear man should have fully awakened seven years ago and turned back into a dragon man. Why does he still appear in the appearance of this clumsy white bear man at such a time? Are you deliberately hiding your power?

…Where is the dragon golem Bols? This kid Elaine was so close to the golem back then that he was about to treat Bols like an older brother.

What has happened to Elaine in the past seven years?

There are so many abrupt questions that I can’t even ask them now. Bedivere had to pretend that he didn’t know Elaine, and while saying hello, he secretly glanced at the bear.

Despite being reluctant, Olin complied with the Prophet’s instructions and prepared everything: “Come with me, I’ll leave you behind if it’s too late.”

The werewolf followed helplessly, saying to the white bear beside him, “My name is Bedivere. I have a lot of advice, Elaine.”

“You, how do you know that my name is Elaine?” The white bear was suddenly alert.

(Oops, missed the point.)

It’s guesswork, guesswork. “The werewolf tried hard to cover up:” Your polar bears and our werewolves are neighbors, and they are both races that live on the snowy plains of Western Siberia. ——[Elaine], is this a typical polar bear name? My friend’s uncle’s brother’s brother’s brother’s uncle’s friend is called this name.

It’s a very common name, lol. Actually, I thought all the white bears were called Elaine, hahahaha. “

That’s a lame lie, haha. When he said this, the werewolf couldn’t wait to find a wall and kill him immediately.

Let’s do it. “The stupid bear didn’t have any doubts and accepted it readily: “I, I don’t know too well. I haven’t grown up in Siberia since I was a child. “

How stupid this bear must be. Bedivere almost cried stupidly by Elaine.

Olin passed the crowd and stopped in front of the ancient tree of light. After the two orcs behind her arrived, she waved to the ancient tree.

As a result, the branches of the tree began to deform. The branches are intertwined with the branches, and the leaves merge with the leaves. As if it has its own will, this magical light ancient tree outlines a huge circle with its branches.

Pop! A slight discharge sounded among the leaves. The blue fluorescent leaves seem to be full of magic and can emit electricity.

Under the stimulation of the electric shock, the ring of branches opened a black film, and the edge of the ring radiated a magical glow.

Seeing this, Bedivere immediately understood that this was a kind of portal.

“Are you a magician?” the werewolf asked curiously.

“No.” With some disgust, Olin whispered, “I’m a [coordinator], not a magician. It’s not magic, I’ve never taken it out of my body. Casting magic. Magic is against the laws of nature, contrary to the teachings of the Druids, and is something we spurn.”


Before Bedivere finished her questioning, Olin said, “I can’t use magic, but I can ask for help from nature. In response to my request, this [sacred tree] opens up teleportation for us. door.”

“You can… communicate with trees?” The werewolves had heard of people who could communicate with the Holy Spirit, but the [coordinator] in front of him still surprised Bedivere.

“Yes, communicate with nature.” Olin’s tone became a little smug: “Of course, this is only the most basic ability. When the coordinator reaches the highest level of cultivation, it is also possible to communicate with the gods—just Like the Prophet Muthani.”

Communicate with the gods (Holy Spirit) That is indeed a very powerful ability. Just imagine, that prophet can use the Holy Spirit at will — isn’t it the same level as the Knights of the Round Table?

No. The Knights of the Round Table can only summon the Holy Spirit once a day, and there is a time limit for the summoning. And the prophets use the Holy Spirit, and there seems to be no time limit. Bedivere just realized that the prophet is actually a great person.

“Stop talking nonsense, let’s go.” Olin was the first to get into the portal.

The black mask in front of me leads to the unknown. They are facing a battle with the gods, which can be expected to be extremely dangerous.

The werewolf swallowed subconsciously.

“Bee, Mr. Bedivere?” the white bear urged behind the silver wolf.

(It’s okay to be looked down upon by that woman, but I can’t be looked down upon by this stupid bear.)

“Just call me Bedivere.” The werewolf shrank and jumped into the portal. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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